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Commi&sioners Noticc. STATE OF HTCBIGAN, County of Waihtenaw, ss The n in'.i-rittc.', ha ving been appoiutetl by tlio l'robatfl i 'i i: t. tur suiil Couutj] ConnDLBslonen to receive, exaxnlm ' ■ 'I claims and detnands of all por i supii ag i !■ of Oatbarine Fitzgerald, luto of Hu ■ '; '-,: i ,- iii of X(nthfip]d,tn said County, leceased, ; heioit', ., tslx monthfl frotn date, nre, by order oi the said Probate Coart, allowed for creditora to present thelr claims against aaid cïeceased, and that tlnv will meet at the rondeace of the undersigned, John Ryan.fn tlie township of NortMield, ín eaMxounty i, nu gaturdav, the fourteeuth day of June, and M ondaj tho Ofteenth ;lay of September next, at one ocl ■■!. i'. ftf., of èftcb day to receive, examine and ad - jast sald olainu . JOHN RYAX ) n MORRIS O 'CÓNWOB, }tmmisSioners. DateiljMarchU, 1 . 844 w4 Real Entate for Sale. STVTK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasíitexaw, ss;- Iq tho matter of the Batato of Patríele Ilban,of the County of Wwhtenawlntheötateof ilfchlgan, Deceaaed. NotiCfl is h r.-l.y given, Tliat in pursuance oi an order graateil ko the ma lerifgwd, Kxecator,of the Estáte of said deceajed. by U: Hou Judge of Probate for the County of Wasnfonaw, on the twnty-ïghth day of March A. ]). 1 iiM, tiu-re will bo koïiI at public vendue, to tfie lnyliost bidder, at tlie êouth door of the Court House ba tbs City of Ann Arbor ia the County of Washteoaw in Baid State, mi tfeturdaj tbe thirty-first day of M:iyA. I'. lrf 12, at ono o'clock in the af tentoon of that :yr (subject to all uneurabrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at tho time of the death of said : ) tbe following descríbod Kai Kstate to vit: Bituated In the Tow nship of Northfield, in the t'ounty of V,iMitotnv and Beate of Michigan, all that cctÈaiu pïfce or parcel of land known and designated as the N'orth-west quarter of the South-E:ist qunrter of Section tbree in township one South of Range Six East, coutaiuing forty acres, be the same more ■ leu. l'ATKKJK WALL, Kxecutor. Dated, March 2?th,lSC2. 846td. A Jl S-t JlV 3 5] CATHARTIO 'WeB Aro ?ou Bick' feel)l0) an(l L_- -.P gMBHl complaining? Ave j'ououtol sSIf&TïjÊPk order, witli your eystem ilorETTmwM ranged, and jour feelinge un: c L conifurtable ? These sympjfl1lLVVAUK)p HP tonis are often tho prelude to $ % '■■ y F y&t serious lUness. Somo fit of P mB. ju!?'.P R eickuess is cieepiug upon you, yyteSsWwi ant' K'l0U e avetted by a k. "í- U ti'wely "so of tho riglit rem. ''fti SsssF ct-v ■'' A vt "s l'ills, noJ ""Ssw'VBB f cleanse out the disordered hu1 G U +3"ó%ifc'' B 1 mors - purify the blood, aml ih ''IrbÍ 'l ' '10 fiutöto moto on unob f tf.' K" f-yfh Btructcd in liealtt) agalD. HHK 'ill(l-v slmul!lt0 tlie functioim :'L. #. . HHB l'ie 0LVv 'nl vigorous ac; gjjBBWslfc tivity, purit'y the Kybtctu from ■ - - - " tho obstructions v. hich iiiako disenso. A cold settis somcwliere lo Ule body, and obtr;iit.-i Us natuinl tunctious. Theso, if not ' relieved, reocÉ upua tbemaelrea nnl tho etirronuding organs, pioduAng goneral aggtanQodi siiiïering, and diseaeo. .Vliilü in thifl ondition, oppressod by thy deiangement8J tako Ayef's Pilla, and see how tlirectly they reatoro tlio natural oofelon of tho systcm. and fflUi it tho buoyant foellng of health ag.