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From Santa Fe

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Kansas Crrir, June 7. The S;i!itv Pe mail with dates to the Sítíth lias arrived. The Texnn's liad reached Mesilla with five picces of artillery and se ven wagons. It is said,aftcr stopping at Fort Fillmnrc to recruit tlieir exhausted enenry, they will continue their homeward bouud marc'.i. Gen. Bibley is reported to be at Fort Bliss, far in advance of hts com mand, taking caro f himself. Capt. Crayton, who followed the trail nf the enemy's retreat, reports that it bears evidence of sufforing and dcstitu tiun, from oiie end ta tho other. Some romains of men were found ín some places wlri;h bad not been interred, whilu others, partially intorred, had beeu exhumed by wol vea, and the flesh devoured. The ruins of wagons, ambulances and c lissons, abandoned clothing and arins, carcairses of mules and horses, marked the line of retreat. Great discontent prevailed among the people in tho Torritory owing to he partial disbanding of tlie volunteers. Advicoá from Fort Oraig to the 2-tth uit., state that early on the morning of the 2ftd, Otiptaio Tilford, who was s'ationed with 35 or 40 men ou the east side of the Rio Grande, í=even milos bolow Fort Oraig, roeeived a summons to surrender to a bandof 200 Texans, stipposed to ba a Straggltng guerrilla party of Sibley's command. He refnsed lo do so, and mimediately gave battli; ai i fought three hours, when he retreated to Furt Crnig, with aloss of threo Woumled. Tlireo of his men were drowned while crosu.i t'u; rivur. Tho Tesan loss is not known. Two enmpanies of Colorado voluMteers wore sent in puraait of tlio Tesan.


Old News
Michigan Argus