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PRINT ï N G OF A IX K'XOS ;Neatly Executed AT TBE AllGUS OFFICE. WE ARE 1'KEI'aRED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN' THK LIXK OF PEINÏING AT THE HOST EEASONABLE RATES. e liavo recently purctinsed a BXJGGLES ROTARY CARD PRESS, anl lmvo adHed ilie Int'st atylee of Cnrd Type, wliicli tnables us to print INVITAT10N CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in tbc nenteat stylee, and as clieap ns any other house in the State. We are also preparc-d to print POSTERS, IIANDBILLS, BLANKS, LJLL I1EADS,' CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS &c, TüS -A-IEtO-TTS BOOK BINDERY is in charge of ft FIRST CIASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOU RN ALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Hanufnetured in best sttle at New York Priees, Ptriodicals of all kinds BOUXD IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Re-33ound. All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Propr. Office and Bindery, cor. Main A Hurón Sts. Conway l'Mre Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capital paid up, $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 260,963 12 Liabilities. - - 16,440 03 D. C. Rofrers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretar y. President. DIRECTORS. J S.WFriTNEV. L. BOOM ÍN, W KI.I.1OTT, .= v nov i.wn, n c. Mi(;',k r MOHGAN WAIT BKMENT JOSUII AM.I8. a' H BU'I.GN W. H.niCKINSON, W T. CLAPi'. I). C. ROGER. 4iiii Arbor Refprences: rtr. R WKI.I.8, .. JAMK1 I.. nODOK, KNOCHJAMKS. HAPT. O S. OOODRICH J. W. KNIGIIT. AtfiM.t. Ann Arbor. Michigan. Nkw Remkdies for SPERMATORRIKEA nOWARD ASSOC1ATION', PHILADELPHIA. A Be iir.mlf.i't Institutio" cxlabl'shfd bu spec.iatr7idvrmciil fitr thtt rcHtf "f the Sicít and Diittrrufeed . ajfíictcrí loilh VrnUii and Ohrmio THnatêf and for tht Cure of Dtt,aaf.ti nfthe Sexual Or#,mt MEDICAL ADVICE givea grati. by tho Acting Surgeno. VA!. CAHI.R REPORTA nn Siiprmaiorrlia;, nnil other ni-i.;i.,-í i.f llie Sexual Org:in-, andón thi N'KU' EtEMEDIEfl pinplovoil in Ilie Dispensary,se?t iu enlc;] letter t'n vi'lripi.s, fno of chnrfte. 'JVn r tliret ftsynpi) fnr pnHtai-oacceptable. Aildrean, Dr. J. 8KILI.IN llillílll TU. IlDU-ard Asiociition, N'" 'i S, Vmth St., IMiila tnlplila.Pt. lri":i HÉÍHBSea Tíintr %tawp fTB A IU-. XOW l -. Vií&tí VVB] ]i i:: - V ANO Man . i . stock ol LWV & MEQICÁL ÍÜOOK!, School fíjo]ís, Misallancous Suuhs, lilank inoks. dan ST a.TIOKTBRY! Wall ;ui.l fflnffow P'ppr, Oran n .1:1 :! '.rathc-inalírnl Instruments. Kuslo, lavontlo Librarle, Kut-tlope, Inks and 1 [Ja -:zEIGOLD ,4ííZ oAír kinds of Pens and Penáis VV'in Ujw Cijrnioe, yiifule.s and Fituro, POCKET CUTLE1IY! Andeveryrb!ugporfa!dïng to the trade, and more to ilh'v wi.til.i ir, vit'.1 the ntíention ni -, dftuntry. Inconductingour bosmess, we nhtitï'dn tliatcnn ■ ■ '1. n : ■■■ tonable man, womtui or ciiild símil fiu anj fiuitt. SK pogwüff t'iiciütiM which wíl! enable us to nupply 'Hir itoin 'i at lite Lowest Possible Figures. Weprni ■ REAÓY PAY, ata smallAdvaoce. 9xyv ti .i praflt on out góoás, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. W. ■li.ivpc;i:-i ■■ .IAME? F. Sr'AI.DIXi;, hereWre arp prepured t ftirnih Visiihtsc, Weddivg and all other Cnrds wriUi-n order, wilh neatness and dïspatch, by mai' or otherwise. The ' ■ torb,"í8 mnnnod by tgood'crew,' ml tbov wil] atwajti bc t.-nnii od Ule "(joartr dt'ck," . to all with pk-asure, vho will favor tiiOni with ;i ca'l. Uejinembef the ''Empire Oook Store." JAMKS R. WE.'iSTER & Co Aun Avoor, M. y,18CO: 74f ANOTHER Jfc ARRIVAl AT THE ál SOLD AND RELIAS LE fif!i CLOTHIWt EMPORIUMÜ tL'lfr ILlÑT 3 PHCENIX BX-.OCIS:, MAIN STREET. hftjtjast retorned iroib tho Eastero Cities, with a Urgt irni deaiiablf stock of FALL AND WINTER O O 3O &l wkicb he is now oitering at unusually IjOW I?XIIC33SÏ Among hi Avrtment mny bo found BROADCLOT1TS; OAIS.SIMKRES, DOESKIXS, & VEöTiNGS, of aMdoscriptions, MpeofftUy for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! wliich he is cutting aml mnkinar t. irler, in thelfttost auc jesi gtyles, toguther with a superior afleortmeat of REA O Y MADE LLOTHING' flU'.VKS CAI'.l'F.T BAGB, T'MDRKI.I.A?, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with numerAjip Miier art:clei usnally found in simila: utabtiftbmeuts. As ANEMPÜPKIM OFFASniON, the subscritor i elf.thai hls long experionoc ;tml ccen'-ra siic blO hino to give Uie freateu' on toll wlito miy 'r.:.-.; l.iiu i;i Ifce waj oi naanufaeturing eaxincnts ordw. Tii'.ui STM WAGXKR, Bitten Pédrir! A. J. WüTHERLAiVD fTAPremovfMiiilf (uu Shoptothe Now Block-'nHul I i. '!4tn:et.soutli"l thi'lNiurtUt use.oi.tiifiecond loor, wli en tic iti prcpnrtrtl to t ti niish Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pc... 'hes Game Dtgs, and Everj otlicr artille in hit Line. On tbp rn'81 rrftflonnlilr Icrmi .nndto Ho 11 kinds u RBP A.I0Fl.XPü"C3r i the horto"! notif'R. und i n tbc bost msnriei ful! mirtniMitalw.iye K'-p un hcnd.ond mndeto order BOOTS SHOES S ■ f 2 MOOKE & LOOMIS Are now recoiving a largo assortment of Boots nnd "hoop and I. XJ S B E IR S Í Which tlicy iirojinse to Bell 50 per ant below former pricerfor cash. Men's good Kip Boote, from $1,!".O to $3,00 Men'sgood Thick Boots, from 2 00 to 3,00 Mcn's good Calf Booto, from 2,50 to 3,75 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladioe' Gniters, from 44 to 125 Ladios' Moroceo Bootces, frora 75 to 1,25 Aud an endles.s varicty of Smal Khoes from Fancy Balinorals fo Tnfants' Creeping Shoes. We are alsoMnimfnciiirlng all kludaof WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Mens Fine Preiioh Talf Boots Pegged and SeWéfl. o dive ns a crvll bef'iri purcliftsinc eispvnere, af we are ïulriixri In h unrternold. (jyKtl'AlKlM; UuSli IN SHuliT NOnCK.W M'.tmE & LOOMIS Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 820tf TOWHOMIT MAY CONCERN. OTvrisrxBXJS fïie. Tlll'. l'vurusii.NR'. Mi "1 Proptletóni In tblx ciy ol Ann Arbnr, u'simm-HuII V Anncmnoe tn tho public, that nnnilnfli-r thé Jt i !.. v of .linimi.v. 18' 3, TEN üliNTS FA EK will be ohariro ' to each nnrl nverv pt ■son carrltid toapd - from tW' carw, to the respect i w Hotels, by the (huriil-u.s Line. ' 8.GQ0K, f 'ook f s Hotel. H. BARïïTOW,Frinl;lïn FTOm, Ann Albor, Tl1", 24th( ifffii srïtf f üSTJifW GOOJDS. BACH fc PIERSOiy IJaw jual opecéd their SECOND SPRING STOCK and offtr a CHOICI"] ÖKLfCTION Of SeasGiiabls Goods3 inaTuding all The Ncwcst Sijlcs of LADÏES'DRKSSCÓODS, Cioths, Domestics, Staples, QEOCERIES, 5cO-3 We Boiaght for Cash and will sell FOR CASH OR RE AD Y FA Y, at very Xjio-w Figurosj CALL A.:STD SEE ! BACH 4 PIER: ON. Ann Arbor, May 15, lf 69. SCHOFF & MILLÊR l RK STII.1.OXII.INI) at theirold Stnml, A No. 2, Franklin Block, with themost complete asaortment of Bocks and Stationcry, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLSRS, COKDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNTOES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever oiFered in this Market ! and they would suggest tothoBe ín puvsuit cfauyihingio SANTA CL A US" LINE that the y can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by piirehasing from tMBftfactt,:a4 oach purchaser gete an .idilitinuai present of Jewelry, &c, Kanging invaluc froth 50 ets. to $50. ífir Thoytrut that theirtongexperiouoe in sWecting f", tt.i - ni.Li-ivft iiii'i strict attentioit tö tbe wants Of ( 'u.-toinei's, iiiHy enlitie tbeui t' a liberal .-luit"1 j Patronage, Anu Aibnr, Dei. 5. 18C0 777tf LIFE insiJKAftCiï. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. Accumulated Capital, - 83,500,000. WILL1N8G&KÜY1&J foi anv amount DOt exCöedïng S .. v the wliole term of Life QrfOI i term of ye&i, on ttw most favorable tei uw. . lï The Conpany ia purely inutu;ii and tin polipj btoldarft get al] the surplus over Uiecntaoi cop( of in.n-ance It acoomodatfit the insncfld in the s"ttlonu'iit of their premium N" LIFE POLJCHK, it' deMirèd, by tnklpg ;i uoic tur half the amount, hearing iotorjBst ut sis pereorit, per anur.m. Divide ds are Declared Annually! and ,-i:r;c thej nbw amount to nnpf per cení on the premium gasn anu note, and are ihcreasiDg tbey niay Ijliq.plif 'o cancel the n Sfíf 'í 'u' ratea ol prt'iniinnfi areaslow ns anv otb' r re sponsf tk' f'oinpauv andtfaelarge accamulated fund oí c-; 500,000 i sccuoE-Jy tüvested, els jpay bc bq l rafel (nee t llH' stilte-ment made ftCCordlDg to law, on file in ÖH ofl ■ fthe' v CItrric.ut Au: Atl) i JAMES GÜOtíWm, Prest. Gut il. i uní ]■. Seoj . ForparticDlarsapplyto JAMES C. WAT80N, 763vl Agent at Ann Arboi Uteb. Great Beduction in the Price of SINGKE & C();S Standard Machines . IVell knotan to be the. iicst for Manufacturing Purposes, No. 1, Stnndard Stmttle Chichine, fottnerly soKJ at $00, reduced to S70. No. 2 of same kind if Machine, for merly sold in 8100, red u eed to 875. BÏNQER'S LETTER AMACHINE b the b'-vi HachiDe in tlie vorld R r Ramilv Bewfng ao I í.iut Manufacturiog Purjposa : fwitt Hcmtncr,) and Wüutifiiiiv omamented $ft0. Tb NWi 1 and 2 Mafltóne are of great capacity and appiicatinn tot inan..facturin: pprpobew. Uur No. '■ ItaobiBM rsprcially adaptad to all kinds of ligltt and benvy Keitlicr Vork, in C&rrlttge ïrimmiDg. Bo'tt ani) SlKte Makfng lUriu---, .etc, etc. They are of exri sizj, and itli n ann Jdnjï snoiwb to c;ikë ondel it nt stitcli the targest Blscdsflbw. ïfaere is scarctíly any part ol ;i TrlWDaOTB' Btitebtzig that canrwit be better doflie :ili tbein than bj baad ; so too the tmvtng of linie and labur 'w vey great. The. tubleof these iniuh iu SM tnohea Lonff, and the shuttle will boM B1X timesllic usual í[uuiititj'ol thread. The large i]l.M.-'iiini frorlta aa fastas Hmall nes. W. ■.mjhÏ'I iiisk for uur ï.etlfr A t$achin0S, tlic sircial atteotion óf Vest M;iker- and Dress Makorn and all uioiie irho vaut UaehlneffDi ligJit manu fiuturiag purpose. TlKy embüdy the pjidoiilo ï the stuudard maohtoesj making like tin m thefnterlocked sitch, .-uni are desttnéd to be as ÖetebratèA t'or Famji.y Skwivo atd .'gu manafaclttrlnff purpOBM :ts our Btamlard ma &hin9n ure for manuwcturüig parpóse in general Wc hmye alwayaon hand, urxmikg ouoB,8UJCTri8T JXBN AHO OOTTO T11HBAI , ON SPO"1.S, HKST UACBIKB "11. :n bottles, etc, etc. - manul'acturc our own N'oodlcs, and wouUl warn all enjons dising our mdehinea ooi to bay any others. We nou' that there are Deedtea nold of th'è most inferior uniinj ut higher prloej tlmn vëoharu i tot thé beat, rij e needies soltl ijy us are manufactura 'npeciallj for our raa bloes. A bad necdUjnay rentier tht bett machine ihKJst u arles. Our custumers my rot aisured that ;il. mr Hrancli tfflcenarefarnttfhed withthe' genulneaotfjfd " In nl sniüll pdrchafiefi, the moucy may be sent 11;t-r stajupi or banb notes. Correspondonts will please writo thrir ñames distír-cty. It is all inpnrtaifi th.t we ehonld, ui cachease, iiiow the Posl Office, Countj, and State. Sf A.l persons réqnlring Information atwuf öewing Machines Uielrsise, prices, w(rking caparil i'1-;, and the Mst methodi of porchasfnig. oan obtain it bj sending to u, or any of our BauchOfliccsfora copy of I. M. Singer & Co V Gazette, Wbich i.s a heauliful IMctorial I'apcrcntircly devoted to tlie subject- II vsill bc sent gratis. Í&- We havo made tl.e i bov'e BEDUCTTON IN PKICEi wiiii the uvnfoii view of beneAtins thft public and uursclves. The public have heen svrïnoledbj Hpurlous maclnn'.- in;uh' Ld tmitatlou i oun. T-e metaj iu tnéni, from the fron oastiog to the smallestpetce, isoi poor qurtlity. Their makers have nol the means to dotaslr work weil. They aiehid awuy in lecret places, where it irouM be Imposslble to hare at their oommand prop er Diecbanloal ajrpHances. Itisonly hy doing a great buflfnes8,and baring eténfftve manuSitufing enablishment.s, that (rood maohlnOH oan 'e made at moderat priota, The bosi designad maehtnoe, BADLT UADB, are alwüv.-i Hable to pet out of order, and are uure aonmderablfl tronbh and money u keep thein In repalre The onaUtiea to ( Lookeri for m a Suchinearè : c rt;iinty of correct aptlon ut all ratea ol speed4 Rimpltclt y of C'Histniiili'm, great durahi'.ity, and rapidil v oí operaticn , mtfa tlie li 'ust IjiIk ir. Machines t combine ÍUee esst-ntinl ([luilitii'H. must lio ui&jdeof the best ma alapd [tnivh d ti perf) ctioi). We have the wny and meaos, on h. ffriind sculc, tn do thïs. The purchasersnf machines, whose-laily hnrl itmny concern, will find thal thoxe lmvirtrthc abfiTeqtfalittes ooi onlv work #e!l t rápld au ■!] s ulo ri 8eed,but last longer Intb Bnest poitsible otklngrder. Our niacliines, ax made by us, will eftrn more money with les labor thaoany othera whoher in Imitetion o mi rs or nol . In fact, tliev arecheatiertban ányrther machinesus a gift. I. M. SlNGl R Í CO., 458 liroadway NawYork. Petroit Offlcet 5S WbodvaM Avenue, (Merrill Block.) siitf M. TL GOODRICH, Agent, Ann Arbor. 