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General Mcclellan's Address To His Victorious Army

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OCR Text's Headquarteks Juno 3. Tlio tbllowing uidress was read to the army tlii.s evening at dress parade, ana v;is reueived witli an outburst of vocifcrous cboering frota every regiment: HEADijU.UCTtKS, Ar.lIY OF THE PoTOMAC, I Camp Xe.u: New BaiBOE.Va. Juneá, Ibü2.{ SoLDIKliS OF T!IK Ar.MY OF THE PoTOUÁtií have futfilled at least a part of my pioinisc to ym. You aro cow face to faca witlí tho robéis, ivho aro held at bay in front of the capital. Tho final and docisiva battlc is at haud. Unless you belic your past history the result eaiuot bo for a nroniont doubtful. If the troops v!:o laborcd so faithfully and fouglit su gallantly at Yorktown, and who o bravely won the hard fihts at WiUiaimbarg, Wert Point, ilauovcr House, and Fair Oaks, now provo worthy their antocüdents, the victory is surely ours. The events of every day proee your superiority. Wlierever you have met the enetn'j you have heulen him. - WJwreter you have u.ied the bayonei he has given way in panie and disorder. I ask of you now one last crowning effort. ïho i-nemy has ataked bis a!l on the is3uo of the coming b:ittlo. Let us meet hirn and crush bilfl here in the very centre of the robellion. SoLDtiMis - I will be with you in this battle, and ghane its dangers with jou. Our oonüdenoe in caeb. otlior is ïiow founded on tbe paet. Let us striko the bjow whioh is to reatorá peacc and unión . ) tbis distraoted land. Dpóo your val." or, disoiplino ;md mutual coalidenco, tho result dependa. GEO. B. McCLELLAN, Major General Commauding. ÜSlT A bachelor the other morning remai kud tbat wjvej who use the neudlo uro liki) tho eriemy spoken oí n the parablo- they gow lares wh'úe the husbandmuu sloep. lvi.ssing ;i protty g:rl dowa Soutij, u yoftog geaüeroau askod her vVliat made her bo swoet. "Oh," che ropliei!, in Utter innocenco, " niy futher is a s uy-itr planter."


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Michigan Argus