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ZH i 3 lï-i Pi 1 i os n 3 G M ■ L t 0) S L Pi es h 2 B 8s:h g 3 1 1 IJ 9 i □d 2 U _ 4 3 fu iel ;j 4j EJ .o ij _ _ es , g ;; h S ! os 1 f B I L i If., h L2 SI1-! SAMBÜCI WTNE, icr.F, axd four tears oi.n, Of Choire Opor'o jp'ruït, FOT! PHYSIClASí' OíE, FOIÍ FEMALES, WEAKLY PERSONS & TNVALIDS Kvcry fim:iy, a1 thïn scttRon, should uso the ? IHBUCI WIKK, f'elebrntri] in Europe for its medicinal nnfi hrnoflnal oBAlitie asn gentle ytiroulant, Tonlc. liixirttic and u tlfr'Fic, liijrlily esteemed by ( mtnent phyBicJfiTip, used in Kuropfan and Amciican Ilospiial?, and by som e of the iii'st families of Euru] e and Adh AS a to::jc, It L.1R nn rqual. causïn? rn :i j -et Ho and building DJ of t ii" -■,■-'■ :n Utíing entirt'ïy a pure wisfi of u mot valuable fiult. as a nrr . , It imparts a healthy actíon to íhe Glanda rinií lCidDjs, aiHl Crinary Organt, ■■. ■ tl in Propsy, (Juut, and EU'? WIXK Is Dot n misture ornaanufactared orttclc, but ís purt, froin the juicc of the Portugal Kambucun, cuttivated in KewtTseyirecommended b] l , ■■i!ic:i 1 ] r ] ei ! t - ; iperioT to anv other ne In use, and au excellent art iele for :i!l woak and dfbiiitiiiftl pfrsot!B, and the agrd and ioflrm, huproviiu the app'-'titc, an La 11 ïs lüd chiUruD. A LADII'S WIN'F, üpcnupp it rfH not Intmeicata Ra otber virr, a it contains nf) iriWture of snirus or üquors, and is admirei fritsrich, peculiar Batov, and Qutritiye pr impariinjr a licnlíiiy tone to the digestivo oriins, and blooming, soft and healthy skin and complexión. WE BETER TO A few well kiK)WD gentlemen aniphysloians, who have tried toe Wine:- Gen. Win9eldPoott, Ü.SrÁ'. Pr. WiUnn. llrh s .. N. Y. ( ï . v . Morgan, N'.V. State Dr. Ward, Newark, N'. J. Dr. J.K. Chilton.N. V.City. Ür. I ' " D.Parker.N Y. City. Pr. Parish, Pbiladelplúa ürs. Darcy and Xicbo'l, Vwaih, N. J And mnny fitnerfl lio numnus to pu1.i!ï:-h. 49Noae genafne orIms Iht signatare of "AIJPRED 31 LLI1, l'as.-aic, N. J.,:' ie over the corkof eacli#btilc JBMAKK OXE TRIAL Of THIS W1NK, Fnr Kale by Mnynnrd, Stcbblns Si "Wilson, Ann Arbor. A. SPEER, Proprietor. VINFVAKi). Psm&c, Xewjersoy OFflCË, 308 Broadway,N. V. JOHNLAFOV, Paia, 831m9 Agent lor Franco and (.ormany. C BIiïSS Ib now receiv'ng a large and Well EelfCted assortment of Ciccks9 Watchcs, J EWE LH Y, Silvcr and Plated Ware, TABLE AND POCKF.T Z2 "BLJ TSC 3C- -53 Iltt. TBT RAZORS asd SHEAR3, GOLD PEISTS, Musical Instruments, Slring Sf Boolcs for Insntnctifs, SHEET MUSIC, COMBS. and a giont varictj of YANKEE KTOXIOKTS, SzO. fie ivcuid cali particular attentibu to hlo lar of SPBC"ï1A.OXji3S3, of Goh!, i.Vcci-, Steel, and Plalcd, tcilh PERISCOPE GLASS, a ittperlo p rticlo. Al-:o {IiiatiiigtOB & Pïtt'fl ccIü'j; ated CALENDAR CLOCK! lattuble Tor Oilui-, Couuting Rooms, Hall These ttocka in1 peliahte time keeper nnd C 1 the H'itiliti)í uf tlii time moveM ti '.:■■ ■ ftt ,t-i;'l ui;:lir. showing the day of ili" week the monti .