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How To Propogate Currants

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Iu order fco raise currant bushes from cifttings so tliut they may haTe a clean stem and bat out' set of roote, and thoso ;i! thclowcr end, like seudlings, I take a cutting ub uit ton lonjr, and prep;u-e if in the usu;il way, by cutting off the lo-.vor cnl square i thon tut out the lmds eyes, excepling the three or four uppenaost ones, wtich aro reservad to nntke the top. I then stretch a line, .start the euttiags by its sido, eiht inches apart in tlie row, thoir ends onè inch in the ground, and mould tliein up four or five Mclicsiu iiepüi, likeooro hills when j 1 : 1 1 i i - i 1 iu diills. When they beeome woll esi,iblisln:d by huving roo(t), which win be :i mid iraituaer, level the taoald nfc.i --h back t iisíniier)l;ice. Shonld uny boots have stafted from tlie intended stem, clean themoffand set them out at ■ld. The ndvantago of growing buslies in the above niaouor is that thev will not send up suc kers aa thosc do that have boes gïQwn by setting the cut.tiDga dbGpin the üTuuud. and allowing, lira or more


Old News
Michigan Argus