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Faith And Works

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JS'ot what we think, but what we do, Makes saints of us: all stiü and cold, The outlines of tlie corpse show through The cloth of gold. And in despite the outward sin, Despite belief with creeds at utrife, The principie of love witliin Leavens the lile. It is for fancied good. I claim, ïliat men do wrong, not wrong' desire ; Wrappilig themsolves. as 'twere, in flaine, To clieat the lire. Not what (iod gives. but what lie takes, Uplifts us Ui the holiest lielght ; On grief s roujh crags lil'e's current breaks To diamond light. F Kim transiiMit evil 1 do trust Tha) wo a final goód shall draw; 'J'hnt in contusión, death, and dust, Aio light and law; Thai hewhow s'or' f-l'inos aniong The eteraal stars deceiida to mark This foolish little atom, swung Loose in the dark. Butthough I shu!d not thus receive A sense of order and control, My God 1 could not disbelieve My sense of soul. For thougb, alas ! I can luit see A hand's breadth backward or before, Tam.' and since I am. must be


Old News
Michigan Argus