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New -A.dvortisena.ents. lotice. "Í TTI1 EREAS )ii_v wlfe l'ln;ue A . is i n tlic ha bit of ridinjf j I mtry ánd ruaníng me ín debt iritbout Kiy conHent r konvledgv; llurtfftiro all peraoni :ir : c.iiiü-i).-í againxf ttustjogbir on iny acoount, m I pay DodttbUvl bor contra SöJniii 3ARVKY A.WUÍJL. l'kamo, Uaj ! H -... Nolictj. Nippllcat'Kn ■■■. ] bc maat -. the t.'iiouii C'uirt f'.'r tltecoLiuty of Wtwhliinaw, bj ll'Miry K & Ueorge ..l Cutirl ■-. I ! ;!.;i:i I j tbfl Vi.lugoyf Sciü, VYashtenan Countjr,Aa reoordod fe Líber .1 ■ .1 pagí) 'ü of l;:Oil-. LQ U. i !t .sai-! County ; aii'i afao lo vacatt tho addliion i Uobort Qilod tu ■ ■ I .-ií. .1- recn le l lo I lb r I., üf pago 14, io the KegUtexa'suflicv fur WíÍuunaw Ckunitv. ■iVíTcni.;i.i. .v rn..r:. Ml'ys ir B. .k Ü. A. 1 ■ Datad, May l'J, IWJJ. fcitf .4; lo the lote firm JlV üt O. tí. Goopuicií ife 80N fte nqucsttd to cali and pay i same to Jolin P. Willer, Rec i vL-r, ;;t. i iie bftnfaimgoffiüfi uf Miller Da vis ifc W tbs ter by the IÍhIi dv of Juno next, íifter which tune tbe Loke aod fieflOttJite wiH bo placed iu Lbo üaiul oí an oilieei' for colKotioH. JOHN" F MILLER, RecHver. Ann Arbor, Muy 15. lbC2. 85Sw3 D18SOLÜT1ON. T"1 IIK Co.-pft: tnorsfafp hírótofbi ncistfcg bo ttveta the i. uncorri íiic-.1 un.irr tbonuiM and fttylfi of Spoor & Ihoispsoa waa ■ by gáutual coDentoo tbe IJth ú.% of M-iy, isf - il"' ■ e latfl tirtu wiU . ■ ■■ i ü v Juba W, 'ih.nii'-n, and tU uuaineM coatteaed by C. Spoor, ( EU8. 3P00R, JOHN W. moUPËQN. paied, do Apbor, Mlj -81b, 18!. jVoüce. A VLpexAOOB tndybtod lo [he hito fíen of Ppoor aod X TbompsoD are requeslcd lo cali at tliü uU stand aud ni.u.c prompt BctUimioot tbe Bniue. j'fíl.N " THOMPSON. A Card. rïHE business of Padüle and Haroesa mak?Df wlQ be JL carriuü ou :i( tli'j otd tl.n-e of btMfñifsa ol Spoor & ïbompHon bjth uurte tí tí"1 continued pntronago oí the ■ .- of tli'' ñrna, and hopos bj prompt attent ion lo üusiaea tu gaia u y (MI tri-iií). A Brcnetiil aitycrínieut of Harneia nod i1dlerj ;. baad. All iwnuDs Indi-blod t. ia w uiMi: or lxok accotuit are requtstu4' -ü hvt'.ie t'io Bame ffiUlot dülay. GHA3. SPOOR. Ann Ajrbor, May 2í, 1852. GLORIOTJS News írom "Dixiel" The Rebeliion about Crushcd ! A. O. LOEB, CLEVELAND CL0TH1NG HOUSE Returu their sincere tluink to their nuiuorous FRIEJÍDS ANB i'ATKOAS, Pof thö liberal mumer ín wiiích they íiave lioretotol.ii-i- p.V ;■-■:..". theni, ;...-! Ixg lea', e to annuuiica lliut Ün.' aiu AGA1N OÍS' HAND With a Largo and well seloctod Stock of SPRING & SUMMER CLOTHING-! GENTS1 FÜRKISHINQ GOODS, Hats, Caps & Trnnks, wliich tliey wií) st-U at Astonishing Low Prices ! For furtbcr particulura Oall x xx c3L SoO 'or yoursclves, and you will uot goaway "üissatisfiod, A. & C. LOEB, Iuron Streí-t, a few door west of Cvük'a Elotel. Aun Arbur, Muy, 18i2. 3iiiS5t To be Issued Sept. 15, 1862. STATE GAZET TEER, A.N I) Business Directory, FOR Ti!KYKAKiliti2-3, Q ram woek wiix cont.un Historie and Dc&criptive Sketches CITIES, TOWNS & VILLAGES Tbrougbout tho State; Classified Liste of :iH Professiona, Trades and Pursuits, Arranged alpbabetically fnr each ïown.ihus exliïbittng ut :i glunci!, the fuü addrus aód particular buines8 of eveiy Mehcimnt, Maní ['acmkük AXD 1'nurLüAt the oarneit olícitat;on of manv of tho principal merchiints aml buii;t:s5 men of Detroit, aiul la COmpliancfl with thegeofiralljr eitpresaed ís!if the jiublicüi lurge for suchaworlt, the publlsber of the Deiroit City DiBKCTORYhai (Icu'i'itiiriü'l to turnt Tl.