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Wendell Phillips Rampant

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At tha lato sessicm of the New Eng. land Anti-Slavery Society at Boston, Wendell I'hillips mudo a ppeecb, an abstract of which we append fro;n the Boston Courier: "Mr. Wendcll Phillips was the next speaker. In t ho statements of Mr. Bird ho recognized only new cvirlunce thnt with the spirit wliieh nctuated the goveminent and the soldiers, Union, in our day at least, was impossible. The prejudice against tho negro, the idea thaS we are the dominant raos, had not been conquered yet Mr. Adams, of Massachasetts, the Americiin Minister to the Court of St. James, singiy and alono does not recogmzo the Ambassador of Hayti at that court. The President, witii servile, bekgpittle huste, runs beforo he is bidden 16 revoke the Munter proelamafion. If Hunter liad issued a proslavery proclama; ion, be sure the gov ernme, t would have waited for red tape. h showed tlm old pro si ivery leaoing of thé govenmicnt Mr. Phillips believed that President. Lineoin'g deeree ii relation to the Hunter proclaraation had lost a (juarter of the cbauees of preserving the Uuion What were the anti t-lavei y people to do now? Tbey must edúcate public opiuion, that was all, and forea the government up to the pn par antislavery point Etnannipatioa won't savo the Union now - cmiiseatiou v ou't savo it. Je&ètgm Davis will not cone back uto this Union, but he will be foimd in Mexico, with his leaders and muy of his people. TheCongre-sof tbünited States it had been shown, could not trust New Orleaus with an election in this generation. If General McClellan's strategy was to disperse, not to conquer - if his strategy was continuallv to drive beforo him the rebels, and not give them battle - if his stnitogy was to break up an armv of 100,000 men and make thtm disperse into the woods and mountain, wfaero tbey could pursue guerrilla warfare - then he bas had ''brilliant success." Haïleck, to da-, den't know whether there is an ariny in front of him or not, and what is the reason? Because he shuts tho contrabands out of his lines. - If Robei't Small had gone to Halleck with hisstpamer General Halleck would havo sent him baek with it. Put Siel in liallcok s plaee, [great applause] aud in twelve haurs time Sigel would know what Beauregerd was to have for his next inorninir's breakfast, and would at onco know what that section of the country was made of, and would have possession of it. Butler - he honored bim - half brutal, was just tho man to rulo New Orleans. In Massaehusetts ho did not amouüt to a great deal, but in New Orleaus ho was just the man, and why cannot the government take a leaf from his book. The President and the Cabioet of the United States were treasouable in their dclay. The peoplo want tho goveminent to take a position. The President and the SecreUtry of War f-hould be tmpeacked for allowing Mercier tj go down to Riehmond, with their consent, to confer with the rebel leaders. That Minister had no right for any purpose to huid conference with rebels in ariiis, and wlu'ie is the govemiuent that would have allowid it, but this. Gccerul BanKs deSirved defent for not iannediately hanging thoso rebel menpp woraen who entrapped se v e ral of his soJdiers visiting their houses for food, aid killed them. - Instead of letting McClellan wear his l.iurels a petition should go up froin the people of the United States for his removal and to place some one there who would cease the ehild's play that lio liad thus far pursued Me wanted a warrior t the head of our armies - FreniODt, Siü;el or Hunter - or Halleck, even, it he would prove tho warrior. If McClellau wasasked to day if h i could D:va at the risk of slavery, he would hesitata. Whoever was tho cause of witliclrawiug the sildiers frora General Banks' división should be removed at once - the socner the bettcr. In conclusión, he said, that if Sigel or Hiuter was plae.'d in Mc-Clellan'.s place, wo should ut o.jcc he:ir of decisivo victories.


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