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The Courier Chops Logic At A

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ing rato to .rovo tbat we " stand convicfcd of a must miserable quibbli!'1 in aliluit Mr. Nyk had been Deputy Sheriff over a year. ilear ii: ' Ni.w the Argtia kuew fcbat Mr Nye had been nppointed as we üaid he liad, or it did uut know. It'it kuew the faet tkon'it pnfposely falsified; if it did not know, it assortc'd what it did not know to be true, and it 8 a inaxiui ia law tbat wliocvor iells what be doos not know to be fniu, is as guiltj as 'hu wbo tel Is wbiat Le liuow a to Lo faJse." Theiv, ean a:iy full-fledged " Freshy" - tometimes synonymous witb Gréèny - ibat ? But, without uiakicg many words, we willjcondemu the C;mrki logie and fcta out of its own columns, and leave tbo people to sa y who " is convicted oí' a most miserable quibble." We quole tiio seutenoe nexi followiog the one above : " Though Mr. Nye kas hdd the postHun of ' Deputy over a year,1 bis business has boea onijf tbatof a deteeti?e;" Very wèll, h'o was " Depufy," tben, you admit; had ho not beeu a Deputy be couldhave made no arresta, bow mueb scever he mjy liavo exereiscd bis " deti Ctive" privileges or powers. Vhy did not the Courier spëak of " this last appointmoDt" w'iKiiii last week offered proof of " an important conversión to Rcpublican:8m?" Did it know, Ornót know, or design a '■ niisernblo quibble?'1 An ply t!u; logic The Courier bow admits two facts, or rathcr three; that Mr. Nvk bafl boon Deputjr over w ycar ; tbat instead of bo roeentij appointed bis powers have ouly been eularged ; and that these enlargcd powers have been O.iaferred " at the sulicitation of Mr. llaioh." Try your hand ngain, both at reporting couversions and chopping logio. fLST W hear uothingyet of the oapture of Xow Orleans, save what couaes tbrougb rebel su urces. Dcserters sav that a large number of vesscls were captured, also largo qnantities of cotton, sugar, molassos, &e. Gen. Bdubk has reached the city wilh his troops, and the gunboats have eominonced tlieir advance up the river. Baton Rouge was taken possession of with little opposition and the ascendiug fleet will probably meet Con. Fooiü'a flotilla at Meinphis. - Sinee tlie abovo paragtapb iv;:s n typa we liüvo direct froin the Federal fleet, via Havana aul New York, - The bombardiiient of Forts Jackson and St. Philip comnjeneed on the 18tb uit. On the 23d Com. Faküagut in the Hartford, with 13 stearners jassed thu forts, Gen. Butler landed 4000 men above thetn. The bombardment continued sis dáys, and tho Federal loss was 150 tnen, and or.o gunboat, the Wenona. - The rebels lost eleven gunboats, and the Hollins Turtlo or ram Maoassas. Tt e Manassas was sunk by the 8teamr Misoissippi. The rebel ironclad steamer Webster ran into the federal guoboat Wènttoa, and si;nk her, but a broadside oí eight guns from the sinking guoboat took tho Web.ster to the bottom wil fa her. Rebel loss in killed not known ; 400 prieooera were taken. - The fire rafts sent down the river were met by sniall boats aml towed out of the way of thefederal fleet. , SP C. C. Lathkop, Esq., formerly a resident of New Orlcans, but late years a resident of Pbihidelphia, has beeu appointed and conürmed Collector of the foriner city, and will immcdiately proceed to bis post. A little while ago the ConfedcratG authorities promised that the port of New Orleans should soon be opened to tho comruerce of the world. - The promisc has been redecmed, only iu a different way. U3L" We are indeblcd to Hon. J. 'M. Gkkgory, Superintendent of Public Inetruotion for a bound volume ol li 1 s Report for the year 1861. It contains miich etatisticnl information na to tho edacational interests of the State, and bcsides mtich matter of general im. portance. It speaks'well both for our Piimary Schools nnd higher institutions of learning. KyJXT W are iniormed by the Superintendent of Public Instruetion that the ipportionmeot of Primary School Moneys, soon to bo made frora bis office, will exceed any apportionmenl for severa) years past. Tho per centage will be fiill Cfty cents per Bcholár. - School District offioers throughout the State will not bo sorry for this ncrease. SST BcfSnNBüi,, Esq., of Detroit, and City Treasurer, died on Sundav last, of hemorrhage of the Lungs. Mr. B. w:is au old oud higlily esteemed resldeoi, as is testified by the rnnny public po.sitions Iih has been calltíd to hold. He has been twice elected Clork of the House of Representativos, and in 1859 was an efficiënt and popular meinber of the sume body.


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