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TiUNTIJVG f 01' ALL KÍND.3 Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPARED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LIKE OF P R I N T I N G AT TUK MOST REASONABLE RATES. We have recently purclinsed a IRU" ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have ndded the lat'st stylea of Cnrd Type, which ennbles ua to print INV1TATI0N CARDS, "WEDDING CARDS, V1S1TING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. u the iientest styles, and ns e.hen)i is any othcr house in the Statu. We aru ulso prepared to print POSTERS, IIAJNDBILLö, BLANKS, BILL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPIILETS &c, THE JTM3rTJ& BOOK BINDERY is in cherga of ft FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOU RN ALS HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufnoturcd in best bttle at New York Prices, Periodicals of all kinds I30UND IN ANY STYLE. Old -Books IRe-33ound. All "Work warrantcd to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop r. Office and Bindery, cor. Mnin fe Hurón St. Conway Fire Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capital paid up, - 8150,000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. G.' Hogers, Jas, S Wbitney, Secretary. Pretident. DIRECTORS. J S.WHITNKY, L. BODMAN, W BLIIOVT ASAHOVtLAND.D C. MuGII.VKA V, K D MORGAN WAIT nKMKNT. JOSIAH AM.IS. A' ti'. BUL1.KN W.H. DICK1N8ON, W.T. CLAPP, D.C.ROGKHS. Aim Arbnr References: Dr, E. WELLS, 1.. JAMKS. I.. 1)01)0 K ENOCIIJAMICS. CAPT. O.S. OOODKICII J. W. KNIGHT. Apent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. New IIkmkdies for SPERMA T O R K H (E A nOWAJRD ASSiK'IATION', PHILADBLPHIA. A Bi ntvotr.nt InêUtxtitm êêtahlltlud fj êpeeialevdnvnttti fur the rditj f tht Sick and DUtrarctd, aLUóle.dxtth Virubnt and Chrtmic. Dlttaêtt, aud ttpeaally fur tht Cwrcaf Mtr.niuoflhr.9mial Orq.uit, MEDICAL ADVICli given gratis, by the Aeting SureALDAOT.R RKPORTS on 9rrniM0frlice,nj otbor DlMIMSOf the SexiiaH)rííaiis.n(l on the ,KV KK.'.iKDIESemplnyed ín tlio lisjn-nnry, st-nt in m-;i1o.1 letter QDTelopM, of i'.lmw. Twooi thre tnft)ii for eaocaptebte. Aldreiw, I)r.J. SKn.I.IX tIÖl"GHï. Hdirkrd - --i;;t i-.u , X', fl S. Nmtli S(.. n,ii.,. -f3p BOOK STOREGj ■■K), J. K. WEIiSTKK gSj ARK XOW OPENING, DIIïW.T r:;oM PUBIJSHKRÍ AXIt Minurienil-rrs. 8 jiêw atul t 'uniplt'tf stock of J,AW & MEDICAL UOOKW, Schooi unies, Miscellancous Books, Blank Books, dan STATIONERY! Wiill ;iml Whu'.'tw Fnpcr, Drairfng and M:itlit'mnti-;i! ln-ti imnnt.s. usic, JuvcniK' I.ibrark-f-, KtivcloiJts. Inks aad GatÜB. nd all other kinds of Pe7i$ and Prncils Wiodow Oorntce, Abades and Fïsturo, POCKET CUTLEKY! ailorttrythlog pertahitiig t tb trade, aml more l whichtncy woul ! tliu attemion oft)i cf)untry. IneoTkdactiugour buinis-) wc nh&Udo ill tlint can o tbat nu rca-ícnabltí man, woman ur chiM sha 11 i-l anv t'.uilt . W. .n.jsps t';u;ilHie.s vhich cnabk' us to supply ur aUnners at tlie Lowost Popsible Figures. We prflpose&seHfor l'.KAPY I'AY. ata s:i);ill;i-lvii!ue. - cin.