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Continental Monthly

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-We Lavo ceu'ed this Magazine ior.May. JNotwithgtandiDg its ubolition proolivitios it luis some vory readable artioles. 3 a ycar, nddresa J. R. Gilmore, Boston, Mass. L3T Froni Geo. W. To.mlixson & Co., Boston, Mass , we havo receivcd several beautifully colorcd engravcd "Caites d Visites." This firm deals largely in ' this and tbc Plutographic article, and in ! Photogr-ipliic Albums ïhiir list uft portraits intludcs aud civic men of "high rcuowiy' and of some nomen who havo wooed und won fama. L3ÊT" W have rcceived tlie Nfay number of Frank Zestie's Montklp and Gazdte of Fashiont. It is profusciy and creditably illustrated iu botli the literary and fashioQ departnicüts, and lias a readull; table of contente. Iu the next mouthly nuiaber is to be given the first of a serios of steel portraits of " our Kepreeentative Womcn;"' 3 ajear; with Frank LediJs Shutrattd Netctpager, $-1.00. Addrets Frank Leslie, 19 City Hall Separe, JNTew York. GiP At thu eleotion cf St. Andrews' Church, held on SnUrrday last, the iollowing- offiter were elected : Wardens - Dr. S. Grisson, John M. Wheeler. Vestnmen C. H. MiHen, A. B. Wood, Jaf. Cloments, George Suttnn, J. F. Miller, E. Wells, A. D. White, Charles A. Chapin. Sccrelary - Challes A. Chapín. Treasurcr - Jumes Clürnents. Wounded.- Our correspondent, Mr. T. E. Howard, a member of the 12tü Michigan Regiment, was wounded in the ncok and shoulders in the battle at Pittsburg Landing. Letters receivcd from liim by frienda in this citv state tliat he ia in the hospital at Evunsvilie, Ind., and that his wounds aro doing vreil. Mr. IIowaiíd resides in Northfield, in this county, and uo braver and truer soldier ever entered the field of conflict. L3T The Fourtcenth Michigan Infautiy, quartered at YpciUnti, passed through our city last weel Thursday, on their way to joh) the army of the westThis is considercd by the St. Louia papers to bc the be,-t regiment that has visited that city, and we have r;o doubt that when the time for action comes it will sustain the reputation wou by Michigan troops of bemg pesfect 'tigers.' LLL" 15. Cook, for twonty years the publisher of the Niles Ilepublican, bas vacated the tripod, laid down the pen editorial with " stick and rule,:' and retired to more congenial, health-givnig, nd, we may hope, profitable oceupation. He is succeeded by A. J. Siiakespear, LotU as Editor and Proprietor. Mr. S. ia a pracÚBal printer, has experience as au editor aud will keep the Itepublican on tho right track. We wih him abunduDt uccess, and trust that the Democracy of Berrien County will see that he has it. E2T The May nuinber of Godey1 Lach Book bring8 seventy-four engra vings, and a varied and excellent table of contenta. Among the engravings are abeautiful steel píate, a doublé extensión e lored fashion plate, and equestrian fashion plate, and figures without number for the ladies. Godey knows ': what is what," and batidos u always punctual with subscribors aud exchanges, fulfilling all promises to thu letter. lt 3 a nccestity to the lady's work table and boudoir. 83 a year; two copies 5. Address Louis A. Gobbt, Pliiladelphia.


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