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SPECIAL NOTIOESs&r" Se.a.woraon, ha anotbereoluran, pieking Snmbuei Grapa for Spistt' Wine. It is an admirable article, used in bospitale and bj iirst-elftss families in Paris, Londoo, and New York, ia praferenee to old port wino. It is worth a trial', as it givea great sutisfactiou. PüBy, Delicate Children, will be reto good health and vigor, by tlie us'ê of IIoojflaku's öebmam BlTTEBB. Keadtheademonl in anolher colrtain. A CAED TO THE SUPFEHünG. The Hev. Wiuj.m Cosgbovb, whilelaborhig aa a Mtss iniKin inJapantVAs eured of ConaumptioQwbeD al] . ,1 1 1 . ' i tneaua had failcd. by a recipe ibtaioed from a pbysician resídiHR in ti .■■ fra1 Cit) of JeNo. Tliis recipe luu. cured gfreal aumbera vrho were suilering oachitis, Sore Thn at. Covgita ;in.l CoiiJa, aail the debilit) andnei n}usdepresitloiioaased by disorders . Stegiroas of bcnetiiting oihrrs, ] will ,en tbla ti ■';■, which I hare broaght bome U1 me, to ;ill wto nced it Truc of chl Addrtsfl Rev.WM. CO3GB0TE, S23j-1 439 Fullou avenue, BruukhnN'. Y. #A Sli ah í Cold, o êfate. ZJtiif-cxit, which Tnight be cheolced. uiith a simple remedy, ifneglected, often terminales seriously. Few are avoare of the importance of stopping a fojbLh. or ëfLiht $aLcL in ís Jïrst stage ; ihat xvhiah in the beginning would yield ío a mild remedy, if not attended to, soon attaaks the lungs. g_ta.LULn! &I&f-CLn-nkLa-Lgïtojikc& were first introduced eleven years ago. It has been preved that ïhey are the hest article before the publio for auaís, pclcLs., gf.tan.chitLa., Jí&tkmcL, etta-tfih., the HackingCough in fan.&unri.tian., and TVMmerous affections of the htaat, giving immediate relief. Public Speakers Sf Singers wül find them ejfeotual for clearing and strengtherúng the voice. v Sold by all (Druggists and (Dealers in Jdedioine, ai 25 cents per box. JMPORTANTtoFEMALÉS" ITHE HEALTH AXD LIFE OF WOJIAU" Iscontinnally ín peril If ahe :.rh teneglect or palta ■ rlt8 te vhicb twoEhiru ol ■ DR. CHEESEMAN'S PITAS, prepare.1 rrom thi formula wbicli ■ - L. ( HEESEKAN,M. D.,of New-fork, has for twenty yaraneil RQceessfa] i rateprspttei - innnediately relieve without, ill disturbapcoa of tlie periodical ■:í or suppreRatoa. Thcv ftct lílt' :i cljann nreniovnig llu; panu t]iat oy dlJScult or iinp-i'jderate möcStruatioo, ;ud ! nd Sietes, Falpitat ion of tliQ ttoart ervtíus Tremors, Hysterics, RpftSMS, i1 "p and other uApleasant and daiicrnu.s elTects oí un nonatural conditios üf tbc 86XH&] íunctiojiA ín of Fluur AÏOU.S or Wln'.cs, Uiy gpead; c To WITKÍ3 and MATBONS. n:;. CIíl. [USareoÉforedM tl. e onl; itíoQj bul . i.VDlKS BIUST HEAR IH MIND Thtri íb otiecnvdhion tf ífir frmnlc sytten ín ir'iirh ihr Píllt cunnat be inkm % hatti prvducing "■ PECULIAR RESULT. fkccondilhn rcfrrred lo is FREGNA BEY- Hit rtiutt, MISCAHIIIAGE. Such is the irrtsi.-üblr nf the medicine lo rotor ihr. serval ftincümi lo a normal con i en thc reproductiva powcr of naULTi'. CAiiiJic.l resisl ít. . ':' directions stating ichr.n, nnd vlífn thnj sJtouïd .), -I], rja,-iiu! í'iírc One Dallar cach Box, 'bníaining 50 Pulí. - :iphlot, to !o liad freo uf tlie itmail prompUy, tij anolosing rrice I" uiy t. Sold by l)i i '! y. ii'JTCUINGS, Proprictor. ■ York. fír-.Oftleby MAYN'Altll STEBBINS k TÏILBON , nd .;I1KNVILLK & i-ULLER. PRIZB POETBY. Let toast í f deefls In war, A nobler tbemí nayAcoríis tiMed - Id praise oí Hkkííick's jrr.lclileP'H0Their cures are found ÍB rvcry land- Amid owí - and Afric'a sandi ; The wondrous workí - tfee papern fill, Pioduced bv .. ' '. cIül-ss l'ills, !, ;íiiicl .. i" . r-ribiulit This charraing compound wil! search it out, And I n your sj stem lili, If yoií fly at net to RbRbicm'b l'ills. , 1 1- ín. tli oíd and young- Tlicir raines ase "n evei y tongue : -n lonjfcr kilU, Sill.Ul llUKKICK K PilU. l'ut up witli Englisb. epauis'n, Gorman and French ilircctinos. Prico 25 casta per box. SngtF Coat'ed. it on ibírd p:ige. S04 Important to Ladies, Dr. JOHN' ll.i:VKV", haring ter ajnrari" f-twBty - . I . ■ v ■ !