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The Eighth Regiment

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1-rom tb e Dettoit F ree Pioss. Soon after tiio victory ou YY ihmngton Island, on the sixtecnth of' April, wliero 200 of the Michigan Eüght ropulscd 800 rebels, a correspondent of the New York Trilune, in giving au account of tho affair, rcflected sevorely upon the offieers and men engagod in tt, attributing, in prettv broad terms, eowardieo to ihem. Thia we luid every reason to bolievo was false, aud so branded it at the time. The mece tact tliat a detachment taken by surprise, could defeat íour times tiicir namber, showcd that they could be no oowardly set. Uur supposffion was correct, as the following letter received from Col. Fenton yesterday ainnly tcstifies : Hkaixh'Artf.hs Eioiitii MlCHroAM Rr:-) IMlJ.NT, ÜEACFOBT, S. C. May b. J To the Editor of the Fice Press. My attention hasjust been callcd to the statement in the New York 'Tribune of April 28 tb, bv ita Port Boyal special correspondent of April '2-, refleoting upon the offieers aud nieu under my oomtnand on Wilmington Island April 16, 1802. That correspondent was by soine designing person ïnisiuforuicd, if lie believed w bat hé wrote. In justice to the seperal offieers and men who on that occasion co-opcrated iu routiug an encuiy at least four times their number, I havo to say that thcir dutics were discharged with promptness, gallantry, and daring. Four out of ten offieers wcre shot (two killed and two wounded), and tiio casualties among the men wcre one to iivc. With tlie exception of one compuny mistaking the buglo cali and retiring abotit 6fty yards, irot ouo inch of ground was lost by us during a two hours' sharpshooting fight; and the affair was closed up by a oharge of our remaining troops, officers end men pu.shiiig forward with loud cheers Lest somo deserviog men inight be omittod, I have refraiued iu my official report from particularizing names ; but the artiele alludcd to doc3 suoh gross injustice to officers and men, that I havo to request the publication of this statement iu Detroit, that they may bo " all right at home." I am wilüng to trust my own life in thoir keeping ut any future time of peril, and I hope their fïiends will appreciatc my delire to present tho facts as they actually existed on'tho oocassion.


Old News
Michigan Argus