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Murtgftgc Sale, DKFAUI.T having been made in the eondHionM marigge made by Williimi W. Anninund klina f áunin to Charles Moore Delou Sliowerman, anl jJ" tus Saroson,daled February ISth, A. 1). 183?, n-tfiTj in the office ; Register of beoda for tLu CounJ tï Wa-lih-u.nv, Mic!ii-';in, Februftrjr '.Kt. A. I. ; - iiVtocK in tl ie CoTcnoOU. In l.itn-i 23 "f raortgifáK'MiB 3 0 nndwïiich morigage, y rrilÍDg, dsted J-uiuaïJ : 1 t I ■-■■_'. was ;i ■--:,■!. ni iiy raid mortgagi s to A1oq ('Urk. uudoraignbd; nud -.ii.l awttignotvut nor r ■■ i ']'! i.n i In ■ :ü'i 'i iy ftfc date fft önö aitf n )M'? u .-l.M-k in Um :ili -i ri" m, ín tho wtid i;. in 1. :!.■:■ ;, 0 murjtgagi e paje 'i-;.: l'pim win, gage (hen ia clalmed om and ünpaid at the date ol t uotke thf sum of niiio liuinht-d ninrty tliree dollar and thirty-three cents, anJ the furtber iustali three bundred eighly-three and 33-100 dollars teros t (tova Fébruary 18th, lafct pat, to become duo bn yedi Irum tin1 last na im il date, and uo snit or proocod. Ing at iiiw li:ivc bv.'ii iafetitutid to rccivcr the mom alorenald olaimed due or ny pari thereol: Koticefe lii.T'.'l'i'i1' Iti-i'i y gtven that by virtue of a power in Bald mortgjtge coniaÍD6din nu-r to raalize theamovri aow claiined as aforeHaid dtio 4Q :,d mortgagi i-r wit li thr iulc-rest nccruing Irum il; to h(renf Airf (he costa "f (brecloeure provMed for in .-iul n. 1 BhallRcIlal public nuetion to bidder tt i ,! ■ ijonr iif Court Uousc (the place ol the Circuit Court forWiuhtena Couaty) in tbe cityof Ann Arbr, in saM county, on tlic 'ïö'h day o J aext, at tWO o cl nek in the ufternoon, the i ■ . . ;iii mortgage doscribed, sitúate in W&shtenaw Cpaatfc to wil: All that cfrtain tractor parce) of land, knenrq and ilortcribed as follows, to wit: The nortli -easl ter f sectloo r.umber twenty f'-Oj In tojrnship lunnbt-r four Routh of range No. fonr (4) easf exceptlngandiw Rerving always (tasa the opera tí on if fliis in-itrumeit about forty and t balf aeren from the rnntb en.) thereof btretolore eooveyod by Ephraim (ültiert and Z :iiiih Jtrnkins by deed daied May 7th, 1860 (for dnertZ ti'in of whJob tee aaïd deed,: Aleo exeepting and re. serving aboutthree acres of k ;i i t yuartcr ectilll hert. tofbre deeded to Jomen 'ramplón: Also exopj(ting tttti reserrlng nlnoteea (lUi nn-1 three-tentha (3 10) aern ol s;ii'l iiiui" ter section licretofore dfcdf! to KubtQ Browoell: Also exeeptisg andrcserTingabouf twefr acrofl o( thenorth ;it corner of Bdid quartei lirctufure soM an;i deeded to Jljn Mills, muking lea-ving amount f land hereby conveyi ninety foor (94) acre be the -in" more or les granting anü conveying hereby to the naíd partios of ii Becond part, theii heira or fM8tgnR,H tbe righU t prlvtlegi I pfiTtJ Of t!ie firstpart mnyhaveft a ter and Rowing landt fot uses mi parpoBea ol propelttng macblnery for cill or for mr other i'iu pose. ALONZO CLARK, Asslgii E Ft Wooo. Att'yfor Anlgüfe. Datedj Marcb O," Is6. ?43t4 Mortgage Sale. T%KFAl].T ïiiivin.i? beer made in the condftfoa of LJ tuortgiigQ made by WilUaiD W. Anniu anl Klma 31, Anñtn Vriuiam Ji . Bartletl ander the name and stvl of WUIiam Barí Ie tt, d&ted Augnst 23i, A. J. lS5ft, re cordeá fíotetnber 5lh, A. I. lfñfi,at one o'ctock, 1. M., in the office of Register of i eeda,forWahtenaw Con ty, Michigan, In Líber V3 of naorigage, page 117: aM :i -: ii'il by KitiJ raortgag e t tbe un Lerslgued, Aiuota . Clark, by ri ing, dated December 18th, A. D l recoxaed Harch 24th, A. l. 1862, ai eiglit o'clock in tt ■ i in naid Register's office in Lilur '!'