-ct a pcqfli 'tn our gopde, but Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wr hare engagd the nrvlcea o! JAMES I'. BPAIJ)ING , Iiref6ro are prapared t" fünilsh Visiting, Wedding and all other Cards writtn to order, vtith neatness and dispatch, Ly mai' or otherwise. Tlio ''RMfl&BBoOK STORIÏ,'1 is mnnned by aKffl 'ei .■■,-1' nd tlit-y will nUvays hv fouml oa th 4(quartor deck," rady and wtlling toattendtoatl with pleasnre, who wïU favoi' thera witil a cali. liemcinber the "Empire Book Storo." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Aun Albor. Mar, 1800. "'t; AN OTHER A A ARBIAI AT THE & fSBLI) AND RELIA BLE il CLOTHINt EMPORIUMü SjJsJII l O - 3 PHCEKTIX BX.OCIS:, MAIN STRIÍET. Wm. "7V-3k.GS-3a"JiJJbt, tuis jnst returned íroni the lCatern Cities, wíth a largi aud deskable .stuck uf F ALL AND WINTER wliieh he is now ofit'ring at unusually Among lii Afiyurtmont may be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, ÜOESKINS, & VEST1NGS, of aMüescriptions, especialiy for FALL AND WINTER WEAR ! wliich he 8 cutting and raaking to order, in the la test and best ftfyles, together tnfb a .superior atí.sortment of READY MADE CL0TH1NG! TRUXKS CARPET BAGS, UMBRELI.AS, and Gentlemen's FurnisMng Goods, witli immPrnu? other artlcles usually fouad in sünilai establi&liments. As ANEMPOBIÜM OFFASHIOM, kbo.flttbfiertbÁ1 A&#tem bimself, tliat hialODg experienco ;iml genera} success.will enable Mm to give the greatesi rfatlHfaotloQ to :■(! wn may trimt liimin the way of manuffttnriMir gat meiits to oriior. T69tr WM. WAGXKR. ilifle Y actor y! A. J. SUTHERJLAND HASremovodhleGunShor'o'hcNewRlockonllMton street, southof thcCourf House .outhesecond (loor, wherehc i prepnred to furnUh Guns, Pistols, Ammunition FiasJcs, Pouehes Game Bags, and EverJ other artiele in lus Line. On thcmo8lrea8onnblr t!rms,nndto do all kiüdi ElXSF.VXXt.XlKrGr i the shorteat notice,andin the bost manner fullaisortraoutalways kep "uhsnd.und madeto or der. BOOTS SHOES MOORS & LOOMIS Are ttow rceklng a large asnortment of Boots aud 9boM and H, XJ B B B IR S i TYliicli tlii-y probóse to sell 50 per cent below fonner prieesfor cash. Jlen's good Kip Boots, from $1,50 to $3,00 Jlsn's good Tlnck Boots, from 2,00 to 3,00 Mcn's good Calf Boots, frota 2,50 to 3,73 Boy's Calf, Kip and Thick Boots, 88 to 1,75 Ladies' Gaiters, from 44 to 1,25 Ladies' Moroceo Bootees, from 75 to 1,25 Aií'l an endteM varioty of Snwl Shocs from Fancy Balmorals to Infanta' Creeping Sliocs. Wi nvc nlso ManufiK l-.iilni; all KIikIs ot WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Meus Fine Frene Ii Calf Boots Peggeil and Scwed. So usa cali ln-fnre iircha.níc clfpwliírp, :; bonnd iioi to he undcrold. igp"KlrAIKIXG DONE MÜORB & LOOMIS Maiu St., Ana Albor, Mich. S20tf TOWEOMIT MAY CONCERN. CMMISriKTTS F-A-Iï-K, TUK CNDGRSIGNED, Hotel PropMetoñln tliis city si Aun Artwr.rpspoctftillj announce to llio ptlblic, tliat oq mu) aftfr llie thsí. !fty Of Ja&uary, 1 ■ TEN CENTS F A RE. wül be i liar'-í to each and overy ifson cu rried totnij frmn tte cars, to thc lospccüvc Holels, tiu; Omnit ú- I.tiie. S.OOOE,Coo'Ho(ol. ].RAi!s-[viv.r,,,1.,ii. llou'sc. .u Albor, Pti-, )th, 1891. ■[ N"E W G 001)87 BAGH PIERSOSM Uavojuftt opencü Iheir