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_J This town to whicii Gen. Negley penetrated last week witli such marked suceess thot the rebel Goii"ral in town forsook it without a hat, coat or horse, and wliieh a dispatch tw Mempbis says a I ilion forcé is acrain marching upon, is a ílourisbing rillage on ihe Tennessee liiver, two liundred and iilty miles by water below Knoxville, aud one hundred and forty miles southcast of Nashville. It is llio terminus of the Nashville and Chattanooga Saüroftd, and of the Western and Atlantic Kailroad, r!iich connects it witli the eliiof towns of Georgia. The teawMoee Kiver is navigable by steam durin cight ïnonlhs in the year, and by smaH boats at all timns. These circumstances ronder Chafetanooga ono of tlio most important and [louri.shing towns of tlie State. Since ll;e completion of (lie V' estéril and Atlantic Railroad, in 1860, the population has inereased al the rato of a bout one liundred per nionth The surplus productions of Eawt Tenues see, and part of Middle Tennessee, are inostly ahipped from tlii.s pnint. The surrounding región is liberally snpplied with water power and timber, and the hills ontain abandalice of stone, ooal, and i ion ore. In 18BJ the county voted is follows on the question of separation from tlieüuion: No separation, 1,260; for separation, 851. - Free J'rcss.


Old News
Michigan Argus