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PRINTING OF ALL KINDS Neatly Sxecuted AT THE A1ÍGUS OFFICE, WE ARE PRKPaRKD TO FIIX ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PU INT ING AT THE MOST REASONABLE RATES. We have recently purohased XVTTG-OOMBS ROTARY CAED PRESS, and havo added the lafst st.yles of Card Tyc, which cnablos us to priut NVITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, F1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. n the neatcst stylos, and as cheap as any ■Uut liouae in tlie State. We are also pruared to print rOSTERS, HANDBILLS, BLANKS, l;]LL I1EADS, CIRCTJLARS, PAMniLETS &c, BOOR BINDERY is in charge of a fIBST CLASS WORKMAN, .EDGERS, [RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, ULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufacturad in best sttle at New York Prlces, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Dld Books Re-I3ound. Ml Work waiTaated to give entirc satisfaction. E. B. PO3VD, Prop'r. Office and Rindery, cor. Main fc Hurón Sts. oinvay Fire tnmfMee Co., Of Conway, Mass. japitnl paid np, - $150.000 00 Vkscís (Oash), - - 269,963 12 iinbiüties. - - - 16,440 03 D. O. Roprcrs, Jas. S Whitnoy, Secrclary. Pretident. DIRECTORS. F.WTIITNEY, L. T)On.MAN, VV EM.IOTT ■ PA HO I.AND.D O: McGII.VHAy.K D MOlidAN VA!T BEMENT, JOSIAii A.I.Í9. AÍH. BU'.LEN V.H. DIOKINSON, W.T. CI.APi', D.C.ROGKR8. A il ii Arbor ReforcnceB: ir. E. WKI.LS, L. JAMES. I.. DOI1OE :noghjme8. oapt. c.s. ooodriob J. W. KNIGHT. Atrent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. New Remedies fok ? P E R VI A T O R R f ï (E A IO WA Rn ASS0C1ATI0N, PR1LADELPBIA. A Ue ntnalevl Iiisti'.ttlion ettabtitkté !n sptciaUiuhiv mita r tht relief of the Stelt and D'stnercr.d, natieled tcith 'tntfml and Cnroiiic Discuse?, and espectnlly ftr the arr. of DtscasiK of the Sexual Org&nti, MKDICAL ADVICli giren gratis, by tho Aotlng Sur■on . VALUABI.E BErOKTS mi Siiormatorrhirn, anrl othor i';i-r of the Sexual Hr;;:ins,ínl on tlit KBW REU H Y. ODaplojfld in tlie ïiHpt'nsary, fpnt in iMttêd letter tvölopwi. fr6 of ebarxé. Twoor tttnt Btsiopa tot ist;eoccptkbl. A.Wres, Dr. .T. SKII.I.IN H01T.HIN, HoiTrd AMOointion. No ; t-, Hmth st.. I -I ■ ï In - Ijiliin , l'ii. ' IHPiEOOKSTOREvH I H'WL )' !;- WEBSTER f! i i)iioite tlio TTf SE Franklin House jT--, V , ï'. -' .' ' 1 A in T';-t . A RKXOWOI'i.Mm;. . I ; un: l AN'ii Marml.tcl ure! . . i . ;. ,,■ I,AV &, ."vSKDiCAL 1ÍOOKS, Sc'nool Hooht, Mitullancou3 Bonks, Mank Bnoks, dan fftl! and vi ■■'. IiMtrnmeitta ' Musc : ■■■ . and Cuda. Uv' - ■ ' ■'■■'■■ á i ."' GOLD fw att 0Lr &L& ff P 7w Penáis I nriodi ■'. Cornice, Sliades andFixture, POCKET CÜTLEKYI Ainlevi'vythin?: porta íniíi to ttio tr:iíe( and more to Vb&y vruutd Idtüo theattentioa ol the '-M-iniry. Iaconduetingour ■ .- ■ iflhalldn all tbatoAD h# donö,sn tltat n rcasooable malí, woman or av. .shall Burt anj fault. We (kossesn faetlttlea whlob wlU enablo us to supjily ooratímiers af tlie Lowest Possííilo Figures. We e1I for RKADY PAYatasmalladvance. Wr o rn our gooda, but Casia Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wo havecnji ■ q JAMES r. SPAIJilXO, hereforo&re prepared to furoiiih Vistin!?, Wedding and all other Cnrds wntti-n lo order, w'ilh matness and dispa'ch, by mail or oíiertcise. Thft(EMPiBKi3 ' ;■: manned by agnod -rrr-w,' mi H) ■ v be fuund on the 'qurtr deck," I wi to nttend to H with pleasure, wiy) wíil Favor them v. . líüiTR-mlier the "Empire Book Store." JAMES B. WEBSTEE & Co Ann Irtior, Mí.v,1S60. -i,i ANO AAR RIVAL AT TH loLD AND RELIAS LE W9m CLOTHINt EMPORIUMÜ iJno. s PïiCEKTIX BLOCIS:;, MAIN STREET. ■wm. vü-A.a-Kriuii, híis.just returned from fih ESutern Cítios, with u largí and lüüir;ibl stock of FALL AND WINTER ÓQDS! nrhtch lie i.s oow oíTering nt umiunlly IjOW FRICESS Amon lii.-í Assortme&t tnay be t'ound BROADCLOTIIS, QASSIMERE8, DOESK1XS, & VESTINGS, of aMflpcrif tions, eepeelally for FALL AND WINTER WE AR ! whfcll lie ïn cultfng and mnkin to orler. in tliol.itpstanc bost stylos, together tnth a superior assortment of READY MADE CLOTÜJNG! TRUKKS CARPEC BAGS, ÜMBREUASj And Gentlemcn's Purnishing Goods, vrKb numórous other arüclw usuiilly founfl in BÜnOai ontabtishalentB. As ANEMPOBIÜM OF FASÏII0M, thfl inlieríber Batten hlmsetf, tbat hts mg exponence anl eenera. eimblv hina'to glvethtt rpittest ftftUsfoottún toall who muy liust bimin the waji ol man ufaeturins garmeDia tu onK-r. WM. va;vrr. ïline F actor y! A. J. SUTHKRLAND HASretnovedhif GunShoptiiiheNuw BloéknóBntonstrfiet louthof theConrtHfratefontnOecond floor, vrher lio ts prepareri to turuiah truns, Pistola, Ammunition Flasks, Po:hcs Game Bagt, and Everj otlier article in Lis Line. On tlic trt'ist ronsonñblr tfrmp.nndto do ftll kindfi o REP AiniN C 1 the hortest notico.amï u rhn bost manncl f nll insortment alwiys op 'Jn hnnd,üitj made to ord-r BOOTS t SHOES Are now reccivin a Inrge Rssorlment of Boots and Hlioos and K, xj s ib e :r, s i Wljich llicy jiro]Of;c (o Rcll 50 per cent hclow fornier or cash. Mon's good Kip Boots, fi-om $l.r,0 to $3,00 Mi'n'sgood Tliick Boots, from 2 00 to 3,00 j I Mon's good CíOfCoota, from 2fí0 to 3,75 [ i Boy's Calf, Kip and Tliicl; Coots, 8S to 1,75 i Ladiog' Gaitera, from 44 to X 25 Ladies' MoroccoBootcos, from 75 to 1,25 And an emllos.i v:uio-ty of Snuil Hboo.sfrom Fancy Bnlinorals to Infanta' Crooping SIlOCS. I B I Wv are nlsoIITniiiifactai'Iiignll fclncls of t WARUANTED BOOTS & snOES. Ï i Mens Fine Frenen Calf Hools i VeggvA and Sewed. ; H So kívo s ii c.fil bofnrí1 piirolinsinc oKowborp, ns nro í boundnot to be uadonojd. 3KEi'.lllN( DOXE i OH BHURT SUiVV.. MliOnE & LOOMIS Main St., Ann .Arlmr, Micjl. 82U(f ( Mo ncy Wanted, V h o v i ! 1 I., e n rt M oiie y 1 IAM REQDESTED BY 8EVHBAL W3S0NS tu oMats - monpy for Uit'in Ht TenPerCont Iitorest,(OrMore.) í '"or any one wlUlnK toUndfl can ;it nm-c nvost. on gooíl QndDOtttnbéred abundaut ':. L ESTÁTE secorlty anysuTns of monoy atnl Beethat tbotHlo muí socurity r ffff ïhe borrowcr paying all expenses, iticlmlins: rornrding. W UOR6AN, " Ann Arbor, Cct. 7. IS50. -Utf 1B62. 