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SPECIAL COTICESPttlZB POETHY. Lot Chteftafna boai ' ■ f ! V war Aud utrel une ihelr uweel cuitar, A nnblcr theme ro.v icorí tai Wied- In praUe ol Hïbrii :' atcb&supiltt. Thelr euro are found In ovi-ry land- Aiiidl Itussia'! ■- :in'l fWc's snl" i Th ■ non'ir iua rorks - the papers (111, l'ioducoil by Hïwpos'8 matohlM l'Ula. D-'s (Jlsease affliot jrp ? ncrcr-loubt ■jliis charraing coo)pouQCl 1! aearch it out, And lmati b J -'■'" Alt, lf !; Üv alaur.rlo HSJÜUCK'S Pilli . T;lt v'rc sm fo f--r ;lll - both nld ;ui(l young - Th' r ir:iiM'.- ;iri' ( :i i1 . . I v timite ; Pi m:isc, il'-;ai:H'i! - tin lODffeT kills, Siru-v .. .■ .■Kr ■■■'■■ - ■; 1 -.vlth ÜkrriCK sPilh. Put bp with Rngliab, Kpanisï, Germán and French dire-tinns. 25 cents pfr box. Svga Coaied 8 advarUsoment on thjnip&gv. 804 6 Seo a woraan, in nnother column, picking Sambuci GrapcB for Spedb's AVinc. I is an admirable arlicle, used in hoepitnla fttn by first-cliiss families in Piiris, London, nn New York, in prefei-enco to old poit wine. I is -worth a trial, na it, frivos great pntisfaction y Delicate females will fintl no bette [y to trengthen their iiervous systcn than Hhofi-amj'k (íkrma.v Bitïprs. Read the adferüs.-ment in apother column, A CAHD TO TKB SUFFEEirTG. The Rv, WlLlWH CoeCEO K, wbïle taburiug ;:s ;l Miss oiiiiry n.f:i) was itureil of Contóroption, WhWQ a] .tbcrmeins lüi'l failed by a nvie uWained from a earued physiciaB residilif '.r, the greai Citj ofJddo l'n i rcipeliB caivil great aucbers who were ufferini fmm Cönsumption, Bronchitis, Sore TUroat,CougUa ain CoM-, aii'l the debUityandnervousdepreBsioiicauwöbj [lic.-e didordeM . " Pcsirous if bencflttlDg otber, I will wnrt tUs recipo wliich I bavebrought lit mo with iuö, to i]l wl-o ueedit frue of cbarge. Addreaa RXT.Wlf. rO=CROVE, 823yl 43üFnltnn uvenuc, Urukln N'. Y. #1 Stight Colii, Lcua-li ,JfLacLif-f!,e.n.c&s. er Sac zhtaat, whicH might be checked vjith a simple remedy, ifneglected, often terminales senously. Few are aware of the importanoe cf a er ëfUqJï-t fêcLcL in ils frst stage ; that vjtaah m the would yield f o a mild remedy, if net attended to, socn attachs the lungs. .if-auLrLs..o.n.cli.LalJfif-ach.e.a. vjere fint introduce! eleven years ago. lt has been proved that ihey are ihe best artiale before ihe publia fcr Gítgis, $c.Ld&, .anchULs, l&iíma., citatth., the Hxoking Cough in fêc.n.s.U-miiLan., and rsimerons affeations cf the, giving immediate relief. Public Speakers gr Singers will Jïnd them effeotual fcr clearing and ctrengthenmg Ihe uoioe. Bold by all dDrufrgists and (Dealers in Ja.tdj.cine, -flV 25 cents per boz. importanttoTemaleí THE HEALTH A.N u LOT OFWOMAN U continiiiilly in peril if sh; l nivl -'luiuh io neglcct or naltreat thora &6xu&l in egula Ities to whicli twotb rds of herex are ra" re or [eau subject. DR. CHRKSEMAN'S l'IUrf, prepare! from the same formula which the inventor. CURMSLIUS L. CHSESEMVN.M. D..OÍ ífew-fork, has for twcnty years use.l succe=sful!y in an extended private practico - ImmeJiately relieve irithotrf puin, ê.M rtiatiirbrfyif.wi of the pefiodical disGh:iri;o , wlioihcr ar:sin; frem relaxation or snppreaBion. Th''v rot tlke a cinnn m remoi ing the pama tli;.t . r.y iliiüGiiIt or Imntoderata me Struatioo, and are he oly aafaaafl retiabla remcly 1'or Fluahes, Sick Hêadaohe, Paitis in the Loina, Bacfa and Sidea, Padpitatioa of the Heart Nervoua Tremors, Hysterlca, Spasms, f': o!.i-:i sk-'p un.! anpleaaani and danjjerotïs effecta nf an nnnataral enndition of the s scual functiona In the vrorat cusl-s of Fluor Albus or Whites, thcy effect a speedy cure . To WIVES and MATHON8 Da.CHEESBMiX'SPILLBareoflferedaa tl.e obIj safe ■ ut' rfnev!iinterru[jH'.! meiiatruatïDD liut, L.AD1ISS MUST BKAK 151 ÍII.Vl) Tisre ís oiu cortñoii tif tlicfcmnlc sys'.tm tv which tht Pilh r.awtui bc. ta&en wi'ltont producmg a PKCULJAÁ RESULT. TheamdH-iimTtf erredlo U PRXQWAJICT- the rtiulr, MISCf, UUIAGK. Suek it the irresistible t: itdnici ,)ƒ the mtdi&nt ' rettors the surnal fH'ioUmt to a normal comiition , thixt cm the rrproductivc puwer of 7iature cniiTir.l rt-sitt i. Erjltcit directions statine whcu, andxehen tlinj should not bc used. with each Qox,- tbfl Prizc Ouc Dollar tacti Box, .