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New Medical Discovery. Für ilu' spiMMlv ao permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Glêet, Urethal Discharges Grnvcl, Strit ur!, and Affect torn of the Sfdneya and Bladder w !i .oh hu? been used by uptrards ol OSE HUNDUED PHYSLC1ANS, iti thrir private practicè, with entire iuccosa, tupvrse ■ : BBBS, Col'.illiA, ' i [■ ;i il v ci'injiuUUil liilhlT ííELL'S PEO! FIO P1LL8, ■ rtj in fcct!Oll,oftefl tf&GtUfg ;i i-nru in a few diiys and ivbttii acure ia eflfeptut) it Thej :ue i ',i.. ext r.ti ti i bat i !'!■ hal a ■ the system , ;in.i never nausea te the Btomach or impregu;itv tlw i'f-';tth : ;ui.i teinjj sngar-coaied, allnaeouu t;i-lf s RToided, Vo chatige, af dii.t is tirctssary vhihi iiaing thcm : oor Joua their action lat erf e: e wiili buliEach boxcnntainu six lozen l'ill.s. PRÍCK DNE DOLLAR, .inl will ln sent by mail posl-piiul by any íulvertel 4geot, on recuipt of Uw mouey. Sold by Drugylflta in Anu Arbo r. Nom.' genuino without my signature on the wrppör J. BKVAN, Tiocbestcr, N. Y.( General Agent. H. & 1.. STMOIPEAO; Detroil, Wholesale Agcnts for Michigan, 806Ü Dissolution of Copartnership. TIIE ('npartnorsliip lu rctofnre existing between the andersigDed, ttnder the dama ofWínoi and Knlghi , iw thta day dissolved by mi!tiat conaent AU pevsom iudcbtcd to the late íirm aro rtjquested to suttle the urne. W. W. W1XKS, J. W. KMCJ1T, AnnArbnr.Marcli i:,18fi2. P.S, Ï"! Hlscoek haring purchaw3 the Interest nf .1. W. Ivnilit in tíiOMiTií. OF Qo6D6h bnsflïm wil! be coutimie.ï bj W. W. and Daniel Hiscnck, uader th name of W1XES & CO. 85v4 TREES ! TREES ! Fruit and Ornamental, OF ALL DKSCittPTlONa AND VA1UETY, lioseSj Balbous Plants, mul Grape Vines of all kinds. THEüNDERSTdXED is a hout atarting East to malie ljia uü'jal stlection of TreM fruiu thö mout popular . ;i;nl U) lillall orders for Tfdwi that inay be wante tkroughthe ïmmtU of April. ctical experience with trees for the last ten years kis eatablished nis m tlifl way of making my sclee tiuns witii fchat care that enabla nieto warrant all tvwa and plauts true io name, a.s well as hualthy, rigoroaa in grówthj and with proper care to meet the t-pectationof the purchasar. Thegreat Buoceea atteuding my sales lafft yoar, peassurea ftxe that my treos we re all sound and eral satisfMtion. Thankful for past fa vors, I fegain invite my Iriends and all othert w&nting trees or plantf, togive nie a cali. Tliosc wdo maj want Traes trrown in this State, can be fursitíhod fromtheNoPtb L&ke Nura#ry. fl. Orden for Trees or Plants may bo lei't at Rogers' Agncultural Huil, at any time. THEODORE PcUOIS. Ann Arbor, March 25, 1862. 845tf NEW COODS For the Spring 1862. o MACK & SCHUD Wou KI respoctfully announce to the Citi.ens of Washtenaw and adjoining Countiee tliat we are now receivlng Direct from the Eastcrn Markets, A full and cnmplotc supply of Staplo .ixcS. 3Jinxoy DRY GOODS, Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, GROCEKIES, CROCKERY, &c. Purchased by one of our firm for cash, and notwithstauding the hard times weshaü coutinue to Add VVeekly Additions ïo our stock in ordtir To Aocommodate otir Customers ! uithevtrything they may need toaik for. And we will farther pltdge ourselvea to se]l as cheap AS TIMES "WILL PERMIT aml which is alwaya as -A.s Low as th.e Ijovest. At the same time we hop our friends and eastomerdWiUbo&r in miud thut the times cumpel us to atlj our gouds For Cash or Ready Pay. Ann Artor, March 28, 1661. 