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Message Of Jeff. Davis

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In rebel (', ugrüss, o: the 8i!i inst., Mr Iiuyucs, of Tuiüh s.sro, ofiered a sorics of rcsoiutious touohiug tlie battL at Pi tsburg Landing, umi lumeufing the áoa'tii of Albert Sidney Johustou, The resohiiions wei'&tuueudcd so as tu ten tur tile iban! of ('ongress to Ge:. Buauru gild ai;J 1 . 3 Ulid IU0I1 luider llill), and WiTi! Ü:k-xa adopted. Uu tho saino il y Ji'A'. Djvus sent in t'ie followrug message o the sai:) ■ suiject: ■.'■■':: ■ of tLo Colli . . Tui.' ;r:'c;it importante of t!:o nons rtee .'cd froni Tcnnessce, !.:is inilu'jed me fcd Uopart iYoni the establishtd ', ;in! to raaka to yoií this 11 bwttticii i.) advaiwe of uificial report. - nphic disp'itches icrcived fvoni officia] sourccp, [ au. atile to to jou, witb èutire confidonce, '.:.a il ha ■ ! Almighty God to ■!■. wi the Confedérate anea v.iía u glofiouH ufid deoisivii victory over cur iuvudjrs. n tlie raorning of tlie Ctli, tlic cönvci-ghiL' coIUroité of our anny werc co;n ItiMkd !■ iin Couiiaa.iidcr-in-Ciiief, Oen. A. Síducy JoliDstüti, in bh assault l'(;dei;i' .uiiiv, tiicn encainpcd r.cir Pilts burg. om tlu; Teunessee River. '"'Afior a hard-foaglit battle of ten liot'.rs, tlio enouiy was diirou in disorder Mim li is position, mul pursucd to tlio Tennesí b River, where unucr the cover öf tlio gun-böatd, be was, at last accounts, ridéavorhig to effeut Lis retroat by aid of Mb transporta. The detail' of tliis grent haUh r,ro yrt too few aud ucomplote to 0 übio me tb ilistinguish witb merited i.r;iisu d!1 of tbose v.ho may buvo eou spicunuslv carncd i'io rigbt to 500 . distuurtio.i and I .rcfor t.' delay our own pivtiticT.tion in reccitniuendiug them tq yotrr Speeial uotice, rat her tban incartbo risk of wounding t'ie feelings of ony bj' f liüiiLT to includo tlu'm i:i ihe Ut. Vv'lieu Mieh a ví'tory has beon won over troops as ounierous, wel'-disciplined, anncd and nppnintcd. as tliost! wliicli havo just been nS s ■ rnail v róuted, wc nmy woll concludc that' enc commoB B] i it of unflinchiog bravei y and dovotinn to our country's eav8; iiiust tavo auimatcd every brest, from tint of tlu eommanditig Goueral to that of the Iiumblo8t pa'riot who ser v cd 1 1 the ranks. Thero is enough in the continued prosence of invaders on our soil to chasteu our exultation over this brilliaBt sueeois, and to remind us of the jfraveduty coi'tiiiucd es.ition uBtil we shall ext.irf iVon: a pronjï fiiid v;ii:ijilorious eutmy the rcluetarit acknowledgout of our rif;ht f o self government. ' nu Al!-Viso Creat ! has bp'en pleassd, while vouchssfing to us liis conu tvüianco in battle, to afflict ih with n se vore dispènsation, to which we niüEt bow in huuible aubm'fsion. The last IoiiL, lingering bope haa disapptared, and it is b;;t tno truc t!;at Qten, Albert Siduey iïqhr.ston ia do more. Tbe fato el his deat!) is simply narrated ia a dUpatch fi'om Col Wtó'. Preston, iu the following W( rJs : "lïeueral Jnl-nston feil yesterday at '2 o'elock, while leadir.g a sutcetoful charge, turirjig tlio enemy's right, a:id gainins a brilliant viotory, A Minie ball c:it tb'; artery of his leg, bui. hs rode on uut i!, froni llie loss of b!ood, he feil exhausttd, and diod without pain in a tew moment?. 1 1 is body has been inti'u.tid to me by Gen. Beaurecaid, to he t:ii;en to New Orlcans, and remain ui, til directions are received from hia mniüv. ' My long nnd close friendship with th :- departed oheftain a d patriot forbid in.1 t ttist myself iu g. ving vent to the iè which th's sad Las rvik'cl. Without duicg injustice to tlio Y. ing, it raay be a.-serted lliat our loes is irrcpurabl ■. Among the slrninghosts of thn gn:;it and .0 d who now eb ster urou d the banner of oí r country, tliere i'XÍstB 110 púrer s irit, 110 more heroio Kun), than that of the Uusirious' man those death I join you in limeiiting. " In his dea'h ho hus il stratod t!io charaeter for wliicb througn life ha w::a cbnspicnoüg - that of singleness of pur-, pose and devotion to duty, with his wliolo euérgies'. 15ont on obtaintng tbe victory whicli he deéinèd cssential to his coun try'scaus?, lie rode on to the aecomplishwent of his object, forgetful of self, whilo his very lifeblood was fast ebbing awsy. His last breatli chcered his couarades 0;i to v'cïory. The last sound he beaid was their shout of victory. His list thought was his country, and long and dceply wilï his country u;cmr;i hii loss. The massage was laid ou tho tablo and ordered to be pvinti tl.


Old News
Michigan Argus