■■''■ ''''■ ■ pnifeSfli I ! .'ii, tu tbc entof JCerrialeDiflic-altú-fS, ""I hvin( , ,ii the aíuicted I bealth, has now entire cunüiloncc in niVi-nug pnbliciy bis "OREAT AMERICAN REMEDY," DB. HA-EVVE-Z-'S CHRONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. bai ■ ' i (ba ü üreotum have been sirictly fotloved,) raramoring iflina Frem Obstmction, or Stoppage of Nature, o pi rfeci h.Mltl', whon suf fwiag frona Sknal Affbcho ■ ■- LTtïri, tm Wiini'N. o ■ the l.'ir.iMVi: ObOéHS. Atso . ! -, ORNkoVOUS PR06TRATI0K, ÜTSraaies, l'' ■ ■ . wJtiicb are tb tbrerunnrri . ; . ., e. i, 5 . Thet i Pi ! ern perfecüg nn thi' eonstitution, aad may bt taken bij tlt most delicate ft mále witkout causing dittresti al the same ■ ngthening, Invigora; rest ing th ■ ■ ■ ndit'on, fcnd b v bringing on the mimthly perioá with rcgularity, i : v uri.ic. : ■ ;,i a (lurinfi ihe ('net ■ oancy, though safe at any othèi i: '■■ iroultl ii" i he rel uil . i : ■.■ (Jae DollWj muI iiiail pFopaiJ apjadvrtitifi] , ■! of t lie moaey, Öüld bv Druggiíitsin Aun Arbor. ral Igeirt. HL k L, 8IMOMEAÜ, Detroit, Wholesale Agent fo Micbigau, 6O6tf New Medical Discovery. For pijmm iiy nu I cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, TJrethal Discharges Gravel, Strïrtwro, ancl Affections of the Kiéneys and Bladder } which has buen usvl bj llpw&rdfl "ï ONE 1ÍUNDRED PHYSICIÁNS, in thiMr private practico, wíth eotir bui ci o 'ujiA, C-vrst i mpound liilher lïKLL'S KPEC1F1C PILLS, ;u-f speed; Íb a fectlng ■ euro In l few day, a inl when acure ■ ■ ! i" perjoanect. Ttaey :i te prepared from . ■ : bat are hai ■■ m : ii or irapregkt d, all aaneoui taste aTnided. y ehangè of dut, ia Jtêc&dary vkiht tUingtkgm: ut)t does acütm intcrfVic mth InisilarSttitS, Eloll ■ ■■ - si rlozcn l'illfi. PRICE ONE DOLLAR, ;i ml will besnt by i ■ '■ vertisod pt of themoney. Sold by Druggtstfl ín Ann Arbor. Nonegenufne without tay Rigiuiture on tlio vrappor J.BKYAN, Uochpstfi, X. V. . iienpral Agent. ÏT. & l„ 8IKONEAÜ, Detroit. Whok-ale AgenU for 1 Michigan, 80MÍ ISFEW GhOODS. BAGH PIERSON Havejust opoued ttauir SECOND SPRING STOCK and offer ■ CH010E SELECTION Of Seasonable Goods, including all The Ncwest Styles of LADÍES DRESS GOUDS, Ciotlis, Domestica, Staples, GROCEBIES, tScO-3 We Bought for Cash L Q and will sell FOR CASE 0 E HE AD Y PA T, ' ; t very J CALL .A:ND SEE! BACH feP!ERLON. Ann Arbor, Maj? 15; 1F62. ' THE HEBELLION ' OX I1IGH PRICES FOR CLOT111XG, IIASCOMMENCED AT THE OLD & RELIABLE CLOTHINC o. 3 PIIOÏÏNIX BLOCK, MAIN St. t TAMii'mv oponini lUrn ati'! vr.i-ied uaortmentof s BfnttgandSaraiBurGood, Md In viw of ilv; t j-h pricea generalij, wil! offst thcm to j friends sndcuntomiriat thoTery lowcal (Ijjnre fur Cash.- 'lh'isfi in want oí' a superior urticle ui Cluthn, (Jabsimeres. or ( I Beady-Made Olothing, ' -wiH cal! ' nWiVl. WAGhlER, whu has just roturnod frum tfaa Bast, wïth larga Lis-urtmeut of I SPRING & SU MM ER QOGDS ; which have been purchnscd at tb; hito LOW FUTCES! k! c:iaoffer Hiem u itowtr figure tliiui evr buíW nwng my A.isortmcQt :uay fuund BROADCLOTHS, CASSiMERES, DOESKTN3, VESTINGS ' il! deacrtptions, tngetUer wíth a superior tissurtment Í Rcudy-Mude Clutlllng, ■ ■■v is .L.TRUXi, CAKI'ET BAOS, EüüeiiiIcmeirs Fttfflishiag QOODB, rtb Tiiimn-ius otli'T irliclea lUUAlljr found in suuihtr stabUshment. As an EMPOETUiM OF FASIIION, ie subscriber Battera hiraaelf . that his lopg experifince nd gein i''il tuecesfl, wül eoable linn to (five tiie greatest fttidiaciion touli whp may truvt hioj in the waj oí Manufac turing Garmcuts to order. WM.WAGXEïï. AimArbor, Apiil 9th 1862. 848ÍÍ NEW COODS For the Spring, 1862. o MACK & SCÏÏMID ITould respecLiull annouucc to the Citizeas of Vraslitenaw and adjoiuing Counties that wo are now Direct from the Eaitcrn Markttti A f uil and complete supply of DEY GOODS, Ladies' & CMldrons' Shoes, GKOCEEIES, OliOCKERY, &c. Purihfispd liv ono of onr firm for cash, and notwithtiiuding the hard times wcshail continuü to Add Weekly Additions To mr stock, in order To Accommodate out Oustomrs ! with everythiog they may need to agk for. And sc wM fartbw ph-dge ourseives to sell as clicap AS TIMES WILL PEKMIT and which is alvyays as Js Liow as th.e Ijowest. At tlie same timo wehopeonr fntnds md custpmers willbfiar Ib miad tb&t thu linies compel us to' Bell our goods For Cash or Ready Pay. Aun Arbor, Maroli 28, 1S61. 