3f W. MORGAN, Agent for ïle Mutual I.ift'TnsuranceCompany, New Tork. Aocamulated Assete, .... 85,350,000. ; j, ■ I m Üri' Li!r [nHOTftnci ( 'iHDp.i ny i tl t.ïiP U. S. Kniokerboeker tnsarande Oompany j NTew Vork, -;i ii-1 plans Mofê Co - trm reaKonable, flumbol'lj Kirc Iu-.urnnce Company , New Yorït. :ï:ipitl. wit ii alanreiarplus; - - $200.000. 1'ciniii Marine k. Fire Insui'auce Co,( Peoría 111. -).-.)► 1 -. i PtreTnMzaneeCoi. 70?tf 3a pit tl, .... $&ootooo; Il üR ACJi WATERS, AGEN T 3 33 Ilro : cl w ay, N v Y o r k PuljlliJnr of Muir ;i.l Muele Ucnki AM' !Ü.U 1 Pianos, Sfelock'oníi, Atexiindre Orans ürgan Acïsordwns, Martin's celebrated tJother Guiujrs, Violins, Tenor Viü's, Viwlinocllut, Accm ck'ona, Fiu'.iii.-is, Èlutw, Fili's, Tri-. tyfUlarnnettTuning Foiks, Pipes and Haimni v, Violiii IJcws, licstifalian Btní)ga Iïnss [iisfrumenta for LJuihIk, Pianfi 'Stunls, and covörfl, ntul :■;][ kinds of MusicSi [nslfuBiefiits. Si la. o o TJt xx S i c, frora ;ill Üi' puUlslirrs n llji' 1. . . lieilini', II iiml Moiloin S.-h.i.i! , mul k II kimJ") oC Iísl 'i liok for ll:c above in.-: i ;: . I i I ■ : ;i:t, aml illi - . A t t h e L owest Price s. N c w fíanos, At $175, $20 lip to SfiOO. Scron.l frcmi S:0 l $S0 . . ' ■ . ■ i-, $100, ■ - .... -i-.! $300; til i; A liberal d ■.., Clergfiöi', rinuchfs, .i s: .itli S:iiooTs. Segiiu.irW nnA IViuüiers. Tlio Trade sii}f)ticd al the usual trade 'IVstimoiilalsoi' tïie Horneo WnUr Plai.os JoUn Itewett,"of Cartháff', N'ew Vork, who han hpd onf of tik HoractV writo-.-ts Hillows: - ';A frianfJ íjI ■ to purchtii i ; her. Ut! likpá tlu one j o -■■■,! uie in I ?i My ji:inn is becming poputckciu : I u piuco, and i tin uk I can iutnuluee on%oi tM rii-; th.-v will bu mor pow lax tban any Dihcr make." "WC have two of Water' Plnn'fls In use in n'irFcmi. njiry, one of vhUta has beon scvwly tesled for thttñj :iü;i we can tcstii to fÜeir I qnnlity and durabilitj ."-Wond .c Grt'Kry, 2&#n' Carroll, til. "II, Watera, Ksi[. - Ui:a 8iK: Hfinjf uei one ' yott PiüMO !i : wn v.:r.-. ,:ist. I have fnnud it ;i mm v superior histi il ALOMZO GsaYj Principal Broójttyn Heli hts Semtnary. "The Piano I reccived frono ,v u continue to ■ . isfacííon. 1 csacd i' au oné oTihr bcsi instruments int lic pbice." James L, Clarkb, fhortm!-, Va. "i iie Melodeon aafely arrfved. l fee) oblijrert to vu ..i-v Liberal dincouut." Rl-v. J. M. McCohmuJc, YarqfieniÜcS C 'ïhe [ii:mi) v;in i'.ii: V(Ti ' . - ' I1 ■. ; ■; ■ [q ooditiou, :i)'1 is vi-rv nvich admirad imvi . t'itmilva Af:cp)t my tl nki) for youi proipptu KDkkkt Coopeí, Wrarf#iAaut, Brtuljnrd Co. Pn. "Your [ii;iiï'i piparen na well. h i the lu--t one n our couni -TuOMas -. I.aToAm, femphétiiow (ia.. "We are very mui ■ ■ n Forhíitíng s--n t ach a fint' instrument for 25Ó." - IIííavk.Hki.i tv Co#1 firtjfdlo Dr 'no era' . "ïhe Huraco Water-: Pian"sarp knnwn n fimnn? the verv best Wr ai i ■ !n spf;ik of fíjese mi'iiK with eobfldence. ('mm personal knowferiee of thefi int tono Hii'l iluruM'1 ipi;iii:y." - N. Y. Rr-anfftlitt (tVe can gpeáh of tb,0 merit oi ':" !)■";.,. ■- pi ansfp'im pertwnal knowlcdge, ns bjiug the rery ftnesi qoal ty-'J- Chrtthm Inu-Hiatncer. "The Mt ■- ■■■ v.';,: .■ ■■-■ .i aro ooIH of the bet anr ! most 'o : rial. We have i ■ do ibi tHaj v ■■ hetter, at tbïs than a1 any othei wuse in the (J tíon." - -í ■'■trate avrf Journal. Waters' pjaooa and noeïodeona clmflengfe comparmon n-th th.flnest made anywhere in the country."- fió "Homco Waters' Pi;inn Foítfls aro of , rk-h aïic! even t ne, and powerful - JV. V'. Mttsica) Review. "Owr friends wil) flnd at Mr. Waters' store the rery bet ftssor!im-tit of Muie ;l n 'ï of 1'in.nos to fouml n ■ ■ . i ,,!■'] Stntes,-Sd wc urfl our sonfnorn and votëra to give nitn ;i cali wben&ver they po fo New York." - GraAiim'3 Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b b a t h Sch ooi Bell. 1OO .OOO issued Ín te Monlhs. The nnpreeedented nale of thlsbook has induced the ■ gome 8 - ii' w 1 .iiM' hvmns to Eta present Bize, without fxtra cbatf e, excopi ou the cheap eU km'ong the mauy beautiful limen and liymoa ;.!!. -1 ■:i:- ilI ouffht tolovemy motbeT;' "öl'B be a poo.l chiM. Indeed i mil." ïheü? and aight othe frtm ftie Bell,wOre Kungai Scböol Anniverf-:a-y of the M. K. Choreh ;it the Acaderay of Mu La1 applaos The Peil c y 200 tunea and livmiiv, nnil isone of the b?st öoüeetióae Otok issued. Prloe iüc; $10 per huiwírl( postase 4c HegBBtly bound, embossad gilt, 25o $20perlOO (t bas been iulruttuceJ in'.o mauv of the Public Sö1 .!. ê is publish'ed in Email numbeiii ehtïtlftil Anni■ and Snndaj School Muaic Elooks, N'"s, 1 . 4, En order to accommodate the tnlllioa; prtceíi t Síi cx liundred No. 5 will soonbe iswijed-ïomhieiïC anotber book. Also, EteyiTal Mnic Booit, No, i " -, pficfl $1 k $2 per l'io. pOftagB le. Moro thaa aoo,000 of thé above boks hiivo been isaued the pasi efg&teêo inenths, aud the demand tsrapldiy Inei I'ublisSiCii b7 HORACE HATERS, Agent, dway, X. '. XViCxXiSiio, Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 BroartMiiy, Wew Yorh. Vocfll "Kind Worda can never ('iU-;1' ;-T! v Ar: U tol I me so;" "Wikls of the V.-st;"' "thouahte of ■Öod;t' 'öivfl me"'bach my Mouotiifn Home;1' 'M1;. y Drems;" tDandj Cod Robin;" "I1 wlth theO U1; ■'rnnamet;'1 'Tfaere'SJQft durilng Uke mine1 "íriuab Jjine Lee er rrf thee:1' "■Tm I I " "ir'1 of Beauty;'1 "Home of our birth;" "Grave f Rttaatali" aiw Wak, I ' ■ ce 26c i aoh. 1 lTIU-!KNTA!. - ' ' - : : ' LT P ; : " ■ ' Polka, 40c; " rhottisebo;" fIMratí i ;" 'Thonjaa iJaker'fi Bchottiachö;" "Piccolomini Polka, 35 The pwon have ■ Victlop M Wehmer Polka;" ltAraWai) Wai n ■■. ! the very la ■' ; "Vat novianim DooieUR Ifasuitka "Rea, l Utfí 1 ■"!