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1 j9lT 1 RISBOK & HENDEBSOFS :;ig32sm THE GENUINE W STEWi RT'S sa TT fr Tpf We wish to cail the attcnüonof the public to this oejebrated , COOKING STOVE! Whijh islhe onty perfect stove made. It U do rcore huilen witfc one tliird Iets ful than any othor STOVE made. From tmimony givcn by the pereuus refurred to below, on uccouut of xts üuiability aud Fuel gaving Qualities, U has pro7oj a saving frDia I Twelve To Twenty Dollars per year. We -njulj reer jou to tb . followiog list of ' PERSOyS WHO HAVE THEM IN USB Prof. Tappan Aan Arbor. I Johfl F. Sffll, Ann Arbo Pror.Wood, " J.üilberthiuitU ' Prof. Winchell, ' J.T Aul's 11 Prof. Deug au, " Juieph Watti - Ftlïh, t., ,, "i, ';, :irtin' " Mrs e.Lenton, " Ricb'd Hoopcr, ■ o. Hawkins, ' Hon.B.F Granger," c A.Clmpin. ' J . V Hayiiard, Clmrles ïl.a ver, " F. L. Stebbina, " Mmtapiati 3 "'';-."!'' " ■"'', A a ,Toa. t Mr,B.T.Wiüiaias,M AJverston Druif. ,-,V. " Jacob Polhemu. 8cijj, . Joseph W. Wood, " [ Mr. Feller, fcarop. 1 We have on lmnd a lnrge assortmont of '.h beet kinds of poofcipg, l'arlor aud PLATE S T O VES, and a general aasortment of ] HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, (ind Bent Btuff for Carringe wort. Particular s atteiHion jmid to fitting op Euvetrougli and . Conductora and all kinds of Job work dona , at the ShorU'8t ÏTol ice RISDON fc HEïiDERSOX ! Ann Arbor, 16C1. i . b Chicago Book TiaJe. ■ The l'lace to Buy School Boohs, WHOLESALE Book & Statiouery House S. C. GRIGGS k CO.' PVBHSH Sanders Progressive Readers, ; Newly Eleotrotypt d, with uewaiid original illustrutíom, j are themust buautíful as WQÜ u the beat books extant. ! I. Sanders' AlpbttUet Caxdê, 6 in a set, $ SQ IT. Saudiïr.-:' Prlmary Sch'l Charta, 8 on 4card, 1 50 III tiodora' Pth iy Book, - 13 IV. Sanders' New -peller and Dc-iiuer, ]j V. Sande.s' Anal of English Worcta, 50 VI. BftQder'S Pictorial Primer, (Ijound) 12 Y!l Sanders' Uei man and Kngliab I'rimer Q VJJI. aaders' rfew Fiist Reader 15 IX panders' fíew Seoond lïcader, JjÜ X. S.m-Krs'Xüw Titir.! Riiadar,. 40 XI. Stu !lts : N'ewFourth Reader 65 XII. Sandri Ne I itth leader, 76 ! XU. Sandfli-a' Ifigh-Schcol IVadei-, QH l XIV. Young Ladiu1 Reader, 83 i X. SLiink-i'ö' ciijlujol ipeaker,., ................. 1 00 XVI. SjwderV KIucutiuiKiry Chart, 8 03 Tiifsf; readen are dMmguIöhed for tlieir sï characttr and practical adaptatioptfl (ha youujf. Tlifv ]) tve been recetvfid witli uqpr-epedenlcd fiifqr, apd by uociasa lAore farorably tliau by Practical Toachera whu hi.rte4led ilit-ir n-.üiiia in ihe solrool room. Eobinsoa'3 Course of Mathematica. . UY HOKATIO N. K0BJK80N, LL. D. i tti Ffofessor ofMatbematias in tka ü. S. Nary. ! I. Robinsiiii'sProgrcstivcT 'riinary Arilliinciic, $ 13 II. Robmscn's Hi-ogrc.ive Inlelluctual Arith. 24 III. lvubiu'jn's liiuliuunts (.1 writtoñ Arith. S3 IV. Rulimsaii'd ProgresíÍTe Practical Arilh. 58 1 V. Kobib ■ u i.-y t') 1'racticLil Aritlimotic, S0 , VI. KobizuonV Pr'rgrpssivp iiiher Arithrnctic, 7ó Vil, ]'. j!V.ii-:j!i a K(j to Highêr Arithmetic, 75 VIII. Rojlin :ii(.'nt u-y Algebra, 7i IX. K b.n.ion's Key to Klfii.'