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PfilNTIÑG OF ALL KINDS I l Neatly Executed AT THE A11GÜS OFFICE. WE ARE 1'REPaRED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PRINTING AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. We have recently purchased a RtTGO-LES ROTARY CARD PRESS, . and have added tlie Utst styles of Card Type, which cnable3 us to print INVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &e. ia the neatest styles, and as cheap as any other house in the State. We ara also prupared to print rOSTEKS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, IJ1LL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS ftc, THE .AJEtG-TXS BOOK B1NDERY is in charge of a 11RST CLASS WORIGIAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufacturcd in best sttie at New York Prices, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. All Work warraiited to give entirc 6atibfaction. E. B. POND, Prop'r. Office and Bindery, cor. Main fe Hurón SU. New Remepies for SPEBMATORRHÍEA HOWARI) ASÍSOCIATION, PUII.AHELrHIA. A Re ntnoltnl Iiislitalion establiaíifd by sper.ial evdowmriH for Iht rtliff of tht Slch and Vislressctd, affltctrdtoilh Viruh.nt and Chremic Distases, and ettpccxaliy for the Cure ofDiseases aftte Sexual Orgavs, MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Actmg Surgeoo . V.y.CAIil.F. REPORTS on SpernmtnrrtKca, nnd othor DL-ciim'S nf the Sexual Ornas, andón tht KEW RF.MËD1S9 employee] in the DwpemMy, st-nt in scaled lcttvr envelopes, frte of ebante. Two or tln-ot itinijM for postageacceptable. Acldrcss, Dr. .1. SKII.UV BOUGH TON', Howard Association, Xo 1 S, Kintb St., l'liiln Oelphia, I'a. lyouöConwiiy Flre Insurance Co,, Of Comvay, Mass. Capital paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - 16,440 03 D. C. Hogers, Jas. S WMtney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. J B.WHITNKY, L. 3ODMAN, W KI.I.IOTT ASA HOW LANTi.D C. M oQILVK A T, E D MORGAN WA IT BKMENT. JOHIAII ALLI8. A II. Br'l.l'N W. H. WCKINSON, W.T. CLAPi', U.C. ROGKR8. Aun Arbor References: Dr. E. WEI-LS, 1,. JAMKS. I,. nODOE iïNOCH JAMES. CAPT. C.S. (OODKICU J. W. KNIGHT, Agent. Ano Arbor. Michigan. HuldiA ijAATr OTA D T? Jfir iMLfiVi ARKXOW Ol'KXIN'G, HIRFCT FROM ÏTBUSITKRS AND M:t:iiil';icturoru,a tfow aiul (.'uw plet sUick of LAUr & MEDICAL 1ÍOOKS, School Books, Mtscellaneous Books, Blank Books, ian STA-TIOKTUnY! Yall anti WiaO.ow lJ;i por, Drawtng and MnthemrtticftlTnstruments, Music, Juvenile Librante, Elivelopes, lulis and Cards. GOLD And all other kinds of Pens and Penáis , Wiuiïow ('oruice, S had es nnd FExture, POCKET CUTLEKY! indcveryUiini pertaininp: to llie trnío, and moro to ■i" 1 1 i c 1 1 li cy vouii lin' uLtcntiuu ot' thfl counti y. Inconductinonr business, we sballdn nil that can ie donoso tbat do rcasonabU man, woman or ebild shall ind any fauli . We posaea foetlitJes whiob uill enable us to supjly tor stomers at the Lowest Possiblo Figures. "We propose to m11 for BEADY I'AV, ata .small advaöce. Wu e[M.'ct i profitüOOUT gOOdfl) bilt Cash. Sales wiil Admit of Low FIGURES. Wi li.ivr engaed the serviros ol JAMES P. 9PAUDING, erofoie jirc prepftr6tl to furnish Visiting, Wedding and all otlicr Cards writfen to order, wilh ncatness and dispatci, bi mail or otherwhe. Tho (.