■'." "Crinoline Waltz," and "1 ancers' Qua drillO,1 ' ■ - ■■ fbe Empite oi I i1 il!c:i; a I iii-w dance, and "The Hibi Sftceach. Many-of thi t.-plèbea 'are played by Liaker's eelebrnted OKheal ra with gre ■ - Jlailt'J f roe. A ■ ■l oí Foreign Musicat haíf ; plano?, ílfeíoíl(.ís arrfl Órgans The H i re Watci i Pianos anfl Melodeonn, for depth, pnrity tf tone aud 'Tu: ibilitr, aro i u-mi Pinn ■iixrnnfrfBoW 31 óO. M uhíc and Muíííc&I Instructloiw of uil kinils,at the &wes1 pricea. 1IÜRACK VTATER3, Agent. No. :;:.:. Biondway , N. Y. TBEortHOKiAiS; - ':Tlio Horace VTtni Pianos are kaown i ery bf st. ' - FtwiJfcftei. "Weenn Kpcalí of'-thelr noerit frojn personal kRowl■ .éf. '.-"Vi, Iiittíuecvrcr. ''Nothingat Uu I 'air Jisplared greator exocUcince -" - Chuíchninn. Vaten1 Piaaoe and MteAeoBt ohalleogeoom with tbc flnest iu;ule anywhcrcin tlm uuuii'ry." - líovu .hntrii&l. TIOtf Succe.-i.sors to Chapín fe Loomis,nndCbapinf Tripp A Loomií 11KEft1óre finn óf toomlw 3t Trijtp hnviny purcbfisw entire interest of the forraer o i tkfl bu-inoss at the t-lri --la mis. wheie il.'.v v. il! b' rsadjr, nn theshortpst ootice, to fill uil orders in lh liue o I Castings and Machinery, In the most nrorkmanlilK mannex, and on aí libera terma a any other shop State. Among the vari ouh articlepnmnufacturert by Q8,wewould etfirtn'wate TEAM .ÈNGINKS of all kinds; Mili Qearfng mi Flxtiiñs, wroulit nnd e;tst ftllthe rarioos casi Inga Cor making and repalrlng Ilorse Powers & Thresliing iVra'hiiKis sucb a aro at present, or htivo forajerly boen in use IB thif part of the State, us wt-11 ;i all the various kinds f castin.sp mv machine work callodforby forme and mcchíinics inthis sctiou of the co',y rs of al! the ■l .-nis imtterns, up in bízLS and pj EoeS; will be kcjit conttnii'tly ou hnml, got the most racxirm and mIrovpd styles. Thftnkful for forraer patronage to the oW flrms, we woulfi solicït a continuanc' frora ■],! ticiilin:l atrial bv fi-ll wishiuff for anythinir in our line ff bttniSMUi LOOHIS . rRlPP. AnnArbortMav lfith, 1859. 8Mt( THRËSHING MACHÍN hS1' 1TF..NTED AND MANTFAUTKED BY Nichols & Sheppard, Battle Crcek, Micli. Improvod for the Season of 1862 In this Sepftrator tlic errain is sopsratsd firom the strani iy mcjin-i ol Itftfngfingera, Umi U '■ '■ v af and down trüfa ;t miiii-ii inollon from the time :t leve the vr nut il t paiisesle th.' -n.-k.T, and thergrain Calis turougb a buttom maVe.ol slat?, olearfron) the i-traw. The piiris cobtatiiiLg these Sngers and tin Ughl bottom are m&de to víbrate 'r vinx baokwara and fbrura rdt wbioh workti (6e tra-v to the vtaokef and the gratniotb'e nievea ÏTie .suijerjoriiy of tiiis machine over ill utlicrs consista ín t - Perfect iertiontion tv Grálñ FrómPtraw, (reat tdmptiüity, n&TÏng no pickexu or luater to clng up, aiul !.-s oaaobinery uny othex machine made, Greatt&DAoitTi ■lsit wilJ nol waste when crow0ed. deaner, havihg farger seivea than any otber. Easy draf 1 1 ttetfr contruuiv! ximple and durable. Pennsylvania Iron Ilorse Power. WarranteO to be Che beat Ritu Powt in use. Made with woml O] in 'Tl is ■ hrr cl FarmerVand Thteshon ol Micbtfran I We offer you ; m '-in. i rsi:. Bettei th.u.i-i is'. HmU'h Fofl lervflle, oaoy nwobine buIM on thal prioi - i: yi i uiifti.i buWng a mac ine ol any kind pamphlet bf ns or uur Agfot . and ■ uri iy yootetf. - Painuhk-t Bent f! oe. Ct n and ee. or ad i MCHOUS 4s; SHEPPARD, i ; : : ■■ !rei U , Mn-lpcran. Or M. K')-;i:, or MVK() RAKH, AgvBta, Vmi Arborjor I. V. Wakkman, airiïnt, Dexter. 830) 3 Oval Picture Frames ALLBIZE3,-3TYLEe and PIÜCES juit reot-ived n.l foraale oheapat CHOFF & MJLLER'S. 18C0.Dec.2r,, 7S0i I GdEAT.GiíEATER GílEATEüT BABGA1KS EVER OFFERED 1859. ,IS59 ín t !iis City, ;ire uow being offercd at the CHE Ai', CLOCK, WATCII, & F O T77 tJ X ï 3T JS-tOX-O'1TII1'' Subscribir wnuljsay to tbftcltlxfln ol A mi Ar I hoi. i particular, Rnd the ro! oí Wnblinnw Cnuntv ireenernl, thai hnhnajust l.MPOIll'HI) DI BECTfy trom KUROl'H. n Trememlous Stock of Watebesl .Mi ni hii-h ll! !n lo seil (,'HK AI'KIt tban tioqghl wal ot' Nfw Vork í'ity. Opon Face Cyüridër Wtilc.bcs Irom $'' to $10 iíii dn !(!ver do do fl to SI QunllngCfia do do II to :'..' do do Cylinder do cío !) to M Oold Watsbes from ao t0 i;o I í ave bIhu tti CELE Bit ATEO AMER'CAN WAT CHES, wliidi I wHl en - ■"' PA'fry Wutnh warrnntod lo per forra monoy reí un dea. Clocks, .i.-vflry, Pifitod Wnrr, Fanoy Qoóda . Gold Prn, SJTailen] [aêtruióects aod dtriogc, ('ntlory, fie, and in fací n rtrietj ofovpry hlna oaa1ïy Ifpt a y Jowel:r cn beb'mgbtforthe Qexi ninety dayp nt V'Uf O W N 'RICES! PprpoiK. huVine Riiylhfng nt tliís wHl bnown ♦: rt ►- lhme j i can reíyapongetting goods exnct'y repti-iiii .i. oí tii id noy refunded. Tallearly and seco re the best barcatos ever offered in thi' '"ity One word in renard to RepairinL ; UV arn prrparftd to mlíe nny renlrp onfino or cominon Watcbes, vfn to m-'kince #?r tbe entlrn wmch, q necessary. RepHÍring í' rinoks "ri Jpwelry usual. Also tbe maniifsctorli e ol R1NQR, BRJ0OCH8 oí ftuy thj rtir iioflired. trom Cnlif .ruin (ínki ansbortno' Mo. EoSTATÍre in j-U its ti-am:hes:oeijtrMÏ wlll aeaN nCásmid dispatch. J C. WATTS. Anu Artior, Jsn. 28tbl859. ?Hw Important National Works, Publishcd bv I. AFPLETON & CO., 34G AND 343 BROADWAYKEW YORK The follnwln;? woiks nr r-nt to SöbJtefïbpr m flny part tu tfa ■ country, (upon receipt of retal] príoe}) I THE .í:VAÍi;í?IA rVCLOPEDÍA; , Popular Pictíonary oí (enera 1 Knowledge. Ediíofl lv ■ . : a. JiAN.v. aided by a aumeroit select corps t writors in alL brucheí of cleu' , .t and Lu - ivoirk s being püblisfrciï h ]L huye octavo voittiiK's.r-acli coniaiuiñff Í501 ■■vu-column [., IL, III., IV, V., VI . vu. : ■ ning near 2.600origfna] ui : rolume will bo published once in nbout tlm'i' montbs. Prlcd,in Cloth, $3; Slievp, $3.50; Ilalf Russia, $4 50 ch. ' l yclop&dia ís popular without beI without bi'iug pedantic, compre i Iwpiisivi . !y iltítaílod, f rea f cono personal pique ■. frosh aún yet atícórate, It a cpmpl = ■ ofall tluit Ís known ini] f-,'i; in,. pnrt;i!it topic wiiliin 1 1 m- scope of human intellfgence. - : . importoni article in it has been spccialh i agí íby men whoare authoritles Upon tbetoplc un vrhicb tlu-y speak They mv reqniredto bnntj the RBDjeci óp i- the present moment; t state jutl how i: kiandfi nnw. AU íbe st.atisticnl Infon&fttlon ís f rom the látcst reporta; Uie.jreogrfíiphícal accouots ksop pace with tlie latet exploratíons hifoorícá! maíters Enctude Éhe fieRhCflt just vii-w-,; the btognpbical notícns odn k Dot oiili of thedead bat atoo of the livintr. It is a librarr oí 1 A IilI){RME.T OF THE DEBATKs OP CO.VfíRESS Beiog a rolitical HUtory of the United . ■Vuil the organfzatioo of tlie first Fcd ■ ness u 17 tt 1856. Editddftnd compüed by I Ion. Tho. Hart BBNTON.fironi tlieOffiottl Records of' Cö I 'i '. Ork Will :."'