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We Are Indebted To Hon. B. F.

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GuANOEii for the report of tbe Washbarne iovestigatiDg committee, a voluminous document of over 1,100 pages, ard also fjr other valuable public documents. jS"" Tbe Parsonage house on Lodi plain, ocoupiedby thaltav. J.Patciiix, was burncd on Monday ai'teru noon Kist. Mr, P. lost a great part of bis furniture, including his valuabk ibrarj. No inlarnnce on eitber building or contenta. jL3gT The Congregational Chutch and Society of ibis city, havo unanimously 11 callad " the Rot. A. E BiXDwra, of Ouni;., wbo bas ftlle'l thcir pulpit for a few SabbithS past. The Iiev. Mr. Caxdï, vb" l.-s boen offieiating in tliia church fer a few moutba returns immediatoly to Lis mission labore in Kcntuuky, L3T The compacy of Capt Wohmer, aiscd for service at Mackinnc, left I)e:roft on Tunsday for iti destination - Quite a cuiuber of th membera of tbis L'ouapaoy went frum iliis city, among ihem oi,e Aryüêhny, 0. ü. Cook. "Con" (ta in the oíd Michigan First, and wili make a good t-oldior, whether on 'gaard Juty at tóackhiac or in more active serrico. - Gons. IïarrftWS and Harding, and Col. Guiid tbc 'J'i boowscö Staic prisoners ■jt up with tbe Corapauy, to raaticaie lui ing the su'Miner at tbe " olcl Fort.'' Personal. - Dr. BitL'Nxow and lady left lust week, to spend the nummer" in Germany. Tbe Dr. ia ven' mneb out ,f he.iltti, and vye hope ha wil] con:e loipe in tlie fall in betler condition. -Prof. J. E. Clakk left forDacotnh Penilory on Wednesday evening-, to ipend the. sumrnor Li Mirvcyinpf. Gen. j. D. Hili-, Surveyor General of tho l'erritöry, leaves in u. few duys for tbe ííiine destination. L7" See noticü in anothar column )f J. F. Miller, Beceivor of Ihe late :rm of C. S Goodrich & Son. J52L" Bach & Pikiisos have juRt ipened n choioe toek of Good, which they propos to sell cheap. iSee advertitcmeiit. The Court House finare is lookng attractive and lovely. Tlio grass is rowing luxuriantly, the trees bave put on tbeir nch Spring dress ; and tben John has put the broad gravel avenues iuÜDe coaditiou. Oar citizens begiu to fcc-1 a pride in tbis park. - A new lot of Evergreens and other ornamantal trees have boen planted in tbe Square, donated by Tiieodoiíjb DuIjois, dealer in Fruit and Ornamental trees, and shrubbery. He is entitled to public thauks. L3T The vall3 of Gkjcgouy's tbrce story briek hotel - on tbe oíd -American üite - are eompletcd, aud tbe roofisnearly on. Il makes a fine show. 2 The fouqdations of tbe Uuiverfity Law Building, and of the First Ward Primary School House, are nearly complete, and the brick work wHl soon be coinmenced. These wiü bolh bc first class buildings, and will be a great ornament to tbut part of the city. - Mr. P. Maushall bas the contract for the School House, at $4,800 It is to be completad Oct 15th.


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Michigan Argus