-iio. What iw toie nuil so apparent in this trivial and cominon coinplaiut, is also tiuo in many of tho dep-seatcd and dangerous dis tenders. Tho samo purgattve effect expela tin-ui. Caused ly similar Obfituctions and derangoments of tho uatm;tl functions of tho body, they are rapldlr, and many of them Binely, cureil by tho samo ineans. None whoknow the flrnies of tïieso Til Is, will begleot to eniploy lliuin whün kuffviiug ft'om the diaorjdórs they cure. Statem&tl ftom lendintf phyfiici.ins m bohío of the priudpal citics, aud froui ulaer wdl küowu public persons. IVom a Fonvardivg Hkrcïiant ffSt. Louis, $kl. 4, 1856. Dn. AtLit: Yonr V'ïUh oio tho jiarngon of all that is gt'Aat Ia moclicint. Tlioy havo CUred uiy littlo duughter of ulcerons sores upon llflr IiandS and fee t that had provcJ incurabïo foi' yí-ars. lier ïitottior has been long grievously afllioted wlth tl'i ïhw and iiinipleson her skin aud in ber halr. Aftor our chiM m cured, sho also tried vuur Filis, aud they have cured hur. ASA SIORORIDGE. As a Family Wysic. JVom J)i E. IV. Curtwrighl, JS'ew Oleans, Your Pilis aro the princo of ptirges. Thcir excellent quiHitles surpass any eathartfa we pot-sess. They aro ïiïild, but very ceitaiu mui e(T.-ctnal iu their action on the ! how fia, whu-h ui:tkc3 them invuluublu to lts ia tho tlaily tiv;itmcut of disenso. IXcadaclieSicI.IIen1acli.efFoul Stomntli. Drom Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. I)Ritlïno. A ver: Icannnt answer you what comphiinta I h;we cureJ witíi yonr l'ills botter than to gajQÜUiatw ; ever trtat with apimadve medicine 1 ncc gieat depen! denco on nu i'tlVctiKil catlmrtic in my dAfl ƒ contesl Wlth dise;t30, nnd [mlieviog na I ilo that yonr I'ills aübrd us th iest we have, I of course valuc thera Jjighly. TiTTsnunii. Pa., Jíay 1, 1S55. Dn. .7. C. Atf.ti. Sir: T liave been repeatedly cured of the worst hradacfie auy body eau Uwe ly a'riose or two of your Pilis-. It seeias to atiau from a foul stomacb, wbicb tlioy deanso ii ooc ■. Youis with great tesiiect, ET. W. PRriïLE, Clerl: af Sttamtr Clarion. Bilious Dïsonlcrs - Tiïvtr Complaints Fvni Dr. Tftfodorc Bdt, of New l'orfc Cdy. Not only aro yonr Pilla ml mi rubí y adaftad to their purpose nu an aneriont, hut I find their ben&flcml ofíbctsitpOD the Liververy maikeil Indeed. They havo in my prac tico pEQved more offectual for tbo euro of biltous compUtiiüt than any ono rcniedy I can meutioii. I.sincerely rtjoice tliut we havo at lenglli a purgativo whieb ia wor thy tlio coufiUeuce of the professton and the Qpple. Department op the ÏXTEnion, "Washington, I). C, Vth 1-eb-, ISöO. ƒ 8in: I havo uaeil your j'iüs In my general anü hospital practico over si neo yon inadu luein, and cannutlifsilate to aay they are tbe best BaUwrtio we employ. Their regu(atlug aetlou on tho liver is quiek and Uceided, cousoqucntly thoy aio an admirable ïeincily for deraugements of tliat organ. Imlued, I havo sehluin fonnd a caso of bilioits discase so obflUnate that it did not readily yield to tbeiu. liatcntally yoors, ALONZO 1ÏALL, M. D., l'itsictun oj' ite Marine Ilosjyital Dyscntery, DInrvUocn, Relax, AVorms, Fmiii D: J. O'. Qften, of Chicago. Tour 1'ÜIh havo luid n long trial in in y practico, and I Iiold theui in esteom as ono of tho best nerleutfl 1 havo ever Eooïtd. Xholr alterntivo elïect upon the liver jnakea them ;uj excelUnt remedy, wheu giren in small doses for Lilious ilyscutery and diarrheea. Their engar-coatlug ïiuikos tJu-ni very accepUiblo ni.d couwuienL llr tho use of woiueu aud childien. Dyspcpsin, Tmpurity of Oio Blood. Iñrom i:tc. J. K. líima, l'uslor