(Lmpibe Book Stors," is maoned by agootl 'crew,' id i!i'-v wil] alwaya bo found on r.:o llquftrtr detk, ' -ea-lv atid vil!in:r to attend to ül wilh ijlca.surc, wUo will avor them wilh ft culi. Uemomber the "Empire Book Store." JAMES E. WEBSÏEK & CoAnnArbor, May, 1860. 7Jp ANOÏHER m @ ARRIVAI. AT THE & 0LD AND RELIA B LE h ] v ! CLOTHINt, EMPORITJM!! IJJUiL O. 3 f xa: ce isr 1 2C bXjOCk:, MAIN STREET. ■Win. "7V".Gr3XTJbJüa hjMJuat returncd the Eastern Citics, witli a largt and dcsirablu stuck of FALL AMD WINTER OOD3! wkich he is now uffcring at unusually AmoDg bis Assortmcnt may bc found BROADCLOTIIS, 0ASSIMERE8, ÜOESK1NS, & VESmSGS, of aMilescriptionSj e.spt'cüilly for FALL AND WIÑTEE WEAR ! wfüeh lic is enttitig and maktng to or-lor, in tbeluteat anc Ucst BtylM, togftfher wiih a suprlOK asKwluïeat of BEADY MADE CL0TB1NQ! TRUNES CARl'ET BAOS, UMÜRFXLAS, nnd Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with numernus oiher art'cles usually found in simila: cstablishmtnts. As ANEMPOKIUM OFFASHIOÍI, thesubsiriber fiatters himself, that bislODg experienco anl nera. sucow,wUl enable hlm to give the groatcsi satfolaCtion tnall who inay inisthiinin Ihe way of manufaeturiiiL' ganneots to orüer. 769tf IfM. WAGXER. ïliile 'Factory! A. J. SUTHE11LA1VD HASremovedhisaunShoptotheNowBloclnnllutunstrect, southut the CourlHouse.oiitneaecond floor, whcrL'he is prepared to t'urniah Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Poufket Game Bags, and Every other ai-ticlc in liis Line. On tbc mostrea sonable ttjrms.nndto do all kind e o i the hortost notice.and in iho beet mannei fulln833rt!ii;ntalway9 kep On band, oud madeto order. BOOTS & SHOES S tl MOORB & LOOMIS Are now íoceiviug a largo assortment of Boots and hoes and K, TX E B E! R S I Whiofa jiroiiosc to sell 60 per cent beloic formcr pricci for cash. Men'a good Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $3,00 Men's good Tliiek Boots, from 2.00 to 3,00 Men's good Calf Boots, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 83 to 1,75 Ladiea' Gaitoi-s, from 44 to 1.25 Ladies' Morocco Bootecs, from 75 to 1,85 And an endiess varii'fy of Hi;íí Shoeafrom Fancy Bahnorals to Infants' Creopiog Shocs. IVe nrc olsoMaimfaciuiliit? nll UJiids of WARRANTED BOOTS & SUOES. Mens Fine Frene h Calf Boots Peggcd and Sewetl. So givo nfa cnll bcfirc pnrcliasin clfvwhfire, fis wc artboundnot to bo uadaneld. "Ki:iAlKlN(t DONK ON SI1OKT SOUCK. Jt8 MOORE & LOOMIS Sfain Kt., Aun Arbor, Jlidi . 820tf Mo ney Wanted, Wli o wlll LcudMoiieyl TAM EEQUESTEO BY SEVERA! PEESONS to oMain mouey for tlicin at TenPerCsnt Iatorest, (OrMoro.) Foranyone WitUng to leirl. I enn al onco nvest on good unencumberod abundan! lü'.M. ESTATL seeority any flama of monoy and seotliat tlietitlo audsocuritv are all RlOBT, jS" Tho borrower paylnp all oxpenïeH. inolurlin rccordinjr. K. W. MORCAN, Ano Arhor, ïct. 7 159. 71SU 1862. 1862. SPRING GOODS! "Wo are now receiving a fine stock of NEW SPEING GOODS, and offer tliem at the Lowest Cash Fr ie es. C. H. MILLEN & CO. April lst, 18G2. 