■: ,.'.■■'■■. ;i 1-" nn;:] ÓCt&VO VriliilllP'! of 7fi0 pages each, II offrbicfa now ready. An ai!dttlonal roíame wíD be pabitslied once a three montbs. Ooth, i-J; Law Sheep, Half Mor., 4: Hall Galf. S4.A0 each. A WAV OF PBOCüBTNG THEGTCLOPEDIA 0R DEBATES Forra a club of four, a ml remit t ïitr price of foiiT bookS] til-I Üvt cnp-t's '. :il x'it it tile iviiiatt-r'-i for c;irri.;ge; of for ten subsevibers, eleven copies will b sent al out ■■■■ i n-iage. To Agf i: ta. No rttlier wovk will so libt-r.Iíy rownrfMlie exortions of vgent-, A Ai.]:t wantku ix TiusCoCKXY Trins ■■Mi-n to tht l'ultlislicrs. Ann Arbor,March. 1859(ÁOfoait Bev Thos. Wriuht, agent at Klnne : Smitbi Book Store, Ypallanti. Blackwond's Magazine AND THE British Reviews. GREAT LDÍ CEMEXT SLBSCRÏÏÏE! PRE ÏÏÏUM3 and REDUC í IOttS. L. SCO1ÏA: l'í'., MAV ViIiK,(!'-nïiniiL' to publlsh tht. followiü'' lcíiüiDg Biitlsb Ferodkais, vi2 1 TÍIF, LOVDOX QUARTERLY (Consirvativo) , 2 THE EDINDURGH REVIEW (Whig), 3 TïïKNOKTII BRITISH BEVIEW (FieoChurch). THE tTBSTJUNSTER RKVIKW (Liberal) 5 ]:l.Aí KfO00'3 Ú TVIïTncil Ü'ÁQÁiÜSE (Tory). Tho i-nlcnt t:iitf;il atrito of EarÓpVán afT::rr will ivn i r these publicatfons unn-na!:' iiteQ6tfiig durhig tli t i i1 r. Thej wifl dccu pj ;i nii'liltc [round between 'lic hastïly mttton w m-. crúdi sifcu!;iu:n.s, anil ñjíug rumora -( the daUj JvUtnal, tii'1 ; tiiê f üinr'1 historian, writttn nú fXc':Um-n'. of gTrat j tolíifeal '■■' eota of the time shall have paosed awa y. It j -.■ Perí'Klícals thal reSíers ::i :-t !p"u for ili , only rr.i . te hj toi y ' ni; rt-n in additífin to Lhoii wellesíablished fiternry, .-cic: i ' I I chü nieter, c uigt ïhom upun ;! ■■ '- -1 -i ;i ii"ti f reauiutf public. ■ : tlyaucc Sheets (rom Ü-.o ííritih piíbíishei I (ional vaíoo tu these EUpriQts, iu:isimr-li as tht y cftn ijow be placel in i lio bn,uJa ot siili.-ct'ibprs nb "ut as sucn ?.s íhc ori#n] pilü ions. TEitMS. (Regular Trices ) peí aun, i'i-i ..!-. finí . . ■. ié#B, - $3 oo i" ir 4tij i ■-. . . tlíe touj Reí ievi, ■ - 5 O1 ForanyrtireeVtl nur Kevferfs, - - 7 C0 ForMll'Jour of the Koviewtj 8 oo Foi Ijickwtioil s M ■.:. ne, - - . - i o ■ For Blaotnroíi ■ íow, - - - 5 0) ForBlHckw - .- views, - - - 7 0) For BláckwítoHíintl threePeview, - - - 9(JQ For Blacl woo I bu : the C'.urRcviws, . IC 0 i Money curre ni in tkc Slate tch re issucd mil be received POSTAD K. PÓSrr.VGE tó ftny f.arí of tlio t'-jitcl Sutes will be but Twcnt j'-foiir t ntí v y%ear ior ' Bia kwogd,' and bat Fimi.Icch Centti n vevir for eocü of thiK-Í--u-B. At the ftbove pricea tbc Poriodícals will be furniethed ANÍ) A Fremfum to HT-:w Subscrbers, Ihe Kofl of 1 he same PeriodjcaTjj Tur isi.0 will l)efuin:-l'-. Complete, ttiUhvut ád$icUfnat charge. the mor c. horaeral Magaincs oí the d&y, ilfi'st'l'c i". !i-,- !- !■■- fitlíe by !'-. Henee, a t'iíll ycar of the Nos. for lSüO, m.iv be ttgarded Deurly as vnluablt ;iv 1663, Subsortbers rlshíog also the Ni s. Pöt IRfil, will be fapplled at tollón ing kxtkeme: y lowkates. Kpkndid Offers tor 1860, '61, & '62 'IWether. Foi BlaofcwoíMj'a Magazine, thethree years, $5 00 tui1 ;i dv one Review, - - l lt 5 ' 0 l-'or ooy'twoRcrlpws, - - " " 8 00 Por Black wood and oni Review, ' " R ( 0 I Ui I .l:n' ,i', fini AOdtWO lic views, " " 12 00 For fhree R views, - - - " ' 110 J-ji Hl.tckivorifí íitifMhrcc Reviews, " 100 For tl e "ui Ü.'vuMv, (t 13 ü ]■ Bla kw .l ;unl tlio i.'ur Rt'views, li 17 00 Any of ihfi ftöove worlta ivtll alao be furnislicl to jVew S';li.-' ■" For toe v ar 1856-1 , L. ;unl '', At One Half the Regular Subscriptíoft Price.s. Thiii ra iVcrr Subtcibrr maj obtain the Reprint of th fourftevlewfl ani Black woud. Seven Consecutive Year f $37 ! ! ! Whlch is but littkf mure tiián the Tice of the original wprks 'r "if year. As sliaii üeeragaln ho lifcety tootTcr sucb i aduce niiMit m thoBe lit'i'c preAWtted Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! C-y l'niri : ;i must, in all casus, he nii-lf dirrrr to ilc Pub ishirn. fOr il íhtíütí prices uo cotnmissiun eau lnuiíluwi.'d to agculs. LKoNvuinsorrr ico. Ni? . 54 Gajd trcot New York Ann Arbor Marble Wortts. Batclieldor I l AS on h.uni a fine assorluient of American uud 1TAL1AN M KUB LH which hei propared to manufacture into M O N U ' r'lfí! MENTS II K A I ■' újjjn JJUA STOItfES n llthöit vinetirs.nn-l in a W'MíKMAVUKK manner Ui i -: 'i ■. ice M the l)UHH's; i" flatters himrtelí lïuit he wMl be aMc to pfonff ill ulifi uiriy Hivor me vith tlicir oriTf . IÜh price lTo w as t ti f lowest. ' : i 1 n fr any tbiPlí in my lino aro roipewfuh n teO I - D. C. BATCHELDER. Ann Arhor. May 20. 1861. 801U WOTIOE. TIIE L'NDKRSlfiNI n wrtl rectfvo eoled propasáis up D .iu:.f ii, ;ii 10 . U for the rent &l 1 1 1 ■ !':iii tfropvai i irtng th'o oomiñg Borse Show and Sheep Shearing 'eüilval hr the oieotion of Rcfresliniént ítalls. TuS ule of AtúOhotlc llffiíors wil! nut be pt-nnittcl. !. OREEN, i,, i: - -mu ii. ('"'" Sarsaparilla FOR PUEIFY1NG THE BLOOD. Añil fr Míe spcetljr tuiu of tliu rwj!,uiiiK complújntei Scrofnln aiil Scrofktlong A ffcrtiousnch k 'i'tiiitms. i tcerut, Soii's, Ürúntiong, Pimples, Iutnles, Itlotchcs, Holls, lililí 11, IUtl UÜ Sítlii iÍ4.-USS. Oakua&d, I ud., ■i June, 1853. : J. C. Aykr A Co. Gouta: 1 ],, i it Uy duty [o acI kil"" Iwlgo what yonr ëars:iinrillfl lina tfolift for mq, íiiIiimí'itI a .- fruni it u yiuríous .waja fur yvw%. fcmiictunea I Otit til Ticéis on ni v ItaiHltj Ulid ;itii: boliiutinirfl it tnrnod hiirm-J nnd tlfótreasi'd mem th Rtomuch. iVo JM .U - ;.; I I i i,ut SfU U hWtl (litd r-OMIVil Iiy sCillp ■■!'