845tf FRUIT AKD ORNAMENTAL TREES ! The onderalgilftd will open on tlie 25tb inót.,at ROQBRS' AGRICUr,TUKAL HALL., a ífcnoríil asfortment of Standard and Dwaif 1 tnil Tn-es, Evertfreem uioiher Ornínuontal Trees, Shrub.s, ;c. AIsü llie choiccst varietir ui G1ÏAPES, EASPBERRIES, &o. These traea liave been selected by biinü?il fruui une of tlie bubt E AS TE RN NURSER1ES! and wHl befoond in iirime condition. Cali early anrl inake your Belectlons, Those wi.shinu Apple Trecs prown in this State can be supplíed fidiu the Nortb Lake Nnrpry. T. Di: BOI. Ann Arbor, April 21, IW. 849tf. THËPEOBIA MARINE & FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. CapitH, - - - $500,000 OHfl uf the HEA VIEST, 8AFEST and BEST Insurance Co's. in tb,e U. S. Irwures on raf-oriable terms, a.nd al #ya paj piY"ptljr Ibeie íe no better Fire In=uranp Coujjiau Tiio Bug le C ails ! The War has gun ! A War oi Extermniation agaiust Bad Teeth, Biul Breath, Diseased Quhís, Tootnaclie, Earaclie, aud Neuralgia. i OüR ARTILLERY IS DR. WM. B. HÜRD'S DENTAL TOEASÜHY ! A COMPLKTB SBT 07 RKMKDIBS rOB PRESERVING TL1E TEETH, PURIFYIXG TIIE BUEATÏI & MOUTH A.-ÍU Curirg Toothache & Neuralgia. O COInTTEISTTS : Dr. lunfa Ccl'lruUd MQUTB WASH, mie holtlc. Dr. Hurd's UnequuleJ TOOTIl PO IVDEli, une box. Dr Hurda Magie TOO TIIACJIE DROPS, one boltle. Dr. Hurd's UNRIVALLED NEURALGIA PLASTER. Dr. HurJs MANUAL on the Best RfMM n, Preserving the Teeth, inrluding Dircctions j'or thtProjicr Treahnent oj Children't TeelU. FLOSa SILKfor cleaning brfwccn the Teeth TOOTH PJCKS, etc, He. PrepnreJ at Dr. llnrj's ]nlil OÍÜ33, 77 Fourtli St , Biouklyn, (E. D.) Piice One DdUir or Six fjr $-5 O The Dental Tieasury malies R paek irge eight inoUcl by flve, nnJ sunt by txpn is O" Full direct o n for use is on each arlidc. Tlie follüsiiij iirticles we can lend aepnrately, by nanil, viz ; Tiif Treatise en Preseivïiig Teeth sent, oost paiil, 011 rcocipt uf Twti.vii Cests, r foui' stiimpn. Tlio Neuralgia Piaster, for Neurulg'n in the faor, Nrvmi8 llea!:icln', :m.l Eiirxcho, sent, pust pui J, on receipt of Eiqbixex Oüxtc or aix HatDi. Ttie Neauralgia and Rheuraatic Piaster, flarge sizt-), for puros in the Cliet, SUoulileis, Back, or ftny pari of tbc body, ent, poetp lid mi ri'eipt of ïiuiiïï Setü.n Cüxt.s. Addrti WM. B. HÜED % CO., Tribuu'; Buildings, New York. Dr. ll'ji-r-i MOüTH (V'ASH, TOOtH nmnKR, tul TOOTHAl'lIK ItHCWS ennnul ml bj mal), bul i',' can p:ul-:ihlv te obtWDd fcyour DrmtorlVi tul Plore,. Il i'rt.v i-iiiiiiui. sciid l'-i Ilia IINi'.U. rKRASt i:V. Prico Oifit Uollab, wliitb ctftiai tHm. IsrOAAT, Are Dr. Ilurd's PreparatiöBb Gootl i The bet evtJonce that tliey are i, tliat ttalc Grm -i au') k '. pal poos aru thow w Iw Uu ■ e sed i.' ai Longesi . I r. W'ji.i.JAM 13, Uvnv is an eminent Dentisi tl ftrooklyn, Treaaufêr f the New ïfork State itoatists' Ai&ociat i"ii , aad tlu'se [irepurations have íhm-u h-i-i ín hte private prsfctim? foryeara, and nn leudinp; citi lïi-utiklv'M ur Wili.iuiiibnyh uefitíou tlu-lr exculLeiice, wliilo emineut Dentista ei Nes Yrk recummeud tiutn as beat known to the proJeYsiun Without tito aid uf idvertiising, dfealexa bave Mild tiiem Uy Ihegrots. Th Editor of lbo ihixjdijii Daily Times Miys :- t; We iiiij.p v tu know Hint uur Frieutïj Dr. H run, is skcweaíng 'beyon 1 uit expcctiti 11911 with Iti-i MoUi'U A: li and rOOTH l'OWDEK. Tbe grCiit iecrel of 1U success rcsU with th factTBAi m, An(fLs aks rtta CUCM WI1AT1H15Ï AÏIÜ 1KPRJWBXTKD TO UK, AS Wli CA TBSTin in-M TUEOt IN(J UáE.r' The EeJ knowu I'. 'i'. Barnuoa writei : - "I foumï vuur TOOTXJ POWDËEwü ■■ ■■-:!.:it iny lamily lmve used il u!l u . U'i; hm. j r iuí; BkBt Powueh va ras Tkkxu hiaj itbevkR cskd. I nball fful obligcd il' you witl seid me naolher hupply at thi Uusoum at yuur conremeace, witfa bUL" Hut 1 heir c.nst is so nt;ili ihat (ve?y ene miy test the mattLT í'or hímaeU u ii . Bovart of the 1 rdüiaty 'J'ootii Powdfvr. I r. Hubd'9 ToOIH I'üwpkr coütain nu ac il, nor ulkali. nor ofaareoal, ftftd pohsbud ril koot wcaring tlie eaameL - Um nu uElior , What Wilt Dr. Hurd's ïïemedies Effect ? Dr. Hurd'sMOÜTU WASIÍ AXD TOOTIÍ FOWDCR wiUgivu )ouug iadiea tliat Qneil ohütxu ui numuu - u aw.r, broatb ;ui'! n :■ l-'.ili. ''ry ihfita, hidiew. Dr. Hur-l'a KOTH WA8H AND TOOT II POWEER " , . : -.■ me the moutb irom All foul exhala tiots, ítnJ i f uscil in the tnoroing, vrtll tin; brèakfaoi fate bw e ter and the Jay bdgiu moee pleasantlf. HuU'lrcJö of persona can testífy tothls. Try tlicm, gputk-uKMi. Dr. Hard1! Mouth WiaS and Tootii Powriï are íhí boat preparación in tlie woriá tot curiag BAfi 1 itiCAi-nand gtviag [irm&esfi nl boattb to tt e gums. Il umi redi of easeof ájsfraeed Blbkdiso iítm.s, Sobh Moü'ta, Canktk, etc, have boes uu red by Dr Hurd'.s astringe at wnsli. Iir. Ifi-KD's MoctB Wasii and Tootb Poitdb g-ivean additionn 1 cl ia nu ID cóurtsbíp, ftn iiial.0 habunda more in.'