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CüOJiüissione Notioe, QTATK ÓF i.IHl!;..Y, Countjr of Wiuhlunaw, .. 'T 'J'liv' uu'lfi -imif.: tmving -i-u appofeted by tbe l rubate Court for raid Couitly, Cominïa lunersto receivu. examina ;nn) Bdjuktull claim aiid demanda of all persom iir.-iin-it the is1, -.( Catharfne pgerald, Inte of l ■-.. ji-hii) of NU: iliüi'l 1. iti s.-i i i County, doceased, hert'by gïve uolicfi that sis monthá frMi date, ik, i Ofidor of tbe said PïObati ' for creditori lo prenent their claims against s.tV. decéa.?ed, and that tliry will meet at tbe x-, lence of the ubderaigned, JMbn Kyan, in liiv townsbip ol öfort&fieid, In fwid county f(ircaiil, (n Pj tur Ja, 1 !:■ Coarteenth h;y of Juue, and Uonrfay the (Lfttonth Jay of SrpUmber next, ai i.noclock l". M.. oí eacfa day tu ix-cuivo, ex&mi&e and ui flist BOtd claims . JOHN RTAN 1 ,, . . MOHUIS DToNNOlt, JwnnWonW' Dated,March 14, 182. 8J4w4 Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CocnTT OP Wasihtsaw, ss:- In tli.' maltvr of the EaUte of Patriefc Jlobun.of the Cuunty ot V7a&Bt$naw in the State of tfichignn, Deeeamd, Nutice is lií-r-.-1'v niven, Tlmf in pursiiance o, ;tn order granted t the oudiralgiu i foceos tor, of tho Estáte of i tafd dtceascl, by fho Hom Judge of Probate for tbe ! C'minty of WoVDOair, On the t-.v uty -i i :iiïh day 'f M.ur.: a . P. HM$3, there wül be sold it public randue, to tbe higtiest bidder, at fh Beatb door oí tb' House i'.i tbc 'ty Of Ana Arbor in the Counfy i ; t me w in eaid State, on ïMturday tbe twrntv tourtb ia v of May A I). 1882, al ono o'clock In tbe afterxtoon tof thal lay, (subject to all oambraDDet by mnrtjríigi; or se existing at tb time -f the rteath ol' said ■ I ) Oia follofl : Umi Estáte fo wit : SituateA fn the-Tom ■ rthfielá.tn tli. r im:1v of Wasbtenawand State of Michigan, all thatcert&la pleoe r paroel of 1'imJ kotfwn and designated as the Nbrth-weat cpiarter ■ ! the Houth-East qoarter of: ö- tidathtee in townfthfp (■[South of Range Six, contalaidg l'ii'ty tfüres, be t i.c same non r lt-sa. PATiUCK WALL. Kxecutor. DiteA, March 28th, TSCri. 846td. AYEE'S Sarsaparilla FOR PUElEYIIiö THE BLOOD. And for tho speody cure of tho followlog complalnts: Sciftf:iluai::l Sc oful o r.s A V tlfltis.Kuclt ft-- 'i'wmors, Ulccr, Sotcs. IJ'.rr.ption, ïJimjïïcs, PiistEïlcfi, Ulotches, iluild. Uiains, anti all LUi:i IMsesseV. QtJOiLtni Ic.L. Öth .lime, I869. J. C. Ayer & Co. Gauts: I 1. ,1 it my -lKty to acknowledge wbat your Pnrfíiparilla haa done íbr me. Iltuiti ■ . . . hifi cti : . 1 Jkivü Bufftred f rom i t in various wajrs for vw. Sometimea it Inuwt out In Ulcera on my bands aad arais; sonietlniea it tutiud inward r.rnl dis tremed m at tb atömaob, 'JWo jraara ugo it bi-oku out on my had and covercd my m nn U11.1 ;iih v. üii ono won, whtcli wm patnfii] nd loathnoiue beyond deacriptioa. 1 Uk umuy medicines and physiiriiin., but v.lthout ïduch rolíoffrüín ;.ny thing. ïn fuct, the disorder grew woroe. At Icngth J traa rejoicöd to read in the Gospel Messonger that you had preparad jin nUerative (Sarsapai ilaj. for 1 knew from vuur roputation th;it iny tliiu you mndu mnst bo good. I snt to Clnclni . it till lt cured me. 1 took it, as you jï'lvjsc, n gmoll doses of a teaspoonful over a niouth, aml osed (üMOBi tbrée böltle&. New amt hcalthy ik in Boon begñh to form under the scab, wlilch r a II oÈf. My skin is now clciir, and I kuow hy ;ny ■ that the abease bus gone from my system. ïou '■■ V1hvi; ihitt I fw WHfft I atn sáillg ir-n I toll you, tlmt I bold you to be onu uf tba npófltlM oi the age. aud lyiuain ever grotefully. ïoui i, ALBiMúD I!. TALL12Y. St. Anthony Flre Roso or Ki vsïuvlas, Tetter mul Salt Rikeum, Scnfd Hcacl, filugwontt) Sore Byes, D-op#y, Pr. ÏEoliert M. PreWfl wiilos froiu Salem, N. Y., 12th Sdpt., 1859, that lio bas cured an invetérate cíue of Dropstfy wbich tbreatoned tü tonuliiato fatajlj, by the peiyvering nso of our SuraapnrJlltt, aud attto -i duujjerouB Maiiffnafli Btysipehx by lorge doses of the samo; aays he curoB the eöOiXDon Eritplions by it constantly. Broncboc4ile, Cioftre or Swellêd JVcclc. Zebnlon Slortn of IV tyeCt, uiftj irrites : "Tbi tles f your Soi.