SECOND SPRING STOCK and offer a CHOIC!' HKLECT1ON Of Seasonable Goods, including all The iNewest Sljles oí LADIES'DRESSGOODS, Cloths, Domestics, Staples, GROOEEIES, Sed-, WeBoughtforCash and sul! FOli CA81I O E E E AD Y PA Y, at very JLow Figures, CALL .TD SEE! BACH'i PlERiON. Aun Albor, Mny 15, U62. SCHOFF & MIL LEK Ur.PÏII.I. ONHAND iittlielruMStantl, No. 2, Franklin Block, witii tUümoist eompli ■ :.i uf Books and Stalionery, PEKFUMEl-ilES, FAxCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAEJER8, SHADEÖ, KÖILERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILTCOKNICES, CÜRTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever oficred in this Jlarket ! And tbey irould suggfst totüóslñ pursuit cfanjthfngio 3AITTA CL A USy LINE that tlioy cr BOíort a Doublé Cluistmas Present ! ' purcliiisinii IVkih t!i f;ich [HirchAMf fAé an adiïitionul present of Jewelry , Ac. , Ranging invalue irom 50 ets. to $50. SfS" Thrytnist tltat tln-irlniT ekpérUxiee in slécttBg ir Is fmtliis mnrki't, Hhd sttict attintion to the minta of Cii-iomrH, may entitW tiiem to a Hboral oj Pal ii'iiage. Ann Arbnr, !. 6. IRfiO 777tf lAl'iï 1íSIJKaJXCE. The Connecticut Mutual Lifo Insurance Company. Accuinulated Capital, - 3,500,000. W1LLINSI RE LTYRS foi íínj amount do( eïceeding $.';.(.kju . . the hole term of Life urfov u torn of ycüis. on thcm'tst í;ivnble lerms. N. B. Th o Cmnituuy ! purc-ly mutual ftnd tlif policy holüers get uil the surplus over the exact coat of insuranco It 'accomodiitcK Mie insnrcl in the setileiiH'iit of their premium ON LIFE POLICUS?, ü' dealred, by taking a aote fur onc half the amount, bearing interest at &ix percent, per annuni. Dividends are Declared Anmtally! and sloot thej' oow amouiit to wm per cent on tlie premium, cash an-1 mtte, íind are incrcosÍDg thy iuay be ai[Mie('i to cancel thónotos 4Jf5" Thf rutes of prciniumi aroas low a any otibor reBpoDsIble Gompan and tke L&rge Bcoimulatcd lunl of $3,5uO,000 ia sf'Curoly invesuul, as may De Ken by ' enco t the titutement inmle accordlnff to law, on file in the office of tho CoúDty CIerk,,it Aun A:i JAMra OOÓDW1JÍ, l'rcst. (irv Iï. PiiFifs, Pry . Forpartlcnlarsapp'ly to JAMES C. WATSON, T68tl Agent at Anu Arbor, Mich. Great Reduction in the Price of SINGER & COS Standard Machines . Weü knoten lo bc the Best for Manufacturing l'urposes. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at $90, reduced to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for merly sold at $100, reduced to $75. SINGEK'S LETTER A MACHINE Is the best Machine in the world for Family Sewtng and Lisht ManufactiirinK PurpOSM ; (with Hcmmer}) and beautifully oiBamented $50. Nos. l aod '2 Machines are of great capacity anti anp{ication tot manufucturing parpOfiOs, OurNo. 