önttiinbig 50 Pilh. A nluabla Pa uplilet. to be had fïee of t!ie Agonts. Pilis sent by mail promptlij, t)y enclosinj rice to auj Aat. Sold kv Druggwis general v. R. D. HÜTCH1NGS, Propr:etor. '.■0 Cedar-St,, lían York. For Palc by MAYN'ARD STEBUOt; & W1JON , and GRENVUJLE & : CLLEH. Important to Ladies. Dr. JOÏIN' HAUVEY, baring fot upvards oftweEtj yeurs dcvotei) liis professiona) tino cxi-iii-sirely lo Ihc treatmenlor Feuiale Di'iüoultina, aud liaviDg utceeedfld n thouaafida oí catw in reatuiing tbe aiRicted o sound bealth, hjs entile coulidcnce in oBcring tuliiicly bib "ORSAT AMERICAN RBMEDY," CHEOHO-THEEMAt FEMALE PILLS. Wliich hav tíveryet failed (when tha direetiooa have been B'rictly follówed,! in removing dJtÜBuHies arising froni Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, or arftotofing tb.8 ütten to perfect 1 : t ■ : 1 1 : 1 , , whc sof èriag fropj Spixal AfTECwoss, I'eomjcsus Ctöu, xai VjiiTSii, Ji other 'eakueG0J the Ctsbite Ukgamb. Also a sed oí ifKiiii ri v ouKbbvoWH í'k irn,, HvsKiycf, 1'au'iTation.-. 3k., &c,, wliich are Ibe forerunnen f innre Berioa diflEa. yjh. Theêe Ping are pe.rfe.rtly ,orntSM on ük (WMJtítaAiíWi, oíwí may 6 toAim V i. : dt'ïcitc fernálc without oa ' i i v; at tlie same itn ■ thcy AcrLiidB a ciiaum ly strengtheni, iDvigoEa iog, and rert'iringtheayem to a ln-althy eooAilMMi, aá by liriniíinií on th moothly period with r'gularity. 10 matter timn what eauM tluobstractioaa may irise, iiey filmuKl, liowevcr, not be tüken duriug the firai br6 oriburuwnthfl of ppegnancy, though safe ataaj ith'r t ïi it'. as miscarriaífe wuld bë the reaolt, Eachbox cunta in? 69 Pilla firfce &ne BoHw, and rhen-éiiird will be ieoi by tr.ail pro pui i by any aiverLaed Agent, on '.'-'-jj'! ofth immi-y. uld by Ura(T([iatíi Ano Ajrbor. 'j. liiiVAN, Kochester, N. Y., General Agent. II. & L. 81MÜMEAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agent fo Michigan. - SOtítf New Medical Discovery. For the apeedj and permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Gravel, Stricloxe, and Affections of the Kidnajs and Bladder whicli has been used by upwarda of ONE IIUNDRKD PHYSIOIAN8, n their private practico, witn entlre iuccpbb, luperae tiiCuBKaa, Cui'AiüA, Caphülw or aof oowpouodhithi iiEIiL'S SPi:CÏFIC PILLS, are speetjy in act ion , ofto cíTfctiug a en re in n f uw d;iys, ind hent,cn ■ m ís permanent, i prepared from vegetable" extracta that are har mleaa on the ayatem, mul never nauacate the atomach or impregaate the breath; and tein Boarar-coated, alln&Keoua taste La avnided. .Ve thange of dtet ís ,nceB$arjf whiUt usht g them ; uor does theii fcctlon ÍRtorfe: witli buwiaeaapursuita. Each boxcontaíns bïx lozen Tills. PUICK UN'i; 1ÍÜIXAR, and will baseni by mail po1-paid by any adrerti.sed Agent, on reeeipt yf tiie njoaey. Sold by JDruggiitj in Ann Albor. Noaogenulne withnut mj signa tare on the wrapper J. IÏUYAN, RochetítVi N. V-, General Agent. II. k L. SiMOÜEAU, üetroit, Wbolesale Agente for Michigafl, 806tf Dissöliitioiï of Copartncrsliip rpHE copartDPrsUlp bertttofore existir belwen the l undei-Diffoed uuder tbe n;nfic md tyle of MAY". N A 1 : 1) , BTEBBlNá S WILÍ ON, is thi áay dissolrad by nut iai eooMnt. Tbe business of tbe finn will be set tlwl by V'. S. Mayp.iirl and Ule Bootkeper, Mr. Wallace, (who will be found in tbt office for tnst parpoee) or by tbe otbtr memberscf tne ünti in their abaefice WH.I.IAM S MAYNAKD :" I.. STEBBINS VKIAH B. WJLhON. Aus Arbor, Apfil 1, 1602. NO'I'IOK. Haviog ntlred from Mircuitiln busuwss it becoics jeccajary tliat all notes and sconnts duo totholaU Bitnol Haynart.Stebbiasi! Wilson,be il 1 witUout dpUy. Tberefore, all tbcse with whon) l,11Vo unsettkd aeenunta will pleafe cal] a; once, Ulo and pa un or put inshape, tocóme at a elven time Ui, 1562. Wll.I.IAM S. MAYNABD. NEW ]'IHM. Tbt nndersigoe! baring tW day formed a co-portner. ■hip uoder tbe nam,; and tj-le of Btobbina k Wilaon nll ba bappyto ee lucir Iritná and (uatoinrri at thé old stind of -Hj ' . i ■ k wllson, wher tlicy will bc readj to farnlab a fullaud complete amoriment ., for leu proflt than ever batane, I r and ready pay exclusively. rfK I.. FTEHRIXS ! ï.I.iil U WILL0N. Ann Arbor, April ïflt, 1S02. 4vC45 Ayer's Cathartic Puls. i


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