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From Washington

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Washington, April 23. Tlic King Philip lias nrrivcd at the Nary Yard ihi.s momiiif, a:;d roportí tliat tlio steainer banken weiit up tho : Rnppiíliauuock to Fredericlfsburg, haviog : cautiousLj; pu.-sjed tbrough the tivesuaken uctióna below íhat town. (Jur íloh ia eapturcd seven rebel schoener!?, ene of thum witli a valuablo cargo of dry g'icids, medicines and snltpotre, and i a!.-i uvii stnall stoatners. Tt is fuither 1 stated tliat iba rebd piekets aro occaaiónnlly secn on tho sodth sido of tho river. Our troops still oommaiMl the posses■ sioa of Frcdurioksburg, the residenta of whii'h nre eutirely freo in tbeir usual busiücss purut8. New York, April '22. The Tnhmcs correspondent saya : - " Thé fuilovriog has bceu received at the War Department : "New Market, Ya., April 22. "To IIon. E. i!. S-.auti.n: " Our advauce is noar Harrisonburg. Wc have troops ncxoss the mouutaina protoctinj; tho bridgea on tho Shenandoaii, at Aliniy, and on the Luray road. "Tb day we pushed a forcé forward to Luray. Tho peoplo werc greatly alarnied at lirrif, on account of the reporta circulated by the rebels as to t lie troutiu-ent they would reccive froni us, but in the course of a féw heurs they became quite reconciled to our presence. There is a good róad to Warrenton, twenty-fivo miles, anda turopiko to Culpepper C. II., the sanie distance. " In se v eral recent sliarp skirmishes with t lie eneniy we lost three men. '■ Jackson has abandoned tiic; Valley of Virginia pcrmanently, and is en routj for GordöQBvillo by the wuy oí' the atoantains. "JEvEry day Lrings its prisoners aud numorous deserters trom t!ic rebels). (Signed) "N. P. BANKS. " Jlaj.-Gci), Comnianding. "Sevcral veaeels of tho river flotilla have been up tl;e llappuhannock, sonic of them as far ar Fredericksburg, about iiine miles above TappahatiDOuk. ' Sehoonejs had been sunk to obstruct tho river, but üólhlnaader Wyman, in tlic Yankee, witli h3 consorts, puslied their way throujrh. At oue poiut t lie boats were fired upon by uiusketry. No one on board was injQfed. " ïwclvo thirtceu vc-ssels, two of them ateanaers, fouud iu the Créele, were soized and brought down st reara. " The river is now considered open for Davigatiou, and timber for re bítildÍDg bridges burned by rebela will soon reach Falmouth. 'Nothiüg is hcard of the rebel forec, but it is bolicvdAto be in forcé not far back of Fredericksburg.


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