■', of mntigages; Wfe 117, apon whlch mortgage tnere is claimt ■ due and anpald al the date of this Dotice the sum rf ono hundrod andfifty )ne dollars and sixty cent8,u4 no suit or proccfling at law ha ving been iustil the recovery of saii debt sccurci by üiiv pari thereof N tice therefore m hi r bj givi n Hm on the 28fch daj of June next, at two o'c'.ock i tberf n l virtoe of a power contained in said : gage in order to realize the sum of money nr.w due as a!irsaid on eaid mortgage together wiit interest accruing and costs of 1 oréelos ure j)rnvfil?ij for in ?aid mortjf.tge, I nliall sU at ' public auctiüt to thebighest bidwrat tle front door of t..e Coat Home (tlif place of holdiqg thr Circuit Court lor ' tenaw County) in the city of Aon Arbor n said conoty, the pieroi&esio Bid mortgage describecï, viz.: AlltM a rtaln trad r parcel of tand known anJ describeö u follows. to-wit. ituated ii the township t Bridge tor, io tlit1 county of Waslitenaw an 1 State of Michigan, known is benig a part of the north-east quarter of ►- tion numbor twenty, in townshipnuraber four southof panga d amber faun ing ttoutb mie degm and thirty minutes east ton chains and sixty links ma qaarter post lö north line of said section, twfnty at i ii-itain yellow oak tree, running thence along qujutfr Bectioo line aonth oae degreo and thirty mioutefi evn nlneteen chaina and thirty-etght links to :i st:ike ii Highway firom whicb : yellow oab tiee ben uorQ thirty three. and oue half dcgreen east fifty iivc linki, thpr.t-r nortfa sevenrty nïne degreea and thirty rotnuM eat tvc chalas and flfty links to a yellow oak tree marked, thence north (en degreo . west ninety-five liiiki .'-.-, tbenoe north eixty nine degreos east bím cbniofl and Jxty-two links t a stakc, thence nortb It fcëen degreaa rosí wven chaina and Bfty links to ;i ei rtaiii thorntreeor buh t&udingpn the soutb bank -f Rcnssalcer .ViHniill pf-ml, thence along the banlc or aliore of said p nd, at high water mark, to placo of befinninc contatniog ninctocn acres and three tenths ol an acre of land. The abOTe deaenbed courseï are tt mated from truc meridlan .illowance, bcinjj maOeof tf dt'greed lor vaiiation of nwdle June, A. D.ld51. ALONZO CLAJRK, Assignw. K H WoODfAAty fnr As.signec. Uatüd, Murch 24, 1662. fitá Real Estáte for Sale. ST VTK OF BOCHIGAN, CocwTT of Washtknai In the matter of the Estáte of Patrick Hu ban, of tbi County of Washten&win the Stateof Michigan, Iceawa, Nntice ís hereby givcn, That ín pur&uance o an tai granted to the undersigncd, Kxocuior,of the Eatated1 said ilccoasc'l, by the IIm Judge of Probate for thi County of Wftshtenaw, on tlio twenty-eightb riay oí March A. D. 1862, there wi!l be soU at public reodoe, to tlte highest bidder, at the South door of the Court ■ House in tbe City of Ann Arbor in the County ui WaaHteoaw in Baid State, on Saturday the thirty fin i3j oí Hay A D. 13V2, at one o'cïock in the af lemwa of that ii:iv, (subject to all encumbrances by mortgkgév otherwise existing at the time of the dealli o! HU d ceased.) the foüowing losribed Real tn wit; Bltuttted in tho Township of Northfield, in tiieCoonty of Wa sb tona w and State of Michigan, all tin" piece or parcei of land known :íu deignated au thi north-west quarter ol t r Sonth-East quarter of Sttii'iiil,r-i- tn township oneSouih f Range i-ix