18S2. SPRING COODS! Wc nre now rcceiving a fine stock cf i NEW SP1UNG G00D3, and offer thcm at tbo Ssowest Cash Prices. C H. MILLEN & CO. April lot, 1S62. 846tf SCHOFF & M1LLEU RESTILLONITAND ut thalrold Stand, A Ko. % Franklin Block, wüh themost completo assortmentof Books and Stationery, PERFI7MEIÍIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, ' S HADES, ROLLERS, COEDS, TASSELS, GILT CORXTCES, CURTATÑ, flOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offcred in tliïa Market ! anr thoy woulil siïggest tothose in pulsuit cfanyihingm SANTA OLA U'S' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! hypurchasing from tliis ftfock, as ench purchasor jets an additional present of Jewelry, &$., Ranging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. tfs Th ey f nut that Üiolrlong expeiionce in neïectiog joods t"; t í i ia ir.urkj'i inl strict attentwn to the wants ii ('u-tninei's, nuiy cntitle tbeto ti) a liberal shan.1 O Patronage. And Albor. Po. 5. 18C0. 777tf ThO Connocticut Mutual Life Insuranco Company. Accumulatcd Capital, - $3,500,000. WtlXDïSCRK UVES foi any amouol not exoeeding $..:■" ■ the whole term of Life or for a term of ■■.'!.!■.-, on ttai most favorable terra. N. 13 'l'lio Company N pureiy mutual aml tlie pollcj lioldcrs get all th surplus over exact coat of Insuraiice It acconnnlalcs tlic insnred in tlie settleraent of their premium ON UFE POUCIE8, f destred, by taking A note for one half tlie amuunt, boaring intorcát at six percent, per unnmn. Dividends are Dcdared Annualhj! Htd bIboo tht'y now amount to fiftv per cent on thfl lver.iiuri --:i-.h :t:i I nul-, w arO increasing tliey nuy ha ftppned to Qancel thcnnles. jöy The rates "i premiums areftslow a any oiber responsitlo Compan.v anl Ihe Urge accumuiated fond of $,0' '0,000 is Mi'curely tm esied, as naay !■ Been bv referBbce to thestatemeni madeAceonttngto law, on lile in the office oi the County Ann Arir.r.-f JAMEB GOODWIN, Prest. GüYR.rnRUW,Seoy. ForpaiUonlaraapplyto JAMEfl C. WATSON, 7' ■ 1 Agent at Ann Arbci, Uteh. Great Beduction ia the Price of SINOKJt & COS Standard Machines . Well knotvn to be Ihe Best for Manufacluring 'urpiïses. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at 890, reducod to 70. No. 2. of same kind of Machino, for mcrly suld at. 100, reducud to 875. SINGER'S LETTER A MACHINE (s tho beat Uaehlne In ■ 1 1 - trorld for Family Sevingsjid l.tghi Manatactuiing Pirposes: (vtiA Hcinmcr,) and beautifuUy ornamented (60. Tbe Píos. 1 ;in i l U&ehtAOH are of great capacity and tpplioatloD for manofftcturipg purposeu, UurNo. 8 Machines ai odapted toall tclnds ut' llgUt and béav) Loatner Vork, in Qurrlaüe TrimmiiiLT, Boot and Öhoe Usklng Barness Uakingetc.j ete. ■ "' cx'ra -i.1. .-ui'i v, ji i . n ann long eoouffb to cake under il and atitcb the largeüt site deaues. Thera : j tcarcoly any part l ;i Trimmers1 ntfcblng tlmi cannol bu better done with them than by hand j o, too tle laving o! time r,n labor is ve-.y groat, Thotableof Ibesc niaebines t 34 inohei l"",ü, and tbe shuttle will ti"UI six tmi.'stlic usual quantítyjof jbhread. Thoiarge machine n■ílK i faal a smaU onw ■ We would ask for ónr l-ctter A Haohtaes, tlie spo■ . attentton of Vel Uakenand Dress Makers and aU khose who want MachiueK for lijfht Mniuifaclnring jntrwsc. They embódy tbe prlddHes of the standard nachlne, malrtng Hke them thetnterloead sitch. and ire dstlólbd to a eeleorated for r.Mn.v Bswisa wed '.■A'A; manufaot uring puriKtscu as oar standard mathïnof :ih' fot manutñctuxing in genaval. We hiivc alwa8 on band, uhsoükg cjhjojw.siixtwiít UXBN AMD OUTTÜB THHIUD.Oll RPOOLS, BB8T UACOlNBOILin . itiii'-. etc., ote. We ni;iiu:t;icl iirronr .vn h,i, ,i,h1 POUld w:;rn :t 1 1 KM-sons ustng ftur machines nol to buy anyothers. f tnow that there are beedles nold o íp nos! inferior Tua&ity ;it higher prlcea than we chara ■ for the bat. f:ii' m-ciilrs HOld bV lis are ma nu t.i 1 1 '■ l 'licci;illv for ur ma bines. A bad needtemay rendvr the trei uw Uní ïlruost Kttleêt, Qustomerfl may rost aisured ihatal. aur Eranoh itñcet are ftirnished wïththe" genuineaetM " In ofl w "I M iH purohasett, the inoncy rnay bo sent in jsíi-.'c stampp, or bank notes, pondenis wil! leane wrtte thelr nnmés Ststiiiety. ït ih all in portent tbut wc Rbould, in oaob oase, too iliu l'ost onice, Oounty, aud Btarte, flCS" A.l persons requtring informaUon abont Sewing thel size, prices. irorktDg capaoUteit, aud Lhe est methods "i' i urchasirifl, cao obtaip it by sendjng to is, ur (iny nf our B'-anch (Al ces for i copy of t. M. Siager & Co.V Gazette, Vhicb U á beautifal Pietorlal Paper eflürely doroted to act- It will btaenigrattt, ÍP5 We have made tlie abuve REDUCTION IN PRICE? vith the two-fold vtewol beneflting the public anti ournilv's. The public have been swlndled i NpnrlpQA matilines made in imitatlon ct" ourn. 'l' ie roetfti ín tlipm, rom lhe Iron castinj; to tlie .maUc1 [wico, lOi joor u..liiy. 'l'iirir makers have not the meana o do their vu.-ii nreil. They arehid away tn socrei plaoes, trhere it rould bo linposslbin to nave it thelr command the prop ir meobanioal applmnces. Itiftodlyby Aolbg a .-tent ie . :uni baving'extenslvemanufactui mg establishoente, Lhat Brood raaoblnea ean !►■■ made át moderattrioea, Thfl bestdesigned machiues, BADLY MADK, axi 4wayi Itable to gèt ont of order, and aresura lo cost onsidei able troubk and mone; (o keep tnera In repalre The qualilte to be lookd tor in a Marlnm :nr :o iaioty of oorrectaotion atall patea ol speed, simpUcIty l onnstrnotlongteal dñr&büliT, andrapidHy ol opeiti.-ii, mth the least labor. Machinen to combine thea uentlal quallties, mnst be made o the best m tland iui-.ii. il to perfi eii-.n. We have the wuy aud mean.s, on arañil scate, to il thls. 