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The Michigan Argus

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l'UilLISHEIl icvkuy Kriday, in the Third Sluirnl tUoBriofc lüock, eornei of Main and Hun ttrveU Ku trunco ju II u ion Street, opposite the Fratikhn. ELIHÜ B. POND Jüilitor and. Publisner. t'ERMS, $1,SO A YE AR Iti AUVANCE, ADVERT1SING. One square (12 Unes or less) one week, &U cents ; and Ï5 aents for everv iiiscrtiuu tlierrtUter, less thau tlirve aiuntha. 0 ie square 3 montha.. . .$3 I Qunrtereul. 1 year $20 ) iu' do 6 do .... 5 I Half col'mn 6 mos 18 jnc Ao 1 jear 8 Half tlo 1 year BI p-ü q'res 6 mos 8 I One do 6 mos ,';ñ fwo do 1 vear l ine do 1 year 00 Advcrtlseiiients uuaccompanied by writtcn orvertir 1 directions vvill be pubRsht-d until ordered out, and e'iarged accordingly. ÍJSnl advertisements, flrst insertion, 50 cents per lio, 25 cents per folio for each tsubsequent iust-rtion. IThea a poitfionemeni is added toan advertisemcnt thtirhoU wiU be charged the same as lor iirst inseitiou. JOB FPUXsTTISTO-l'amphlets. lland-liiMs, irculars. Cards, Ball Tickets, ind tther vitiK-ffcs of 1 i in and Fancy .Tob l'riiiting. xccuted witli prompt7iets , and in the hest st'le. BOOK RÍNDINn, Connected witli Iliv Offlce is n Ho, ik Dimlcry in rlinr(r if eompettirt óorkman. fi.unty BCOf, I.cíI.l'cv.s. loiirnals. inil all ol üliink Buokl marte to onliT , nrt if the best :t'ek. PmpMet nn.l Pêr[iiol bonnd n iv ni-at nml dn -ablo maniicr, at Dctruil pricts. Km ra.rK-.-to liiii.lcr.v tlirout'li LKICS Offlce.


Old News
Michigan Argus