ïlif th publicjvtioil of a tborouglij completo an-i rcUable GazeTïKCSh and BpalMB88 UlRRCTORY OPTIIB ÖTAT8 OP MlCHIOA.V. PoSsCSSing ih hc ;ls be doea, unuduál faoIUties tor obtatatog tho neecssary infbrm&tlon, tne work will be in every respect a complete and reUabl&onei wcM wortliy the onflüOBOQ asd patroBagu ot" the public It #IU Ik1 bxprestfly atlapt'il lo the wants of ParmOTi alkd Hen of Business, and especially iDttndad U a source of nstruction and anco to tho lhous:unis oí stiangers, travelera ixnú imitiirants wlio art: M-tking new homoa or business ac'LKuiiíanco in the West, where the curreuU of Trade ai ■ -;u Iv eweHitag u magnitude, and wlierc the rieh aoil knows no exhaaatlon; and toni&fcfl the wurk univt-rsallv Buught at'ter, t ia dtfrmincd to issue it at a ratfl that will make it a Book for tlie l'evple - usefu L and cheap - and ibis Ís done by the Kberai lub&ortptloofl of CitfwV] I-md ownurs, Merchante, and othon interestod Ia the varióos Counttes, Cilios mi Tuih. This work w 11 contaín a full di'scriptinn of tlio Ëtatc at largo and bj Couiitk-s; ber agricultural and mineratogical reaourcos ; her :uiv,mUic;es as an agrícultunil and iikuiufixutiirinj; ritato; ber Bainerft.f deflaed utd located; her wntï-r courscs, limbur la mis, soil ind climali.1; ;i riuiis Hatlroad unes completed, bei ni? built, nnd those proJ60tod ; numbi'i f churches, schools and bcuevoleot íiúcietiüs i tach couiity; uiiinWr of nu:rtli:intN, inechíHiica and manu fue tu ring ostabltshraont, attorneys and pliysicians id eaoli to;vn m tlm State; nilonnatipa ft)r Uif immigant as to li"1 bost lie:tton for bis i;i rti-n lar buhiivs. a list i' nntntered laodi Ín tti4 State, with tlitir locat i' m , rlnuainT an'i pi ice; a coftiplrtc lisL of the l'ost Offlcet n (he tutc ; Qamea and iix-ation of all nowspuporsaud DMriodfcaln; a full list of the jtreueut State and Coinity oiïicer-, nilh Um Cunstttuiion of the State; tableof distanecs oo all linea of travel thXxigb the State, cither by lailroad, neanboat or stage ooaoïi To oontaln also a coinplote trade-EUt, the dvautügos of whÍ3 to mercliantfl and businoás men generally, will biinimense. As a Medium for Adertising Tliis book ofTers ïinoqualed Indacemcntfl, as it will 1 cirtulittf'd n cvtry towo and village tbroogboal tlie State, and wili go direotly t that claai of oonsameiv with whiMu t isgreatljr t the lateroft í' all advertiaen to be ■TOOWtt, , Advi'fi isfíin-im WÚ be taken at prices r.niE'npfrí.m Yy. I OLLAR, upwavds, aficording to ppace and toeatton, thos bringing the valnable privilege withlo the rcni-li ol all, Tbc ifOrk will be coropiled nnd arr:uiK' '1 witli Ri'cat care, and will be prinied and bound n a. crv superior and labstantïal marnier, it being the in tontion to m;ke tlie wurk ono of ínteresí{ftnd real ralqe, irell worthj r preaervat d aa ;t book of refexenee r.r ihoSturtení, tb Merchtni and ti-'1 rrofflnñcmal man- $heprlce,oi Ihebook hasbeen fixed at$3,on tbe receiptof whioh it will be sent loaDYpfcrt of the Vtítfiü Statos, free of potitnge. Al! ( V)Tniniinftii(n fhonl'l be arVlresed to CHARLES F. CLARK, Publisber, S'i II 'iritwoMStreot. Dftrit MIchigo. 