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Profane Swearing

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Tlifii'ö is anotber class vvlio commit this siu deltbcratcly, csteeming it a mark of bolJnoss and other maniy qualitics of which thcy are uadly deficiënt by nature. It ma y seein si rango that any persou should placo such a fake estímate upon t lic nobiliiy of uiaiiliood. Uut DOtwitUstanding, sj it is; and tlie reason of this is obviously bccause of a false impressiou as to the nature of these qualities tliemselves. ïhey havo not enoug!) of manhood ibout thom physioally, nicntally, or tnorally, to know iiow tliese noble qualitiesshould develop Ihemsclvcs, and tliey seize upon this, beoauSe it dues present at least oue human quality, viz, human depravity, and that U all. I can easily form the image of one of these smal] specimens of humaaity in my own mind, and perhapa I can describe hini so tliat you will recognizo hiin whoa you meet him. He gcaeraUy wpars very long greasv háir, soraetunés sllghtly iwisted at the end, suggesting the idea of a curl. The little down that nature has sprinklêd very Bpañngly tjpon his upper lip he has oaaxed and twisted, and pfastered with varióos oleagiiious cornpounds, until it really has some remote rcsemblaiice to a ïuoustache. He stands before the glass longer than it takes a young lady to make her toilet, and he will bvusli it one way aud then the other way, in the vain hope of giving it an upward cari at the end. Then he will draw himself up, kuit his brow, and imagine that he looka fierce like a Spanish brigand ; or foreign, like an cxiled Ilungarian. When all this is oompleted he will tako a little cano and put on his little hat and sauuter forth to stare young ladies out of countenanee, or with the more cruel inicut of dainaging thoir heartá. Listen fora moment to his [angijage, and v!:at do you Lear? Wliy, jast what you uiíght expeot. ImprecatioüS upon his own soul and the souls of others. If lie attempts such a thtng as convsrsation, the only rcmarkable thinar about it is its extreme silliness and ts shocking impiety. Did you evor meet this young gentleman in any of your travels? I havo encountored him it) every railroad car, in evcry gtêamboat, at fivery hotel, and I givo yon his descrip tioa as a fair speoimen of the class who swear deliberately an4 wilfully without tho preseuco of passion or emotion, msrely as an evidence of manhood. Young ladies, when you meet hiin, giro lnm a wide berth, as tho saüors say, for he is the most daugerous animal uncaged.


Old News
Michigan Argus