-■ of the nvmtli. inctmliu t le : 9' U of ] yêar. ll ■ ■-■ i i inostlj tf recent purehase fi'om New Y'il and the mynutnctnrerf, and wil] ■■ sait the times. Persona liavjog ■. wltli g!a?scs can beo is my Btocb ia largo ;un' complete, P. S. Particular attontioa to tlm of all kiDda of line Witches, such ai Making and Settiftg new Jpwels, Flnions, SiiijT, and CyUnibrë, AIsq CLOCKS, Sc JEWBLEY npatly realred and wwrairled, ut liig tdd Btaodeaat sde of Jlain Street. C. BLISS. Ann Arlior, N'ov. 15, 18C1 R6t( WASHTENAW MUTUAL FT1ÍE INSURANCE COMPANY'iiIII'riTi-t.irv rWbe at fionk'n llie City .f J Ann Arbor, on Tlmi sd;i v of o;t!i woelt, nut il fufther n.iti i, naAj to receive now m i H. KLX.VV, Pecretírr'. Oetoberad, 18fil. 824tf . Ayer's Clieny Pectoral l The Latest Special Dispatch To tüe cltizens of Ann Arbor and Viciaity ! ! INTENSE EXCITEMENT! Hundreds the progresa of Daily Events l. l Tho Federal Army ngain Victoriosa! 'The Union must and shall be Preserved !" " There was a man in our toum, He was so wondrous wise" But with all his wis. lom, lie waR not o wise as thut ''other man," who wkea ho wanted to buy the The cTieapest and lest CLOTHINC! in this marhet always jumpedinto O TJ ITERMAN' & HEAD QUARTEBS! For there he ltncw he alwnya got hl money'-s wort,h. St-eing is believing and yju that wisli to see come in and belier, T liosa thot can't ,,8ee can feel, ftnd as we nlways mnks our enstomera feel good over good bnrguins, tliey ure especially mvited to our anxious sent.tlint thej too moy realjze bow "good it. is for thoni to be witii us," and how niucli ple.isure enn be obtained in the enjoyment c( SPLEUDID BARGAINS ! " me all ye that are vrcary (inj henvy la den" - with RofKS and we will do our best to relisve vou - giving you in reiurn the Jinesl kind of (rvdf ai the lowestfigv-rei, l.fittles are hourly taking place in tlio Clot hing line - win Ie regimenti of Jassimeres, ■ csiini'S. Ac, are being slaught"rej bv Gen, SoxniiF-iii - fo fit the rush of reornitl that. are ppuring in from every dlreetion, nll :inxioua to havo tlieir nanita enrollad for a NE AT AND TAS TT 8 UIT - ïueh as oan cnly be had nt the ITead-Quarters ff Guiterman & Co, Oneofthe firm, TIr. M Gi;itermas, haring just. returr.ed from Kurope witji a largo assortraent of Cloths, Casimr and a mee lot of fine Vestings. Uso n few öieoea of fine Beaver for overcoats whkh we wifl make up to oracv in the l'itet ityle, we feel confident thst we can eatisfy all. STXT-DElNTTS 1 "We are happy to reet. you agahl in our City.nfter pending your Tacat ion with th " doar c!d folk' at home. Be nisared we wisli you a pleasant term, nnd shull ever be glad to me;t you at the Old