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The Capture Of Norfolk

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uMhington, .M : i - 1 1. Thu Nnvy Depnrlumnt reccivod tbe following thirf moriii Fort ross Monroi-, Muy Í0- 12 olook. Nnii'iilU is Dura ; alsu PoriMi i niMi ihe Nnvy-yard. Qeri ';.'l completed the landing { his tronos i hH mornng, :; n niurcli ttiis nnorniiig on NoiMk wiih 5,000 mn. Bi v'haso iicí'ouíl'Uiiicd the expcdilion. Fivo müea from Ihe InncVtng :; ; l..tti'-y :!■ stationed on the (ipposile sicie ni' a bridge over ïatinr"s Crock. At'ier ;i f o ■,isi.-'!:l:i,''-: tho rohelii twirn cd tliu bliii:. ■, v, ],'.-. tl OOHIpolli i! HM 10 iiiürcli ; 1 . ■ 1 1 1 . i i' U M:i - fui iIh1 '. 5 I'. -V ourfwceu wcio witliin u shori disttinco of Ntirfolkiud weio met l'V a dle Erion i , and tho city brioallv sarrad;t'i'ot Out Ui'mpB ruaruíutá m öd nw Ijave pos■ ■!].. ön. V'wlt) ofamiiud d aa ,.i - Ncilhef Iba i i!y wave burnod, Hen. Iiiijrï viihdrcw his iorcus nilhout a íight Unltimore, May L2t 'i'i.c Old Poim bout lias urrived, and bnntr.s tho tullosviiig : Norfolk, Va, May 10- 6oolock P. M. öeu. Wool bae just ont-ered tlu; city in coiüpany with Mayor W. V. Larab iind n oominitiee ot the uity governmeiit. The last of the rebel troops Jt-ft tliis moriiiiig, and the city was left in tho euro of tbe Mayor .s ibe representativo of tho civil ])'!vi;i-, On tlie upnrqnch ol our tnof oj the Mayor weut 1th a flag of truoe to tbe uily limite, and an arrangement was bood made bètwèenthe Mayor and öeneral WooJ that the city should bo given up on the promisc of General Wool that private jironi.'iiy shoukl be respectad. IJnriug the march on Norfolk three reghi.ontu] cnvalry campa were iouod deserted appnrently a day or twosinee. GeD. Welior's regiment, tira New York Twentieth, was aëwBBCed on landing to recotinoitré, and somesix náius froiu the, at the Half way Houí caitedj found b place whroh had been preparoJ for a buttlo fild. Trees and hustioi huil boon feüed und riilo pits built, and early n tbe morning, as wua ii8cert;iireJ, severftl guaa were placed in position attbis po'mt. S nnu ivornits of the Porty-firet Virginia Befñment were capturad. They reportod Sewall's Point abuudoned on the pfeceding mght by fonr companies wfaiob had garrisODOí! Uie place for Bome weeks past. A negro was also capturéd at this plaoe, who state d ht it wïis tfie intention oi'tiie eneiny to de stroy th'.i bridge over TaBner's Oreek, and thcn evacúate Norfolk. Part of Max Weber's regiment was pushed foiward on the road to the bridge, and the enomy was found about dood poétd on tho oppositë sido of Tanoer'e Creek with tbree uns. The bridge had b en set on fire and wae stil! burníñg at that time. Sorne eix or eight shots were Sred without effect, and our men, beios beyond muskwt range, did not reply. Tlie ereek beug about a qnSfter ni a müo wide, our toree was wifhdrawn, anti ftarted on anotber road eonsideiably longer, and rfiported to be defended by a strong battery. Not" the plihtest oppoeition aa niadu, however, to or advaoce, nd the fortifica tiooe, whieh were a inilu iind a half from Norfuik, were found ti have been evaeuated, after spiking the f?ims. They were extensivo works mul iiuely CDiistnictod. They.. arrived at Nosfolk., after u tiresome mach. vt five o'clock, without uring a gun, and found the whole rebel force gone, the last leayihg this mrning. Mayor Lamb, wi'.h a oommittee of tro city government authorizêd for the pnrpose, niet General Wool with :i flag of truoo at the city limit, and filter i brief co.nsnlta.tjon tho city w;i BUireDdered to'lie United States forces. Gon. Wool then proceeded to the City Hall with the Mnyor, folio wed by a targe crowd, where lie isued the lolluwiiiíí proclamation : Headquarters D ,.f Va. ) May 10. 