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From Mcclellan's Army

From Mcclellan's Army image
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usliintftnn, .1 m:u 1 ". A ilifiprí'ch fniin M pp] II tin' nnijv i ,-ay-: '■ Tlib iti'ivoini'ü'.H i.! lip.! eneiuv Ui day havo boon exion-ive, and are vet involvud in uiystcpy. Larijij bodio? Imve lieun seen inoving down trom near the Mucbahicsville bridgo ;md liióliiiimul, towards ih late im'.tK' fii.'ld. Our piokets yesterday wefc driven in from O!d ('hurch, aiiuwing that tho enemy inlunds inakinga demon.stration n that direction, " A copíraband [eporta that 3,000 ui}valry lolt Eiohmond mi Wednesday, i.r"ii)LT in 'hu dlr'ootion ''f Frudericks, biiiLf. Thïi is prbbabiy the sa:nu i furre lliat was een at OI1 Church. " The rebels opened this rrvorning a s-harp anillory firé in lront oföumner's liivi.-ion, IsiÉlitlg twp hoiws. We had ono killed and ofte woundcd. " Tbc weuthw is sultry' JIcClkllas's Hkadqvartebs, ) Siturday Evcning, June 14. j Thé rebels yedterduy, afcer driving i from Oid Ghorch a pqúíidron of tho Fifth Cavaliv, proceedud to Garlick's Landing.on tho Painunlcy Kiver, about ('.nu' iiiile Hbova the U'liito House, wfaere thuy burnt two schooners and soma wagons and drovo off thu mulos. Their conduct is reprasented as barbarons, hnving killed stiveriil of uur rentateh) without any necessity, Those who lailtxl to inako llieir escapé wera taken prieoners. From here they proceedod to Tunstall's Station, four milos from White House, with the vww of burning the railrnad bridge. A train whioh was paling down at thu time was iired into, killing two and wounding several. A Colonel belongiug to the Excelsior Brigada was thore taken prisoner, but suct;eedcd in making his escape d uring the night. A Paymaster jnrnped from the train and bid himseli in the woods nntil niirning, leaving 125,000 in the cars. The train nevor etoppod, but pasaed on to White Uoüso, Aftcr de.stroying the tolegraph wiro they proceedod to Baltimore Crocs Ueads oeur New Kent Court-House, on the "ay tü lvichmond, crossing the Cliickahominy bctween Brtttohl's bridge umi James Kiver, ubout 2 oVlock this üioi'ning. The forcé that ncoompTished this is comp%ed of' 1,500 cavalry and six pieces of ariilleiy, under Gen. Stuart, most of whum wero residants of tho locality, and krow the roads. At Old Church', the rebels liad in reservo six regiments ot irifaniry and artillory. As soon as the facls were known, I ursjit by cavalry waa immediately ordereil, but tho enoniy hnving too nttich of a eturt, only five were capture d. Severul arreáis have been made. Lad:U' of ei i.ens within our lines, on suspicioD of giving nformaüan to the enemy. "A Tïichin -ad paper state? that 3,000 prisonors taken by Gen. Jackson Irora Gen. IJaiik-s left on Wednesday for Snlib:try, N. C. It also states that of the 7-12 of our vvounded that feil into their hands at the battloof Fair Oaks, ninehave sinco died, and the balance are in the Liberty Privón Hospital.


Old News
Michigan Argus