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Michigan Sick And Wounded At Washington

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In conforinity with a reaotution of th S na'e of Jo'y 19, 1801, the Wn8iingt,n pipera publish the totals if suk atij WJUiiiied soldors at the hospitals in anl about Washiugton, May 30, The fo(. lowing coinprise those f'rom Michigan ■ Soini: ary Hospital, Georgetown,-. The wholc nuuibtr in this hospital is 128 Of theso the Michigan raen are ,ia (o. lows : Sixteenth Regiment, 9; Pourth Regiment, 2 ; Seveoth Iiegimeut, 2 to. tal, 18. Columbia C.jllego Hospital, W48ij. nton. Total in hospital, 274 Second Michigan Regiment, 1; Third Regiment J; Fouvth Regiment, 2 ; Seventh Re, ment, 9 ; total, 16, Mt. Picasant General Hospital Wholc nuniber in the hospital, 489.- Second Michigan Regiment, 1 ; Third lügiment, 1; "Fifth Regiment, 2 ; Ser. enth Regiment 6 ; total, 10. Eckington General Hospital, W&sh. ngton. Total number in hospital, 275. Seventh Michigan, 2; Sixteenth Re. ment, 2; total, 5. Circle General Hospital, Wnshinoq Whole nuniber in Hospital, 186, öei. enth Mieliigan, 1. Stone General Hospital, Washington, Wholo uumber in hospital, 83. Third Michigan, 1; Fourth, 1; total, 2 (Jarver General Hospital, Washington, Whole number 618. First Michigan,8Second, 2 ; Third, 1 ; Fifth, 8 : Sr.' enth, 41 ; First Oavalry, l ; total, 61. General Hospital, Alexandria. WhoS numter in hospital, 1,367. First Mi gao Oavalrj, 17; First Infantrv, ' Socond, 4; Third, 5; Fourth, 5 ; Ffti 12; Seventh, 9; Sixteenth, 4; total, 54. Cliffburno Hospital, Washington.- Total nuniber, 266. Fourth Michigan, General Hospital, Judiciary Square, Washington. Wh.le nuniber iu hi pital, 856. First Michigan, 3; Second 9; Third. 5; Fourth, 2 ; Fifth, 34: Seventh, 1 ; Sixteenth, 5; total, 59. Hospital for Eruptivo Diseases, Kilorma. Whole number, 43. First Michigan, 1 ; Fifth, 1 ; total, 2. Total nuniber of Michigan mon in hoi. pitáis at or ncar Washington, 223. A Nap.row Encape. - In the baltlo at Fai" Oaks, Joscph Roberts, company K, Fifth Michigan, had a smalí pistol in hii left i-idc patits pocket. A Minie hall pns.?c(l through his pantaluons, and moulded itself around the lock of lh pistol, wherc it remains. Mr RoborU lost a fineer by the next shot.


Old News
Michigan Argus