186218G3. Sooond Arrlir! OK XBVr s f rt i isr o AND SUffiMER COODS! AT C H. MTLLÉN & C0'3. Q We ure no-.v reuemng a splandid stook of DRESS GOODS, SKIRTS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, &&, jEOX ttLO XjiCtcaLIOSFine French Cassimeres, and Co.itings, ïor the Grentlemen. CABPBTS, DOME8TI0 GüODS, PIN E NEW TEAS And u(?ier Choice Family Grocories, For Everybody, AT THE LOWEST CASH PR1CES, Cali aud Seo. C H. BIILLEW & CO. Bïy, 1862. 854tt " rE KN'OW NOT WHBRE ELSB 30 MCOIl AUTHENTIC INXJSLLIQENCB OÏ TUH IïBKLLIÜN CAN 1!H OUTAIXED." '' No OTIIKR WORK l'OSSESSSS TUB TAL DE AS A WORK OF REFKEEN'JK. " It ü Reliable, CompleU, and Dcsiralh. THE EBELLIQN RECORD Edited by FRANK MOORE, ! thon n rhich givcu UjoHiSTORY Of THE UltEAT SWRIÍGGLE POR FHÍF ÜÜVERNMKST MOW UUlN'J O.V. IT Ï3 FuU, Impar tial and Reliable. A ftKGORD WHICH THECOURTS.THE DEI'.VIiTMENI.-l AHOISEHtESe ïot as THE HISTOKV OF THE TIMES. lt uppeals to th "ntolligonce of uvtrj citiiín. B referenco to it everj pcrsdii eau be fairly ud truilifuUÍ poetcd up in relatioo tú tlña C3-B,E-A.T EEBELLION. rr co.vTAi.v3.- I., TUE CAUSES OF TUE GItKAT STKUGGLK AXD IB OttEATJJlSSUES BLPORKiTHE COUKTST Cï EDWAKD ÏVEBITT. II. A Diary of Verified Events ; Commeucmg with tlic meeting of the South CmoIIm L'onvi'iitiun, IJec. 17th, 18C0- gÍT.n, in the fora ol liiary, a cDucise, succinct, aud tiutbful hilttorjof ery ovcQt as it oecurs. III. Documenls, Speeches, Extended Narrativa, fc CO.VSISTING OF ALL THE OFFcrAi. Reports, of Bnttlca, Skirmilie,ko., Messages and Proclamatio.vs of ihe President of the United StatM, Sfkcial Ohdkrs, 4c, tc. Graphic Accounts of Ihe movcmenti of troopi Important Speeches and Lkttkki from Lending Men, Norlh and Soulh. I'iCTtiiEsqE Narratives (from eye witiieescs) OK TIIE GllEAT 1ÍATTLES, SeCESSIOX ObDINANCES, MëSSAUES, PrOCLAMATIOSS, 0. IV. Rumors, Incidents, Patriotic Songs and Bailada. Illustrateü with correct Tortraití engravecí vn stl of the Notabte Men of the ime, and toith Mapt and D ia gr ams of the plans of battUi, THE REBELLÏÖN KECORD I publiahing in PARTS, rach part ülmtrntcd withTWO FlNEl'UltlK.MT.S 50 MOta oach. AIüO, IX VO1.UMK3. Six Parts, with Coplous Index, comprU a Volum. XOW HEADY, VOLUMES ONE, TWO, AND THREE. Bound in Cloth, ut $;i.75ench; ï?hc-p( $4.00; Half iiorocCO, or Half Caif AnLique, $5 CO tch. .&. ISTew Edition; Bold KxoodTBY bt CunuaOu Mid AsmcLta ne puljligliing in Nos , :tt "J5 conu each. Eacl Xo. illuatrted witli u l'ortrnit on m ■ 1. ♦ At'tts wautcd, to whom liberal oommiiiiooa wül be given. % Copies of the KEBEI.LION' RECORD, n Prti or ifl Vol úmee, wIH be sent, free of expense, on receipt ' I'ricc. Sent in rcistored letters, ihe publisher will responsible foi all reinittauces. H&z. ("ubs will be supphtd att'ie following rt: ! .■ Copiea of cach volume in Noi. of MiMUhlv l'.rts, to oue addro-ssorsenaratelv. 1 Pen Lpf8, $22.30 Remittances punt munt be sent n regUterod letttrt the I'ublishcr will not be responMblc.ftnd 'M aurtont ftimls, G. P. PUTIÏAM, Publisher. 53S BroadvrKV, Nt York. C. T. EVANS, General Agent. f J3w3 ■ ., - ■' NOTICE. THE IKDERSICNKn vill -ocqíto cale.) propo! P io Juc iè, m la A. U. f.r the nut of the rir round dnring Hu? coming Horse Slior and Sheep PUwriDi Festival (or the eteotion of Kpfrp.shmeut Stalll. Tl 5ftle of Alcoholic liquora will aot be permitted. B. GREEN, rM


Old News
Michigan Argus