Head-Qunrtti's, No. 5. KT Our formor C!i3tomnrs, we fecl assured, will eall on us ngain To you who con:e as strangera we nouKl ay a few words. we wish you to cnll nnd look nt our fi::e'Coftts, I'ants, and Vestg wc can do better by you thnn any other h .use in ihe City, and if yi.u cali and examine -our goocls.and try their fits, yuu will purchiise nowhere eUe. DON'T FAIL TO CAiL j&.rn cfr. ïa:. e?, DR HOüFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL, Tor the speoiJy of Gouglii, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Iloarseness, Bronchitis. Pneumonía, Diseases óf thé BoW' els, arixing from Cold, Jncipient Consumptwn,andfor the relief and if at atlposHible) cur$ o PatienU in adcanced stages of tLt latter discasf, rpHE B&lsamtc Cordjal is cxitiit-ty a Vegetable prortucsjini, with tbe invlgorfttmg qiIities of a Cordial, protlucinga eombraat on bo wll Rdapttd t(( tlie purjoses ifitendd, that there are but few cases ví dispuse which will not, fit ;in c;irly penodj succumb tü lts hcaling aud Ufe giving prnpürtit-s. For ages, has the tre.iimrnt of pulmonary diseases ■ the greater portion of the attent ion ol tht scieniilic of the medical worM, but urne acquireO mfre eipinence in hi.streatment aoï these distases, than tij e celébrate'! l'rusiau. Dr. Houflanil, Ihe urignatni ol uie Balsfioiio Cordial. Stis)lfewas devoted to the production of remrdies tbat Would stand unrivallod. How wel] lie has ucceeded, the Airjerio&n peopleare able to judgci and we positirelv assert, thut do pre pa rationa that have ver been p!;iGd b -loro tUom, bavt conferred thpsame amounl of beneöts oo suffifrtng hamanny, ov hm t-licittd so commeadationn Irom jiII elaasu of society . aa therpaiodiea of Ir. HooQund. nrpared bv Dr, C. tt.Jafkson .V Co-, of Pfaftadelph. The Cordial ii dAttigoed tor a el:u.s of dlstkMM more general and moic fatal than any pthej tu wliich the people of tliia country ure uiyect- thofe springing Prom i ''slht cold." Tbat eminent autlioiity. Dr, Bell,R&yf!: "I wtll nots&y tht Colas are to oor inhabiiiinis what thf PlogMë nnd Y-Hüw Frer ure To thDM of other countries but lean aver confldcntly tbat they uther in diseape of grwttsr {oompUclty and mortality tliaa these latter." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcóliolic lreparalion. DPt. Il H)FLAND'S CKJ.EniiATLD GSEMAN BITTSHS Prtpared by DP.. C. li, JACKBÖN ft CO., Philadt'lpbia, Pi. Will sVoetually cure UVEK COMPLAIN'T, DYSTEFSIA, JAÜNiK'E,Chfonic or Nöivous J'chility, JLisEses of the Kiilnevs, and all diseases arirang hom a êisordered l,ivf er Stomacli. 