3 Machima arfi aspecially a4apted to all kinds of light am) heav.v iA'atlK'i' vVork, ilt nrriago Trimming, Boot umi Slioo Mitking, Harness MaUiug.etc, etc. ïliey areof extra sízt, and itti an arm long fuough to tüke ondee it and stitcb tho target "sijse dáaEesi There is scarcely any pavt ofaTrinomera' Btitchl&g that cannot Ikí better done with them tluin by hand ; o. too, tlu1 saving of time and labo? i ve-y grcut. ThetAbleof these machines is 24 inehes [oog, and U)6SbutUe will hold six times the usual (iuantitvof threaU. Tfael&rge maclilne works as fataa BmalJ o&Ui Wi' wiMilil ask feu' imr l.cUcr A Uftohlaes, {liespecijtl attèntlon f Vest Malteri and '1'V-s Uaker9,aQd all those wlm want Mneliiiics fOT Ughtviantifacturingpitrposes. Tin-v cmbuily the pridciplea r the standard máobineS] inaWng LIkc thena. tb (nierlocked öitch, and aré destlaed W b as celébrate tor Kamu.v Skwino acd light manuiataring parposea asoor st.indaid machinos are foi nntnulacutriiijf purj'OAe.s ín lcoimhhI, We huve alwaytou hand, hkí, gai oar,9u,KTWisi ,ni eorro.vTHitK-Mi, on hi'ooi.s, inT rAi'i:iNi; oit in hnttlAH. etc. etc. 'c manufacture our own pfeedlP8,and rcotfld warn - ■ 1 1 pQX8OD" tisinfi uur miu-liint's nottnluiy ;uiy others. Vía knüw th;it thefe needlessold f tiê most inferior (noli t y at liiluT pricefl th.iii wc charge Tor the eüi. The needles auld'bi iti ure manufactuxcdttpedallj Tot our maililnes. A bad needie, may reiidcr tht bat machine almo 8 1 useiess. Our cnatomers may rest áf&uredthatalíour Ëcanch Offices are rominhetl with the ; genufne ucti " In case of smal) párchase, Ihe inoriej muy be sent in postaire staïnpi or bank notes. ' pendente wül nl aae writo their najnes dïsttnetlv. It is ftH hï portan t tliftt wc ghouldy incaclicaKC, kim the lot Office, County,and State. ï Ail bèwona requlrïng informatlon abont SeviïOg Mrtchinon, 1 hole iizo, prfcofl vorkfos oapsottios, aint tfie best meibodji of purelmslna, can obtain it by scmling to ns, or auy of mr Bianch Oilïces for n copy oí" I. BI. Singer & Co.'st Gazette, WUich is a Ijoautiful l'ictoiial l'upcr ciltircly UevrthU t tliü bubjecl- Ie win be sent gratis. -!■!■- &r V hare made tl.c ftbüvfl RED0C1MOK IN PRICE3 witli tlie i vo-fold view ai bencftl iog U q public and onrsclvcs. The public hav been swtedled bj spartoaa hiltriiinvs iali' in imil;itioti oL ours. Tiie nii:il in llum, fïom thfl ii"ii OMtlng feo srnallfst prict-, ii ol poor quaiity. Tbr ir makiTS bav6 nol the ulmuu to do ilieir Vvk WOU. TlifV nrciiii'. ;lw;iv in ■l■t p!áC6BwfalUfl it wou 11 be Impossible to havo at their Gommand tho propor mocïianiwil appHances. II iRonty by ifolnf ■ gfeal bustndsB , and Ujiving'oxtoiisive maDuiaOi uring establlah ñents, itmt inod machines can bo mado at moderatThe bwi desjgned raafiblneft, HAIH.V MADE, are aUv.ivs Habla t" gei out of order! and areswreloeoèi oonsfderable troubloand monrv to kwpthoni In-fepalre Tlie qualltiofl to be looke1 for m a Mcbineare : pet'.: ini v ui' cnn'.Tl ifi u n al all ratea ol Bpoéd . BÍt(plfcity i. gfeal uur:iiii:iiy . aBd'rapisfiti ol opratii-n, wilh tic b-ast labor. Uacnlfiet e (mbiuc tltcso eflsentlal tjuaiUies, [ be made of tbe best me,:al and Qnlnhéd to perffétlon, We have the way nnd muans, on n o i rad séaie, ko fln Hrla. The purchasGTa of mxehlnes, whoscdatly br%fltl it fnay concern, rill havfogdic abyeqalitiea not only wnrk well ai rapl'l au well ka afowtaiepol Bbeedjbut int longer IntliA QosaI poasible woi-kfrig order. Our mnchinps; :- made by ua, 11 earp more moDy u-ith Ics.s labor thanapy otfacni tyhetb,éi m oaUftion of ours or m( . In fact, chey arechcaDer tlian ;uiy other maohmeeafl ftgtft. " l. M. ifN6ER ftt CO., I;") Bronidwny NcwYnrk. ## hbtrbtt 9lfl6e. 56 IToodwftrd Awoue, (rferrfll niock.) si: tf M. ir. GOODKICIT, AgentAnn Arbor, lf ''W.MOllöAN, Agent tor Mutiinl I.if'1 rn''mirtnc'Cninpany , New Vork. AocujnuUtedAiwetJ!, .... 