Answer Them
enuiess questiomnga oí your chüdren. J).i not ronghJy orush the rising; piiit of frce inj:iiry wilh an unpaticnt word or IVovvn, nor ntleinpt, on the Qontrary n l'ing instructivo reply to overy casual qijötion. Beek rathor to duepen ilieir'}', Convort, if possible, thj ènrefoss question into a profound umi e;irn!St mtjuiiy. Lot your reply scndtho üttla quostiorter forth, not ho mimh prond of wtint ho h:is léarbc(],as iii.xiouH tQ know more, Jfnjipv, tlioO, il in iviiiK ymir cliild tbe molocnlo of' (riilh ho :iks fór, you cnn vliot his curiosjty wiih a glimpsii )ƒ the mour)' tuin of 1 1 uth lying Imyond ; so v.ilt thou setid ftinh :i philosophcr, and nt :j silly piidaiit into the wofld.
Old News
Michigan Argus