846tf SCHOFF & MIL LEK RESTILLOXIIAND at tlioirokl Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, ' SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Market ! and tl.ey ivouldsuggest tothose ia puvsuit cfanytliingin SANTA CLA VS1 LINE that they can secare a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing from tliis sfock, as aacb purchaser gt-ts ;m additional present of Jewelry, &c. , Ranging invalue irom 50 ets. to 8o0. 4öf-Thpy trust that tbeirlong oxpsriouce iu selectir.g goods fni-tbis market.nnd stri:t altentiun to tlie wants of Cus tornero, maj entuba tbcm to a Liberal share i Patronage Ana Arbor, Dee. 5. I8C0. TTTtf r.irjfc3 insukamckT" Tlio Conuecticut Mutual Life Insuranco Company, Accumulated Capital, - $3,500,000. WU.LJNSURKLÏVES for anj ftmouot not excceü;nL $.0..ÜO:': the wholn term of Life orfor a term of years, on the most favorable terms. N. B The Company is purely mutual and the policy holders get all the surplus over tl. o exact ooflt of insurance It accomodates the Insneed En the settlomcnt of their premium ON LIFE POUCIE?, it" destred, by taking a note for íne half the amount, bear ing interest at six percent, por amn.m. Divklends are Dedarcd Annually! and since they now amount ti tWTC per cpnt n the premium, cash an.l note, and are ïucruasing they niay be apptio'.l to cancel the nu tos. The rates of premiums arcas low as any other reBpoiuilble ('ompany and the lnrge nccuinulritetl fuinl f $3fiiX),000 is sf(;urcly borestod, aa umy be wen by referciiuu to Uu1 st;ilcment i:i;'l.' according to laiv, (in file ia the office of the County Aun Ai i-, . JAMES (JOOinVIN, Prest. Crv R. riiKi-PS,Sccy . Forpaiticular.sajtpïy to JAMES C. WATSOK, 763yl Jgont :t Ann Arbiü, Mich. Great Reduction in the Price of SINGKR & CO.'S Standard Machines . WtU known to be thé Best for Manufaeturing l'urposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at $90, reduced to 70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for merly sold at $ 1 U(), reduced to 875. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the best Machine ta tho wocld for Familjr Sewi&g and Iight MaDofacturing Purpowi : (viíA Jfcmmer,) and bciiiitifully orn&mented $50. The Nos. I and 2 Machinen are of great oap&olty and appilcation for maoafacturing purpotteB. . Our No. ' Machines are eapecially adapted to all kinds of üglit and heavy LanthjH 'oi'if, In Qtrplage Tiijnming t Bont aud Slioe Making, HarnvBB Uaking, etc., ote. Thev are.of extra slïe, and with ;n arm (ong onoogh to cake under it and .-.tiicii Ui1 larget 'size da ah es. Tliero is Sfiarcoly any part of aTriinüïers1 wtchl&g t!iat capnot be better dooo witfa them thau hy hand so, too, the saving oí timo :inl taboi ií yii'y great. Tbetable ot maohinesis íi-l luches long, and the shuttle ril) hold si Nmesthe usual quAfttityioí tfaxeod Theiorge mitfhinfi workrt as fust as siuaü ncs. We would ank for om leltOJ? A Uaèhinee, the spe olal attentlon t' Vett Ifaken and Drew blakert, and all tbose who vaut ttaChino (Ot Itifftt tnan 'acturing purposes. Thcy embody tbc pridcipios of tho Btandard machines, making Hkc them. theinterlocked ■Itcfa . and are dMttned t be uoelebfated for acd Ugkl nianufofituring purposea as jour standard machines ure for miuiutViciunn pufposes in general. We have alwayson hand, vsanu%u oaugbs,silr t'ist i.vsy.s and oottom rflnuo , o bpooü, best aucoiMfl oil in bottlcM, etc, etc. We manufacture our own HeedU8,aild wouM waru :ill peraont oHing oujfrincbJnee sotto baynyothera W kii'nv that I 'hmo aru neodlM BOld of thé must infrior qualky at highex nricea thun nrecharutfor the b&t, Tb e m'Cdk'S soUl l'V us nv i;i, I.'