'i'lic puvcliaseri f mnohines, vrliosedaily bread it ma y oneern, ill 8nd that tbose taivlqgtheaboveqiialltteji tot only work ell m rapid au weH as Blowrfttescf peedjbut last Longer in thn Qnesi posstble vorklng 'order. )ur machinen, made by us, will eurn more money .i li lèsa labor than any otbers Hhethér in ImitatloD .' oursor not. in faot, théyArecheaoer tbaa any other tachJneaasagift. I. U.SlNGER h CO., 458 Broadway NewTork. SRT Dötrolt OQlce, 5S Woodwiird Avenue. (Merrill i ilock.) siltf M. IL GOOT3RICIÍ, Agent, Aun Arhor. 8 W.MORGAN, Agent for Mutual LifoInHuranceCompAny, Now York. ocnmalated Assets, .... $ü(350,000. ( ae leadlng [nsunuioe Company in thfl r. s. 1 KnickbrDookes Life Insurance Companr, New York, -a lirftt '-tass un f e. (Jti. - terms reasouible. íininb'il'U Insura nvv Company, New York. :i]it:i I . wilh .t i vi;r s:irjhis, - - $'200rl}00. ', l'emiu Marino Jt i'iro Insuianc.e Co. ( Peorlfl 111. -hntt o. 1 Firelnsumnceilo'R. 7O7tf ai'itftl, . f0at000; IIÜRACE WATERS, A O B 19 T 5 3 3 Iï r o a rt w ay, N" o w Y o r k PablUher antf Afiulc Boo3c ANr ] i. Pianos, Melodeons, Alèxandro Organs Organ Accordeon?, MartitTa eelebra. ted uadüther Guitnra, Violms, Ttüior Vipls, VioHncollos, Accordeons, Flutirnis, PluteB, Fifes, Triang1es,C]ari jnettfc, Tuning Poi les, Pipes ii 't Mr.intniTS, Vioiin Bows, bost Itiilian BtriögB, Burs Instrumenta for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and al! kinds of Musical Instruments, 3 Xï. o o t TJL xx S i o from ftll the pabli#hen In U. 8., BortJnt'fl Huotin'B, and M-i-lcrii School, and al) kincU of lostrneti o for the instrumente; Cuureh iiaUi Bot ' - bouiiil; Mu&to paper, anÜaU i A 1 1 be JLowest Prices. New Pianos, At SITS, $200. $26, $250, and un to SKOO. Second Hond Pianos froui $'3 up to ( is, $4o . 0, ;6,l0fl, and up to $200; Se ■ udc-ons from $ttO to $80; lloxa i i . with fivesto] iiiupato] . d $375; A liberal dfccoi ■ I . ' ,:irnt Ui.ii'ln'.-, r-'.i '■■':■: !i Schools, Sen and VeachA. ïhe, Trade eupplfod at the usual trade dlscounts Testimoniáis of 3ic Hmrnrn IVntcrs Planos John Tïc'wcit, i f Cartliagp, v'' w Tork, wlm bas In;! one of tbejforactTTaterH Pianos, writsas foUowB:- "A friend of mine wfoheR me to purcliaa h her. Öhe likos thcöneyousold me in ;■■ ■■ My jii.r.iu Is becomlng popular ín ' lis place, and j thiuk I can introduce one oï twti more) tboy will be more - ular tliun nny olher ra ' We hs ve two o' W itera' ríanos ín nse in nurPp'miii;n-y. Que of whi h has be d ei rely (ested Tor three yt'üiN. and delrjtood qualitj aitd durability." - Wood k Gregory, Moun Carroll, lïl. 'M, Waters, Eaq.- DeaR But: Havlng used onoof your nano Fortes for two years pant. J liavc fonad itavery superior Inslrttmntt. Xwst0 (Jhay, Prinripnl TiroaJ?]n Heights Semmanj. "The Piano I receiTd from yoji continúes to givem ist';iction. 1 1-'"' : ■ f tito bphl instrumenta iu tlic place." fiarea U Ciarkr, Charlóte 'Tiio Mélodeon lias nafoly arrlred. I toet obltfrdto yon fory our liberal licuuut." Kcv. J. M. UcCooiuck, Yarqit&viticS, C ' ihc piano was ftaly reoetTed. Hnmp tnexeelleni con lition, and la very nuch admirad byroy numeroue iniïiily. Acopi iv. v thanki for your promptiiess.'1 - lïnHKur COOPEB, iVárrtnhíim Braajoed Co. Pa. "Votir pinno picados na '■■ II. !t thp l''i;t (me in our CímiityV-TíliMiis A. 1,.T!UM, fairtfr.!'!ov, On. lIWe ;i:i' yyy maah oblïge1 to vu for haTing seni BHch a i'i-i' ruini-n: !'ni $2L0." - i;i;.w;i; ,IIi:i u Co., flujffilt) Detttccrat, '"The llorncp Waters Planos are knoirn iwnmonc the vpi'v hest Wh nrw enabled o Bpeafe of thèSQ i .■. :ili eonfidssee, from partor rI knowledge of tl 'ir oxcollont tone and durable qwality." - N. Y. Evangelist. 'We Qan speak of w ïrita of the Horace Waters pi ajn from personal k baing the reryflnw1 quiil t.v-"- Chripiian ïnuffigemcer. 1 [oraoe Wn teta pianos are óullt of the b roost thoroughly seatfoned material. We heie nodoubl th.u buyers cn do as wcll,perhapa better at thlntlian al any otb - : ; -" - Advocate and Journal. leona challeogo comparison witn thfl Bueal raadé anywhew ín the country." - Uame Journal ''Horace Waters1 Piano Fortes are of i'-.i'T. rlch nnd oven toni', i-.-i 1 powerful - V. Y. Musical Itrnew. liOur frk'ivls will Hmm a1 Mr. Waters' bV re the vcry besi ussoriin-Mii of Mu-ic mul of Piano to be found i tho Unitod Statosand we urge our southern fin.l wevtern fHendfl to (tlve híin n oall whenever thej go fco Kew York." - Graham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b ba t h So'h ooi Bell. KIO.OOO Inced In ten Menths. The unprecedentód ale of thlsbonkhas induoedthe pvblisher to add novae 8 nd bymns fe ent sise, nithvut oictra charge, exoept on the cheap ■■ liUon Ámong tlicmany beautiful tunc. and I? mn may bt; founl: - "I tinglit to lnvemy inother;" "O 111 be a good child,tnded 1 wiH." Tlieveand eighi other from Öie Bell were ung at the Sun'laj Scbooi Annirer Bary "f the 5. K. Church iJ. the Acadeuay ol Muste, wjih grf':it appliiuse The Bell coi taíns neany 200 tunea and hymnt. mil öne of the best col! i tesoed. Price I3c; $10 ■ istagc 4c Elegantly bttund, embossed gilt, 25c S20 per loo U bas been loti Intomanyof tho Public Scl Jla. Tho è ia puüliahedin Rmnll oiunbers entitled Annïvr-.ii y and Bunday School Muaíc Botiks, Iíob. l , 2, S, 4 ■I. In order to &Lcommo I rn, prlce $2 & $3 per h.üilnil No. 5 v.ill bood be Ennued - commencei another book. Also, Revival Sifuslc Cooks, N". 1 & '-'. prlofl SI V $2 pr ÏOO; ñostage le. lloro tliaj coplpa of thp above booka liave been iasued ■ eJghteen months, and tho denmnï s rapïdly Increaaiag. Publibbüd bv IIORACE WATH1?, ARpnt. S': ür.wlwjiy. N". V. Fublised by ÜGraco Waters No 333 Broadway, New York Tocal "Kind Wordscan nererdie;'1 'Tfc Angels toW me boj" "Wllds of the Wsi;' "'fhoughti ol Qt !:" 'Giv.ï me back my Houotain Honieí"' ":- y i1' '!);■.?]. v Cöck Robín;" "l'in wtth stilï: i;i'-i :■ ■ 'iP]n!v''sim daríhig Uke mine:' "Saiah ] ■■■ :' ■i.viM- ol thee;'' "l'm leavingthefl In Sorrow:' "Bird ol Beauty;1 ' "Home ofour blrth;" "Orave i f Uosabel,' and Ldy, wake,.1 pi '■'■ 25c each. ' I.vstkimkntai. - 'Palact; Garden, or ncïnj Bird Polka.' 