Letter From Hon. B F. Granger
OF II Kl'Ri:SE r ITlVKtf ( Was üwrtos, D..C, May l'.l. lüO'i. ] Uon 'J. Josr.ix - Yttttr 'Jsind noto uf ifit , was duly racéivcd oiul v. .u.lil h:ivi In-en, ;is it deserved, muro :-' ,ini!v iiswercd had 1 uut beeri --iJv tisl' ! witli u ihrv.isand nitd One iilh'ér dutioa t!:at coulil uut bc Wi rc:ic! il v doierred. 1 iht) Lkid to kirow that my cours.o in (Jottg.-t;.-rí.ifV3 [be approbation of i!:" whose opiimms I ghoujd tvsj,eut, ;iii.i I can ;isnro y u thiil, whutevor in v l':Ue tnay be puiiticully, J shu'tistiind l'Y my eonvictions of right. A war pn'iv-sfdly i'"'." liio constitution nhould uit i i;üiip!o upon iny of its precapts or ífuuriuitfcs, hor g'Q'or'e its sanctity. l'lin that solemu enunöiation, wliich 'li- :irt_d tht ': Congres.s had m right lo nieii'evo vi:h tlio loeul iastituliuns .f bu St.ateb," [ yas nominated for tliu e!lt 1 nöw (iccupy. With it 1 went le!oL the poople, by its Baiiotifn I was t-tected, and so long as I continuo here by virtne ut that electioii I ü, vo lu'lp me Qod, stand to a-.d abidu bv it. S!:ice tho rocent victories havo giveti ns tiio gmtifying nssurance that tho rui éllion is nearly cntieM uur, vo have frvqnontly boen ndmonislicd by rnenibns npon this Üo ■! thnt we kIkiuM hitsten to suciiru tho fruits of the war! Whilt fniits, I would i:sk, in tlio na.xe "! (ï"d and my coun-ry, havo va u right to duim Irom t:.i.-i war cittwr t Ikiü u constitntion vindioated, t (lag untarn:- a governmfint restored in its in.-ij.'.-; 'y and Biipreutacy, a Union fratèfnized. cemoutüd, cr fiod and perput'iateil, and a new uaranfeo in beni]' of civil liberty and benefieent govëi'niiiünl througliout the wprld ? 'Jhcsu ::rc tho only legitímate fr;iits of il in kyar tlmt I have ielt niysclf priviL-i'.i ti anticípate, and these glorious fn.its areamply suflicient in my o'i::iu) to fülly compensa! for all the immense rost of tho war, svo vnll secure it' we aro jiérniitted to close out thia session of Congrcsa liefuro those who profesa to bo the only true friends of the Kev' trrtiirmnt sliaii c.fmmit treason. It (Jon would finish np tlio legislalion nOcèsiiit-y to curry on tlio war and adi it uoii'd in my opinión, be the wry jjot tlwng that could huppen to tl'.o country. f iiaw roiid, tvidiaivt lamontalion or rt-grot thci frequent attác-kd lately mude imon trio by thu Adrerltscr. Let ihcm Iriiul !i!.:d srïiirl and 'iiite and (hiy tbe di-g if tlipy wül, 1 don't care a tw striüfT so lang as I can foei that I ani rght and ihat my course is approvcu by men of sense. I haAc bnt littio anibition polit'cally, nnt ünon'gii to c.-iüso mo to utni abolitiWníst r ignorj my conviutiona of i'xpi dioncy and sound" poli.:y, certainly int.t ónongh Ko induce me to viólate that solemn oath which I took opon niyself at tho inomont of entering on my Congressiooal duties. My coursu 'm fised : - :: Itsuted by tny record, aod I assuif you that I cannot be werveJ iroai il by any thing that instituiion ;an oithor pi'oinise or threaten. Uut 1 am expanding this letter bevond your paüenue and will cuncludo. 1 havo not yot boon able (o procure Gollaracr's peech. I, however, sond iJrowning'j lat - I think ono of the be.st yot made in Congres, on that sub j ;ct. n. c-an, i:i mv opinión, beüeve iliat Oonoross will not pass any bill that will attetnpt more thr:n to p;o.-cribo the p ini.-bment for tror.pfKi " upin due conviction n5on testimony ■ ■i' two witiü-ss. -H to the stune oveM a3t, or apmi confessjon i;i open ooiirt,' mul with all the other guaraotees of the constitntion observe d. Excuso all inriccuracios, I writo at my ilu.-k aiiiiii the diresS confusión you ever drcüfned of. Ynnro fr:iKr
Old News
Michigan Argus
Bradley F. Granger