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The Instructions Of Gov. Stanly

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Special Dispatch to the Chieago Tribune. Washington, June 4. The letter of aöppintment, constituting Hon. Edward Stauly the Military Governor of Ncrth Carolina, and big in.jtruetions, as trunsmitted by the S,tretary if War to the Señale, ara as follows : THE APPOIXTMENT. Hon. EJwnrd Slanly : Sir - Yoij are hereby appointed the Mil'tary Governor of the IState o! North Carolina, with authority to exercise and perlonn within lio liniits of iha Statu all and Mngulur the powers, dmies and ftinctions pentuiftiog to !he office of M'litary Governor, tpolndine the power to establish uil neoessarv offices and tribunals, and suspend the writ of' tabeas corpus during the pleasure of the President, or until ihe local inhubitants ol that State shall organiza a civil governiuerit in ooofiwmuy witb the coni-litution of tïie United States. (Signed) Ji. J[ STANTON, Seoretary of War' TUE LETTElt. Sir - The comniiïision you have re ceived espresses on its face the func tions and powers devolved on yon by the appointinent of Military Governor of North Carolina. Instruclions have been given to Major General Bürtjsida to aid you in the perfonnance'of your duty and exeroise ofyour authoriiv. Hu 'lies also been instructed to detaü an adequate military force for the npecial pui pose of serving as Govern(-i'sgnard, and lo act i.uder your di roclions. It is obvious to you that tho great purpose ol your appointinent s to reettablish the authority of tho Federal government in the State of North Cirolina, and to provide the means for tnaintaining che peace and security of the loyul inhabitunt.s of ( hut State until they hall be able to re estnbli.-h civil ijoverninent, Upon your vrisclom nnd energetic petion mueh will dopend Ia accomplishing that re-ult it is not dt-emed nectissary to give any specilic iastructi ns, but rather to confidd in your sound discretion. Adopt rneasures as may demand. 8pec.fii; nntruetions will be givon whon requested. You may rely upon perfect conndeooe and full support of the departmont in ihe performance of your duties. WUh respect, vour "bedient servant, EDWIN M Si'ANTON". decreta ry of Wnr. Hon. Ed Staxlt, Military Oovernor o! North Caroiiua.


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