4Oc; ■- ■ s" "Mirabel SchottiHCii;" Thomas liaker's SchottiachBi" "Pleuolomini polka, 35 eenta each. The above piecss hare beau ttf ui .- "Wchnor Polka;" "Arnbion Wai eryMarch," (fae very laKt; "VasROvlanna ttontells Uasurkn ; uRea I: hjr Poli;t;" "Crinoline VTalte," and "Lancerp Qua drillo,1 26c each. (The Empire of Reich's Quadrille;" a ew dance, and "The BQberoian QuadrUlo,'1 8fieeach. Mrtuy of these pieccfl are played by Baker 'e aalebrated MobeM ra v.n!i gK&i applrnae.jéa"' Malled 'freo. A Iftrgölot of Foreign Uusic al hoïf price. Planos, ÜT6!odona iind Orjfns. Tlic Horace Waters Pïnnöa and STolodeons, for depth, puriiy of tone and durabiUtjr, ara uniturpassed. Price very low Second II tn ï Planos and Melndeons from $"J5 to $15i. Ifuic and ilusïcr.1 fnutmctionfi ff ;ill kin'!-, at Uu bwes1 prloes. IIORACE WATERS, Airent, N'... 333 Drrtartway.N. V. tttsweotnAtB; - "TIk llotacè Waters. Planeo are. kdown ssamong therery best.1 - Kwtn&êtfêt. lWrecan mnt of thelr meritsCrom pAnwuil knowlodg-'1 - C'hriatittji Jn'rfHervrrr. ''Nbthingat the Fair dlsplayed greater excolionce -"- Chnrrhman, Waterb' Pianos añil Ueloeona challenge comparlson with tlio finest made anywhere in the country." - Rome Jnnrntl. Tt'Mf 2STEW GhOQÜ)S9 Seasonable Goods, i ] CIIEAP GOODS, I For Cash., i i i BACH $c PSERSON Hnvc jua'; opcncil a dioico stock of Winter Gooils, Bought for Cash A.ND TO BESOLD FOROASH at Booh prieea s will mntc tlie Imyers !nugh ut tlie den of lliu-il Tínica. , The stock inchules n clioioolot of LADIES'DIIKSS GOOLIS, GENTLEMAN'3 CLOTII3, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, 'i ÜROOKRIEP, d-c, fec. Now is tho time to buy yuur Wintor'g upplies. 1 BA.0B & PJERïpN. J Ann Arb'or, Nov. 15, If6l. ' loömis" raiFpr J Succ;-;sorfi to Chapín t Loomis.aiKÏChapin, Tripp A Loom " j TiIIKahnvp ilrm of Loomte & Tripp havf ng purcha ei 1 the entfre hiteresi ofttio förrner cornp&Dln wil jontinue the business al the ld stands, where they wü! j4 rcadv, on the nltorlrst notico, to lili ;l1I orders in ilie ino of 'J Castings and Machinery, n the most wmkmnnlikr niiiniifr, and on ns libera ermi u any ffthet shop En the state. Auongthb frarl r tus arÜí-h-MiKtniííiic-liiri'il by us. v.c wtmld enumérate STE A MENG IN ES l r iiii ïiimis; MiU Qoaxlng !inl Flxtuvat, wroughtand T tast; nll the various oastlngB for making and repaiiing IlorscPowers &Thre6bing Maclnnes l nich tin n t preséni , or tri vo formorry lifn Ín o m ihit part .of the State, ai wcll is ;ili tho rartoufl lünde ■■! ïaKtiutr" innl miichiiu' vork called fou by fkrnwn and ncchmilrx inthis seoUou of the coun iv i )f alï the v.i . "' i; ■ patterns, up in Blzes am! prices ; will bo cepteonstotly oa haud,gut the most mqdcra and ni proved stylcü. Thankful for fumer imironajye to the oll urn, we vonld nüfiit a oontinuance from oldlfiendstand n trial jy all wialiing foi'titiythinj; in our linoof business, LOOM1S fc TRTPP ApnArbor.May I8thf 1860. GÍW ! GREAT.GREATEU CTOEÁTE5T BáR&áJTíe EVER OFFEBED 1 8Q Í "'■■ I KQ In thisCity, are uow beingoffered at the CIIEAP.CLOCK.WATCII, & T o 'vsr elry. Storor JMIM Babaoribftr wouldsay totheolttzenaoj Ann Ar I bor.lp particular, nnn tl"1 reit oi IVixblAfiitw Cnudlv In .pin-r-i!. ii:ii !,, hnsjust IMPOItrEl) , I RECTLt fcora EÜROPE.a Tromeudous Stock of W.itelics! Ali of whlcb b" bjndiblm cao bn bnutrhl wem oí Nnw York City. OpenFaci Cyliridër Wntche I rnm tü to ?T0 dn iht Lever d do 8 ro ;;i HontingCafa ïo do rio 11 to ::, do do Cyttndor do do 1 ■ Gold WateJw frwn 0 to li'o i baro ïi!mh ttie AMERICAN WAT CHES, ' -.vil! pte'n f:r K-r:ry Vvofh wju-rantud ín perform veil, or hc rnpnoy retundcd. C)CCÍ8, JnwHry, Pintcd Wnr, Ffincy Qoorfs "ons, Mui(-;il J:ns!:-iuncnt8 nl St rings, (Jullery, &c, nr.d in fact a v'ivirty of v ry.hlp(( i'aiinlly kopt by Jcwe!t,r cao bn bniight Tor the nfxt rúoefcy OWN P R I 0 E S I Porsons buylng nkythlng nt tb? wil fcncrwñ ettabUthma ui can ra)y apon gettfng good exact' y as rep. retentad, orthemi n-y refunded. OaHeatiy nd bvcure the best bargalo ever ofterecHn thii "ity One word in ronrd to Rcpairing : W are preparftd te; mnVe nny repairs onflno or eódimon v!'-!i.", . -vi ■!! .. ni :ML'cer tbe outlre watoh If nnceBnry. Itepulring "f Clocka ai d Jowelry jíb iuuaI. AIm tbe mnmifHCturinc i RINGS, BROOCHS or aaythtne rgirort.fromCaUfnrniiiGold on short noHce. EnarraTiPC In nllitsbrancbeeexeented withneai. nt'ss and difijinicli. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbo-, Jn. 2Rtl]'P;"í9. 7f4w Imporcant National Works, PuWished by D. APPLETOW ft OOí; 346 AND 343 BROADWaYKEW YORK Tlio Followíng trorkti are sent to Subseribern m ahy pari (H th'icountr . . a recip1 of relail price,) by mail ta. piepafu: THE NKV AMF-RIAN CYCI-OPJEDlAi , Popubir Dietiünarj of tieuerel Ki led hv 6bo. Kii!.í;v cel ' BH A. . e noleol corpa of writew In ftil bïanobM af Scienc and LH ■ . ï - being pubii bed . ■ octavo rolumcfs,eacbcoatainiug 7601 Hro-column pages Vote. ].. H.. III, IV. v., Vi., vu., viü caes. Ao . :■ vrw be publtahed oncin ; 1 1 ] i s . l'i ;■!. in ■; Half Hussia, $4.50 euab. ITte Jflw Americ n : popabu1 without bein;.; superfleia] , learned wilhout bciugpocbii hcnsivi but ín fíir ent lv ddtailed-, freefroBï piT-'on;il pique atv! partj . i and vol accurate. It is :i complete etaienn ni of all tbj portent topic witbïn tttt' ücope of human Kfry ii!iin-íaf.t iirticle Inithfusl for is ;■ :■ athoi itiefl tipon ; ■ n wliicb they Rpeák. Thoy etre requircdio bring th HUDjeet up to the present moment; to state juet how 11 unte, AH 1 be laicst reporta ; : ■ muis keep pace witta ■ ■ ■ ' ■ . ínclu '.■ the frenhe t just v!-- ■ : tl onlv ef the dt-ii'l but also of tbc living. It i.; a librar? of 'tself AURIDOËAIGIVT OF TXÏE DEItATES OF COXÖHESS pcin Hiatory ofthe [Toited States, froni tïtj organization of tlie flrsi Federal (' q. n-essin 178" to 1850. Erfite . . ï.v Hon. Tno. Hart ÖRN-Tos.firnra theOfflelnl fïecordu of Congres. .; will be cojapieto ï in 1 -" royal octoro volumes "i 760 pag - '■. ... li "i nrhicu are now ready. AnadStlonnl rolume h ill be publlnlied once in threemontha. 