■B'ïfBÏatai IMrertnTH. CARDS! CARDSü CAEDSll! (UviOg (KÉTchatti) i Ri-uui.usK.-r.tliY lluiuixn Card Press, witli a 8_e assortiment of Card type, the Akgcs Olliccis prepttréd I" print Onrds "f :i 1 1 kinds n the neatest po.isiMesU and at a great reduction fiom 'ormer prieeSjincluding Bnslnes Cards for mei of all irocHtmnsiin.lM-ofessions, Ball, Wedding, and Visiting, etc.. etc. Cali, ívo as yours orilers anj sce how It Ja oiib All Losses promplly atljusted. MERCHANTS' INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, CONW. Cash Capital, $200,000. Totil Assets.Jan. Ii1, 18C2, - 2S1,S81 05 Liabilitics, - - - - 1B.834.09 M.U'.K HOWAHIl, PifHidcut. K. Tnos. Lobiiei.l, Peoj. The imii-rsiui!'' 1 b;ls been npw intid Agirt for the iiiiuve reliablo Craapaiy, and wUI cllict Iwntnsee iijíii.iat losses by lire at reasonable ratea. E. B. POND. Ann Arbrr,.Iun--2, 1989. 855tf W. N. STRONG NALL, DUNCKLEE & Cc, TTTHOL'SAtE :":' lilTATI. dealers in Pry G)d8, Car" W wting, Floor 0!l Clothn, Foathere, l'aperHnglngt, nd agiutr:il:i-sortmeiit uf Kurnisliing Goods, No T4 Wtunlward Avenue, C„r,K.rori,m,edst., - - ■ DETBOTT, Y . (.Orders nolicitedand rmpUjr attended toS 809j-l RAYMOND'S Photogi-aiihic anti Fiie Alt GALLERY Sos. 205 and -M Jclterscm Avenue, DETROIT. -liot(!!rai.hs,Lifeze,eol,.rea r plain, cabim-t inv ',„ i i Melainolvncs Daguerreotype, Aabntjrfw, í,T1-CAKD-i'ir.Vii by the &L■ ■ I. K O. F. ITTVSHTEXAW LODCE He. 9, of the Innepemlenl Vy order of Odd Keliows nieut :it tlieir Room, verv friday evoning, ut 7; u'clock, E, RiCHAlH'SOIf, So"". spc '■ lTstübbs. Wh.iiksaie and S.UH Dealer in, Cigars &c., MaiüSt-sign of ' U,g Indian." Franklin Biock, 4nn Arbor, - Ü'' S. G. SÜÏ'ÏÏËRLAND&ÖK, lITHOI.KiUF NI HKTAP. GrocdR and Commtaalon W iieréha'n'ti, Eist íae Main Street Ann Ar' ■ r J. M. 8COÏT. E0TTPI ft PHOTOOWH Autists, in the rcoms formerlv occupied by Ciirdley, over the store of Spcrry k Moore IVrrec t atisfaction guaranteed. EISD0Ñ & HEÑDERSON, DEALERS n Hardware, Stovcs, fnrnWiinggiiodi, Tin Ware kc. Sc. , New Bloei, Main Street. " A. P. MILLST" Dülaieb in SUsle Dry Goods, GrocerlCB, Bonts and Shoei and Keady Made Clothing, Huron Street Ann Irbor! - BEAE&í & ABEL, TTonxKvs !c OirvcKU"RS at fciW, anl Sulieitors in ri. Chaneery. OBiee in City Hall lilock, over Webster k fo' Boos Store. Ann vroor _____ ' KINGSLEY & MORGAN, ttorxeys, Counsellor, Solicitors, and Notaries Puh"1. lic, have Buoks and l'lats showing titlcs of all lands Ir the oanty, andaMend toconveyancinanu collecting emands.anii to paylng taxes and nchool interest in any lart of tlie State. Office tuttiit of the Square. Ann Arxir. . Wm. "lewitt, m. d., Pbtsioas II Surceos. Office at his residenee, Xorth ide of Huron street, aDd 2d house West of División Itreet, Anu Arbor. O. COLLIER, tlTiNUFX-rriiEKaml dealer in Boots and Shoen. 1 LYl door West of the l'nst OfBce, inn Arbor, Mich. "MOQUE & LOOMLS. íriMTACTrKKiis aii'l .lealor u Bont hui) Shoes, VI l'homix Block, Main Street, one door Noitb of Variiingtnn. ""mTguitërman & co,, ÏXTiioLKs.u.Eand Ritail dealers and manufacturera of VV Keady Müde Clothing, Importers of ('ltlis( Cassioeres, Doeskins, &c. No. 5, New Block, Ann Arbor. C. B. POJITER, __!í%_ SiihíkoxDkxtist. Office corner of Main jBj.JB 'l Hurnn streets, over 1'. üacli'a store, 'TPVH Anu Arbor, Michigan. JJID April, 1859, Wm. WAGNER, DUUB in Ready SMe Clotliinf: CTothB, Cassimeres and Vesting, llat's, Clips, Truuks, Carpetüugs, &c. llain t , Ann Arbor. BACH &PIERSOjS; . Dealers in Dry Goodg, Grocerie. Hardware, Boots & Simes, fec., Main et reet, AnnAibör. ; . 8CAW30N & GEER, Mroceks, Trovisios & CoaauxUiiioD Meschanti,anddeJ lerfiin Wateiï Ijmk, Lakd Puötkb, and 1'lasteií pf . #ms,oue door Kast ui' Couk'K HoteL C. BLISS, DKAl-EHiuClockii, Watches, .lewelry. atd Fancy Goods, at thesignof the Big Watch, o. 27, l'hanix Block. J. 0. WATTS. DKALKltin Clocks, Watches, Jewelrv andSilver Ware No il, Xe.w Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREEMAN. BARBKR and Fasbionable Hair Dressfi-, Hafn Btreet, Ann Arbor, Mich. llair Frouts aud Curls kept ontanily on hand. CHÖFF&MILLÊR. DKAi.ERS ialÜKceUanPoufï, School, and Blnnk Books Kta tiouery, P&pr Hangings, &c, Haiu Strt-et Aun irbor. D. DbFOREST. yynoj.KSAi.Eand Retiiil Dealerin Lumber, Lath, PliinT fetes, Batb, Doorg, Blinda. Water Urne, Grmnd Biver laster, l'laster Partfe, and Nails of all bizes. A full and perfect a-fsoi'tment of the above, and ail oihef ïiii'ïn of building materials constantly on hand at the Jowest possfble ratos, on Detroit Street, t few nuls h-om the Hailroad Depot. Al&o operating estensively iu the rattiut Cemeat RooGng. WASllTENAW CÓÜNTY B1BLE SOCIETyT nKi-.isiTOEY t.r Btblei and TestameutB at the ïocietj 1 rice at W. C. Voorheb'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., STTOCEgeOHfl TO IjTX3XI3, CHAPINdj Co MANUFACTMRER6OF Print) Bools., AND' COLORED MEDIUMS, Wrapping Paper.Ao. AWW ARBOlt MK.II. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Al.I.iiccnunts orer six munllis must be uettied at onci. Cali a the office aiiflpay up ,.A we" eiecterit stock of yiv (;u,„lR CJp lor ' JUVNARD,STEPflNi - WILEOK. '"pKli PEOEIA MAEINE fc FIEE X INSURANCE COMPANy, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 500,000 one of the HtAVIEST, SAFBSI ia.d BEST Innoraoct Co', n the U. S. Insuiés on i terft,K&dl n.n pny pruanitly. ihtic ia uo Lt tter lire Iu'uïacc
Old News
Michigan Argus