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Practical Joke In Camp

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A Correspondent writing from tbc camp of Geu, Nclson's división, iu Kentucky, relates this incident: ütir boys are famoijs for practical okes, and are cousequently ou the lookout 'or subjects. Ono was recently procured n the person of a teamster, who had the charge of six large, shaggy mules. Jehu was also the proprietor of two bottles of old Bourbon - a contraband in camp - whieh a wag discovered, and resolved to )ossess. Being aware that the driver's ireseuce was an impediment to the theft, ie hits upon the following to get rid of ïim : Approacbing the driver, who was jusy currying bis mules, he aocosted him wit li, ' I say, old fellow, what are you doing here ?' 1 Can't you see,' replied Jehu grufHy. ' Uertainly,' responded the wag, ' but t is not your bu.sines?. It is after tattoo, and tjiere is a fclluw hired by the General who curries all the mules and horses jrought in after tattuo.' The mule driver bit at onoe and waufced to know whare the ' hair-drosser' kept limsolf. Whereupon he was directed ;o Gen. Nelsou's tent, with the assurauce that there wag wbere the ' fellow hung out.' ' You can't mistake the man,' said the wag ; ' he's a large fellow, and puts on a huiidcring sight of airs for a man in bis Dusiness. líe probably will refuse to do t, and teil you to go to the devil, but don' mind that. He bas been driuking to-day. Make him come out, sure.' Jehu posted off, and entering the tent where our Napoleon of the 4th División sat in deep rêverie, probably considerinn; ;he most expeditious method of expelliug the rebels from bis own native State, slapped him on the back with a forcé sufficient to annihilate a man of ordinary size. Springing to lus feet the Genural accostcd bti uninvited guest with, 1 Wéll, sir, who are you, au4 what the devil do you want?' ' Old hoss, I've got a job for you now - si? nuiles to be curried, and right off, :oo,' said the captain of the mules, nothng dauutcd by the flashing eye of the Jeneral. ' Do you know who you are addressing, sir T askcd the indignant commander. ' Yes,' said Jehu, ulovating liis voice .o a pitch which rendered the words audble a square off, ' you aro the fellow ïired by Uncle Ham to clean mules, and [ won't have any foolisbness. Olean .hem mules and I'll give you a drink o!' jutshead.' ' You infernal villain !' exclaimed the General, now perfectly furieus. ' I aiu commander of this división !' Jehu placed the thumb oí h'u right jand Rgainst bis nose, and extended bis ingera, swaying them slowly, in a manner supposed by some to indieato great wisdom. The Generale 8-word leapod from its seabbard, and Jehu from the tent, just n tipje to save bis head. Our boys drank the big mule driver's joaltb in bourbon. The story soou got out, and is now the joke of die seaaou.


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Michigan Argus