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I The Bugle Calis ! The War has Bogun ! A War oi Extermiaation 3. against Bad Teeth, Bad Breatli, Diseased Gums, TootSiaclie, Ear'; aclis, and Neuralgia. 3 m n ' r OUR ARTILLERY 13 ;': DE, WM. B. HUILD'S } DENTAL TREASÜHY! r. I A COMPLETE .SET QF REMEDIES FOR PRESERVING THE TEETH, ; PLRIFYÍG TÜE BREATfl & 3IOLTÏI 1. 1 ANP 'I Curing Toothacho & Neuralgia. d tt y O-= ! n aonKTTiEiKrrs 1 Dr. HurdS CeUbrated MOUTH WASIÍ, one loltle. 3 Dr. Hurd's VnequaUi T00TH PO WDER, y 1 int box. I Dr fhiri't Magie TOO TU ACH E DROPS, '. ojie bottle. i Dr. Hurils UNRIVALLED NEURALGIA i PL ASTER. i Dr. Hurd's MANUAL on the Best Means oj Preserving the Teeth, including Dircctipns for thrProper Treaiment oj Cnldren's Teeth. FLOSs SILKfar eleanin} beticeen the Teeth TOOTH PICKS.ctc.eto. ' Preparad nt Dr. Hurd's Dental OÍT133, 77 ■ Fourth St , Broulilyn, (E. D.) Piice One Dollar or Sil for $5 ICf The Dental Tieasury mnltes íi pack age eight indica by fivo, and Bent by express. ID" Full direclion for use u on each article. ' The following nrtieles we can sead separately, by mail, viz ; The Treatise en Prosetvlng Teeth sent. oost paid, on receipt of TWSIVI Cests, or four 6taiup3. The Neuralgia Piaster, for Neurnlg'ain tlic f.ioe, Jii'i'vou9 Headaahe, and Enraehe, sent, post paid, on receipl of Eiquteln Ce.nts or six atumps. The Neauralgia and Rheumatic Piaster, (lnrgcsizc), for piiins n the Chcst, Shoulders, Back, or any part of the body, sent, pottp liet on reeeipt of Tiiihty Sïtïn Cents. Addren WM. B. HüRD & CO., Tribuno Buildings, New York. Dr. Hufd'a MOÜTH WASH, TOGTn P0WIER, ard TOOTHACHJS DKUl'ö cnaot ba .soul by mail, bat t'icy can piobably be obtamed ut yoor DruK or Perïodi cal 8tarfc li' tUt-y caonot, isod fot tlie DEKTAt TüEASyttV, i'i'ico üxrc Uulla, wliicli coativiad tUcni. NOW, Are Dr. üurd's Preparations Good ? The bost eviJcnce tbat they ara is, that tbeir ftrmwt fríendil and bevt patrono are who have iised 'lu'isi losigerit. Ir. Wiluam B. llihü ia an enuneax l'entist of Brouklyn, Treitsurer of the New York State Dftpttets' Aa.iociatiun, ani thuso preparatiOBi have been used in lii-s priv.Ue pc&fiÜCQ tr ytdv-., 8MÁ QO iMdiog cllizen ül l!ruikiyn tVUliaiqsbargh %u8ttoas their excellence, whilo i'iiihïi'ul Dfuliits oí NW Vork rcconmu-in] tiivin ftó the best koown to the profeuioa. Without the aid ui' iiii-erlisiug, (italcr.s havo BOld them by tliegross. ïln Editor of tlie Brtwkhn Daily Times sa8 :- i; Wt' are liiipjy to know that Wend, Dr. Urun, is tmc eoedio bevond all expoctatiODa wíth hii MüLTTÍI WA.-il airiTüOTW POWDER. Tlie rea secret of hu SOCCttBJi Ir-ts v.'.th Ui ( f'act TH.VT Hlfl AIlJlCli:.-S ES PKCasELY WtlJlT 11IKY ARK UKl'ai-E-NTI-;D TO JiE, AB WE IA. TLS1IKY FEÜM TIIEIB LOXÜ U-iE.;) Tlie-weiIknowD P. T. Iïarnum writes : - {'I foum'. yur.r TOOTfl POWDER o (food that my Ia mi Ir have uaed ii al] Up. Wk Fl.Vb itTUB BsSTPoWUSjt POjl THE ':..:!i riiAT v.i; i:eíí U&BD, I ah ill U-t-l oblifretl tf jou will Hi)d me HUpplyatthi luscuin at your oonvenigace, with blll." But Iheir cost ís so mail that every oae may test ihe ioattr for Ijimáeíf tí L. Beware of the ordlnary Tooth PowJers. Dr. Hip;s Tuüiii Po w mei coatat&s uo ac d, qor nlUah, por charcoal, and pohsht-j vltfcoat wearisg the emuoét. - Uc no otiier. What will Dr. Hurd's Remedies Effect ? Dr. HurdVs MOUTH WASH AXD TO0TÏ1 POWDKB will giro young; ladUtthat íinet chima in noman - u Bweet breath and pearljr teeth. Try them, ladina. Dr. IlrJ's MOUTH WASII AND ÏUUTil l'OWEKR vi!l cleanse tbemoatb fromal) fouí exhalatious, and if ttaed in tho mornittg, will make the breakfast taste iweeter and the day be.