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Commencement Week

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hshed kist week tho list of exerciaes, etc, for coinmencoment week at tho Univorsitv. Thore were sonie omiasions, and we now publidh thó program me as furnished by the faculty : Sunday , 3 p. m., June 22d, Baccaulauréate Sermón, hy the President, at the Methodist chureh. Sunday eventng, 8 oVlocfc, Address before the Young Men's Christian Associatior, by Rev. W. W. Everts, D D., of Chicago, :it tho Methodist chureh. Monday evening.June 23d, 8 o'clock, Anniversary of the Alpha Delta Phi Society. Oratioa by Hon. Byron G. Stout, of Pontiac, and Poem by Chas. II. Miller, of Adrián, at the Congregational churoh. Tuesday, Jnne 24th, 2 p. m., Exercisesofthe Alumni Society, with an addrsss b) E. P. Even, A. M., Wankesba, Wiconsin. Tuesday ovening, 8 o'clock.Exercises of the Litfirary Bocieties, with oration by (probably G. V. N. Lothrop, Esq., of Dutroit,) and a poem by Hon. T. M. Coolcy, ot Anti Arbor, at the Union School Dull. Wt'dncsihiy, June Sótfa, Cornmencornüiit, at the new Presbyterian chorch. L32T Eogers' Statuh of Nydia bas been removed from Detroit to our City, and is now oo exhibition in ojio of the rocitation rooms on tho first floor of the Union School building. We trust that our citizens will continue the liberaüty herotiiforo manifo.sted, visit it tbemselves and cali the attenlion oí their friends to tho beauliful work. As all the proceeds are to be appro; riated to paying for the Statue no one need etny away for feirjof putting nioney iu tho peckets of speculators. JLSThe friends of B. P. Clark, of this city, a Sergeant ia Co. F, Sixth Michigan Infantry, have just learned of his being sevorely wounded about the hst of May. He went with a boat's crew to the shore for forage, landed with out comrade, was welcomed by a planter, and told that they could have what they wished, but on nearing the house were fired at by a party from withtn. Clark raceived three shotand both were taken prisoners. Their companions la charge of the boat hurried to tho ship, and a Lieuteuant and party were sent on shore, the treacherous foo captured, and the priso.iers rcleascd. We have no furthcr partioulars, Mr. 0. is a son o f the Rev. C. G. Ci-ark. &■L' We have no important movcments to chronicle either at Richmond or tbs Southwest. - McClella.n is uuderstood to be npproaclnng the encmy by intrenehments. - In the Shenandoah Valley all is quict. - Halleck has not yet found Beauregard's ariny. J" The Charleston papers are quarrelng about Jeff. Davis. ïhe Courier eulogises him strongly, but says a conspiracy is oq foot to deposo him, and set up a military dictator. On the other hand the Merctiry denies that any conspiraoy exists, but admits that " President Davis is an inatbuas on the cause,'7 and asserts that " he has lost the confidonco of both the nrtny and the peoplc." L3L" Late New Orleans papers say thal Gen. Bullor has beeu engaged in returning fugitive slaves to their masters, and that he refuses to tolérate run.-a'vays in his camp, or furnish them provisions from the public stores. He will soon lose odor with that class of people who persist in thinking tlut this war is being waged for tho exclusive beuefit of the negroos, and that a General is no General at all who does not invite slaves into his camp and feed them at the expenso ot the governruent. Wendell Phillips will take back li is recent compliment. E3P Tho military authorities at Washington havo taken possession of three churohea - of socession proclivities - ior hospital purposes. Ono of thetn is Trinity, from the Itectoi-Bhip of which Dr. Butler Tras recontly ejocted tor his Union principies. EEP Col. Ölack, of the 47 th Indiana i Regiment, hoving arrived at Memphis, j and outranking Col. Fitcii, is in comrnaod. He lias prohibited the passage of Confedérate notes, and has issued other stringent orders. fSPCoinrnanders Mclntosh and Huger have died of their wounds re ceivcd at tho battle with tho forts below New Orloans, t- ■ idReports from New Orleans sny that the henlth oí our soldiurs is good, full np to the average in tho Northern Depnrtmentfl, SyS" Tne shops of the Iowa State Prison were destroyed by fire on Monday evening last. Los3 from $15,000 to 820,000. ■ 1-4 i mi i i i m - ZLT öen. Pium, recently in comrnand vf the Spanish troops invading Mexico, pnid a vipit to Gen.,Uü'e army a few days.sinoe, and épeake of k in lh highest terme.


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