Est, contamine forty acres, be the same more i PATRICK WALL, ExecutOt. Pateó1, March 2801,1863. biÜXA. Commissioners Notice. STAT E OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of IVaihtenaw, 4 Tho añderflígned having heen apioi!t'''l liy the lT bftte Court fr ail Coubty, Commisfionors to lecftlw, examine and adjust all claims and all peraioflt the ostite of Josiah P. Sloat, late of the Townahip ofSnaton, In sai-l County, deceastfd, liewb; glve notice that six raonths froin date, are, lj order of the said Probate Court, allo wed for crecUturela preêfltot their claims against sald tleceased, and tb tiu-y will meet at the residenee ot Mrs. MarjIné Sloat, wldow of said deccased, in the township f the Raid eounty, on Saturday. the Dineteeritt day of July, and iatuiday, the eighteenth dayof Octoberaext, at ono o'clock I. MM of each day to rccelre, examine aiul ftdjust said claims . Putei, April 18, 1862. 819:4 General Land AgencyPERSONS wnntingfarms.orreBÍdenceftnorne! Ann Arbor, can by callingon me selectfromH tilt ofover 1OO Farms For Salt! Ofpariouistzestrom :ï,to 13C:acreJnch boiö as goodasanyinthis Connty.) More t han 5O Ovvelin lïousjs nthÍBCity,frorntwn Uundred to fourthousanc'iáol' arseach;and over 9 O O JifJILDING Ii O T S ! Amongthefarms arf the Hishtpt farm , l.'ÏOOicre the Potter farm, in Green Onx, che IMacotarm, aaJ 48)aores,theHlandon nnA Jenk= furnia, ' n VVebtteri th' itubhs, Michael Clatiy. Newton Baegan, nd Fallabai i'nrm. in Ann Arbor; J.KingsleyMlWmi tn Ptttsfletd the Batch anl Hick turms In I.odi:tbe Pstrioklyu iHrm in Kreedom; W. S. Tïavibon.JR. G. Bakert nnd Buck'e fsrms inSylvan. Mostri thfiflp Rnd in.Miiy otbors can be livideto i'' purchheers E. %O ÏOffAnnArhoj. Jrn lt 1RM 5 SECOND WINTER STOCK! D. L W00D & C0„ HAVE JU.ST OPFXED A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods For tho FALL fc WINTER Trade, Hoving purebased their stock nt mueh less than the usual prices, they ure prepared to offer GltEAT INDUCEMENT3 To Cash & lïeady Pay Buyers. Thankful for past favors thcy wil! he ever ready to show their Goods and by fair and liberal dcaling hope to roceive their full shara of the public patronage. West aide of publio square. Ann Arbor Deo. 1861. Dissolution of Coparf nershlp. rilHK copnrtncrslii;) hretofON i'xislirfï ïioiwocn tbe X undersijKiwd under tbfl duim and fityto of MAT NAKD, STËBBINS tl WOON, is Uiis day lüssolved bj mutual oDReit. Tbe badneas of tbe finu wil] s.'tlUitliv W. 8. M:i.viiir.l aml I lic Bookkeeper, Mr. Wl' laee, (wbo will bo found in Uw offlc rr tbat pnrpoat) or br theothtrmemb&ncf the firm in tlicir aiit-nc. WII.UA.M 8. UAYNARD, FKANK U BTEBBINS, VRLU1 B. WI1--ON. Ann Arbor, Aprill, 1863. NOTICE. Having rctirod from Merrnniile hufiiness it beco aecwwrr tbat all notes mul accounts due ut iho lata firm of Mftynurd.StobWns ft WiUon, besettled wilhool i]ci..v. Tli', all thíso wlth whoni we have unsetHedaeoountl irtll [ilrase callat oncc.settle and pa up or put in Bhape, tocóme at a ofven time April 1,1, W-. W1I.I.1A.M 8. MAYNAR1'NEAV FIIIM. Tho iinlen.iír.p'l havmn Ihis day fiTmed a -5"J ship undcr the name an'l st-l.. ofStebblns s""i will be happvto sM thBip frii nds an.l customen at i old swnd of Vynard, Stobbins & Wilaon, wlwre WI will be r.:ils tO furnish n full iili.l cll)ik!; asurin ie of roorl for leas pro&t than c-ver bplore, 1 r e" ■ read, pa, olualvely. PTKBB1N% l.ilAll 1!. WIll'N. Ann Arbor, April ut, w.1. w


Old News
Michigan Argus