(.':ible to their wiveB and wtres to thcirlmb .ndi. ffliey shuuli.1 bu used by every pr%oB haviug Artificial Teeth wliich nre IJabïfitO imnart a taint to the mouth. Dr. llntn's TooTiiACUK dhops cure Touthache arlsbtg f rom expofied lu-rvcs, nul are the best f rienda tlial paretltfl c:m hiivo In the hoQM Ui nave thtáv chiídren IVoni tor tu 3 iind themsolvíB frum Lou of sleep aud sympathetie ïuiTeriogFAnMBASaca Mechamcs ! you cnimot woll afFord to neglect your teetb. For a triñing aum, you can dqk gei preuerratívci tban wUich Kuthchild or stor can get nothing liettcr. Rtni mber that DVSPK SHA and CON SUMI'IÏON OF THE LUNGS oftsn origínalo iu N'eglcct of Teeth. Send for the Treattse on Teethy and rcad Or. FHeVi ob6orvation on this Sulject. lf too hite to arrest dvcay iu your own lceth,iiiiie jour childreu's tcetb., NEURALGIA PLASTEES. Dr. EfaróVfl Ni'uralifia Non-Aflhfsiv Piasters' ftn the most, ptensftnt aad uaceatÊi ui remedies eat prescrUw for this paioful diaae. Tks ijaüni applifl o,4Uiqi ■■ -Irowsy, falU 1 slet-p, ;ni'l awaliüs irec tv m paiD and do blister 01 utkt mipiaftaani or (njuriou ■ quMHNnm. Vr Earache and Nottoim Beadacfa appl; according to direct!ons,aAd reiif iril] rs;i - luw. Notliinz 00 he nlt;iined eijiial to Dr. Hui preas fo Kauratgfm Irj tliem. Thcy aro entin-ly 1 i,,u, ■ 11 i, and original prepata-tionj und rond rful ly successful. Tliev aiv et lW& BÍ1OA, WW sninll, for the fftce, pnce 15 cents, and iho oLher largf, for applteatioi to tho body, prloe 37 bb] . rF"i bemaikd oh reccijrt of price and arte stamp. What are the Fcople Doing ? American peoplc are intelligent enough to appreckite preparations that con1rilute so mueh to tho tappinc h ol tbOB uflingtbem,.iid they wani Ute&a. Every muil biu . . iome ordeówg tke Treattse cm feeth, soni.' th; Neuralgia Plasterf,aad n t ;i fv ei ., centa few tlie Moutb Waah to ln: Bent by m:iil ; bul to these w are oompelled 'o i-eply that it is impoaslbta lotead i balfpint buttle by mui!. The people iremttiufiti reawdia. WHO WILL SUPPLY ÏIIEM 1 Kow is tho CHANCE ÏOR AGENTS. Êhrewd agnts enn malto a nmall fortune in oftrrying thfse nrticlev arOund tofamilies. The Dknt.u, Tkkasi - rv is the neateat art irle tbftl a man or wojnn e;ui oar ry around. Seid for one, or better, a dozen, which we will sell, aa wvmpien, for $7 Ageuti supplíed Itberally with Circulara. Now is the time to go into Bueinesa ! t0 lo goo41 and malte a profU. We Bpending tUottiftnda fór th bnefti of ngeata. New tgland met) or VTOmeD ' hem ia dOHMithíllg nice, imd a chanco tu take the tido at its iood, AddreH Wm. B. Hurd & Co., Tribune Buildings, New York. Tliat remiUanros may be m?.de Tritta ooafldence, V, B. II. - Co, rfei i" lh Mayov of Brooklyn: lo B. j '. (■niiiTiil, Prenidini Klrmers' and Citizras1 Itank, Brooklyn ; to Joï.COï h Cu., New York ; to P. T. Bncm, Èsr( ., Kew Toi, tic, etc. 341tf Pn!d wholnala an'l Retail by G. J. PEASK, at GRfN VILLt ti FUU.ER'3 Drug stoie, Aas Aibor til .í ! i I í fe i á H i h =zA C 'S " 1 i í H1 SAMBUCI WINE, 1'I.IU', AND l'ul K Ï1LAK.S (Jl.i, Of CSioke Oporlo r'iuitj FOB PHYiHCIANÍ-' r.!' FEÍIALK. WBAKM PEUSONS & KVAUD3 K urj Eamüy, at il. - - . .. i ■ ■ i i . o SAMW Cl I .■].':■,■...■ i FIuTopi I ' quitliti? us a ffectie Sliiuuh.Tit. t'onic. liuKt'i iu4 !' ili rlfic, ' . J.1;. ■ ;. t . ;,■ j [ -,. lanft, i.e.l iu KunU'i'.Ui aii'l Amri ican I [ i ' . ;u;'l J MtBi ui Xln[ir 1 faluiUsü ■ f' ! ''. ' ' ■'' . A A TOXIC, H n.i gqnal, c i , - Tj nu ;i patita nn'l buiN'ñg ti p f tin syxtfin b'.inu1 v:. i.n i v ;; pure -. LUO ul a ni 'jet aUabta fruit. A A It jmpftYt :■- heaithy m-i i n to the EHahdi and S i íi'l 1 ' i'i':.u' i '■ .■■. 11. . ■■; _■ tt?n:Suialin y, Uuut , ji'ü thffutoal te affifictionc. ) iiot a intx1 uru ormanüfactared art cíe, but is pure . rom i lie juii e i i" thi ■ íjücuh, cu1tt ated ii. r'. Ji rsej ,re i i ; i ; . siciann ■ MDg modit al r'.'jn iti' s Mi]n--iir i" áav other Viii'.ï in use, .i i iele for all wenk and . , ■ nd inft] in, iinprovin hu app"tUu ..'.■. ■ ind cli84rftn. ■ . n rxE, BeeAiu it win Bo1 rtaïoxicate aa otbr wio, as it ■ i.H., i -i j:'' .:. ;■: -; ' i - .('lllired uritsricli, peculiar ilavü and natiitive proper tiea, rapai a licali hj toi e te ■ i - . :u,d ;i bk'uaiiii,'. tltb) si :ti and cumplexitm. , 1O w vi ■}] km ■ "i hare ried tin Winc: - oñolílSreott. U.S. A. Or.WiUmi.lll.Uat., N. Y. 1 :.'