9&; Lan Shp, $3.50' Half Mor., $4; Hall C:iif. $4.s ■ ei ('. AWAYOFPKOCÜBTNGTHECYCLOPDIA ORDEBATKS Forma club of foar, and rei ■ toarboolut, Bmd ttvo copies will be sent :it the reraitfctr's ex pon w for . or fr t'-;i taabscrlbcrs, eleven copies will bsfent at uur cxjumse foi car; '. rr vt!'ts. No other work will bo liberal ly retrató the. oxrrtinnK ■ C tuütT Terms ir.ü 'ie known on :i; nlication to the Publi&kers. 0992a at -- liev Tuos. Wjuuht, agent at Kinr.i.' tt Smitbi Book Store, TpsilnnU. Blatkwood's Magazine AND TUE Brilish Reviews. GREAT JXDïCEMEXT SUBSCRIBE! PREf?HUW3 and REDaciIOiyS. L. SCOTT&CO-, NEW YOUK,coDtlniie to pobÜlh tbe folio ■■ Is, tïz: 1 THELOXDON QÜARTERLY CCo.Dftirrative), 2 THEEDÏNBURGH RE.T1EW fHiig), :; THE N0HTH BR1TISH REVIEW (Free Church). TUK WESTMIXSIIÍRREVIKW (Liberal) S BLAOKWOOU'S EpINBUBGH MAGAZINE (Tqtj). The present ritical state of Europa a affaire vrill render tlieo pubheationa unnsually Enteretstfng during ili rnpthcoming year. Thfty will occupj ;i iniildie ' gruuml betwëen Ine bastily writton rrcwsii.-ni-;, crudp ppeeatatlons, and Bylna; rumora of the l;ily Journal, ! íi i ui 1 ponderouH Tome of tbe future historian, w rit ten ; BLrtrr the Hving interest and PxcItPment of the great poUtical eventsof the time nball hare paraedaway. It , fg to th8e PeriodieaJfl tbal readers mut look-íot the ■■ l,:-t ny "f corren! ' and a sucli inadditiontótheir weí-estabIÍKhed titerary, Bciei tiöc, and theolngical chora ■ . . . . tb o t- !hth lion ■■: ■ public The ntoeipt of Advntu-n Staeeta trui tbe DHtish gives Rddítional ?&1up t llu'-.c Reprintit, inattmachasthoy cannow i-1 placed in Mie linnds of reab tut as soon as tbo original li TEM MS. ( Regular Prièes ) Pw f! nn, Foranyoneof tli fonr Revfewo, - - - 93 00 For %ny two inviovsj - 5 0) Por any three ol ibê our Reviews, - - 7 f0 Forallftraroi theKeriews, 8 00 I'oi BI ickwood ö M igttzine, - - - . - SOU 1 ■ i '■'■ - ■'- ■■■■ -■ di Eïi v ifw, - - - 5 0") l-'-ir Rbukwoon aud Iwu lïei letra, ■ - - 7 03 For tfAuoii.i at] 1 three Pertews, - . - ö 00 For Blackwoo tand the fotir Reviews, - 10 00 rurrtnt in tltc S'ate wh-rc issucd will be rectived it par. POSTAÜE, TIip POOTAOB to iinv part of the United Stftfofl will 'ie mt TTeiity-t5ttrCeta vcir for "6U k.. nul but Fourttwii Cenia a year for oaob of tbo A the a&OTe pricea the Peiiodtcalfl wÜI be furnished or l&&. AND ASA Premium to TSavr Subscribers, bo N"oh of the a roí Periodlc tlsfnr 18C0 wil! bofurnishtö omplctt', without ad'iUioio1 rhnrgê. i the murï eiiboraeral Msgazlnos of 1bc day, lif-c Vu ii.:iii'iiN 'v iir i.. . . a ftitl year t" t bt N'ns, for 1860 1 1:1.1 y í.l' rogairdod ucarly afl raluabl is for I Subsorlbpn-wlsbing alao tbe Kfos. r..r I8IJÏ, will be tupplie I ;ii the toliovring kxtkemsi y low katss. ipleiKlid Offers for 1860, '61, & '62 Togetber. For Blockwood'fl Magazine, the Ibree years, SS 00 Kur any one Review, - - " 5 0 For ttjxy twoKeviews, ' " 8 00 !■■■] Black wo 1 1 and i neR view, : " R(0 Tor Blackwood and twp Rei lews, " " 12 00 Porthres K. -views. - - " t( JlO) i . i Biucku inii'1 three Etevlewsj " ' íl 00 For the four Revtew?. " '( 13 00 Tor Blnckwood and the (out Eteviews, " 17 00 Any if the i' hv workfl ff il alao be farnifthoi) to Niw f ubseriber for the v ai !8áC-l , 8, and ' ít Üue Half the Regular Subecription Prices. Thna aNe8ubcr(bw'BMy obtain iho Reprlats of the 'ourfieytowd and Black wood, 5eveu Cousecutive Yoar for $37 ! ! ! Wluch [g but little more tbá;i the rio of the original orki foróofi .vai-, shall never again bo likely to offer sucb induce ■ ïenta ;i those bere preontcd Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! tüf Rwtrfttai ■ m i ■ i ■ 1 ■■ (Hrtrt i Ui. I' !■ ishi 's, for at Uieafi.jixiccfl qo commtssion can oallowcü to ageats. LEÓN A1ÍD SCOTT fcOO. KlL ."jIGnlilstrcct New York inn Arbor Marble WorUg. O C 3BiXoli.olcaLoz" i AS on, banda Uso ftuortsoent of Amoxicanand 'TAL 1 A N MK li B L L htchhebi propared to manufacture into f ONU . V S MENTS. i i; a n STO:VES ' O M B Tnj fe TAHI.ES mllthcir vnrielic, an.l u n WOHKMAN'l.IKK nutmier Bavlog bad cowüdwible experlenoo Intiia businmi i. Ratterd hfmMll thnt bfl will bo ablc to piense I 11 irho m:iy f.ivur me .vit'i tlutir orf'cri1. Uis priMfl TöW AS THE L O WEST. ifHo wishlni any tniD? In my line nro roppctfnl3 ,ltedtooll D. C. BATCHELDEB. Ann Arh„r. Mar CO. lür.1 SOlll WASHTENAW MOTÜAL ?IRE INSURANCE COUP ANYinkr; ffll le a,t n-:. i. in c:iy r ' , Ann Arbor, onThnrsilnv of oac'u wcek,uutil furlli' :■ , :tijt-, ready toreceh ■■ i"tsM. Kl:NNi',Pecr((nrj'. ( OctolicriSl, 1801. 82-ltf Ayer's Agüe Cura AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOB. PUItlFYING THE BLOOD. Ami tot ttie spaedy cure er the IbUowlng eomplolnta: Kcrofuln and Seroftilons AftVi-lioiiM.Hiicii Tnmoij lü ti-, soks, Brnptlons. í-iiii. ,!,-,, Piistule, Ulotcbc. lloils, Blalue, umi all .Skin Distases, ISD, llnl., (':li .limo, 1869. .T. C. Atir Ji Co. QentI 1 feol il wy ihny ti acknowtaige nbat yoiir Bui anarilla hm 'lorio tur n:. lliuin iiiln-iiti'd i croi'ulmi iufecttoo, I bave sullered from ie in vartoua traja (ór yeari Sometimos it bnrat out in Ulcera on my bands aud ;uin: Bometiuieft it ; tariied iinvaul :un[ dhttreswd ine at tbe stomaclii Two yeara ■r.' i: broko oul bn mv hcad fuid cov red my scalp mul aan witli one soru, wlilcli wiu pnlnjni and kmtheonie beyoiid dea liptlou. 1 iri..l niniiv ■ ] - veral iii.iiiit without Diuobi i any thiiig. in mot, t!io dborder gren worw Al loiigtli ï m rojolced loreail In Uu mgai tliul you liad ui-upared nu iliai'iilivu (.-iii.-a.nliiii, fut 1 knan froui your reliutuli'.n thal nuy tirina jou nuide mil bu goud. ] Ciiiciunatlubdgol il, and uaed il lili it cured me. i tt ■■!; K,aa jron ndtieo, ia luoll duees of a teunoonfal monllt, Kifd usoil nlmum Ilirau bottlee. .v-w and liunliby kin Boon U'gan ti fbrm under tboscab.wbicb ajlera while bil off. Jij .kin s nmv cliwr, and I kumv my Reling tlmt Ibe iliwus? hu nm trom my aystora. y mi c;in well bpllovt tbul I tol v.h.