-■. Uliirii WR9 J.iiiiiu] Ullll Iuftt1llie . I triftJ mnny mtdlclne bik] scvural au i'tit uidiout niin:li relivl friim any Utlng. Jn , fu'-t, (ho (Ilaordor gi-ew worae. ál tcngtii I whb icj.,cotl l" '■ l' in Mi . . til i( vi.ii had i-'jMivd au nlfiTiH .' aiwijmi fila), Ï r i kfn tí tn j'oitv r. ■j-v.-atitíii (luid an tlihix yoii mnáv aimt ■ .... , i -."■,: :,, ■. ..mi iiM'ti ti. Lili ii cured uto, 1 loob ir. ■!■ yon mlvlewj, iu e malí doras of ;i teasp nfi ín .Mi. umi iised iihiiüBt Mirou bottlu. New mihI liwithy Bklü mmíii LegHii tt tuiui uuder lliancabT whidi aflLcra bile fel I uil ,]y skin is now clear, and 1 knuw hy my feeltngfi tliat tbe iliwtue luis gunu froin my aya tem. Yon cit nroll believö tfauf 1 fóol !i:it i mu sajing wli n I teU yon, tliat I huid jqu tu Uj Dita ol1 the upystk-s of lm ge, auri reiualii ever giutyftilly. Vuurs, ALFKKD ïï. TAI.I.V.v. St. AuMiony's FIrc. Tïosc oí I0rysi1n, Tctter 4i ud Snlt. UJuuin, S nll Ilcutl. lltiít; woiin, Soi Kj e, lioiiy. Dr. Robart M. PreWe rites frm Snl.m. N. Y., l'ith : Lppt.. I.'.'i. ili.ii. be lifffl iTir-'-i ati Uivefornte cnse of i J}rop&y, wbicli tlücat'-iied to tciinijüitc íaiallv, by ílio per..everin;í use of.QUr mi; i[i;uilli. bimI nltu a ilangerout i$ i'v large dofea - ' saine; saya . lio cures the cotiimnn Eruptismti hy it coiiPdintly. [ BroiK-hori-ie, Goltre or Swellrrt NecU. Zebnlon Slonn ol Pi :- , wrítéfl : 'Tlireebofr "i : hi en red mo from u ■.'■. i'r.j - a hid1 eoiia sw..]iinr oji the nrk, wliKii I had suffered froin OTcf tWO .Vi'HIrt." ■ IiCiirorrlioon o'rWltHjpf, Ovnrrnn Tumor, P trino fjlt ta tioit, Ftumle I)irii's. Dr. .1. lí. S ptianniíiK.of New Yuik CHy. wrítt-s ; "I moel phepi 1'nMv ■'■[;: .ly with (lie reqiientóryonr gentío Boying i ímvu found yoar S:n-HpMiiiln ;i mml excelle! alteratlre iu lltu ininirfnifl cMupItifntfl for wlHi wd employ Bltcll A l'-m.-ily. hia (PSJtoolfttty in f-:inr. DisratcS of ScniriiiiMis dliLtliHiris. I liara cured niftny Invetérate pilden of í jfir ■■ n hoen lv it. ;iii poirió wliere tlm codi■ iilaint ITHI niMd li.v nt'vmtit.n T tl. e íMííí. Th nlcoratlon ltself was hooti cured. Notlilng tvjtbiu my kuowledto eqnnlfi It ftir (líese Femnie demngeinente." IMwnnl 8-, IVfnrrnw, of Nffwtinry, Ala., iH'lfee, "A dunfívni ovnrtnii tumor on one of the (epm1fl iu my family, v. ii-]i had detled all the remoilies we coníd ctnpfoy, haa ,ii nriti hí'ci comjiietely e ti red hy yoór Extract of 8reapnrilln. pltyalclan tliou((ht ndttifng but elttrptktion couM HtTinil rflief, bul h advlmd the Ir ful nf i ir Baympnrnfn na tlie lasl ivmrl befbre onttfnc, and it proved ofTootual. After InMnyoQr remedj elght wecka no gympfrun nf lli '];-.■=■. ■ riñnin.w .Sypliiiis niid iTIcrcnrlnl Dlsenuc New Oiuxans. 25tb A'iígiiftt, 1S59. T)r. .T. 0. Avgn: Pir, I cheerfullj couiply with tlio reÍnc-t ofyour afsant, and report tn pou Mme of the eOccts have renllüed wltbjoui Siiivaparltla. T have iii'-l with if. in m v practico, nwwl of tito roniplalntfl lirv.ínti f i rr'iii)'inii.lfl. muí Jihvc fximi ÍIS éffeCti trtilv vontlorOtl In the ciíi-e rf Vnureal and Verburial P'S''"sr. Oiw "f mv pfttíoiita had SyphUItlc ulrs in biH lliroat, wbicfa were cnnKuming hi.s pain te aii'I tho top ot h i montli, Vour farsaparlllo, ntúfllly taken, cuied liini ín live treek. AnotJier v atftnaked by 9ecoiiilut v BjFOipteuia In lm dom, and the nlceriUluD had euten away a considerable part, o tiiat I (lio would soou reaoh hi.s bmtti ;uu! kill liim. liut it t. Biy tiliniiiiüij-üiioii of y_our SarsajiariUa: the ' ulcer lmtletl. and li i wéll again, not of course wirhuut tome disiiiimtMii (g ),i t.-uv. a womau wfao bad been treateü fór the Kitte dfeordw ly inercury was gnfferiiijg ttoni tbls in In-r Uqhm They bádJMooqie bo senBitiyo tg tbe weatlier Ilial on a i3apip day ube suffered exnut-iatiiiK pain in br jotum'aud bones. Hu-, n o, was ■ ' ■ I 'i!iMiil !■;, your :u -;ij uulhi in a few weeks. I knovi froiu lts formulo, wbicli ronr ageut gave me tlmt this Krepaiatlon fium your ]iWutory innal ),■- a great remedj; cunsuquetttly, Iheee tmlj rtmurkubly rwoltfl With t liavo uut snrpi'iBed me. l-ïaUMimlly youi, Q. V. LÁTUMÉR, SÍ D. RlkeumntlKin, Gout, I-Ivcr Complaint, JHDEPeHDGKCS, tcMtOll CV., Vu.. Bill .Inly, Iö59. Dr. J. O. Ana: Sir, ] havo been ftfHicted with a pninful clirnnfc Rfièumatism for a lonp time, wliicii tmlflöd the tkitl of [.liy-it-iiMif!. and Blticfc tn me In pfte ut 11 the reuiedlee] could Hud, uutlll tried yuurSaróaparilIa. One bottliï cuiod mo hi two treeks, and restored bij genend heaUhsomucb tbal I for M ter ttian I was attucked. 1 tfaliifc i( a wonderíbl raetllcln. J. FliiJAM. Jules Y. Oetchell, of St. t' nis. v.iiics: "I Imve len aftlictfd for yenra with nu affection of the Ltter, wbtcb dfsiroyed niy Itealtb. I tried every thlng, nd every tliing failed to relieve me; and ï bavo been h brokeu-dowu man for somt; yearo from do otber cause (lian dcrunffcmettt af Vte Livtr. ify bèlovvd [íaetor. Mie Kev. Mr. Kjpy,ad!sed me totry .vour SaraaparUla, bucaiue lie snid he kiïev yooi and any tfalna yon niadewas worth irylng. By Olí blens Ing nf God 1 lias i ured me, and hu to purifldd r.iy blood a to make u oen dim of mo. ] fee) young agaln. Tbe best tlmt cjiu besaid ofyori i uot huif gootl enongli,1 BclilrrnsfCanr Tumorn, Kulnremeiit, i'h'i'Mii on, 1 m -ivH and JËxfoliution of tlio lloites. A greKt varlety of cates liave been reportad tonswiiere bnres of tliise formidable ctnipltiints mre rwnftod from the ut of thia rvmedy, ' ui our k(c herewlll uot admit tlu-in. Bome of (hem nmy be ftnind In our Amerinui Alin:ti!iic whicli the agenta bolow uumed are pleascd to fiirnisb gcaUe to al) ivbo i - - l 1 L fop Utem. Dysjn'psi, Heaxt Discnsf, Fit, Kpllepsyf Sltluiicholy, J% titinliu Kfany reumHthble cum of tliera afibctlttos liavo beeo made by tl ie alterttflve power f thia mñtfdue. lt siimulates the vital fiuirlfons foto vigorosa nrtim, aml tlmfl ovorromes lü-miK-is whicli woulu Bupposed beyond its reiicli. Buoh o reuiedy Iihk long been requlród by the nstesaltfes of thè ■■. pió, nnd we are coutídeut that ihis wili do for Uk'di üll iliiit medicine cjju do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron the UAFiD cfitr. of ConarltM. CoTdij Influenza, llonvcness, Croi!', lirón lili Is, Ititinieitt Confiiiiutiont and for t hV lit-lict" ol" Con