. Ñowark, N. J, ir. J '■ I büt m, N. V.Ctty. f';. Douffherty, " " I. '..ti,.!-. N Y. Citv-, Dr. Parisb, Ëhiiadelphia. )r. Dui';.' -iihi fiic '■''! . fftik, X. J ml many oili-ra too oumerous tn p lW i; . ■ ■! ■■ gepuïoe uules the g;gpature of "A1.FKED . ['fiscaic, N. J-," ií oréi IW corl; of eacb bv-Lilc. jK9MAKS "Xi; TRIAL OF TIi!:; V'IXK. For Fait; by Alayiiard, SUbblna S; AVUson, inn Albur. A. SPEER, Fropnetor. AKD, Passaic, New Jtrspy. OIF!' ■ ■ bdway, N. Y. JOHN LA FOV, Paiis, S34m'3 Ageot for FraqceUttá GTarmaxiy. 7 C 3E5 Xji X JS ÍS s now rtceivín a Iarye an1 well toluctcil assortmeat of Ciocks Watches, tn:r?t1TBWIfBMIinMWHMiiTilPiTiPBBMBWB!IBBWIBBnffW'Tfl' -f""' Silvtj hsI 'Plat cd Wave, TABLE AND POCKET mzz -Mu ar is r mr BAZOllS axb SHliARS, GOLD 3PE1STS,, Musical Instruments, Btrittg Sf Bèokt for lnstrurncitts, S ZEI -S ET MUSIO, COMBS, luil i great variety of YAKTKEE DNTOTIOISrS, &C. Hfl wonld c&ll particular attentiou io lus large stock of af OM, Silvtr, S!ee, and Plalcd, nkh PERISCOPE GLASS, a superior artlcW. A!n Buntington & Platte . ated CALENDAR CLOCK! ■,;il;ililr fot Offioi, G i;t:;i',. Rot eos, Halls I"1 ■■ These clock.s are relfal apere and Calendar combi oed, and requhc th wintíing of the time mov menta only,to secure all the required cbtitngw at mid night, showing the da] ■ I ïtb mné dny of the nioath, tnelu t ■ ■ Febravry4 of Leap year, Hls gooda are pom ly ; ' i ■ robase i rom New ïorfe ;i.'i the u anufwiturtirs, aad uill a spldto soft the timrs. Personn haring diffloult wtahOa to Ut with glasaea can be ai - my stock ia bkrge and compli te, 1. S. Particular i1 HE3?A. I Jat I3STO ofalt kinds "Í";;:)'1 WuUIk's. Bacil ;is Making and Setting ncw Jewels, Pinians, Staffil, and Cylhuhrs. Ah CLOCKS, ac TEAWEIISr i ím Vamnied, at hlfl ola sta iide "i Ufcin Strest. C. BLISS. Ann 4rb„r, Xüv. 15, 1801 Dissolution of Copartnership. Notice i lii'ivliy given that theoopartnership of tlie undereigned under ilio name ui Beakes &, Abel, U disaolved. All persons indebt d to :i i il oopartnenlitp, will pleÓBi i-.ili ut onöo and adjut tho ssme by cash or noto. IIÍRAM J.BEAKES, SYLVESTER ABEL. Dattd, Maich 15th, 1Ö62. wSU. The i-.ii.-i Special pfcpttch! 'po the citiens of Ann Atbor and ! Viciuity ! ! IN TENSE E XCITKMKNÏ! 'ritiy the progresa fff Daily Minti .' .' The Kcdci'ui Ariny aaiii Victoria! The Union must and shall be Preservad !" i a Ther$ was a man ia out o-.. lle was 80 oondrovs wise? I Bat with ftll lm wL-Ml.m). lie vv.', m,' bo v, se S8 thftt 'other man,'1' who whun b(3 wuntüd tu biiy tlu! 77Ó c7tLljh;.,sl dïiil bcét CLOTHiNGS i'n Üda maiJci't always Jumjed 'mío tí ü 1 TE1 MAN' IIEA1) QUAIITEES! For tbera lio knEW hfl alwsyi tut his nioníy'fi woftli. Seeinfi h Uclieviiig and you that wisll tü SC'C :ill:n: i'l llli'i Ím'! V.-. 'J'llOSU Illilt can't kRee can i:n., uní nswt olwnys mak ogt cuíloünrs fee] good ovt-r {ood óargnins, ü).: are cspecialiy mvited lo our nnxioija ai'iii , that they )oo muy rollizo liow "guo'l it i fortheni to be with ns," and liow niucb plebsure can be obtalned ia tbe cnjoynu-nt ot SPLEWDID BARGAIWS ! " me ;iH ye lli.-i! re rery and heavy Ia de - with Róris a mi m will do onr bi;si to relieve you - gitiri({iu in reuní the Jinesl kind üj Gouds at the lowcstjiyures. Qrent liattlcs nr houriy taljing place i n Iba O!o1 hing line - regiment s of üass i nic-res, '"■siiri!. ákc., are bclng ridtlglitprej by Gen, Sojourai- to fit t lie ■..-■a ro h of reeruiti that t [línB-lng in fraei évM'j! direction.oU finxiouá to Cavo thcir naiuea enivlled for u .VA. ir AND TASTY SUIT ! - rachas caí) only be !i;i' at the Ilead-Quai-ters of Guiterman & Co. Oi"-oftlie firin, Mr. M Odíiebxan, harina jjlst rrí.m-i,Ml trom turape witli a lapge assorlriienl of Cloths, Oa-siuieres and n nice lot of line Veslings, also a few peos of une Beaver for overífiata wliú b wewill make uii t o Jureer n the 1 il est Bty le, we fee] eonfident tluit e enn iatitfy 11STTJJDJBISrTS 1 We are happy to greel you ga:n in our City.after iwoding jour vacatioii with the " dear oíd flks'; ut home. Be assured we wih yon a pleawuit term, and slmll be glud to tne.