-in jaoee pleasanily. Huadreda of prflon ub testtfjr tothis. Try tliem, gentlemen. Dr. Ilurd'a Motü Wasu and Toorn Pow1Eb are the preparation 'm the world for CQ-rfog B-AD i:uK.Tuand givin,? firiiüiess and health to tl ? gums. Uuadrads uf oaseisof dlirémsed Bebodiso Gritfs, Pohb Movth, Cakefb, etc, been etired by Dr Iiuid".s itstdogent wah. Dr. IIujiu's Mnrin Wa-ii a#d T t&m 'mviMcn (flve al aclditiijiial cha r 111 to couri.hip, and make hu íbaods more agrec.ibie to tluúr wives and wives to their Iiuíb.nds. ïhey should ha used by every pt-iaou h&ving Artificial Te e til wliich spe lïub'et'J i m part a taíüt to the mouth. Dr. IJl'kd'ü Tooth acüc dhoi's cure Toothache ari-sing f rom expost? i non et, and are the best friend.s that parfcnts can have in the house to navetbeü' children from torturo un.l themsèlres from lom of sleep aud Bmpathetic sufferintr. K-'RMiOR-1 ind Mkciiami-s ! you cannot woll afford to aeglect yoor teeth, For a trifling buis, you can dow g'et pmefvattwfl thftn which Rothchild or Valor can gtt Bothing bettw, B'm(mber tbat DYSPÏTSIA and CON SÜMPl'ION OF THiS LÜNÖS often origiauto iu Neglect of Teeth. Send for tho Treatise on Teeth, and rcad Dr. Fitch's obsorvations on this subject. If too l;itc to arrest deeay in yuur ttwu. tt-eth, save our cliii. di'cn's teeth, NEURALGIA PLASTEES. Dr. Qurd's Neuralgia Non-AdbU' Plasterij are the uovt pleaaaai and succtssl'ul remdus ever prtsci-ibed for ihiri paiutul dieW, The pa-Umt applies oue, bimiu becuiiif.s druwsy , falla t nleep, and awaket free irum puin, ati.l nu blislcr or otht-r unploasimt or injurioua conse'[uencüs ensue. .Kor Ëaraehe and Ne] che, apidy aceord nj to dlreotíonfl,and relief will feurely fulId-.v. Notbivg can be obtained equal to Dr. lliu-d"s'("ompresü for Neuralgia, Xrjg them. They tic ontirely a novel, curious, andorigiaiiljuepíiíation, aqd wondi rt'ully Bucoessful. They are of two alzea, oae smal!, for tho flico, pnce 15 cents, and the othcr lare, fot apilicatiou to the body, price 37 oents. Will b e maïkd on rcceiL of price and one stamp. What are Ihc Pcoplc Doing ? The American people arelntellig&&t enougli to appreeiate prefaratíóno that contribute so mueh to the hap-1 Mueca uf thoee usingthem, and they want them, Kvery niiiil bringu ns letters, souie ordering the XivatUe on lecih, Mime the Neuralgia Planters, and nnt a few nClOjBÍDg87 cent for the Mouth Wash to v)e sent by mail ; hut to theso we are compoU&d to reply that i( is imposriible toseod a half plat bottle by mail. Tho pcopl.WUlt rfintvlii.-., . WHO WILL SUPrLY THEM ? Now ia tho CHANCE EOR AGENTS. Phrewd agents can malte a pinall fortuno in carrying these aiticles ;i round to famtHes. The Devtal Tiíkam - ry is the neateut article thal a man or womaa can carry around. tend tor one, or, better, a dosen, whióh wo vtilMlafl notjple, for $7 Agents suppiied libcrally with Circula.. i. Now ia the time to go luto Business ! to 'lo BOoftj and ninlio a profit. Ye : re ssefidiDg thoasanda for th bcóieflt of agenta. New l-.nlaud n;en or woim-n ! hcre Ia ftomething niee, and a chanco tu tajic thotide ut tt flood. Address Wrn. 3. Hurd 8l Oo,7 Tribupe Buildings, New York, Thnt remittancps maï lip Blftda wM3j cnnfiflcnco, W. II. II. S: Oei. r.lVr ti tbi Mayor cf Dronk l}'ti ; to (. v. (biffitu, Pruldat Firmen1 nnd Ciüzètis" Bank, Brooklyn ; to Joy, Col . i1,. . xvy york ; to P. T. RutHl, Ksq., New York, etc., ole. 341tr PoH wholwnlo nnl Retuil hy fi. J. I'EAPE, at GREH VIJ.Lfc FCLLEIl'd Drag f n, Ann Arbor Mirlv.


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