ii ni }t i Pn I leutfl in nd viiiK td Stages of the Diseaae. Tbis Is n remody so uuivei'sally knovn tn nnpÉfla any other Tur the cure of tbroftl and lung eottplsints, that it is uflelcss heve to puhlih the evidencfl ('f its viiiup. lts uniivalled exci-llenre for congfas and rolds, and its tiuly wouderfid curas of pulmonary diseose, bave nm-le it knovu Uirougliunl lo civil iaed daIqds of (,be eavtb. Few aro tlie cDmmumHes. or even i'aiis Mï-t. anioiii.' thim wbo havo nor soinc peuBotial exporfciice of ÍUeffects - soiufl livhiK tropby in ttu-ir midst ui1 it vlctoty over the Bubtlfl anl dangeivuB dtaordet of the throat and lunjra. Aa al! know the hv;i'lful fataü ty of disonlers, and as tlu-y know, too. tho efTV-ctsoi this renicdy, wc peed nofc do more than to osMire ttiom that it has n i ;U Üfe vu-tucs t)iat it did have wheñ tnuklng tbe nues wbfcb have won bo stronjïly upun tbe cüiilidiiice of mankind Pre,;ared by Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Masi. Au i tol - flfoynard, Stebbms 8c Wilson, fARRAND, ,-n;:;.i-;v ft CO., ivtroit 809yl J 11. BflUill.I.. Tr:iv.-llmr Agent. RIS DON & IIE.XDEUSON'S ,'3fe THE GENUINE W& STEWá RT'S ry i-g-i tf% "T7" B-" VTe to cal) tlie ftttention of tho public to Lli is celiibratcd COOKENC STOVE! Wliiïh is llie Óhly perfect stove nifido. It, will do moré nis. nes? wil h n: i hird lew fuel t li n ii any other STOVJE made. Frora tt'6t intor.y given ly tlie persons rcl'irn'í-.l lo l"'!ow on account of its duiubility and Fuel Saviiig Qualities it lias proved a snving frara Twelve To Twenty Dollars por y car. We would rter yon to the following list of PERSOXS WHO HAVE THEM IN USE: Prof. Tnppnn Ann Arli r. .John F. Miller, Mn Arbor Prof, Wi ■ J. Gilbert Mnilh " l'mr. Wimhcll, " J. T. i " l'nif 1 n'ü, " -I'.-. B Uutts, " Alplraiu lilch, " T. Williiiisnii, " 'm. I!. Muriiii, " Mrs g. Dentón, " Rloh'd Hoopar, " O. Hawkins, " ]In l; K dranger, ■' C A ('hpin. (í J. W. Miiviiaril, " (']i:n-lcs 'l'liavor, " F. L. Stobbl. " Mi üu Clark, l'. II. ls,.n, ' 8. Bolsford. A A . T"vn. Mvi. O. Wi-lcli. '■ TlM'iims W.n.ri, Pittsileld. Mrs.iE T. Williaen," Alvaitton Drury, " V. Hiiipin, " J:ieol Toliifmus, Scio. C. H. Wdod, " N.C . C.ii.!:ili-, " Josañh W. WH)4] " Mi . l'ullors, tiharon. We linvo on linnd n liirge angortment of the beBt kinds of Ouukmg, I'rltr and PLATE S T O V E S , and a general nssortinent of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, n'id Benl stulT for Cnrrintre work. Particular attenüorj paid tcfi'tine np Envetrougli nnd Conduetors an] nll kiin]3 of Job work dono at the Shurti'sl Net ice HISDOX fe HENDER30N. Ann Arbor, 1861. TO LET. MLF BRICK HOUSE und Barn now óccuplecl bj Olnoy I Hawklnf.Em., on i'ir.'ii street, Anu Arbor, poad iv.u 1 1 ï - I -i ol .pril. toies ;iii't rooma Ln BUiohoi'a Blook tu lel togood steadj tco&Atfl al ;t vvty low rv.nt,iiiuuoüint : on irivou. IiKiiiitT uf UB. BÜCHUZ. Ad Arbor, M.-n-h gS, i -Cl. 845U" áyer's Cherry Pectoral i Mortg&gc Sale. DKl'li.T havlng boon made i;i thecoric]i'.Kin of ni'i v WHliani W. Anninan-t f-lmaV A 11 1 1 1 ii to Ctiiiru-s Moure Deins Showerman, nd p tufl Bamson, dated Frbruary ISth, D. I837, rscopJïi fn the office ol Register of Deeda for the Coiintv 3 . dichignn,Februarj 2lt. A. t. I8&7 ÍJ : Düon-ín Líber 23 oí im tn.-s, ..A 1 twliieh raortgage, b wnting, Uated JnS!J eed iy pafd )nrt.(;agffs to AUn record day of ila ds a j ví i'clufk in the afternoon. in the natel K'-triMirr's Oflj in Liber 28, of mortgagespag e 735: Ppon which mort? gnge there la clftíiñea ane and unpuid at the date of thi notice the f m of aine band red nmety three dolU iri'i thirtv-tlnij tho further instalimnt f Ihroeand 33-100 dollar with fa! Li -t ii nni Fcbruary 19th, last P-t} to become due on ycirf) 1 .Hit-i! d.-.te, aml uosuitor procted ng at law bnre been infititutpd to recover the motte atoregafd cUfmed dae or nuy part thereol: Noiico i tii.Tcifjrif lii-n i.y given tbfti b vírtue of a power n s;tid in.iri',-1 .-■■ i-i ■: 1 íí i i: il , in ovner to realize the amoDat ii"v tl'.ni!i' 'l fih aforesaid due od Süid inortran trth er witn tlie interest accrutng froro the dt te liereof nj li óf foreclosure trovirfed lor in raid mortie 1 .-!i:il I scll at public ntiction to tho liiglieHt bidder it the front door of the Court House (the place of huldloj tin Circuit Couri for Wanhtenaw County) in the citof AnO AfbtiT iu Raid county, on the 8th day af Jün üoxt, at two o cloot Ín th AftmonA', Ihe pn-mises ia sui'l inortgn;_{4 dcjB&nbed, iiuaie in Wa$htenatr t'ounty to wit: All tbat certain iractor jmfceïof land, fcnowa and described as follows,to i(; The mirtli -fu: nütT (er of section uumher tv. mi y (:0 in town.-luj, niimip four sou tb of r;injío No. four (4) eawt xcejHingaiidmsí-rviiiií ah-, :t_ % 1 V 11 the operai-ion of tfain instrument n u' tWiy one and :i hall acres Trom tho sonth eod ore conveyed Uy Hphrnim iiilbert and Zn:ili Jenklna ty deed 'lated May Ttli. 1850 (for dcsorii tion ai which see Baid deed,: A!so exceptiog and roserring aboutthrce acres of said quaner stction hen toforo deeded to Jamv Qmntptont AIso excepiin? -nA reaerrlog Dioetean (19) anl tlirfo tenths (3 10) acres pf saifl quü'icr aection heretofore deedrd to Kubin Brownell: Also excepting and reserving aboul aerfs of tbenorth ♦'at oornerof said quarter spetion herètofore aoid and deeded ti Jobn Mills, ma kin leaving the nmount of land heroby conveyed ntniat niin-ty four (9Í) acres be the Ra me mre or les: W and conTfyiog hftrebj t salo parties of tb ir] the rigbts aiii privilegia whïch Kaid part' of the ö rot part may baren ■ l r.n-n, - v.:n,r;tM.l Unwinjjr land for tie-s unij purpufltofl Df propelÜDg macbioery forxnill or for aar nther purpose. AUiNZOCLARK,AssIgnee E B Wood. AU'y for Assiguce. Dated, March20 ÏSÜJ. gi5(lj Mortgnge Sale. DEFAULT ha ving beer made in the comlftion oí morlxagfl m.nio by Wiiliam W. Annio and Klnia 3!. Adqíd to U'illiiin] Iï Bartleti under the and stylft of Witlinm linriiett, dated Aupust 23(1. A. l). l5rt, re. COMed November 5th,A.D. oneo'clock, ]. M (n the office of Register of Deda,for Wasütenaw cwia" ■ - . M chlgan, in Líber '-3 of mortgages, page 117antf ■y '.nd niortgfto: e to the uodersigued, Ai'ouw Clark wri ingt4ated