30,350,000. the lea4tncI4fB [nsurance Company In.tlie ü 8. Kniel. ■.:, k'-i !.;i. li) ui ■!,!■. Company, New Vorjt, - :i fivst clans ffifc Co: - iennii reasonbJu. ii u liiin. ló i i'ir. (nsurance Conipajay, N'v-V Vork. Oaplta1,ith rv iarao eurplns j - - 2uofooo. i eorlá Mafiaé ft lrolnsuifUuieOOtj I'orir lll. - Mi i Xü. 1 PtrermirtmtcCü. 7O7if Cupitaij ■ $51)0 ,■, HO RACE WAT E R S , A G E N T it :i .1 H r o a (1 w a y , N ! w York Publisltvi' oí II lisie niivl .lliwli Itooks M [IKAI.KH ÏN Pianos, folocleonSj Al ex andró Organe Organ Accordeons, Martin'fl odobrali'l uíicl uther Guffnrs, Violins, 'J'i'iiur :u]s, VM)lncellu8, AcrorclooiiP, Fl atinas, Flutes, Pifes, Triangios, Clnri mette, Timing Fjorks, Pifies iiHlIlaininur.s, Yioliii Bow.s, bcstltalian Strlngs, Bflsá Instruments for Bunds, Piano Stunls, añil covurs, and all kinds of Musical Instrument. B h e o t 3VE xx S i o, (.rom ;.ll (íÚMuhers in the I'. S., Bertini's Huillín1, and Modetn School, ;un all kimls of Inutrnction Uooks tlic a'in'M' Ki-iMlllK-nls; CllUTcIl Musie It.niii.-.; Miimc elí-jíiuitly bouiul; Mumc papóla aud all kitid.s ut Uinrfc Merchapdtse, A t t heLowest Prices. New Planos, At $17. $'200, $225, $250, and p to $800. Socoiíd líaod I'ian.'s tinta L26 up to $160: N'c? MeloileonK, $4ñ. ' $60, 7Ol00iHnd ttp i" 3í0; Siconfl Unud Uelodconi from Wff o $80; ■MexanditíOinns, ■--- i - v i ftc stops, $J60, Dno tps, Sl;' i"1' $225} thirteen .st])fc, S'JGO, 'J75 mui $300: firmen aiops. $320 and $:iT.r.; A liberal discount to Clerfjrfncu, Churche, SnbWttli m-1i.i,,n, íjcniin.irii-s ;unl Teftcers, Tire Trade ujíplit-J ut the uaual tr;ile H.SCOUtlt.S Testimoniáis of the Hornee Wat oís Planos &iiI 3Ï1 loilt-oii.-;. Jiihn Uvwi U. "f 'irtliiít!fi'w Vork, who ÜM fiad one of the HoraccWatcrs Pianos, writt-sad fotlows: - "A fricini (ífmino wifüieanio.topurchase a pianoof her. lik the yo sold m in December, 18S5. M_v plano fe populax ín tbis placi, aud 1 tliiwk I (jan [ntrtfdiuce oïtf ur Coro more; tltey will bu popd lar tlian nnv othor in:ikr." lía ve íwo of Watars' Piáfloa ín use in ourSczmnary, one of whih ha feteft soerely teste! for íhroo yciirs. anO we c.:tn testify to tïieir K"1"! quality and durability.' - Wood k Gregory, Monvt Carroll, TU. "II. '.',ttvi-s, - HkaR í-ik: Ltaving ue1 nnoof y"mr Piuno Korh-s [or two ytjus past. 1 Lave [untld it a very superior Instrumtrt. &lff$ZO GRat, Principnl RrooJcfyn HeighU Semir.ary. "Tho Plañe I reccivod from yon continúes to -ivr mthC&ctioo, 1 - ■ ■ ■'■'' ' ■' i ■'■''' tho besi instruiotaía in tho place." Jamks Im Clark b, Charleston, Va. "'llir tfelndeon üaa Baíelj ;irrivel. I fei-1 obligf.1 to you fory our liberal discüuut.