845tf DO YOU WANT WII1SKERS ! DO y OU WANT Á MOUSTACHE ! If so, parchase one bottle of K, E, Cliampion's EXCELSIOR INVIGORATOR ! The world renowned toilet,- the only article of the kind ever offered the people of the United States. Tiie ftbove article ia the only one used by the French j in London and Paris it is in universal use. THE EXCELSIOR WHISKUR INVIGORATOR ! ! Is a Beautiful, Economioal, Soothing, jet f?tímutatÍDg Compound, acting as if by magie upon the roota, caus ing a beautiful growth of Luxuriant Board. If apflied to the Sc& will cure Baldxess, and if applied aecording to direction:;, it will cause Lo spring ud in bald spots a fino growth yf sokï j'KttSji iMiit. Th.è Celubruied EXCELSIOR INVIGORATOR Is an indispensable Article in every Gentleman' Toilet and after one week's use tíwy would not; for any couüideration, be without it. Tlie above article will. in frojn Four to Kight WeekSjbriugouta tliick set of WhisHí iaciik. Tle subscri'oers are tho oaly Agenta for the above article iu tle United Statu , They would also announce to the public that they are agentsfuv Napoleon's Hair Toilet! The only article over offered to the Fiench people that trould ouxlj rsTR.MiniTiiAiii! the bove Toilet beh manuñiciured tot the sole benfiit 01 Louis fifapolsoii ! v.U;h ariicle is now indispensaljle in his Tuilet VDOjla. The subscriben fielfag ennfi lont that thiaTuik-t must necessarily take the place of all othen ever offured to the public, they tuke pli:;isuri; in expraasing co:-,!idünce 111 the article, gainiug it Erom practiciil THE NAPOLEON HAIE TOILET Will Cültt, TElIOIKr HaibÍh Soft, S;iKcn ; Vlowinï CutI, ihat will remaiii Ui sbape tut oue 'Uiv ur nao W) k if de ■ i any [onger pno4, if the liiteettona are strictly b are vi -y au , Tuis Bair Toilet doöa e i iu ani ;n;niner interferí with the Natural Softvess of the lialr , It neitker Bcorcbe it ; lut givcd ihe bair a svJft, thrifly ispear anee. Tt also prevonts the hair frini fallíng on ftnd turning gray. THE NAPOLEON HATU TOTLET Hm been beforetbe publ'c buta sh.. ft timo, and hB alreafly been tested by oyer odc lUousaöd piT.-ontí ! and thoy tMtlfy thal tbe Mnpoleon Hair Toilet ta th w1 Beaatiñer everofTered to the American people. To prevent thit. Toilet '-"u being co'unterffited or imttated by uuprincipled persons, we do not offor fur Kale at aoy DragglstH in the üulted States. Th e re f ore mv Lady or Uentfenuui who dslra Soft, Luxuriaui ilaiV and Curia, ;tn.l Long, Suft tfhiskerg or HouKtache, can procure the Invigoiator or Toilet, either one, for on dollar eaciofied in a UUw, witü tböir a.ldi'Osu. Addfeoe, G, y. SPENY&C( llox 13, Cofflnsvilíe, Hartford C. , Conn. And it villbe carcfully sejiL by reLum mail. Dissolution of Copail uership. miIK eopartnenliip heretofore exfiüng bstween the undei'sigued uiuler l!n UOt :lüJ .-1.1,! oi )i WNAUD, STEBBIN8 & WILSON, i day dia ulved l.y mutual content. Tl.' busineM of the flnn wil] be set tlcd by W.H MaynnéJ and the Bookkeej r, Kr, W..1Inoe, who will be founl in the ofllce ir that nnrúose) or by tbo otberroeniberscf the linn Iff their 'absinoe WILIJAM 8 M.w N FRANK I,. STEBBÍNS I '1UA1I B. WILDON. Aun Albor, April 1, 18B2 NOTICE. Iliiving rptircl from MpniiLtilc imsiness H breonea Jto.cssary tliat all units ainl accounts Jui to tl Qimof Jliiyivii'il, Stebbfm & VjTilaon, bevdttled witiuui deUy. Tafore, all thcue with ) i we huve unnetoudfl will ploase cali a once, settlc ana rm uii or pul in Bhape, tocóme ;it n kuch i,m, Ist, H02. VVILLUM S. .MAVNARI. NEW KIBM. The anitnignvl having this dy formed . eo-pnitmBbip unricr the name aod stylo of Btebfcini A: W'ilson, will ho hnppyto soe their frii mis iml cuitóme ut the old tmil of M.uiuH, stebbins Í: WlUon, wbere the will bc readj to furoisb a full ai,d complete amonment ol gooda, for lesa proBt thanerr bcuo, f r cash and reafly pny eyclusiycly FRANK L. PTKH!S IH1AH 13. Wll.-.JW Aun Arbor. April Int, X8B2. 4wf48 Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


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