3uch a.s Coostipationtlnward Piles, Julnesa Dr ÏMood to the Heat", AcMily (i' tie Stomach, X;ü;ua, Uaart tuirii, lisgur,t íor Food, Kul. .; tnthe Si m iv qr Flut-tering-at tho Pit oí' the Stoniach, KwijpmiDg of the llead, ffurrled and Dtfflcult Bivthipg Klnttering at the Heart, Choklng or Sulfocating Bepbati'ffxs whon in a lylog posture, lüm ncss ol Vtwop, JiuLs ol ivcbs Inkort; tht sight, I'Yvf.r and Dull Pain itilhu Eiead, Dettoiaocy of PeVpfatioh, Yelléwnesfl of the Skin and Eyeii, l'ain in the Si Ie, Back Cpest, Limb, ! . Plushes of Heat, Burniogfn Ui1 'Flesh, Constant imaLJQings of eyil, and great uo: sof SpTüita, and wiU positively prevent YKLLOW FFXV.R, BÏLLIÏÏO9 ïtVJ B,&ö. fha 1 rr-prie1' r in oftUing al '.ent Ion of the public to tbii preparatiOD, d i oönfldencein itsrfrtues an adaDtation lo tiie diaeama tor which il i.s reóor.:: ■ It ík Dom w aod. nntrii'd artioTe, hv.t on that has rlood tin.' test of a twelre wtra' trial bcfore the Amer(n people,and ts reputation and unie are unrivalled r i'cp:1 rationa extant. The tpstimonj I r miucnt a;td well-known nd indi i:il!)H.-lif-(', lul ;i Cat 1 1! 1 (KTk:: : I ol 1 ltJ A !))';. ;;i .- . pub tishedannaatlr by the, roprietors, and tQ bha , f nny ol t!w ■■■ fíflcm i, c i rvaM vat witi i ; rcally deserviug tho grout ooiebrit y it hs ■ ' aii ■ ! T rom JSewion Broten ï. ). . L?ir ift?w Encydcpcdia of Religie u A (intclêttge. AHfavngh ncHtepoacd to favrror toommo(1 ratont through Atêi ru-t ni i he . v ei do nnfflcïi . ' tehtify. totbi liimfíeií to have recfivcl trom any k!mpt preparatton, in the al h" may thU5 ctmVributU to the bn ■ 1 dn tiiis tho moro roadily in rO(fafl t1 t(iroo0nd'fl Gertaaa Bti terr ." prparec! by Dr i, ni tliis city, beca r v i btntjt 1 hem Pfr yp.irfj undér tkfl imi ■ ■ Iv bh aj holiq mixturo. 1 am Ir.-; , i .}ioemaker, Esfl.,for tlieroffi áral (tí tftta pr judie by proper i.i. and for ei 'tij try them, whcn suIUtiqg from L-f'U and lo i y, 'l'ho us of tles of Ihose fiitters, aí the bèginqing of the yar, woHfpJlowu j pvidpt relief, md" rf#to ratlnri ton d screei fhotiny and mental vigociyiic ■ ' . r,and had )nvUl ■' nt regn,iniDg. ï therel thánk God nndmv friend for ■ the u eol thera. J.NbVi-iA' BKOWN Rea3 wlwil t'.i3 imineai GlaM .MannTücfuror, JOHN H. vyHItAi.1, saj-i of II B.XLÖAMIC ruimiAL. DR. C M -1 ■ CKnv - Ro'-jiis-.h-d I-Vii-tvï: Ila-'nr .i Inns liipc fcirtib1? bï (hj : v Famic Conifal m Cou hs, CoMs, fnnamónnon of tho I'Qiigs, c. I tliu1 frfely benr test ivn t" ■ [''orMveralyearn t hAve nevor been witnout it tn rviv fajnüy Tr alnogiveg mr bien. sujo to stto that 1 have uscd tt withenti ■ tn.: tseáttoH i:-.. 'I ii tVifcUd trulv. 1 fIN M. WIJÏTAU. Fïfth Mo, tf, 95% IhicciPtre&t,nhve -ilh, I'liila. Tlicsr medicino are fr fI ty aH i-e.ipnctab! llr-ie Rilt" :'!i 1 '!c:ilcrs in mefVeinep i[i lh,P l'ni'rii Stnttw, Rn( iih CrovtnciM, and W Pt ïmli , :i ' ■ ■ ■ iIm' ETonuiníi, itli ]■ s'jrnnfcdrp ' : M .Ia'ívscv'hi td" ivrnpjm ol e.icli hoitle: Z ■"..'f--r ,r. . ■' !V ncipafOffifré ui : v .