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"on To Richmond."

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Dear Brother : Special Correspomlence of the Argus. Gain's Mill, Va., ) June 5th, 1802. The Chiokahominy, witli its overflowed banka, still liea between this división and the capital of the Southern Confedoracy. It Las rained hero alraost continually for the last six days, and still has the appearance oí continuing as much longer. Orders have been issued that whon we leavc this plaue, we shall have forty rounds of cartridges ia our cartridge boxcs and twönty in our pockuts ; also that we ehall leave everything behind in the ehape of tents, clothing, &o , and 3n]y take three days provisions. This ooks as if Gen. McClkllan haa some work ior us to do, work tliat he wishes to be dono up like the Hanover Oourt House affair. I arn in hopes that in ess than three days after we cross the river we shall be in Eichrnond. A few nigiits since Gen. McClellan received notice that he was once more placed in command of all the Federal "orces in Virginia. It is said that he mmediately took his seat, and tor four oug hours was ungaged in télegfftphng orders to the different ports of his Joramand, It is my humble opinión ;hat if the" f uil command had nevor jeenjtaken from hirn Richmond would ïave long sinue been taken, and that .he counlry would have been aaved ihe nortifioation of the retreat of Baxks nto Maryland. In my last letter I spoke of a battle Deing fonght on the other side of the ■iver, but did not know how it was gong. I am now happy to be ablo to ay that it resulted, as all the battles on .he Península have thus far, in a Union rictory. All the Michigan regiments jngaged in it did well, yen, more than .veil. The State has every r&ason to )e proud of them, and should use every neansin her power to help the wounied. All who nre able to be re"novod should be taken to their homes mmediately, where they can be attend3d to by their relatives and friencU. If ;his cannot be done, they, al least, ïhould be removed to some Northern State. During the battla of Saturday and Sunday, Professor Lowe, with his balloon " Constitution," was constantly in the air, ovedooking the battle field. He took up with him a telegraph instrument, which was connected by a wire to the telegraph below whieh runs to Gen. McClellan'u headquarters, and by this means, from his high perch in the air, kept the General advised of all the tnovements of both Eirmies. The other day I eaw them waving the signal flagfrom the balloon, probably giving orders or news topóme part oí the army which is not in con nectio n with headquarters by telegraph. The telegraph and balloon are both doing good service in this war. By arrangements lately made, I understand that the Michigan lst has }een assigned to Martjndale's brigade, n this división. We ehall be mest hapjy to meet and greet some of our ofd 'riends in that regiment, The camp of the Michigan 4th and this camp are now connectod by tele graph; that is tho telegraph that runs :o Gen. McUlellax's headquarters passos over of our oamps, running exactly over the corner of my tent. A ravine only separates the two camps, and I can assure you that we are quite neighborly. Six thousand of the división of Gen. Smitii crossed the Chickahominy today. The movements of troops over the rivor ia necessarily very slow, ust now, on account of high water. - The rebels have uuineroua batteries planted on the bluffs, which oommand the river tot miles. A heavy and brisk cannonading has been going on all day. The weather has been verv cool here for the last two days, J, P. June Gth, 1802. The Michigan lst anivud (o-day. - Thcy have gouu into G-en, Maktindale' brigade. I saw quiet a number of th Aun Arbor boys, among whoni wer tho following: Lieuts. ArnolJ anc Ifflgk, Orderly Grenville, Sergeant A M. Ladd, and privates Mead, Morse Vandewurker, liob Boyd, and other whose names I cannot now recrill. A uve wüII, and express fhuir ])]easiii' il joining our divifion. Ame Ladd ea' that he has not vet seen a live rebe and that he would like to seo how on looks. It is my opinión that he wi tee plenty of them before mnny day? as they arw as tliick as blackberries o the othnr side of the river. One of the 1-lth N. Y. men was sho while on pickot lo-d:iy. For a wonder wo have had nu rai to-dny. This regiment was paid off to-uay for the inonlhs of March aud Airil. I am woll. J. P. Z'--,' A man eau Icave i" botter legrey tn tbc worTd than a wrü-cfli' ntmih.


Old News
Michigan Argus