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Interesting Letter From Col. Corcoran

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Ricimoxn Va., Saturday, May II. 1862. To Oapt. J.iiiii-s B. Kirker, Ño. 5yy Broadway : M y Duar Frie.nd - I learn by your lotler, and also through other souroes, that bis excelloncy uov. Morgan has buen pleased tu app !nt me or.o of tlie Ilarbor Mastors of New York. I ara oonndeht that the appointment has not been solieiled by any f iny friends. I therelora feel that his Exoellency could le actuated by no other motive than that of tlie kindest considera! io'i for my welfare, and, whils? I am inlini'ely gratefu1, I uin obliged, under existing oircufflstances, respecifully to decline the aoceptuuco oi tho appointinent. Many reasons cle.irly demónstrate the propiioiy of my action, among wliicli I meution the folio winc : íirü - íf n thepossession of my liberty b'jfore thd tenniuation of tliis wicked rcbellion, I desire to serve uiy couutry iu the lield, by assisting to suppress it ; and, srcoiid - I canuot pos sibly tjiing of accopting a salary for duty rfally perforinod by another peí son. - You will, therefore, picase hare any money wliicli may have been paid to Mrs. Curcoran by Mr. JJarber iuiincdiately refuuded. And, as I havo no opportunity at present of writiug to Goveracr Morfían und oxpressiiig my sentiineuts, will you do me the favor of performing the service, and take occasion to expresa my wartnest thaiiks I have boen deoply puineJ to learn thttt a report has buen circulated caleulated to injure tlie roputation of Colonol CrockcT and Major Cassidy, of the NiuetythJtd New York Voluuteers. - Tbeae geutleweu h;ve been fellow prisoner.s of mine tsince tho 21th uit . and I am thorougiily cunviuced tl:U duik; are more finuly attuched to the Constitutkn and laws of the United States, or more earnestly detire the suppres&ioo of the rebellion and the restoiation of public order, or are more wüling to sucriíice every personal oonsideration for the attainment of thit object, 'l'hey are membes of my mess, as Lieutenant (Jü1o:k1 Hjnedict, of the Soventy third NTcw Y'irk Voluuteers, and as we have :hu fuilest opportunity uf interchanging our deus uud views on all matters, we ire th.irou;:lily couveruant witn the teelngs oi eacu other The two foriuer are BufFering for chango ot clolhing in cousoqüönoè of iheir baggage not huving been furwarded to them. Colonel Benediet was taken prisouer at Williamsburg, Va., on t li o 5th i nst., and is suffering from gpraiu of his ankle. Captains Price, of the Scveutieth, Drake, of ths '1 hii-ty thiru. and Willis, of the Seventy fourth New York Infautry, and Captain Lee, of the Sixih New Jersey Voluuteers, have also been taken ut samo time and place, and with Adjutant Hasbrouk, of the Fifth New York Cavalry, are uow here The intelligenee of the death of my most highly esteemeü friend, Colonel Michuel Doheny, has ülled me with feel ings of the deepeat rograt. Ireland has eertainly lost one of her truest and most devoted clnldren. With kindest remembrances to C;ipt., Jiieuteuants Connolly and Dauipsoy, who have shared my captivity, and to whom I am under many obligations for their kindness, as also to my friends Judge Daily, llichard O Gorman, Wiu. J. Kane and Jobn Savgc, Escja , &c, believe me Youra most devoutedlv attached,


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