-;ip;ti ill;i Qiieéd me lioin u 6'firc - a bidOons swvllintc on tho;, nidoh I had suilered ficm ovur two ycars." Xucorr]iorn or "WliUes, Ovnrinn Tumor, Utciinc Vlceratlou, lVmale Uiscases. Dr. J. B. S. Chunniup:, of New Yoik Oilv. wiitys ; " I moet cheerfully comply itli tho requentof joar agentln ■ayÏDg] liave found your Suiviiparilhi n iñost xñ.'llrut alterativo in (Itu uuniOfoufl ooirtplalnta fur wïrfcli we cinpluy Bnch a remedy, bnt rxpeclally In Ihnutte Distases of tho ScsofuIoiiK dlu(helf). I linvü entt-d many fnv u rut caaes of Loucorrhoea by it, and Honre wheru ïh complaint wan oansed by vtêtratión of the uitrtts. The ulcerfttion itstïlf Wfis soon cincil. Nothlng within my kiiüivjedo equais it fur these female derangemeiits." Bdvard 8. Watrow, of Nèwbnry, Ata-, writes. " A dangeruii3 ovarían tumor on onc of the ftrmales in roy fuinily, whlchhAd itefled all the n-nu-dk-fj wö conla employ, haa nt leiigUi been cómpletely cuied y your Extract of fiarsaparlUAi Onr pliyeteiaa tliotight no1hlng1n( extirpatloii couiil aflbni relief, bui he advJsed the trïul of oiè Sarenpitrllia :s lïie 1;;-! rosort before cuttfng, aul it prow l eftiotuftK After taklnfryour remedy eibt weeks no syinplom of the ilisenM t . nintiia." Sypliilis mul Mercurial TIscae. NiW OlttEAHS, 25lb Anjitist, 18S9. TIn. J. C. Aveu : SLr, I cheeffully comply with tlio request of your agent, und report to you suine of the eflects 1 have reallzed irilb yoor Sarfitpüiilla. ï havo cnrod with it, in my practioe, most of tho complaintA for wblcii it ir recomiuended, and liave mud ira pffects truly ironderfiil in th.' of Vhtcrmloiid Mn-curial !)$;tí.e. OOfi of my pfttïents hari Sypliilitic nlcers in bis throat, which were consúinlng ïiis pnlate aud tlm top of liis mouth. Your SatsKpai'IIIá, nteadUy taken, curvd biui in flve weeka. Anotber was nUfccked by secondary eymptoma in lita nos, umi the ulcerntiou liad eataso away a oonstdetfable paft of it, bó that 1 beliere iho disorder wotild Boon reacli bis bralu and Uil hiin. lint it yit'ldeil to uy admiDlstration of yonr Snrsapaiilla ; ilio ulcere liealed, and he ia wt-ll again, not of cours without soiue dbflgnrattoD to bis fiioe, a woatoo wbo had been treated for tho Bain diwrdef by iih-k iii y as BUffilltDg from tiiifi noisou in Jut bonae. TJiey bad becomu w soiiBitire to tho went lier that on u dnbip duy Bbe KuiTm-ed excrucittting pain in ber jinus and boim. She, too, iraa cured cmh'ejy byyöiir íai-sapai'ñlíí in a few weeks. I know froia iut Rírniuta, wiiicb yoifr'aeut gafe me, thnt tlila Pwitttmtion from youv luburalDry'mnst bc a great remedy; coneqnently these traly rémarkablu resulta witli ït huve not 8Uipted me. FraUwnaïlj youis, G. V. LAJUMÊtt, M. D. Rh euma tiïi, Gout, Ltvtr Compiaint. lNPEPKMfi:NCK. Preston Co.j Va.; 6tli ïiïly, ISóO. Pr. 3.0. Ayfcit: 6lr, ] bavc btitío uflUctcd vrtth i atoful clironic Rhetanattsw fora w tiim-, ubb bajljcdthe ïkitl of [.by.