Engagement Near Charleston
Memphis, June 14. The Grenada Ajpcal of the 12ib contain9 the following : Auqcsta, Ga, June 11 - Fighting continúes in the vieinity of Charleston. Papers of tbat city of this inorningcoQ. tain particnlars of a sharp engagement on Jatnes Island, on Tuesday afternoin, which continued tül dark. Our forces consisted of three regiments and one battalion of infantry and three battenes under the commanil of Gen. W. D. Sraith. The enemv were undor the protection of felled trees and gunboats Oolunel Williams, of the Forty-sixth Georgia Regiment, is mortally wotmded. Our loss is estimated at lrom thirty to sixty-five, priucipally Georgiana.- The loss of the enemy is thought to 1 large. The Confederates succeeded in driv. ing the Yankees from a pieco of woods tlu-y were trying to oceupy. Colonel Lomar, at Secession pille, kept up a fira on the eneiny's boats ;nd land camp, and on Mouday he disabled a Yaake propeller. A Federal prisonor taken on Monday reports the enemy's fnrce on James Island ut sixteen regiments slrong, and a few more were expected shortly. Il was reported at Charleston that the eteamcr Cecil of that port ior Nassau, w.lh a cargo of cotton, had been captured by the enemy. Ckoss Keys. - Cross Keys, the sceno of the late battle between Freniont'scommaud and the rebel forces under Jackson, is a road crossing in llookingham, eounfy, Virginia, about six miles soutii of Ilanisonlmrg. Port Ilepublie is a place on tlie Slienandoah River, olevsa miles south of llarrisonburg.
Old News
Michigan Argus