■ : 'v v , .. . . . íof] In;,, r.i. Chicago Book Tiadc, The .'lace to Buy ScJiool Book. WHOLESALE Iiook & Stationevy House. S. C. GR1GGS & CO. PUBI.ISH Sanders Progressive Readers, ped.withnewawi original illustratiom, aro tlit in'Mt beautiful u veil ü.s the best boots extant. I. iiníer' Alphabot Cutis, 6 in a sot, I JO II. Sandei .V l'riniary Seh'l Charta, 8 on 4 card, I 5J III Sanders' "rimary pellmfr Eook 19 IV' Sumí -i.-: .-.■' ■-'jKfU-r snrt l!ner,.,. ÍS V. Sun■ of Bsgliah Watib, tu VI. Saader's Pictoriftl Primer, (bonnd) ty Lnders' Germán and knglwh Primer... .,, '.o VIH. gándara' Ne Vmt Hd, ü IX Sanders Xew Sfcond Reader,., a X. Sandern' N w Thlrd Roader , XI. Mmders' New louitb He&der, Gík XIL Safldere' New riTth Keader, . í XIII. Snuiters' Hígh -ScIko! P.eader, B a'. Baolftrj ' Lftdk)1 Ketiíier, O9 XV. Snnlers SohcolPpi-aker.., I 00 XVI. Pander1 Elocutiouary Chiirt, 3 W These readers nm íiiuin:rtú.shed for thcir strictly r#gresstvc chnroctpr and practical adapta tfoo to Iho young. They have b'jrti receíved with unprecedented favor, and by no class moro favorably than by Practical Tuchu who have teáted th'ir morits in the school room. Hobinson'a Course of Mathematica. BY riüRATIO N. ROniXSON', LL. D. Lato Professor of Mathematica in the U.S. NTf. I Rnbinion'sl'rogreseiverrimnry Aritlmiotlo, $ !S II. Ri'binon's ProgreaslT Intollo'ctual Ariih. í l)í. Robinu'H Rudimeata of writton Aritb. 83 IV. KobiiMOn'9 Progre-sivo Practical Aritb. M V EtobibtiOB's ILey to Praettoal Arithmetio, 30 VI. RobÍDon' Prrgresfiive Highr ArithmeU "4 VJI. Kjbin-nn b Kty to llifrber Arithmotic, 7 VIH. P.obinson's .New Khiucnt-try Algebra, 7 IX. K bmson'i Key to Klcmentarv Algebra, ti X. Robin.-on's Univemty Algebra, 1 SS XI. Rubio i , p.ívprsity Algebra, 1 CO XII Robinaon'qfiennaetry and Tflgonoroetry. 50 X11I Uobinson'í Sui-veying aii'l Xavigation, 1 60 3Í.1V RobiosoQ'fl Auíilytical Geoffictry and Conic ?ection.s, x go XV P.f rontial and Integral Calculuí 1 60 XVI Robinson'g Elementarj Astroncny, 7S XVI; RoWnson's Univeiviu Astronooiy, 1 7í XVlll Rabinaon's Matlumatical Operationa, 3 i5 XIX Rob nson'.s Eey to Algebra, Geometry, Survc.Mni, :c, 1 n Form!n? a FOIi MATIIEMATICAL COURSE, embracixvg irülimetic and Text Boolcs ic tho Hihai Matbemattes. For ;t' resoarch, fac'lity andaptoess of illustration and pructicnl uelulnnss, tb'e author of thi series isauíija-seri by no mathematical writer íq tbís country. Tbis series has bee n recommended by th9 bMt Mathelnatigiaus in uil sectimis of tbe country. Gray's Serios of Botanies, s!x books. Hitchcock's School Anntoniy and Phyiiology, 81. Hiíohcock's Geology, one book. Well's ürammars, two books Well'í Scientifio Series, inclulÍDg Ghemistry, Philosopliy, eto Tliree books. Wilsons Series of Histories, five book. Fasquolle's Frcncli Series, eiglit booki. Woodbury's Germán Series, seven books. Bryant & Stratton's Series of Book-keeping, three books. Spenceri;m System of Penmanship. nina books. And Many otlicr ValaaWc Cnoka, Wholesala Dealer.? and Eetail Purcl]aser3 TUI flnd at o-ir sloreovor FourThonsand different articles of Stationery and Three Hundred Tliousand Vnlfrom which te mnke thbir clectioo cotapnsin,' on iis.