.'nfary Aiebrm( 75 X. lïobinson's Unfveraity Algebra, 1 55 XI. EobindOB'e Key to LTtii ,l: ity A'tbra, 1 f o XII U.ib:.i ..;i;'s Geometry anti Triyuiionif tiv. 1 30 i Xül RoUnaou8 Önrrejiogund Navigutioh, 1 60 XIV Kjb.iiiüi Aualvtical Ueorrjctry aud Couic tions, 133 XV Rcbinson'w liiirorontial and Integral Calculus 1 0 Xyi Ruüiauon'd I . Btconiisy, 15 XVIi liobinsun's liuiversitj AntroDOlOy, 1 75 XV1I1 RoiHoson Mathematica] Operatiom, $ L5 XIX Rob.ivonc! Kcy lo Aiubra, Goometry, Sur[, fte., 1 S0 Formhuj a FL'IJ, MATUKMATICAL COFRSE, i-njbracinj Aritbnjetio and 'IVt JJooki in the Uighet Jiatho:i;itLs. Ier of research, facility and aptnesa oí illustratiiii aiti practical ussfulnoss, tbe author of thil lerieá isaurpaüfied'bjc ni niallmr.atical writer ia lti country. Thfs series ba btienreoomniegded bj thg juwüt imiiLfjiitiöiaus iu all teatfunsof the country. Gray's Scrieü of Botanies, s!x books. Hituhoock's School Anatoniy and Phyiology, $1. Ilitchcoók's Geology, one book. Weii's Grainmars, two book3 Well's Soicntifio Series, including Chomistry, Pbilosophy, oto. 'j'brcc books. Wüson's Series üt' Histories, üve books. Fasquelle's Frcncli Series, cigbt booka. Woodbury's Germán Series, seven books. Bryant & Straüoirs Series of Book-keeping, three books. ' Speneei-ian System of Penmanship. nina books. And Moy otlnr Valuablc Baakj. Wholesale Dealers and Retail Purchasers Will finí] at our store ovor F"ur Thousaiii (lirforent arl.icles ui' Stationcry, aiut Tnr.e Ilundred Thousauil Volumes uf books, fru.m wlueb to maku their Ecleclion, cumpiÏMii_' :.n assortniert uot riralud by any otlior book houst; ia the l'ni'i-d fcutes. S. C. GRIGGS & CO, Are Special Agenta for Messrs Harper & Brota Pubiicatiom. " D. Appktoii & Ou's M " Ticknor t Piel4'a " " Gould & Liuüolu's " " J. B. Lippiueott &, Oo's " And furnish all their B.'Oks at tratera prices for cih. fiote Pap&rs, Letter Papers, and Gap Par pers, Blank Books, Pass Books, And all kinls of STAT10XERY, at the lowost priow. SLAT1Ü3 by the üoz-nor case. „SU-anjers:! n.t travelera visiting Chicago w!U Bod it interestingto liogcr fo n aini.l tb iutermipabl piles of litcratuiv ui 39 and 41 Lako Street, S. C. GR J Gas & Co. Agenta Wanted. ïor all co.-lly ar. 1 .-iljlr Subscriptlon VCork, ur any n .:.: tteligion, r.itvrature, Science, or Art, S. C.lililUliS i: CO. rtKASB REUEMBEB That there is r.o bookstoro in this country keepinga bot ter or inore extensivo assortmeot thau ij alTuya foumi at S9 aud 41 Lako street. RKMK.MBKR. That Public or Private l.ibrariis can bo upplioj KltU 9 rit olats slamhn-,1 Wori.s bj S. C.G. .t Co. uihw botter t.ims cbaa io s.p.i , . ■ , ireipbt ft3t.V.' Til l.iirra: ■,■ and ProfeKsionft] rneü, ïsiflchor, Scholars tu U depari lenta of of the woria cf eitr, are itniitil to niakc ;) anl 41 I„ai'e street their placo of reáort in inumenlbol icisuie. S. C. GRIGGS f CO., Wholcsalo aml Hctail Booksellers aai Statioiirrs. :i ! ike Strwt, Ohicago. s. o. cmac.3 64gra3 m. i jassk.v. TOLEÍ ' TUK TV.! n hdst occupied by Olner Hawkiiis, !■■ l ., on l)L':ioit ítreet, Ana Arbor, posaessiau given the 1-t of Aütil. Alapsevera] Btoieii andfoomi iu Buchoz's Dlock to let togood l t at a vcry low reut, immodiat posses.iixja givep. iuquitoul' L. R. BUCHOZ. Aun Arbor, U, ui g, iei. 845tf Dissoluüon of Copartuership, rii ibip hrretofore cxiKting betpen the l un.'frsiKiicil. underthe name ot Wlufj ind Ktígt, isthiaday dissolved by mutual ooMient All ueioaa iicUibtydto the lato llrm are roques teil to nettle thxfiiae V. AT. TOte". J. W. K1GHT, Ann Arbor, March 1", 18fi?. P. Daniel Hiseocl whaned Ibe intereit of ,1. W. Knight in tlmnTocK ,,,■ [Joopsthe buMnau will b coDtinued bj W. W V,' n ■ and Iauiel■ i.r tbo name of .s: CO. S15w4 Oval Picture Frames ATI. SIÏBS, STYl ES aud PWCES ju reetivM -mi forsai cbra] KOROFF & MILLER'S. líW.Tfe,, raoy


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