-t you at tliu Oíd Mcí, L'o. 5. ET Our former customer, ve feel disuria, wili cali on usugain To you who come as Btrtngert ye ivouM bav b few wofds( we wisli you to cali íind look ut our fine Coate, PanU, mul Vests we can do better by yuu tliiin aay ollier h use in Ihe City, and if yc.u cali una exomine our iroods.nnd try tlieir fits, you will pinchase Dowhere else. DON'T FAIXj TO O-XjXi AT E3r. I3C. Q. DE. IIOOFLAKD'8 BALSAMIC CORDIAL, For t i j o s['(;v'.!y curtí of Coughs, Cnlds, Injluenza, Crottp, Hoarsenes8 Bronchitis, Pneumonía, Viseases of the BoiO' elíi, arixiiig frum Cotd, Inr.ipient Con$ amplio n, and f or the retir f and if at aíl possibie) cure of Patiënt in advanced stayes of t!ts latter disease, _L tion, cumtmiDgth healing propertíe oí tho Baljfcan, with the taviguratiiig qualities of a CordiaJ, pruductng coBitiaat oTi 50 vfii uiapttd to the purpuLdn intefaded, that there aro but few cases of diseac wLíoh will not, at an early periud, iiiccumb tu its healingand lito íTÍng properties. FdraLfls,luui tho troitlment of ptihnor.ary disensos occqpíed the greater pertioc pf ibe aúeotíou of tlie scíeniitic bf the meÖical world, b li t aquírod n-.iirtetninence in hit] treatmi'iit of those díaottaat, than the celfbratcl I'rui.siiiu. 1 r. líoofland, ;n orig-natot -oí tlie Balsairtic Cordial. Iiii-j lito waa döyoted to tlie pruductiun úf remeaiea that wtuW stand unrivalled. How "tr#ll he lius succeeded, the Amurie&n nouplíjare aVIe tu judge: aad we pusitiveiy assert, that 00 proparations that have ei bosu placed t?fbre tbem, bave cooferred tliu aame amuunt of beneöts 011 suÖ'ertDg bumanit) , or have elicited bo maaj oomzaendatlone from all clasea of spciety, as tb.6 remedies 01" Dr, Booflaod prepared by Dr M . Jftaañ eo. , of PJïiladt-lphia. Tüe Cordial Li dnsigned for a dUbN f dUeMMa more general fcnd ínoieiu'.al tban anj otbejr tu wliicli ttie of this eoanfry ate subject - those sprioging from a "éligkt coid." That emiaent imthoriiv. lr. Bel!,tsa: "I wül uutsay that Culoí are tu uur inhabitanlfl whai tb Plague and Ytlluw Ftver are to tboa of other couu trits; but lean ;ui-i cODftdtnUy tliat they iioher in di.scaM.' of grealfi JcuinpUcity and mortality than theae lattar." Enüvcly Vegetable. No Alcoholio Prcpavation. DR. IIOOFLAND'S ( 'KLKHUATKD MERMAN BITTERS Prepared by DR. C M. JACKSON & CO., Pliiladelphia, Pa. WillefFectnalIy cure I.IVEK CnMi'i..IT. DYSir.l'SIA . JAL NlICE,Chfoni$ ui1 Netyout f)cllity , Dun %$$ Ivuluoys, and nll :■■■ ng fruiu a d Li t'r or ít'unacli. Sosh as ConsÜpation, Inward Piles, Pu1ass or Bloo4 to tlie ElBaí, Ac'ditJ of the Stomaeh, Ñau--;,, Utiart burn, Di ' ■ ■ ■; in tVte Stomach.Sonr BraOtfcioBf=, Srtking or Fhitte;ing at tho Pit of the Stomach, Svimmiog of tho Head, Hurried and Diffieult Brttathhig, Flulturing at tho Heart, Chuking or Suffocating eenbationa ff'nen ua lying posture. Dim oesa { Visiöfl, Dr4s of we"bs beforethe Bighf, 1m ver and Dull Pain in the Heíd, Deffcioncy of Persplratfon, xélIots r.i--.-, of tb .-'kin and Ej bs. rain n (lie Si te, B&ok, f Cbest, Liinl), &c SuddE FÍusheaof Beat. Burningin the [Ftcjih, ('"iisUui! of í-vil, and Ereat De; es of Sfarits. ai) d wjll poaitiveif prevt-nt Vl-.LLOW FEVER, BÏLLrO! 3 1 i ' 1 ,o. The Propri-iir in caning the atti'Ution of the public to ibis preparo ; witb a fling cf tho atmwt confldftnce in ta virtuofl '■ ii'l .-uta ota tiun to thu disoasee íor 9 fcieh i ;. ■ {tUnonew aad rfmried article, imf on) that has itooó the .trs: trial betbre the Americii.ii people,aiidits repufetióa aad B&16 aro uurivalted by any similar praparatioaa ext&nt. The teetimony ïnits iavor giwn by mti prominent and well-knowu ing uní iw i'luai.s in all paris ui' the countrj is ■ , and & w ful perai&l of ïhe Almanae, pubUshed aai ■ Proprietocs, and to bc bd gratïi ot' any ot' thi'ii' Agen is, caauot out iitisfy the most skeptical ttaatthfa remedyla really aeserving the great celebritj it luuubtaiiifd Ilcad the Evidei Trom J. ÍVcwíüti Skwr 7'. . . Kditor of the EneyrJtq dta of Religious Kwowiedge, AUhough Dot ilipofoil to fav r or r ■■mnnn-f!'! Patent mt&Ii through li-ïi-ii.-t ol tlicir in.j-i'i1 od em-ctSj 1 m koow ot no suffictetit reaaon irxy a q ;tn iii;i.v Dot ttottfj i" the boocfit he believea hhüseïl to have rcceivt'd from anj itiipli' prepratioo, iti tinbopáthatd may eoatributi to the Ih-ïh-iü uf others. 