=r.rtoit uut rivaltd by any other buok house ia tíie United bt:ites. . S. C. GkIGGS & CO. Are Special AgcnU for Jíewra Harper & Bro's Pullications. " U. App]. ton & (Vs " Ticknor & Field's " Gould & Lincoln'i " " J B. Lippiacoit & Co's " And furnisli 11 Uwir Doofci ai EMfora prices fur ch. Xotc Papera, Letter Papers, nnd Cap Papers, Blank Books, Pass Bouks, And all kinds 'A TAT1OXERÏ, at the laweft pricM öLiTljj by ihe h.jzi nor caso. ■ tf5.Stran;oran1 tisvelers riaitlog fjhlciffo m';i flnd il interes tingto licger for an houramiJ intermioable pilos of literature utS9 aod 4t Like Strem S. C. GRIGGS & Co. Agents Wanlecl. KV roral'cnstly anl vn lable Snbscriplinil "or!.!!, or auv noble work upon Religión, IJUrature, aewoea ur Art, Wdtea 8. C, (JKIÖüS s CO. I i ::ase REMEJIBKB Tbat tliere !s no bookatore in this countrv kürplag i bctter or nvire exieiisive assortment than i' alvrayi fouad al 89 and Ji Lake Street. EEMiiJIUHl. Thai Pabilo or Private Librarles can tw üiipplind with ürst class Standard Works by . E,G. k Co. ujjon batter terras tlian to sejid last anc pay (reigbt ttj! Western Literary and Professional inon. Teachers, SohnlHi-a in all departments of '.'f the world of lelten, arj invitcd to make 9 anl 41 Lake sttott tiieir placo of resort ia ïnomenisof leisure. S. C GRIGGS & CO.. ■STholesale acd Refail Bookellers and Stationen. S9 & 41 Lake Street. Shicar(. s. c. nr.iGG3 842;n3 e. l jj.vsk.v. TO LET. '"pHE Br.ICK H0C51 andBarn occupied by Olnoy I Iiawliins,Esr„ on Detroit Street, Aan Arbor tioseasiongiventhe lstof AprU. Alsoseveral stoies and rooms in Bocha9! Block to lot togoiid steady tcnants at a vory ',o.ï ml immcdiaM poueulon given. luquireof L. P.. BLTHOZ. Ann Arbor. ILsrcli 28, 1861. P45tf Oval Picture Frames AI.I.SKKS, STYLES aniPRICE? just receircd aud forsale cheapat siCHOFF & MILLER'S. lS60.Dec.25, VSOtf ffeËÊS ! fREÈS ! Fruit and Ornamental, OF AIX DESCRIPTI0S3 AND VATIEIV, RoscSy Bulbom PlanUy and Grape Yines of all Jchirfa. TIIEVNDEIiSïGXFn is about atarting Bsi to mtfm his usuivl ?el'.'?tions of Trees fom the tnost popul-.r Nuferi8. and will fill all Orders for Ttees lia,X may hv ■ thronffh the ïuonth of April, My axperienea witil trt-e for the Inst trn ycfñ has ftstftblislitd in the way cf makicg my selections with. rhflt oare that fiiablos m' to warrant all trees and plante true to name, as Wel] as hoalthy, vigwoo la grüwth, i;nrï with proper care to meet tfaeeXpectaÜOQúf tlit' purehaKer. The great succow ftttcDding my pjiIi? last year. reaSAurex me tUat my trea wore ail soumi ub4 nemï satfsfftction Thankfn! flor past fa vors, I hffaf a invito m I rienda and all othera wautin; trees or panta, togïve me a cali. 