December 18tht A. D 161, and recoraed March 24tb, A. J. 18G2, at vight o'clock iiuheforenoon in Anid Register 's office íd Líber 23 of mortgages; page 117. upon which mnrtgage ttiere is claims] dut ami unpaid at the ilate of tliis notice the sum of one hitiKlri'il and fiity me dollars an'l sixtv cents, and do Btttl or proceediDgat law haring been institoted for the recovery of sai-i üebt necure) by aiu mortgage or any pari thereof' N ïicetborefore is berchv jriven that on the l'Sth day of June next, at two e'clnek ia ;h afternoon by virtue of a power contaim-d in suid moitgage in order to reaiize the sum of muny now due as aloivsaid on saiil mTtgnge t'tgether with inlftfeist accruing and custs of tureclosure prorfdej for in said montage. I hall sell at. public auctioo to thebigfaest bidder at the front door of t..e Coatt Efottfcefthe plme of holding the Circuit Court '01 Wash tenaw County) n 'h city oí Aon Arbor in aid county, the ptminefl in eaid norigagü deaunbet, riz.: AH that c rtfttntr&ct or parecí of ian'l known and denc itn-d as follows. lo-wit. "ituiiU-d in tbe towub{p o! Bridge. ter, in thf cmnty W W'aslnonaw and siate of Michigan, ktjmv p ;i being a part of the uonh casi quarter of ec t'on number twenty, in townsbipnumber four southof ranee numbir four eat : brjrinning i'tutb one degree in'Hn;n mi nu tea cusí un chains and sistv üdIís from quarter post in nnrtli line ol nat'l sectton, twenty at i ccrtüin yelluw oak trvo, running the nee along quatter tection Une soutti one degree and thirty minules etst nineteen cbalna and tli riy -cilit 1 nks to n .-tiike in BighvBT fritm inch a yeitos oak ttee bfjirs no:1h thiTty-thrpc and oiiö half degrees tat fifty Rve links, thencf nortli seventy nine degr-es umi tbirty uiinuti-s east fivo chnin naá linv links to a yollow oak tree marKo'l. ihcoce norili ten drgrresf west nmety-five linke ■ kp, thence nortli Mxty Di'ne degree east nin cbimis and tbtty-tvro links to a staht', thence n'jrlb fif. tet-n doffrefts #O8( wvén cliains nnd fifty links to 3 certain thorn trc(.r husli standini; in tht south bank of EUBS88leer MiUamill pond, tbcnee along tbe bank of Etbore of 8aii p ni],at.bii:b watfr mark, to plnceof beffnning, cntaining miH-ti-en croi n: tbree tfnths ot 6 "f liind. 'I he abovp de-ciibod ci'ursf'san1 wtïmated Croni truc nn-ri.iiiii Billovaaee beioe madeof two (logrees tor variation of needie June. A. D.1W51. iWÜZO CLAKK, Aiteignet. E B Wmn, Att'y for Assignee. Dated, Maxóh 24, i862. S45td Notice. TVT OTICFiü hereby givn thatapplicntion willbcmftdeto 1' tbe Circuit Court for thecuuntv of YViLrihti-naY, ty Henry E k GeorgeA.Frters,toobtiDan orier from mi Cuurt vacating arren S nutc&iiifton'a iiïitinn to th Vi lügf ui cu, Wasbttnav County, as recorded in Liber J. uu page 26 of Lieeds, in tne Kegitfr's office for said Cnuuty ; aii'l also to raoate the addition oí Kotrt Gilts to said Village of Seto, as recordad in l.ibcr L, of page 14, in the Kegi -tersas office for U'aáhtf üuw couiitv. TWiTCHEU &FRAZER, Att'vs for Henry E. & Geo, A. Mtn Dated,Mayl9, 1Ö64 ítf Commissioners Notice. TATE OF ■íIrTBIGXl Count.T of Wíubtenaw, n 'I'hu nndt-rsigne ba ving been apputnted by tbe Kro : ■ mi - 1 t'fi's to ecceive, exsmiiic and a-ljustn1! claijDf and -U manrÍR of all per son liga iii i,st teof Josiafa P iiloat.Iaie ol ih Township of Sha ron, in said County, decenseü-, htnl} ive notice that six montbs fn-.n dafe, re, ly Order of tl 10 aald Probate t'ourt, nllowcd for credilors t their claims aguinst said deceat-ed, and that tbey frill meet at tbe residen e of Mrs. Mary Jan SlOAt, wi'.nw of said deceased, in tbe (ownship oí 3bu pod, ín ' ' ■■ wi '. county, on Saturday , tbe DUwtfenth il y of July, and atu:clay, the eighteenth ;ly uf Uctobernext, ai on1 olock f'. M., of e.vch áay to receive, ■ ■ aml aUjust Faid claims Dated, April 18, 1802. 819w4 Real Estáte for Sale, OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oonnty of Washtenaw, u. In the mntter of tbe Estate'of Jobu Fohfjr. Jr.( Mïch'.el : Fobej, James Fobey, EIIpd Foh'- and ara-b Fohey, mfnors, of the County f WaslN tcnaw, La tli o State of Michigan. Not'ct is bereby giren, t bal in pursuanco of au Order granted to .he underaigued, Thomne Earl, guardián of the Estáte of said iii'iiurs. y the ll-in. Judge of Probate for the Consty oí VVoshtenuw, on ihe uecoiul day of May, A.I). 18 2-tbw trill be ifoldal pnblfc venJue, to the high est iidder, t tlioöouth door Oi' the Couit HuuKQ in tbe Ci'y of nn . rb'or, in the County of Wasbtenaw, in unid State, i -.. ulav. tlif tweoty eighvh day of June, A. D 1 2, a( 1 d'ctoeb in the afternoon M' tbat day (sul eet to all encumbrante 6 bj morigagc orotherwise ejc; sti ig at the time of the sale.) the following descrioea tejU Kstalc lo wit : Ail tbat certain jiece or parct-loi and sitúale h Ing and' being in ibe TovnJiij] ol Ntrthielii, county tf W0bteaaw, Micbigw, and beinp more 1:1 1 iicularly known nd describwl a- the i?outh-it [uarti-r ol tlic Nurtii wéRt quarter of aectloD .sixtee iownhip one South of range mx faurt fHo.MAÖ EARL, Guardian. Dated, May 2, 1862. fcSltd NEW COODS Por the Spring, 1862. o MACK & SCHMID Wou ld rospectt'ully announce to the Cítizens of Vashtenaw and adjoining Counifefi ilmtweare uow receivlng Direct front the Eastcrn Markets A Culi and complete fmpply of ïStnplo o 21 cl Fa.3aoy DEY GOODS, Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, GUOCERIES, CKOCKERY, &c. Parrh&ped by nne of ovr Arm for cah,ftud notwitbstaudii báKi Unu wwghwl continue to Artd Weekly Additions Tu our stock n order To Accommodate out Cusío?nrs ! witheveiyMmi'-r t hoy mav noeil toak fof. And wa til fartlior pledgo ourscJves to seU as chesp AS ÏIMliS WILL PEKMIT and which ifl ;ihvavb as .iVs Low as tlie Loest. At the santé ihno wchopeoiir frtends nnl 6MSt0Bf ■i wii.h.'.u' iu miud tliot tlio tiipefi compt us M mr gODdB For Cash or Ready Pay. Ano Arbor, Marcli 28, IMil. S-i5tf TT B EJ SARATOGA EMPI { E VV A T E R FOR odwtloa or Djapep Ia, Ci nïtipatlonj .Vtvoh Debility, Loss of Appciiie, Cuuimuu Co ■. d ifjwf8 of the Lungs, Ucaduche, mm! Ftrerish Kififi-3Í'tW BTstem . Öolri hv MAYNARP, STEBT1INS f; WTWO ■■■ KBERBACH Si ('" , Arm Avl-r.


Old News
Michigan Argus