Opinion Of A British Officer
tuin Jíowmnn - Uaptain ol n detachmetit of British engineers slnlioned a'. Hulifnz - viited Yorktown n wflefc nfter evauuation. lie minutelv exnmined thc catiro works ol tlio enemy and our ovrn. He expreased liinisuif as astocisliod ut the irmgnitudo of our worlcs, and the ckill diíplayod n inüii:iry rdíid?, hridges , pa rállala :md bayoux. IIu also expresFcd Ilia surprise at thc numliar f oui" batlerios tmd the fize .)f óur íxwy.s. Id estid)rttDg t ho vveigTit ',f :i)'.:il waitíli iur {juíis could have tliroiva i uto thu uneiiiy 'a u-crks ut overy discharge, he pluijud it at npe butldreit Uv?. II cxprcsn-'d hi.s ]c. düj opinión líi:it thc onuny coiilt! mit have liefd tbcir yoilcs :!,r.insi mr.fi ; vi'i"lit of meta! muro tii;ii two (;r.-., ll llic I .njj. V !. ' ' -
Old News
Michigan Argus