1 do t'uis tlie more readily in regard Lo !tHooflnd's Germán Bitfer" prepareü t (r. t. M. Jaóknoh, ot this City. because I raí prejudiccd agatnsi them for reavii, under ii' ímpr isioq Ehai they wfire cliioiiy an alcobol[c mixture, l am indebted to myfriend Kobert S1iq,,.. in i-, ]■'. ,; .. "■ i in wmoval df this prejadice bj test i,and for eBCOuragement to tcv them, when sufferuilt frOm trrt'üt aml loi ifcin im drbility . The use of three Imiilvs of thesa 5itti - naiiig oí the ■ i.i '■ , vasfoHow . 'y evMintTeIÍef, and reato nitinii tu diffre! I bo lÜJ :i!nl iiicntul vigor wliich I hail nul t'Lii for six niftutlia bforfr,od hadaüuoni deitpitifed tning. Í thei efore tb cok God and my frieo w meto tba uwotth. J. NEWTON BROWN, K.M ' vrtiftt the efotnrni Glasa liatuifacturer, JOHN H. TWHTArX, says of the BAISAMIC CORDIAL. Dn. C.M. jAChsos Respw Havlag for a long úine been acuainted vriUi the virttttis of' tl namic Cordial in Cou lts, Calda, InlLimmatinn of the 4"c. I Ehua frEe!y bear testimony to efficacy. i ,■ nver beB ■ ithoiH it ín my i füinilv M aIBgtva mo plftatwre i state that I nave utedil wlthenïii suocefw in thö treatmcnt of Bowel tiut. Thy friettd t rul.y, JOHN IC. W8ITALL, Fifi li Mo. 1T, 18W, Karr St iwt , ;t dove -lih, l'hila. DCKArf t"r salr by all ri'spoftabie Drupi. i .; - a ad dealers in tned:ciaoi in the United 3 tatas, Brit uil t'rovincc-i. ;mtl Wtt, ;i t 76 cents per bottle - He surcaml pet Ihe pcnuine, with the signature of C. M. n nu the rapier of eaclï bottle; all otkers are couiUttfkit Fr noi;'1 Office and Mauufactory, 418 Arch ïtreü ■, Pa. 8jrl Chicago i'ook ïiadc. The Buy School Hoeks. WHOI.TÏSAT.K liooTï & Stntlonevy House, j 3. C.f GR1GGS & CO. PX'ULIMH Sanders Progressive Readers, 1"1.1 El h ne nd origüml iltaatnthM, ■ Uut buk nxmni. ' slinaHI, 9- " Si" ■ luilt, a uu 4 canil 1 i ,1 . ]j IV ..iini.T' Xcw C i finar ij rtindi ;. tipüfth Word ro VI. Saw "i. ■!;'..".'. ,' uy "1 Sii ' ii'l Tngliili I r:lr.. '" ,(i V IÍI Swidi r ' Now ! ; ,, ji "w íroon.l Mentor, ........ u i vr,! , .... e XI. s ui'iri .,' Non Kourtli Kraüer, 4 XFL 6niidïM' ti XIII. ííanüera' High Schc ui Headar, ,. un , .' i uw XVI. Bandei ' Kk'Outioiwrj (_h.,rt s xi hl ■'. l'ur thuir alricllj w. iii.i ,,:;!( ti.-al.iJupiuiion tu í)w juung. llifvli:ii , r.oii1..-! rTtr .ná r muro fnvor.aül than bj Practical Imuln-u wiiu Iikvi, i nted theb i hooi room. Robinson's C.rso of Mathemattoe. I.V Ilo.c.iüü N. UUÜIN.-OV, I.I.. u. I.itü Irofi-, lïticaintho U. tf. N"rj i . ArilJ.mftlit $ la ir. RnliinAon 'uiüi Aritli. ti lil Ji[ Of witlti-n AlilU. M IV. II i ■■,!!■ i'r. ■,;■-, -al Arilli. H V Ri ,m! AiilLmi-üc, J VI. K..b;ti,ii Hi ■ ■■■; Autliiudla, 7 vil. Ki!iioii ■ K.v M (ligber Arithnietie, 7J VIH. Kol , 7# IX. k Ijnwiiri' Kcy ti Kleru.'ntarjr A1jjIft, i )'..''., :u sod'í Upl i . . l,rH , l Né XI. Rbiasvu !-:■■. .. l'niv,', ■;;■,- Algttrm. ' i itrj and ! i i-uni nnú1. I 30 ■i!' '"' ■ i .n igMion ,' I V X!V '.uii ii.-i.ns AaJj Ucal U-' luttrj mul funl 1 m XV HubluHoa's I I.Terciill! ano !, lepral C'ilimltia 1 ko A[ RoUms&n Kk-meotArj A-umi, iüv, tj I Utruni ;n.' ' 1 is X III ' I Uu jnatical OfienitioIM, II ia V1X : ■ ' '" Als.jr:i, il. cuiulrv, Sur. i 0 i 1 M r.nn'iua n i.i, MATHKMATJCAI. rnTMi iIM. urating Mthijielk and 'iVxi i:.),.k m tho Uihoi KalktmatiCS- J ",■ l-lr.i; . : :i itpUll' UÍ UtvMration umi , , .,„t;,..r of (hit '■■ rviter In tlil oountry, Xüw irtcumuittaded by lU bl iticiiins i] al] ,,,[ tr ' Oray's Series of Botamos, sis book. Hitebcook's School Anatomy and l'lijslolDgy, S!. Hi.tcliecck'ö Geology, ono book. Wcll'a Grawniars, two books VVeH's Soientific Serie?, including Chumistrj-, Philosopbv, etc Tijree buoks. WilBon 's Serlos of liatories, fjve book. F:is(jiiclle'ö Frcnch Serie?, eigbt books. Woodbury 's Germán Series, geven book. Bryant & Stratton'a Serie of Book-kceping, thrce booka. SpeBoerjan Sytcm of Penuamsbip, niuo books. And othcr ValualiJe Bouks. WLolesulc Dt-alers and lletail Purcliasers Will Bnii Lt our tors over Ftrap Tliooaud iljSl r. (.and Tliroc HuMdreJ Tliuuuad VoU i which to ian e thelr xlMtloa irm I ooi rivulwj I.v ai. v ulhul buuj! huLibt; ui tlit; I :■ S. C. GMGGS & CO. Ar.: BjH oiï] AgüuLl fur Mcs.-jrs Uarper & Bro' Publioatiuii. " J). ApplttoB & Co's " " Tieknor & Field's " " Gould & Lincoln"s " " J. J3. Lippinoott & (Jo's " An.l farniib , U Uieir Buaka at Ewitern pifuá fat oWi. Noto Papara, Letter Papers, and (Jap P. pers, Blink Books, Pass Book, ■'""' 11 ' INEHÏ", at the hvt priwa . SliáTEtí b tho dozen or cas. _SrrangersmJ Uavclej vi-Ynj; Ohicaga wi'.l Cnd u interostingto linger for unfiSurumU th? imiii. cabla pilea o!' liUratuie ai y a-ud 11 Lukt; titreat. S. C. GRJ.GGS & CO. Agents Wauted. 