'Jhnse who may ant Trees pre-n iu this Bíaí?, enn be rnrnished from the NurtTi Iake Nurspry, Order for Trees or Plañís may be left ut Bogttrt' Agricultural Hall, at anv tiaie. THEODORE DrfJOtl Ann Arboi.Marph C5, 1862. 8i5tf DO YOU WANT WIIISKERS DO YOU WANT A MOÜSTACHS Í Tf so, purchase oqc boitle of E, E. Champion' EXCELSIOP INVIG0SAT0R ! The woria renowned tho only artiole of the kind everofEVred the pcoDle "i1 the Dntted St {■"■. T:ie tbova iipticle is the only one uaed by the FreucU ; m hondou and Paris it is in universal use. THE EXCKLSIOR WHISKER INVIG0RAT0R1 ! Isa Peautiful. BcocomlcaL. oolliing, yet StïrauUttag Compound. acting as it" ':■■ Magie upon the root, cru ina n beautiftü gvowth oi Luxuriaut Hp.'u-.I. [f &p]Ied ia th Sealp,it wJHeure I:.mi.k-s. Rnd if apphed neC rliiiiT to divctfenss, it wiii caose to npring u in bald fpots a fine growth (j BOFt VStXSB n.wv, Tbo Cflehmt.-d SXCELS10 R IN VIGORA TOR Is nn indtspenaaBlo Artïct in evtry &6ntleman"s Tuilf, aad al'ter trae vreek'x u& tlmy vrontd not, lor iiny consfit■ --i-.' ■ i it. The ibo'o article willin fvuga ■ VVeekijhriBgotita thiok sot of Wijiskbr- ■ I.'.I'IIE, Tlr subacrihers are th only Agents for llie %hqvo article iu tho United Statce . Tïiey Tcoutd ftlso anpouace tp the public th t Uiej are agenïs for Napoleons Hair Toilet ! The oolj rtlcle oy offer pch pooplo tiiat w 'il1. kI PTRAIGHT BA1B i H& above Toitei bñnc rini, r the ole benvflt o fniiïe Napoleon 1 wich now lortispeniible in his ï i'.pt ronm. The te Qi that tnlaTuHei imivt !v t iki ti'C r': 'f 'll! othtra cvvr ofTVrod t- the public, thy Uke ploiisure in .;- -i-ii's; tlisircnnfldsncein ihe ai-ticle, itírom i THE NAPOLEÓN IIAIR TOILET Will Cri:i. "TmiciiT II uu in .-' i l ; C'urls, ,!i:it ivii! reraafn nebápe Eürone day or one weeli if dnjrfMl er anj longr prwï, if the iii -nit-ily followe-l.wblch arei . ■ ■' ' Tins llii' Toid tfrföre witb Ihe Xa'iirnl S,,'iêt" ff Hê Ai''. It nrithcT soorebeDOr yes it ", hml rítch ih 1',-nr a wft, thrifty Inventa the tnm CalKng oit and THb"ÑaPOÍJ8OX 71 AIR TOILET RtAbeoc i.'c buta b rt1ïrae,antl hnaaN rra'lv beeo tetbd by over onc iliousaul per.-ons I np'l n ïlair rnüft . the rent est Eeautitii r cvcrffoted f the Ameflcïin propio. To preven:' ihir. ïoilct 'rom t i'v.r oounterltttd r [rn. - po) ■■!.■ ril for Ntlfl ■tt ;inv ÍM ti-lri-t-i in thr l"uito' Stnf. Ihfrpforenny Larlvor Uwt1aoan who deaiws Ooft, f.nxuriftni (fcnd'Ourls. nofl liötig, ?ofk Whiakon or Mousinr!, i u ']■■ Imis'irtttnr or Toilet, tthr "nejni on Inliitr enolosud iu a Lutter4 ÜU tbeir adJrc.-s. Adf;. F. PPIÏN'.' CO., iNrtfor -■ tta ■ ,-■■ el urn


Old News
Michigan Argus