of Advent ChurcJt, Boston. Diï. Ayi;ii: I bareneed your Pilis with extiaordinary Ém-vi-.js iu my family and among thoso I mn called tovlsit in distrcfíS. To ii-gnlato tho organs of digestión and purify tho hlood, they are tho vt?ry best reuiedy I havo over known, aud I eau coufulently reconnnend them to my frienís. Yours, J. V. IHMlïS.' WAWUW, TVj'oming Co.t N. Y., Oct. 24, 1H55. Dbau Siiï : I am uslng your Catbarlk l'illa In niy practico, uud fiinl thein an excellent purfralïvo to cleauso tbe systeiu and ufiáf Ihc fmottaittt }' tm blom!. juiin O. mi;aciiam,m. i. Coiïs ii)nt !oii,C'rtsíl venes , Siipprsiiii, Iilie uiiïii 1 1 nu. (ott, Xeuralgin lropy, Pm-nlysiü, Fitd, etc, From Dr. J. 2'. Vaeyhn, Jlontreal, diñada. Too imieli cannut bo said of yonr Pilis for tho cure of costivencss. If otbers of our fraternity havo fouij'1 thiu as eflicacious na I have, thfy sbouid juin me in proclaimIngitfbr the benelitof tho multitudes who suilVr from that complaint, wlilch, although bad cnougb In ltself, ís tho progenitor of otlicrs that ave worse. I believo eoitivenesi to origínate in the livor, but your Pilis affect tbat organ and euro the tUsesse. From SIrs, E. Sltiart, P!ojsician and Vidteife, Boston I fiod ono or two largo doses of your Pilis, taken at iho proper time, are exteoilenl promottves of the natural secreUon wheu wholly or partrally Bnppressed, and also very effectual to dcanse tho Umiach and exjtel wonns. Thi-y are eo much tho bust physic vo havo that I recoimueud lio other to my paUents From the. Hev. Dr. Ifaiu7:cs, of Uit ktkodial E)is. Church, PO&AflU DOOBB, Savannah, Ga.. Jan. 6, 185C. IIonoiïed Sir: I should be ungiatcful for the relief yonr ekill has broujht mo if I did not report my case to you, A col'í Stelled in my linibs and brou;ht on oxcrurinting netiralfjic ptu'its, whtch endcd in chrottierheuMOr li&m. Notwithstaniiing I luid tho best of physidiins, tho diöease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent agent in Jïaltimore, Dr. Mnckenzie, I tried your Pilis. Their offects were sbw, but sure. I!y perseveriug In tho uso of them, I am DOW eutirnty veil. SrsATE OiiAMiinn, lïaton liowge, La., 5 Dea 1H5. Dn. Ayeu : I have been entireiy cured, by your l'ills, of Xheumatic Gout- a paiufut dlsease thnt'had uflUctvd tne for years. VHÍOBNT! SLIÜIÍLL. 4 nst of tho Pilla in mnrket contaln Mercury, which, although a Taluable rcmeily in skllful bands, ii dangorous in a public pill, from the dreadful I quences that ñrequeotly follow its incautious use. Thoso contain no üiercury or mtnersJ eubstanco whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepartd l? Dr. J. C. AYJ5B & CO., Loirell, Wass. Au 1 foj ule hy Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson, FABBAND, SIIKl.fcV A CO., Detroit SOÖyl J II. HOïIilLL, Travelling Agent. SECOND WINTER STOCK! D. L. WOOD & CO., i IIAVK JUST OPENED A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the FALL dr WINTER Tride, Having ])urchased their stock at much less than the usual pi-iccs, thty are prepared to ofler GREAT INDUCEMEKTS To Cash & lïeady Pay Buyers. Thankful for past favor 'they will be ever ready to show their Goods and by fair nnd liberal dealing hope to reoeive their full share of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann Arbor Dec. 1SG1. Oval Picture Frames AI.I.SIZE.?, STVLKS ud PRICES just receivcd and fursale clicapat "CHOFF & MILLEE'S. 18C0.nie.25, 78otf


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