3 Fur al! ostly and valuante BubseripUoa Vforkí orujynobta rork opon Religión, ljtxrata ácii-ncj Alt, Wdres í. C.UHlOIJi i CO. ' PISASE RS14EVBEB Tbat tliere is no bookitore iu 1U. -pinga t,.t. ter or more eit#qiTe uBortmeat ha i alway foa4 ut Si aud 41 Lake street. REMEMBKR. That Public or Private Libraría cnn be suppliod irllU firstolM Standard WoAbyS.C.G. SiCo. umuMim tenas tbun to aend Est iint píj Ireight Uterarysod PWssiona] nion, Teaclicr, in all depiirtmeots of of tire worM of lol tora are invited to maie ; 9 and 41 UMe btceat thalr i.lnc, oí n.-trt ui luumyntsui leisure. S. C. GRIGGS & CO, n iiulcsak' and Ketail Booksflhure Bud stalmnori. 4i LakeSíroot. Ciiicwa s. c. gr;gc3 842m3 K. l! ja.vsL. TO LET. THJ ; "3 Barn ww oceapM bj Olnj I Hawkiiii.Kaq., on Ui-lroit btreet, Ana Arboc pe. seulongivi ! April. r MO In Buchoz'a Bluck la let tu jood slc-:uly tennats at a voiy lüw roct, mmodUw poawuioii givón. Inquireof , , L.R. DUCHO! Aan Arfcor, March !,- 1861. w5r Oval Picture Frames AI.1.S1ZK.S STVLKÍ a.Rl PHKSS jUt reoeired and fórjale clit-apat CHOFF & 'míLLER'S Fruit and OrnamentalOF AI.I. DESCEtPÏÏONS AND VAi:iLTY, i?oát?, Bulbpw Plañís, and GrajH 1 7es of aü Ichuh. rpHECNDEKSTGNED i. ahout itT,g Emí to pk, . Tre, tlmt i. L. waute' thtougbthemonthol Apríl. M j pnotical ;, trees fot tlic Ugt t yeare ha astabliahod m o tlie aj of máklEg mr seluo ana lth thal nnttaal eoubles me to warrent 1 tro. and plants trne to üotw.m w11 na heahhr, vígi ot u ■nu.nh, ai witi propejrcaj-a tu meet tbc neeution af lUe pnrehawr. Th,. attending im „ ■ r, trena wereali .wu7,J Di Sl ' lioo Thaokful for past fnvUr I agaiBlnTltomy ,-ifnis and al! utilera ivautiug tr.on Lr planta, togira n a eH. Tbosewhomay want Trees o-rown ;„ (bis Stat oaa , Or.;..T fhr Tl 1 ['hints m; ba left at Rogar' Agni-ultural Il.ill, ut auy timo. ' . THEODOBï DvBOfS An Arbot,llarcb 25, 1802, si;,l( -DO rotT lilT WHISKERSf DO 'S! OU WANT A MOUSTAC11E I il so, parchase na botö of E, K. l'uampion'i EXCELSIOP INVIGORATOR The world renowned tu -the only article (,r the kind redtSptodlöof the UniteJ Statea. Tieabor aroole ia the ualj oae uwd by Uie livuch : m J.unduu !inJ l'aris il .- in UBiieraal THE EXCELSIOR WJlISKFJt IWIGORATOR! ! I i Baautiftil, Econi tig. rel Mlinulalin Compóund, acting a tl l] miric B] the root, eaua ing bluiutiful groivih (,( l.nxurkint HMnl. (f api.lii to the Seal?, it will euro I!vlii.i-s, and f apih! o. oording to dii . up in balil sputd a -rüwth of tsOil I '.,::); 11 ui! ■■i.-l EXCELSIOR JN YIGOB. TOR ■ rtty Gentleman'! Totl "!1" vei k'ï usu thej wouid oot, (i anr cutuid' ej&tfoB, be without :t. ÏÜa above artiele wi]l,ta fren Fou 1" ! brlujouta thiok set of Whibkjibi dr Vih-.tacmk. TheeUt the only Agenta for ihc aboro ast Clfl ÍI1 tilt.! I ■ , Tlioy wnuld aUo annouuce to lh public Ihnt thor ilsfor Napoleon's Hair Toilet! The only aiticlooi r offert d to FiAVoh pij&t tht woulil ei kl strak. ii r iaïr 1 the abore Toilet boinj; mtï cfacti,: cJ inr t!i . fjfi Nnpoteon 1 whicU art iele noii ;. ! yiUtt rot pi. The nuhííoribei I .'. enl üint thisTuilei must neeeSRuriiy 6ftk : ■ ■ ■ . il rej feu tb e puMic,tbey take pt1 asure in exjuroMng thcir conftil.ij'V m thfcirtfele,! aföing t from practical ate. THE NAPOLEON HAIR TOILET WïllCüRt traicht TtAiRin Soft, Pilkon, Flowinjr Curli, tliat will p'in;ut! Labape for oe day r aks vek f de■ iod, f the directiona aro atrictlj foHowefl . whJch an v,t_v shnple ami eosj . Thix H.iii Toth d ■■■ maBDertntrftrr witil " neithtr scoreb DordyeeM ; buï rítct 'h htï ■ soft, thrífty ppaiT unco. I' lso prevenís the huir frem falling ofl id THE NAPOLEON JTAÏR TOILET Ha been beforethe publ'o bat fl hrithB, nnd hB 1ivr (Heupand ptrsoml nd they testif.v th;u tbe N'upoloon llairToüi't is fbfl prüaW ■■■ Í tn the -iTirrii-iin p#opl. To prerentthiï. ToilPi !rom being couDtsrfelrsd or in. tate1bv unprinci] (d personi, vre 4o nt offer it for Mte at any Íifiijqi-N rn the PnfteJ Matos. Thsrfnr ftitv I.iuiv or iii-ntl" m-i:i i ■■■ ■ Kireg Soft, TiHxuriaut lUir andCurïs, and ] ■ or Hnui tacho, run prnftun the Invigorstnr or Toilet, eithtf finf,for one iit.llíir enctuseil in a tetter, with tluir addrcsn. Address, g. f. SPENT& ro., Box lgQ.CoIlintTÍlTe, Hftttford Ct, , Cojmi And it wlil be cJirefuIlj sent ty return mail.


Old News
Michigan Argus