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Death Of Major Arn

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Ainong tlioso who feil !n the luto bittlc at Pittsburg Landing, was Major Fhkd Akn, 3 Ist Indiana Volunteers, formerly a student of tho Univcrsity of Michigan, who gruduated in the elass of 18(j1. Maj. Arn was a native of Switzerland, but ca me to America with bis paronts in his boyhood, and carly learned to lovo and aprecíate our institutions - T 11 1 S.j7 heentered tlie. tho Sciontifio department of tho üniversity where ho iinmediately placed himsclf among tho very first of liis das.--, a position wliich he fully retaiued through liis college lifc. His habita of siwdy were the most thorouglif and his lovc and proficiency for tho mathematica was such that the degree of Civil Engiueer was conferred upon hini in nddition to the ordinary degreo of Baohol or of Science. His quict habit cf miad, his modcsly of domeanor, and his warm heart, made him a favorito with his fellow students, and secured for him their warmest regards, and the respect of all his instructors. Iutlicorganizationof a Military JJattalion at the University he was among the foremost and most efficiënt. His anxicty for the immcdiate BUOOess of our arms was such that lic could hardly bo indueed to postpoue entering upon active service until after Comnienecment. Soon after returning to his home at Mo-.iUüuma, Indiana, ho ontered the 31st Indiana as Captain, and in a short timo was promoted to the position of Major Tliis was his rank at the battle of FortDonelS', although his superior offieers bcin absent, he was in coramand of tho reei ment. They were in the hottest of tho fight, Maj. Aux showed hinisclf a cool and efficiënt officer and a bravo soldier. At Pittsburg Landing his men were subjected to a terrific firefroni the enemy, and had thrown themselves proslrate that they inight load and fire with great. er efficiency and security. But for the encouragement of his men Major Ak deemed it best. not to dismount, and rjallantly rode along the linea ohsertog o:i bis brave cnmrades. Whilst, in tliis act, carly on Sunday ojorning, lic was struck in the body by a minie buil, and feil from his horse. By his men he was placed in an ambulance and couvej'ed to onc of the boats, where he lived about thirty hoors. Tlius the Univcrsity has lost or.e of her noblest sous, and tho weight of sorrow feit by all his tViends at the University is only relieved by the thought that bc died so bravely in si noble a cause. At a meeting of the Students the follcwing preamblo and resoluttons were pasg'cd, as an expression of their esteem for the dooeased and sorrow for his dcath : Wih;:;kas, It liath plenscd an AllWisa Providence to reniovo by deatli our former colioge-mate and fiiend, Maj. FltEEEltio Ar.N, Sist Indiana Volunteers, theroforo R leed, That in his early death the nation Las lost a brave officer and an earnest patriot, that tlie University of Michigan is Oaljed la mourn the death of an honorod and beloved gradúate, and one whose high moral stintiniunts, wlioso eoergy of eharaoter and whose attainments as a scholar gave promiso of tlio highest SUC00S3 whethor in civil or military lifo. Resolved, That in his brave conduct upon the late field of battle, wo have ouly au examplc of that manly oharaoter which made him oie of tbc 'fir.-.t acholara of his class, one. of the most encrgetic and thorough in his preparation for tho conüict, one of the first to olfcr his serviues toliis country, among the bravear in the battle at Fort Bonelson, nnd among tho lirst to fall at l'ittsburg Landing. liesoked, That whilo wo decply sorrow that our country is deprived of so valaaable a lif'e, and that wo aro called to mourn for one so endeared to U8 by every social tie, we will humbly bow to the decree of l'rovidence, and be thankful that his life was poured out in so glorious a cause, and in a manner so worthy of his horoic and manly nature. Hesolccd, That wc will wear, in testimony of our decp sorrow, a badgo of moucning for the space of ten days. llssoved, That as sufferers with them we tender our heartfolt sympatliics to thé párente and relativos of the deccascd in tb Í8 tlieir great nffliction, and that :i copy of these rcaolutions bo transmitted to tlicm, as i tcstiuiony of our unitod sorrow for tho death of une whom wo had all learned to lovo and esieom. JST VVe think think that the distinguished rebel Generáis now rusticating ! in Detroit ought to be put in close confinement, on plain rations, u;itil Col. Wiu.cox is released. No more favors should be shown to rebel prisoners until every offiocr taken at liull Run is oxchangcd. B" Report says that SamvkC B. Ton, brother of Mrs. President LlNCOLtí, was killed at the battle of Shiloli, on the Ttli. Mrs. I. bas other brothers D the rebel service. L=L Th lOth Regiment, Col. Lum, and tbc 1-Hh, Col. Sixcr.Aiii, had arrived at Pittsburg Landing, at tho latcst dates, and reportcd for duty. Tlie llth had been assigeed to tho división of Gen Pope. J2L" We regret to lenrn thnt a youag.eon of Cii.m;ncky Joslik, Eeq., ofYpsilanti, was shot in tho thigi) on Mondiiy Innt, by tho accidental ólachargo of a ;;un. - Since tho above was in type, we loarn tbat tho boy dietl yesterdny mor. ning, having snrvived otnputation of the limb but a few hoiire, Ho was itbout I ■ yoarf. 'fj r' TJio siegc of is progressing, with now and then a skirmisb, and in duo time tlic wliole rebel on the península will be b.igged, unlcss it runs, AsOènorala Banks and MuDowell advanee totvaríjs Riehmond ifs avenues of escape are bcing c-lcsod. ïlic " anaconda " tiglitsaa liis folds. ZST Ffoni Pos &i Hitcbcock o Iüivo tbc May nurr.ber of the Ladies' Rcpository It lias fwo superb plateei " I'o:ico-Buii:l] óf Wilkie," nn.l " Tho Muid f ?iirag083a." Aíi alwnys, tho contenta urè gooil. S2 a year.. 53P l)r. Lewítt lt.-lt for Pittsburg Landing on MoDday evoning last, uiider thu iiusptcea oí the officerq of the Sanitary Gornmission at Chicago. - This showa tb at tvork for Surgeons was expectüd. JJjj" Ci.mmodoro Foote's gunbont fljt'illa is still beior'e Fort Wkigut, and keeps up tlie bomlmrdment. Tho Fort is reptovtod defended by 8000 ! men under Gen. 'lLLIPIo'u. - Ti:o cooperating land forcea of Gen. Pope have boen wi'.lidrawn, and aro now with General IIallkck before Corinth.


Old News
Michigan Argus