-((i;in-. and Bhldï tO JU.' Il) Bplte ..f all tho reintdiijjl con ld iiuii, m.til i tvled yourSttraapafma. Ono bótele cured tije in two weeki,aud rentörci niy general hoalth so Hiiirh that 1 om fat botter tima bewfo I wns attaokwL lÜitokHawonderfiitpiediclu J. FKEAM. Jules Y. Getcheil, of S?t. fóufs; wiitrfi: I have l)C("n oRHcted for yeais ith ari ajjtoiion f tit Lim whteh dfstroyed my ht-ulili. J tried erery Llíiug,and ewry tbieg fuüo:! to relieve mo ; au J I have bêén broken-dowp mnn fui sume yenis frjohi iw othofcanw them ttarunffttihaitif tlie Liitr. tíjfbfilovaá u itor, tlie lu-v. Mr. lpv, ad.hMd mo ld try yoorSafcsariftrHla, beèfcosè ie said he kceV yöu, and any thlua yoa médl wua-oftli tryinft. lly tho blcasíiig of God it bas cured me, and has M puridad my btohd as (o m;iko u ih-iv nimi of me I .-l yointg agatv. ïlia best that c:tn be sutd of you is not hall good enonghV ScliiriusiCnm c; Tumors. Knliiifinen, llcerat ion, CarlM aml Kxfuliadon of the lfoncs. A greM vnrjety of canes have heen reported to us whero cureíof tiren (brmldacbns implñinft havo resul ted from tho uso of thi iviiK'iïy, bul oiir spaco heve wJIl not adniit tin-m. Sonie of ihciii muy be foiïod in American Ainuumc, wliioh tby agera bahnr nnneii ma pletttod to fnrnish gratis to ill who pall for Dyspepsin, Ilcnrl Tiscnse, Fits, Kpilcxisy, Mclunclioly, Attiirnlgiti. Miiuy reinal kuMe cures of BJJeclloQS liavo bcen bj (he altciíiiive power of tblfl medicino, lt stimulates tho vital íuneiioiis Into vlsorpui Ktiiu, and thua ovcnomes disorders rbfch would he suppoRi'J beyond its readbj íj.ich a rcuietly b(Ui long been reqoired by tiie neceasíties oí tho people, und we are oopfldetit that tliís will do for thcm all thnt medicine cud do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron THB iïaimi) crin: of Cougb, t'olíls, Influenza, Iloarsencss, Croup, lSroikcliitls, Iiu ipUnt (oijuiitit ion, a íi ti í'or tlic ICclief of C'ozisumplive Patlcikts Ín ndvnucrU Stijfs of tU e ííisiusi. Tbís ia .i rewfrly hn nnivripjiUy knWra tu any other for tbe curo of tliroat und ning comprninta, that it is msi-Icvs here to puhiísh tito evidenceof iis vlrtnra. Its unrlvoJIed excellence for coughs and cotdn, and it? tvuly vonderfii} euros of pulnionnry disease, havo uiale it known thronghont the civilized natlona of tlie eaith. l'i'w lie tiie oomiaintltleSj or eren families, anión,' tlit-m who liavo not somc jH'isonal experlenooof ítecirects - Bfmo living tropby i thelr mldst of its victory over (he Bubtie and dangerone dlsordeni nf tho thront and lungs, As ítll know ttie dHNtdfill fntality of theee dfsorderOi and as they know, too, iheelTectsof thlfl remedy, we ntod not do moro tlmn to usure thrm tjiat it lias now all tbc virti:cs thal it did have when muking the curefl frblch hftTQ won so ütiMiiiy apon Lho oonftdenee ofmankiudi Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEK & GO., Lowell, Hass. Aul fui sale bj Maynard, Stebbins & WUson FAIÏRAXD, SfflELEY & CO., Detroit SOByl ' J H. lKli!iI.L? Tr.ivclliDs Agent. SECOND WINTER STOCKÏ D. L. WOOD & CO., HAVK Jt'ST OPENED A LAKGE (fe WÉLt SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the FALt fc TVINTER Trade, H.iving purchaaed their stock at mueli lesa than the usual pi-ices, they are prepared to offer GEEAT INDUCEMENTS To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Thankful for past favors they will be ever itaily (o show their üoods and by fair and liberal dealing hope to reeeive their full sbore of the pufelio patronnga. West sillo of pubiití square. Ann Arbor Dec. 1S61. WASHTENAW MUTUAL FTRE INSURANCE COUP ANYrriHJS Secretar; will be a( Cook's Hotel, in the City cf A. Ann Arbor, onThursday of cach wcek,untíl further tiotbe, reíwiy to Twlv new member, II. Kt.NNY, SecreUry. e toberpSd, 1861, 824tf


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