-u 1 m, aaying ivlieii 1 UU jrou, thal I bold you I" bc vue ui üie apwtlt oí tiie we, end remaln ever gratefully. Voors, ALÏUBD B.TALLEÏ. St. Anthony' Vive. Hos e or Brydnelas, Tc-I.lci aiii! Snit Kñf mil. Scald Jilead. Ringworm, Sore Ejis, Urojisj-. Dr. Roborl W. l'rebre nrltee fruin Salem, X. Y., IStli Scpr., 1 iiiï. ili;ir ho Inu inn-'l :m invetérate citse of Zh-optff, v.iii-ii tlireatened i Cpnuluate i;i!nliy. bj ilio pui ai iriDg nee of our u Baparilla, a ml eJeoa duigéroiifl Malignani Brytipehu by iaro iloscs of the --i:ho cures tlio common Empanas Ijy it constuntly. Bicindioctlc, Collie or Swellfd l'olc. Z bnlon Bloan of Profpcot, l'exiw, write : "Three i'tUei of your SoraninrlHa cured lua f i í ;..;,,._ a liideous Bwuliing au tlio Doek, whk'h I liml suflered jDrom over Ino ye&l . ' inKoiTlinrn or 'WhM ■. Ovnvlnn Tumor, l.'tt'i-lnc L'K'ernüoii, L'-milc Diseases. Dr. 3. B. 8. Channliig, of New ïork City, wrltrtj "I moHt ebeei lully eomply witli (ho reqnest ofyaiir ni-nt In Miylng I hftve (bimd 3011c Bwmiifirillii :t imifit excpilöitt nlterntlve in Uiü numeroué coniplalntn for wiitch o employ Baoh 1 remedy, bul OApecially in fltmaU Düfasts I of Hio tfcfofuloua dlnihefila 1 linve cived many inveterare nflOfl df L''ii'""iTliaM i it, iiurl vüiiip wlmre llie complalnt whb caused by utctralion of tlie uterus. The nleerKtlon Iteell vns floon cnred. Motblng vilhln my UuowJcil;:"' ciii:iis it for ili;rt? fomale derangemenla.41 ljlwnni s. M.inv.iv. of Nenbnry, .Uu., wrltes, " A d:inpernns ovarían on ono of tin: remalen in my familr, bed ilefiod uil tlio reinedlee e ooutd employ, Ik'is at U'it'Mi been cninpbitoly oured by yonr Bxtracf ofSarKqmrllln. Our physlcian tlienght nollilngbnl extirpation eouM affonl relief, hut ho advleed tl. nial of yont BarmparHIa iu tlie Uut resort befbre cuulntf, nml it proved eflectnel. Afler laklugyopr reuiedy oight weeka nu Rymptom of tho ili,-:i.: reuialna," Sj jiii 1 is and Mercurial Discaxe. Km OttUMHS, i'iii Aiigiwt, ïW. Hr. .T. C. AYEit: Sir, I aheerfilly otnnply witli ili rcqnesl of yonr nRet, and 1 ■■ 11 r to you srjinc of tho cflecta 1 Imvo reolised wllli yur SnrxatiArllbv. T h.ivi' cnrod wHh It, in my practica, most of tlio complatnU for whlcfc il is recoñinioudetl, and have finiud its elfacta trnly vondarful in the cure of Vmenaland M--rcurial Diuatt. Qnn 1 f my pntlaola had Sypliilltlo nlonrs in bis throat, whicb vere conaombig liis palate and tï;e top of lus DlOUtll. Vnur frarsapurill.i, stcadily Iftlïen, ; cui'ed blm in flve eeka. Anotberwaa attacked ' mdary ympuiu in lila noae, and Uie ulceratlon lmd aaten away ■ considerable part of it, , tlmt I bellere tlio disorder wonld soon iracli Wh braln and kill blm. Uutit yleldnl 10 my admiuiatratlon of jour Snnanarilla; tlio ulcera healed,atid h is well ngain, uot of eourse wiibout tome dtoflgiimtion 10 his boe. A womau ulio lmd Wen tveated lor the sanie dtgei-dei hy mercucy wsa suflering from iliis [loison in her bonus. Tfaey badbecoaie 10 tbe weBtlmr tluit on a damp day slio auftered ex-ni:ia[in;i pain iu her joints and boncs. She, too, wu ciiiiil onUrely by your garaaparilla in a few . 1 u.ini rts formula, whu-ii your agent gave me, that thi.s l'ie[iaiation from your lnboralor) mnal bea great renwd] cunsequently, tbme tiuly nanarkable resulta utth it liave not eurpruted me. Inikmally yoon, 0. V. LAltlMUlt, M. D. Rhcunintism, out, I,lvcr Complalnt. ImitEMIHUIOS, l'lWtnil Co., Vn„ Bill ,ln!. 1 5. D. 3. C. Ai-n:: Slr, 1 have been afllicted willi n iminfnl cbrnnic lli,nmutisui fui' a luug Uuic, which bolHed iho Ikill f i-li.V'ii'i.'iiiK. iiiitl Bi uck .to ui' in spit of all ilic I couW lii.J. until 1 tried yi ui Sni rllla. One bottle cdred mo in two weeks, nnii reiitored my general healili so uiiii'h (bat I aan lar boller thau befm I v. :; : attnclted. 1 thiiik it u uniulurl'ul mnlii ine. J. 1-1ÏÜAM. Juica Y. CuUliill. , St. Louis vriteel "I Imvo been alllictcil for ycarswlth an affrciimiirf tht ii'ctr, wlijcb dpati yed my ImilUi. Krisilerory Uilug, andenry tbing diil.-.l te relieve me; midi liavelwn a firpkeB-dlutn omn for souie j-i nrs Ironl no oiher cnuae thnn daavgemait of tlie Liter. My tatovcd irastor, ihe liev. Mr. Hopy, aarised ino to try Barmnaritla, beeftusa ho aald he knew oa, mul nn.v thlixryón iiinle nae'-worth tryiDg, Hv the bleaaillK OCOod lt lias Cttred llie, and luis su piulflecl my blood ■ u to make a new man or me. I ftél jouug anin. Tbe best that cjin lie ad oí yon 'm not híill'gouil enoagb1 Soliirrus, Cáncer TuinoiH, KnlarKiuirut, llc inlioil, Caries and ICifolia tion of tile I!o)i s. A gpnant vai-iety of cntcn liaTe licen rqmrted to xis rcliero cuie.s oí foiuiiilat.lf fdiilp!. lints lmvc rASUlted from tho use of this rt'iiiíniy, í.ul om snacv 1i;il' v.ili hot niiinit tiicm. ñoma of íIm m may he fotiAfl in oiir American Almanac, wliicli íln; ageuu belon nanioa aropleased to furnisli grarla (o al! v.ho cali for tlu'ui. Dj'NyepsIn, Hemt Diacasr, Pits, Kiiilepny, Kli luin lo) v. N ai algia ííniiy reniarkttble cures, of Lheee aflectloqa Imvo been maíe Ity i lie altcrative ir.(-i ttf iir medicine. It Mhnuliitts (lm vital tiinctiou.s iuto vigoroua iiction, ainl Uiua oveironies dtáordera rliieïi ivould bosuppoited beyond i( reacb. Suíli rejtoedy In s long been requlred bj tbe.neC0Baitie8 oftbe iteople, ai:! wo are confident Qjat tkja -, i i I do for them all i!i;it wedjclae can du. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron Tin; RAriD cure of CouííIis, Coldflj InfitK i7.n, ïioavseness, Croiii, ïïroiH 1 it is, lite i píen, t (ouSUniptlou, mal í'ov (he 15Hcf oí Con su ín (tii c 1'ntU uti in n (1 vane rd i'in ges of the IMsease Tilín is n remodjí bo uutversatl; knova ía Furpass nnv oilier fër tlio curo oftlirant And íuog coniplalat8,xliat mL is iiseless liere to publiali tlio erldcnce of its virtucs. Ha unt-l valled excellence for roughs and colds,&nd ttslruly wonderñil carea í nolmonary dbeiue, Imve maile it Iciicmii tliruiii lmiit tin1 L'ivilízed nntions ot' ttio oavtb. Few are tbe comuinuIUes, or Ten Runf lttfe, amoog iluiu v]in hare tiot sonio personal cxpcii-nce of ftaelTectS- ' some living tropliy In tlicir mldst of its vlctory over tho ', 8ubtlt;aii(] daifyerQiH dlsorderí of ilio tbrpAj nnd tanga. Asaii knov Un' tiiciulfíil fni.