1892. ) The cilv of Norfolk having boon surrendered to tlie governmnt of tho United Siaten, military poesésaion ol Ihe Bdine is taken in behalf of the n;tional government by Major General John E Wool. Brigadier General Viele ia nppointed Governor for the time boing He 'ili fee that all oitizeae ore carefully protcf.ted in n!l tlicir righta and civil privileges, taicing the utmost care to jiríserve order and to see that do soldiers be ponnitted to enter the city except by h order or by tlie.written permission of tlia eömmanding offiaer oJ his brigade or regiment, and ho ill ptinwh siiniinarily any Amèrican soldier who shiill Íropit88 upon the ïights of any of the iohabitants. (Bigned) JNO. ii WOOL, Maj den. General Viele inimecliiitcly ap].ointed Mr. F. !■ Davia bis Military Secretary. The very fíVst parties who eutered the citv were newppaper correcpoudei Gen. Wool returns to camp o'the cily, nnd probably Fortresa Monroe to-night. Alter ihe departure of General Wool several thousánd persons assenibled nrar the City Hall to heai1 a Bpeech from Mayor Lamb. The Mayor soemcd to bê very popular. He said n siibstance that in hi.s negoliatiouB with Gen. Wool he had seeured :i pledge fir tho protection of private propei ty nnd the safe continuance of all private business. The people aro in a state of L;ru:il cxcitemont, and a slrong police foroo is out to-night. It is hoped no violonce wi'l bo eomiuiitöd, and oanfidence in the government uill doubtless soon ba establiebed. Later. Notfolk, Sunflay Moroiog. Tho navy-vard has beon eompletely destróyer), together with ;i wry !arge nümber of Bteamboats and otber ve Solí!. Jíumerous Union flags are öying in Pürtsittouth. The place is ocoupied liy the Sixtocntb Ma88ttoha8etts BsgimonL üenoi'ül "iol". bas establisbed bid heftdr quártors ia tbo ouetotn-honse, fonnerly occupied by Genenil Huger. The Dstioaal flafr n? raised for the firsl time this moniífi It wassaluted by tlio guard, and eatbUBiasticaliy cheered. Tho Monitor nnd Naugatuck have just arrived and a numbor of othor vossuls from the fleet ure also co.iiing up. The night passed qnictly. At present everything is perfectly quiet and order is cntiroly restored. All the public property Lb occupied. Genei al Wool and Com. Goldsboro haa jnst arrived on tlio Baltiroore. The ptslioy of tlio aiithorities here is to al ]ow everytliing to go on with as little intêiruption as posaible-. A general feeling of corifidence eeems to pruvail, and a Union senürnont begius tü show itself. Fifty-tvvo guna were fuund nt Craney Ifelund this morning by Captain Case. " The fulloYviijg ii()chiinit.;n v:is g. Oed in Norfolk on Sundóy moi-ning; folk, M.-iy LO, Thu occiifmncy il' ihc eiikss i JS'oriiiid PüiOiiiouUi i- for ihu ■■■ ï ii i' tho j i 't-riy and the itonunce of the public !vs of the i Sttiti.'. 'rivale aSROciutions iinestiti ij liet mi] rmt bodisturb' d bia vi ui o-,i,.' o nd .;.,, efjieot to IKa governn'eitt Í)J be íulTovi li 'i; aritos) (i1 tbo offunüers. Thostí wbo have left theii bornes nncler pnlibii of ucts oí vnndttlJsm may be iissurod tii it the governinent wlk8 tío man the lx nor of gorviog 'n is arwlió forgots Ui. of a ettizcn in clifuhiirging liiooooí a mildior, and thut no ndividuiil righls vvill be iiiturÍ ifed vviib. 'i'üo bul o ui tiqüor' is prohibited.


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