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Horrors Of The Battle Field

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No'.w lÜistuiKiiiig Hui l.' i Liiiii!) of our snrgeonn, the mortalïty w:s alarnÍBíf. Thu ooniuaion irto wliioh il.e urniy waa thrown, and tlio ruios whii-.h h uve re eently fallen, havo rcndsicd tbe worfc uf gathering in ihu w woud e] u werk of great labor. T?.j pursuit and glllird agai:t a fri'-h llJinollBtrution froinUie eiit'üiv, mcosrily occupie! ...-t afteution oí l,u ettiumn uder. 'i1'1;.1 ambulances hud earry beeu put pto reuisiüon, and ;iio hospital tu:i'..s ulied tu repletion. Jíun luid sliflened i') thu mud ii long rotvs Ü'.ieii ti.c b.uik Boa-ta nppropnatèd to lbo u.e of tho ttoumJud wore sj'etíilily Incded ip und p;;iM(;d fiii iL ir n uy down. Soverul ('av-. i'l elupKti befare ;ill the snfferura ere brought n, na they are fcatttred tho o, .u's fi,r t paco (1 livo iiiücf djiiurt). ' ILtc, too, aro presunted tho tnOdt awlul pectyclüa (,{' liuinan sufioring which uven tho horrura (.f a bytle field uu;] fxliibit. Tliu loaves on the woods be ni( dry oti tlu first d.iy, thoy bad caught Eire in places Froin thu L-::: ires, nhüis ;;iji.i ivaddmjf, uiid had bu.mod t denth ench oí tho men as liaii fullei), nuble to crawl away. Tho pifeous srght of ii.ld, of botb si'lo.-;, with tlieir chariid garinents still c'inginp; to their blackened foriii., tho bair and benrd tinircd to the houd, the hand uplifted, as if shieldiog themselvu'S (rom tLü stitiing Üanes, coi'ld bü Been in Buveral places. Tho rain oí Smid y night, AEonday and Tuesd iy had fallen upon tho urithing victiiiis, and bout out lbo römoani of fleeting lüo. Tho leuturea of tbe men, blackenod yitli powdur and lirt, wnshed into'pallvd whitunesp, their hen da reolioitig on the dreamlese pillo w of mud, tho exorttchiting groans of thu wouod ed, luid ís lht;y wfciu in gruups ; the inoatia of.thosoin tho deepert agoniea of pain, and tho gluring, staring eyea of the dym{T, formed indeed one ui tho meet toircLing, bat terrible pictürea imaginablo. Tbousands upon thcu?ands lef t upon tho ground in all tho attitude ol pain, of grief, of reposo, and ot fury ; Bomo with their guns, cartridge-, and ntüirodsütill ia hand, Btrickeo by tho loa den holt, and dropped io helplasa deuth, a dark pool oí blood betraying l.ow sudilenly lifu'.s ciineiit bad utopped. - Shultered beads and piorced b.dit;s fonned by far tho greater portion of tho Itiksd on both sidufl. Tlio rebeld a)puur to hure Kad iu part old inuaktjia ïnd cominon rifles and shot guns; our wo linda aro cpnsequently numerous, but lig h ter thnn ihoso infliütod by tho gushing Minie baíl. Tho greater portion of tho figbting was by thu men in line - infuntry pi incip:,!'y - and the great bulk of tlio woundd aro by muskots. Hero and thero on tho upper portion of the field, Ofícupied i:i the beginning by the divi.s ions of Ilurlbut and Prentiss, might be s,;sn dusteis of shattered and rnang!ed bo1ies, the effect of our sholls and grápeshot. Pilos oí them for ton fuet Squnre could bo soen whore it would ueetn a sli!l or a charge of canbter Isid litorally shoro them down like grain. The rebels occupied these campa duiing the night of Sunday, and regardless ot tho orders oí their men, reinained in crowds to plunder our i-anips? Consideruole quantities of whisky and cordials wero found, and this made them insensible of danger. Ie ivas lioro ihat lbo Tvler tbrew iu shelU occasionally daring the ut'ternoon nnd night, and tbe horrid curaage tclls how f.Biiriully oöective had been Lis fire. Torn, mangled, r.nd disfigurcd n dozens, with their bloody wouods gaping fresh b)" tho moisture. pavalry had been tbere, as could bo seen from the h oraos nterminglüd all over tbc camp for miles. " Rider and borsea n one red burial ble:it."


Old News
Michigan Argus