-tliíy eif tlicm dfeorden, snd as tbcv knoW] too, Uto effeets of ihis reiuedy, we iií-ed not do moro tlian to ftssnro iheñi that "it has dow al] ihe virtues tlmt t did htVQ wlifii maklng the cures which liave won no stronglj upmt thu ooufldanee of mankind. Prepared by Lr. J, C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Mass. n foi sale by Maynard, Stebbins & Wüson, PABKAND, BHEXEY . CO. , Uettull SOO.vl J II. BÜRRIIX, Travelling Agent. i RISDON & HENDERSON'S ] -3a THE GENUINE WHW StEWSRT'S I S T O V S3 - tt'i wish to cali tlie attcntionof the public to tliis eclebrnted COOKSfÜG STOVE! í a Vlii;li Í3:lho only perfoct stove ninde. It will C do moro i usiiuss wil li one t liird Icss fuel 8 than any other STOVE made. Frora tt'stimony given t-y tlie persona reíiTrcd lo bolow, on uccounf, of its duiability nnd ti Fuel Saving Qualities, ii iit lias proved a paving fram f P Twelve To Twenty Dollars yer ycar. We woiilil retor the { following list of PERSONS WHO HA VE THEM IN USE: Prof. Tappan Aun Arbor. i -Toin F, IllUer, Anv Albor Prof. Woüd, " J. Gilbert tmlth " Prof. Wincholl, " J, T. . " " Josepl: Watts, ' Fclcb, " T. Wiliüuon, " Wra. B. Hartla, " Mr. 8, Dentón, " K.Wi'.l i' i ar, " O. Bawkioa, " IJon.B.F Granj C. A.Cbapbi, " Charlea Tbayer, " r. ] . Stebblna. " Martin Claik, " i r. 11. wiUin, " S.Botaford, A A.,Towo. ? lira. O. Welon, " Tbi I tUfield. Hn, E. T. v;:i:i::is," Alvortton ürury, " V. ( hapfn, " .l:icdb l'oliienius, Scio. c. I!. Wood, " N.r i Jose]ih W. Wood, " .Mr. Feiíer, fc'l:aron. We linve on band a largo assorf ment of the best kinds of Cooking, Parlor and t PLATE S T O V E 3 , nnd a general assortment of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, 1 and Bfnt stuff for Carringe work. Particular nttenl.ion paid to ííiting up Envetrougl) nnd Cqnduotore, nnd all kinds of Job work dono ,. at tlio Sliortcst Notieo. IUSD0N HENUERSON. li Ann Arbor, 1S61. THE PEORÍA MAKTNE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - S")00,000 anc of tl.e HBAVIEST, SAFBBT und BEST lÖBuraJJM _ Co'a. in the U.S. Inaurea on reaaonabb) terms, and al v:ivN pay promptly. 'fhereia nobettvrTire lu.suranc [Tompany. I rj Ayer's Cherry Pectoral _ __, Sala. BKKU'I.T having twen igarid hi con di' 4o , William W. AnoinKlnmM ! Anw.ii tul I arlen Mq re Dolov .ShoniTiuim, 1I(i .!"' tu. r-;;;U'.l 1 . : LSth,A. I l"7 r . ín thu office o RcgUter of LMkkU For thu CounuJ V':th!iU-n iw. -■ru.iry '. 1 st . A J) lw'7 . ni tho rorcnoi ti. iu Übti 23 u mm-tg,., ■ by wriling.datcS JtnïïS! ü-t. 1862, waa assignod n.y eaid inortgagre to ai Clark, underslgntd; :md the a id as:inient ikü3 : lmifluai;l ilay oí fine an-1 J? o'clock ín On' il'ií-i n.iMii, iu th .id J{. . -ti-,-.' jr ín Líber --, ol morteap-pase 73.): Vp,m wMehnSrt1 gaga I hen ís clnimcd uua nl uuiir] ri ií1(. ate (Jf ti ' "''' vua "'' '■ ninety tlirtv didiíU ani thirty three cents, nn-l the rurlhcr nataUiuílti tbrechi I ■■, threeam! 33-100 dollar withh! teres! frota ftbrnary 13Üi, In.-t prwí.to bucomedueo, year írom tho Itwt uamed date and nosuitor piuc 1 Ing at KW have been iitstitutod 10 recvir tho n ton ' :..':ii-l duo or auy part thcrt-ol: iuiie. therofore hereby gïven that by virtuo of a powtr1 BhïcJ.iD orai-r to reillze the tmunbl Bow cl-iinu-ii ;s aforettald due on ;.iri morigHge l ntï er with theinterecit itccruing rrom the 1!; te hereoTu theoosteol fureclusure provi-lt.. Kor in :■ .1 moriily, [ public auction t the biybe! biddiriS tb e fcüot dooi' oi tin. Curt Uu.ue (the piuco of Ik w ■ Mu-Cnnnty) [nthe ciwj Aun Aj'j ■. , in sid county.mi tho 2öth day of j'! !n the fterDi)on, the prcnmei 1 ï ■ ■■ n Washtena üon-ï Atlihat certain-lructor porcol of tand knot! ■■ ■ ! ■ ' : the oorlh -cast mUm ber twenty (L0) in townthip uumbe, "■:"- i''li:r l ' ' :iit eitcepMngndiï ■ pera uu u üf Una imlriniuDi a bont fortj on ai frOm the iouf] en' thereof heretolbrc conveycd by ËphMlra GUbnt t2 Z nah .■nUiiis by deed 'lated M.iv 7th, IS50 (for ilescrin tlon of Inch sce mid deed,: Atso cxteptlü and r aboal Ihreeucn lof sai.l qua nor seciion berl to Jam.'sCrampton: aIko excepiim; Kni letccn (19) anü three-tenth (3 1U) acrü of Raid (juaiter Bectmo lioretofore deoded to Ru Brvnt'll: Also excopting aml reerving about twehï aerea of the north east corner of aïd onarter Retfa h. reli íore sol I an 1 rWwleO u. JnhnM:l . 1 ot .f (and hereby conveyitd 'nlZ ."■ nviu rr ldf: j,, I ■ tho naid partiea ofil oi ft"8ignB,Rll i!:c righti ij ch Kaid pftftj ■■[■ EHe Qripür( majhaw kg mtv rand flair ín lanlu tor ui tM purpoi's of prupcüiugmachiaery for n;ii; ur for . other purpoftö. a' AUjMZO CLAUK. a E B WOOD. Ait'vfor Av.iifiivu. l, MarchSO, Iö2. 8j5f)i Mortgago Sale. DFFAI'I.T having ber made iu the con.lition of 1. ■ by WUlInm W. Annin aml Klma IJ A'jniii to Wiltiam Ü. Ricil ti under tho namo nn .stvlai of Wiü ara BarlA It, dated Augart 23-1, A. I). Ï858, re. cordtMl November 5tb. A. i. 16fi6, at vneo'clock, I'. m in llu' ' ian cöno1 ty, SliobJgan, in Liber :3 of mort gages, pjige 117-ao asaigned by aid mortgaK'e io the iimlerjiigiied, Alon Clark, Ti ng,di t ■; December ISth, A. D lSfl iaA ed March 24 tb, A. D. 1K62, at eight u'clodi S irB fore on in wiid Iteguter's office in Uber 23 et mort 117. apon which mortgage ttiere is ciaimM dueand unpaid al the date of tl:is noticc the sum f ■v )ne dotlmra m! lixiy cunutaa4 g at law having buen ustitnted W thofl 1 tecured by sajo mortga et ■ - if N"( íice tberefore h h rfby giren u-at .iy of Juno next, :it two o'clock m the f n Ny rtrtue of power contained in ai.1, moit gago in urder tu reahae the Rum of monajr no du'i üs aloivsaid n sa-id ïnurigngc together witb utoroát accruing and costa t lorecloure prfvid4 for in s.iM mortgnge. ! hall s-ll at public nyctioo to thehighesl bi'ldfi at the front door f t j.; .