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Great Fire At Troy

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Tnr, Maï 11. ïiio fii'c cotnroenccd ;it noon a i j 1 rajfed fcïll sundowu. It cauht in the cuvered bridge over ihe Hudson belongirg to the Renssalaer & Saratoga A th.ousati'i feetoftbe bi i leairoyed. The wind blowing iy. carril buruing branda to i'urious parta of tl e city, setting fire iu u uuiuber'cf places. - ïii emsequeuee of po inany firea i:i differeijt dir ■ ■■:■'. s,, tho fire deparjnisnt conld not do mucli to slop the conflagratiou. After th fire bunicd huif a black on both s'kIcs of KLver stront, it was aTroatoj. Iu the iiic.Ti.tinio it niado fearful progresa in the Fuurth, Ihird, and partly in tbc Secud vrards, most of Ibeso being peivato residencus, aunoDg tliu best in the city. The w !. .1 ' nuajbor of buildings dostroyed in betwe . The losBajjprtjjiimtes tlnuo luiliiuus. Tbc tot:;l iusur ; bundred thpugiiad ttöilars, i'lic busiaesa port ion of the city s compurativüiy little. A.mong tha b ú linjs doáíroyiíd aro Troy Upion bridge. Sixtli Street l'r. :--rtcriaü Cliurch, Scotch l?resbvtoiïau. Methodist, Free Cbapc!, Oipbao Asylijm, Cbildreu's Asyluin, Ueussalaer i'lytcchuic Institutii, Truv Aciiilouiy, Mrs. War .i IIotel, Washington Hall Hotel, Fulton llouso, ;ud Troy City Bank. A.iijong tiio bcavical ■: are Qui' luys, niathetntical instrumeut iu. and heldon 6c Groeu, stovo fouudprs. - The area burxied uver is about lift y i A great numbcr of' persons aro tl out oí ciuplayaieu.t, Several lives are lost, araong iheni Dr. C.iry, physiciau, aid ttaaaom Haight, merabunt. Sonie tcu persona aro misa


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