.rtniv.l is:i-ii:i1Iy for our ma 1 .ini's. A bad 71 eed Ie ma y rendir tht bett ruaeftine almost usrfes. Our omtomerfl niay rost n-Min-i] t'natul. ";ir llranch Oflïeesare forniiihed witfa tbc " genuiDeaeti " In case of simili purohaaea, the mone may bi? Beat in postafre stamp., or bank Dotes. Corresponde uta will pleasftvfite ÜielriUHneadtttiDotly. It w all inportant tint v.c shouldj luoaclicasc, know the PobI Office, Oounty, aud State. JSSf A.l peraons requlring Information abont Sewing Machines, tUel -.i.i', prices, workióg capocitíon, aud llu de -i i'11 ■ i i in ri,:i ■:]'-, can obtaia it by nending to us, of nny of uur Branch Olliccs for a cpy of I. M. Siager & Co's " Gazette, Whïch is a brautiful Pictorial Paper cntircly devoted to subject- L ioilt bc SCHlgrail. jfg-W" have made tho abuve REDUCTION IN PRICE-3 wiih the two-fol'l vieiv of benelM Ing tbc public and ourselves Tlie public have h.'t-i Bvindledb] Bpariom machinet made in tmltattoii "i our.-. neta1 In ibem, from tho Iron oastïng t the BmAllesf pc u-e, lioi poor qiidUty. Tnelr makers have íil the meana to do the Ir 11, 'l'bi'v are bid away ín secret places, whore t nrould be impofslble u bare it Ineir comniand pr6pof inecnanical ap]lfanofti 1' is onïy by dolng a prent bu8lne88,and haTlng'extensire m&nubotiiring eatauUahment, that cood machines C IU be made al moderat - prlces, The beBtdesigned machioee, BADLY MAÜE, are ahvays Hablo to get out of order, and are sure to ca-t considetablo trouole and mo&ejr to keep thrm in The qualitiea to be looKed for m a Machfneare : Cevtainty ox oonreoi aetion ;it ;iii i :itt-s of speed, siinplicity of constructlon, great durablïity, andrapidft; of operatton , witli the least laborj Machiuesto combine these eüaentfaJ quaijtit-s, i,mut)t tv madeof the bet me:al and Qnffthed to nerfeatioo. We have thewayand meaosoD a grand BCftlo, to do (Kin. The purohasérsof machioM, wliosodaïly bread it may concern, will Bnd that ilioaje havizigthe abnvoqualttfes nol only vork well at rapadas wel] as tloir raten c( it last longer in tbn ':■■■■■ i pon Ible worklngorder. .as njaiW by us, will earamör motie; witii Less labor thanany ötbera vrhother in mitation of uursor not. Ia tact, tliey are oheaoer tboa any othcr nMciiinesasagift. I. M. VINGER . CO., 45S Ilïoadway New York, M9T Ootroit OQine, 58 Woödwart Avenue, (Merrill Block.) Mltf M.H. GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. B VV. M O R GA N , Agent lor Mutual UfetncnraaeeGonipany, New fork. Accuintilated Assrt.-, .... $5,360,000. theleadlng Ufe Insoxance Company in the v. s. Knickerbocker I.ifc Insurance Company, New York, - a first olaai nnft. Co. - termfl reanonable. líiunboldi KirO Insurance Company, New York. Capital, with a large surplus, $'n.1itfiM). Peoría Marine k Fire lusuranceCo., Peoría IU. - h'.tv i v0. i FlrtlugBnnctCo s7O7tf Oftpltêl! .... f&00fWlft;


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Michigan Argus