■ pcu tCourt lor Wash tenaw CouBty) in city of Aun in said count?, the pn .: mortgoge describí, .; Aütliit certiiintract or parecí of laad knowu and 'l-sc-ilhjd u follows. to-wit. ituated in the township ol Btirigm. tor, In the county of Washtenaw anJ State ol Uieliigw :ï r)ftlic north east quarter of 'iec' tion numbei 1 renty, in tow-nsbipnumber four southof number foureast ; bpginning tioiith ooe 1cm aodthirtj min n tea east ten chain&aud sixty lick frurn quarter pot in north line t futid Rectioo, twcnïyat % certain yt-llow :;i!; tree, raiining thence .along quurtet ■ line soulli one degree and thirty minm.-s eist I '.ii rty eight links l n htake in Ilighm li a yo lio w vk tftc bean noria i hirty three and 01 ■ H liokt, ■ s iLii.l thiriy minutci Gfty links 1 a yollow oak tr narked, thenct north teu rl ninetv-five liüki . . nee north sixty uine dpgieeu'east nu ciiain. :in'3 eixty two liok? r . n sta ö, theuce north GÍteen degrees west soveu chaios and fifty tinka toteer tuin tborn tree or bush r tand ing on fouth tank ot RvnxaaIteT Mills mili pond , thence aiong the bank ur gliore ol said p nd, al ' . b att-r maik, to plscv of lwK:nn[:- , ... tenttu j1 an ncre of lainl. TboabOve desoribedcoursesani tttiin ited i'rt'iii true moriJian allo wa nee, being made of to degrees lor variation of noedlo Jnne, A. D. 1S51. AI.0KZ0 CLAKK.AMigUft K B Wooiy-, Att'y for Atolgnee. Dated, Ifareh -4, :862. R45td Renl Estáte for Sale. QT tTE OF M1CH1 : AN'. Covirrr c v.:ut:xYrtsp Ia the matter of thf EhUte of Pittrick i)oban,uflbl Connty of Washt :nav in thü Stilte of Michigan, IccditH, Kotice i luT.'by givcn. Tlmt in paruauw u r granted tothe l. Exccutor,of the Ksttteeí cea 'i. by tho Uoo Judge of Probate for tLe taw, on tbe twen ty-eigh ta day of llarcti A. D. 1862 ti,, re n?i!1 bu sold at public rendot, to tbe highent bidder, at the South door of the Coart I ; ■ ise !:i the City of Aun Arbur i u tbc County of Vu.i. ia -.'.; 1 S!;iu-, on Satunluy the Uiirty Bnt rfv nf May A I. 182}at ono o'clock Ín the aftemoon of tbat day, ("ubject to alt encumbrárteos by niürlgtgeti otberwiae exisiing at the time of the dcatli deceased ) 'oUowing deaeribed Keal to wtti heTonfa!p of NrortbfieW,in theCousij of W;tsïiteow and átate of Michigan, all that c-e.tiio r parcel of ï-t si 1 known aud ilcsigiiaied tbs South -Krtst qunrtCT of Sifr [p one South f Ii;iue ïmx tjwt, ■ ■;..■'.■ or les. 1'A#K1CK WALL, Kxecütor, THi-ted, Haren Tth. I S-lCtd. CommÍ3sioner8 Nótice. STATE OF MICHÏON, County of Waihtenaw, ïhe nnderatgivod haviag beon appoínted by Iba l'robate Coart for said Coutity, Coimnissioners to reetin, AJustaU claims and demanda of all ir:n-i the csttte of Josiah P. Sloat, lftt of tho Tomisnip of Abaron, in saM Couoty, deceasovJ, hcrey gïvflj notice that six monthi fron date, r.rc, b onler of tlio -s;;M Probate Oourt, allowed for creditors to I (iicir chifraj agsfosi mid deceased, ai IU naeet at tbe roftideni:e of Mrs. Marj Jbm Sloaf, widow of eaïd deceaped, in tbe townwbip oí Sharon, in the iid eounty, on Saturday, tbc uineterotli il iy of .!;ily, and Latu:day, tbe eiiiteenth day'uf Oc(ot, ai one o'clock 1'. M-, of cachUay to recciv, examine .u ádjnst ;ii'l claims. HULL GOODYEAR, rnmmU rrtn.r. Datad, April 16, 1862. 8194 Real Catate for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtonaw, . Jn the mat; er of the Estáte of John Fohey, Jr4 tfíchiel I - Fohejr, Ellen rV 103 BDd Sarah Fohey, minors, ol tb; County of Wasli■ State of Michigan. NTotice is herebyglT' in, tbat in pursuance ot' an order granlcii to tlio an' Earl, guardián ol the Kstate of sti nmors, by the l'-n. Judge of Probate for the Countj of Vaslitenav, on the eecond day of May, A. D. 182,Ün rtU le boW ;it public vendue, to tbe highest bi'Uer, t t door of the Couit House in the Cityof 4od Vrbor, in tlio County of Washtenaw, in snil SUtte, m tíatardaj, the twenty-eighth day of Juno. A. "). IS 62, íi f 1 o'clock in the aft e rao on of tha1 dy, ("nb vet to :ill eucinnb:inc n by mort ga ff1 or otheruife tx9tiig&t the time of the sale.) the following describid teal Estáte towit : All tbat certain picceor parcela in.l sttoate ljlnganAbeiDg in ibeTownship ol Nortb. fan, Jiriil bciiig nor xtieuUrly known and describid as tbe Soath-w aarter of the Kortb-wos1 quarter of section riit1 omuhip ooe South cí rungo bíx Ea&i Í'HOMAS EARL, Goardia Dated, May 2, 1862. 651W General Land AgencyER SONS wanting farms,orrfrslrfenc en noroi' nnArbor, can by CRlHngonme electfromili fovor 1O0 Farms For Salel Ifvarlouf sizea t rom 'i, te 13Cií aeree í.icb (iOflfl goodaiftnyinthisConnty.) Morethaa 5O Divt'lini: ïlniisrs ',ai01ty,fromtwo 'lundred to fourthouBaD'10' rieacli: and uvor 00 v. f r ï ïj n 1 w g lotsi monpthcfarms arrtho lüshc pstarm . .lOOaereii ie Potter tiirm, i d firecn O, i' I'lMetarm ' i)crCB.:hcR!andonnnd Jcrtiftrmi.m Webiler. I !!■ MIcl 1 Clancy. Newton Booson, llnha. farmi. n Anr .rbor-. J . KiRgslxy'4 tan, l the Hxtch and Hick tnnm in I.odito ntiicb'layufarm in Freedom; W. S. DaTÍkiin.,j . Bokcr and Buck's lirins inSylvan. Mot"' iC9f and many otbers can be dlvldedto iul ircbuscrit _. E. MORRAAnrArboj. Jan lat 15B a ECOND WINTER STOCK! D. L. WOOD & CO., HAVE JUST OPENED A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the FALL t WINTER Trde, [aving purobased their stook at muoh li" lian the usual priccí, they are preparod ' fier GREAT INDUCEMËNTS Po Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. 'haakful for past favors they will be eref endy to show their Goods and by fair n" bsral dealing hope to reocive their fullsb'4 f the publio patronage. West slde of public square. Ann Arbor Dcc.1861. HK BESSION LÁW3 for tno vcar Í8Í8 .''"V'5 ,,.,.. ■;,■ I ál thla Oüt; én&tm rcady fordolner.i """iCl'rSR.J.Ry..l!KV.C,,.ntrClk Aun Irbor, April ÍS,'.


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Michigan Argus