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The French Minister's Mission

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Tlie N. Y. 'l'iincs1 Washington correspondont is responsable for tho followiüg espose of ihe objoet of the reeent vi.-i: of tho Frendi Minister to RithmoHcl. Our readers can buüove it or not ns tlu-y p loa se : "Tho Frenoh Minister wéhtl o Richmoncl lo ássure the rebels thut ibe Emperor of tlie Frencli diica not rseognzo Ihem is h power amcng tho nalinns, (hut Englunü and France bv recógnizin them as boUifferonts did ill that coilld be expeóted on the part of neutral Qovernmen'i1, thnt tbeblöcküde '!' thcirportj scfftíotnn), tbnt they are fsr'rly béaten in nrma nnrt ihéir in depundenee :is a oation is mpossible, that a continunncè oi hostilities by Ihe threatoneii dfslri'cüon of tho eotton and tobncco crops of tbeïr citizens woiild only !e a waoton j irv to tho vrli!, njnring Pm'n f ancl Én even more tl an the Uriiied States, and thut a resort lo guerrilla tvarfaro, ne proposed nheo their armies aro clestroyod, would demoralize society, nnd besimply a reftirn to bnrbrisrp The :; nlr'.ionisti -i], tberefore, thut a cessatiori of hostilities is a duiv they out' to tlremselvea and to tho world, "hich fill civiüzed i:::tioiis wil] unite in i'dquiring f tliern.'' jL;lgr In another eolurnn we givo a list of' the siok and wouoded Michigan soldiers wlio arrivcd at New York, frotu Yorktown, on Prktay evening last, by tl.c stcamship Ooeuti Q;i'.;;'ii. In thia list wefind tlic name of Wm II. Gir.i, anii, wlio is reparted as haring died on board the steamer on ler way up, A letter from out brotber, datcd the 4tli iust., the dajr of the evaonation ot' Yorktown, informs u t!:at Henut ("íü.i.and waa iu the hospital, Uut nol tbouglit dangerous. Yeung Gillakd wiw a corporal in Co, A, Stockton's Independent ltegiQiOnt, and lef't school in this e.i'y, tb Btttcr the service. ■ Suffolk, raported oaptared by Federal troops on tliu IBth inst., under Major Dódge, i at the juDCtion of the lailroad running from Kiobmond and Petersburg !o Norfolk, and from Norfolk south iuto XortU Carolina, It i.s LÍ2 miles froiiu JSicriblk, 55 milos from Petersburg, and 59 miles from Weldon, X, C, anotber important raiiroad jiiiictioD. 5íL" " 'iíwo swuilows dou'c make a summer," but whea Üm morcury goes above 8U and Tliompxon's ieo cart bo gins its daily pcregrinations we muy take tfor granted tliat summer is at baud. - JJuth of these evento Lave happeued. - Auothor iudieatiou i iu tlio advortisod appcoach pf tbe 11. Sands Com'uination Circus, which is suro to como wikh everj May, and is postcd for o.xhibition iu Ibis on Friday nest, iLiy 33. It ranks bigb in tbo lt of' uirouses. t" Brigadier Öonërsl Duffield lias beon R8signed to tlio cointuand of all tbe Federal forces iu Kc:itueky, with boaduartera at Louisvillo. Tbis is au importaat aud honorable OOtnmand, but uot as actively belligeront as the General and 'Úa Brigade would have relished. $3 The Setiaté by a maj rity of one laa íiuall}' oonfirmed Daniel E. Siekles as Brigadicr-Geneial. llis brigade won a arge share of glory iu the recent engageiiL'iit at Williamsburg. L3E" In tlio hite firo nt Troy G71 Riildings wei'tí burned. The loss on Miiküngs ia csliinated at 1,342,000, and on persenul proporty at $1,500,000. - Great fires nvo aldO repoitod u tfew York and lioston. JÜK" List vcc!c the CuiirJr mviud usio "stand eonvicted of ;i mobt min. rabie quibblo " Tliia woek it . tliut wc have ■' proemiaont (j tal'ficatioiis for blackganrding " beoause we provod by ils own words tliat tlic "miserable quibble '! was its owd. We remeuibcr well the fable of tho farmer and the lawyer and the "if and f" of the lawyer was off the saine piuco of the Cpuritr't b rror of blackguardism. Thafs all. &S Tlwre wtll ba a SuchJ ï.n tho bent'lit (if Liie Boldioia' A;d Sooiotv. at Rogurs' Hall, Tueáduy eveni; g, 20th.


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