-' Kev. J. AI. WcCUKaiKk. YarrHesvülcS, C. Xhe piaña was luly received. Itcainí in exc-Ht-nt conditmn, muí ;s vt-rvnnK-h ádiafreA by my ihimeronE fmnilv, Aciii ni v tluinkü Cor wur promptuess." - Rohkkt Cooi'HR, iVdrrenham, Bradjord Cf. Pa. jiiati'. pteaes ua weïl. It is the bpst ono ín our Cuutity.",- TnoMas A. Latuam, Campbtllton, Ga. "Wo are verv ínuoh ilil(r-il toVóu rornavlníj sont such a íinr in -l 'niuií-nt for $'-00. " - Bra.vk,IIkld & Co., ItuJfaJo Democrat. The Hornee Waírrs Pianos nreluiown r.amotitr ilift verv boet WV aro fiinblf1'! to s]o:ik nf tlieíe instrunu-nU' witli oonftdenep, from persona] knowlcde iti' ir u i-.-li.-tít 1.;:" nul -lunilil-' iu;il:ty.'! - jV. y. Evangelist. 'Vi can s)pik ..í' th.' fticríts "i the H_tuac VI i anosírom peí ■■ n ti km ■■'.■ '■■ ■ ■- biug the yery iim-.-.' ,j. ::♦-."- Qhriatian TntetUgencer. "Tío [ Watera pianoaró 0UÜ1 of thebí i .n.' y seasonpd in;i.ti-ri:i]. We have no doobi thatb -.y. i ■ ' ■■! ■'"!■" wclj-perhapa botter, al thitUliac at irtiousc ip Union." - Advocate a 'id Journal. waters9 pianos an1 rtiolódéóns challenge cómphrison wíth tbjjHftstmad.eanywhei'fl la tbc country;. - Bomt Journal "Horacë Waters' Píam r ríe1? are nf ruil, ru-li an.i ven tone, aml poweafiil - 2V. í". Musicai Rewem. "Our friend will TumI at Mx. Wa-ten' stítre ihe vory brst a-isoríment ot Muaic hikI t Pianos tobe found in . -aM we nr;.j our sonliirn iintl wctíicrli ve iiim a cali wheueri thoy goto New ," - Graham's Magazine. Warchouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sal ba th S ch ool Bell, iOO.OOO ssued in ten Moiiths. Tho unprecedented io oí this t5ok hs inAncedUie pnblislK'v i" 30 acw tuutwuml hymns toita presen! v, w. it lie 1 1 r!; t't on the cll H1'. Ani"?;'r tliomanj' lKiutifl tañes Mí muy be founfl: - "1 ouglit to loTe my motber;" "OI'u lj,. a eoort cbild, indoed ! ill.'' J"hese nad cight otln-rs frmn Uio Kcl!. -ero íurig at Uie .-iin.l.-iv School Annivers;-yy of the M. K. Churcft at the Acailemj of Huslc, wlth ■ .(.Uiusc. Tho mes uml hvnms,:mfl ís ono oMIu' ht.t colleríttAnfl erWrwued, e sio perbunAred, -- w4e Klegnntly bound, 8nibossd Kilt, 'Jóc, loo H !:as Ijimjii itrodncü bto manj .if Public ScS ■■;.í- The :' li publlshed in aroáll DomberR ennUea AnnteraaryandSundaj' School MusicBooks, Nos. 1,2, 3, .; 4, in order to acconiiBOdate tlic raillion; pricc í- : ?3 r (undred No. 5 wiH-soottbe-iMued - comnaencement ol anutlicr book. Als. Rérival Musíc Boois, N'o, 1 & '. prlc $1 & 2 per 100, i.ostage le. More lliaa 300,000 copífs of iibovi' booké bare been ianued I elghteen móüt&sj andtbe demaudUrftpldly iobreMiog. rublislii-'d bv HORACE WATERS, Agent, . .; Broadway, N'. Y. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 BroaiHvny, New York. Vocal "Kind Wort can Bever die;" "The Angel told me so;" "Wilds of the Wrst' "Thoughts of God;" "Giva meljack my Monntnin Home;" 'l'.iv niram:" "Dundv CockRobin;' 'M'm with the.e Btill;1PBtname;" "Thre's no darilnglifce mine;" "Sarah Jane Le;" "Eyar of thee;" "1'in leavingtbee iu gorrow;" "Birdof peauty," "HomeofourWrro;" "Qnmolttomwt," and Wake, ludv, -ake..' pdce 2öc rach. ' Ixstkimotai,- ' MVilace Canlen, or Rinirinir Bird Folk.' 40c; "Swingtag Schot ttscbe;" "Mirabel Schott!sch;" ■Thomu &ker' Bchottische;" "Piccolomini Polka, 35 cent each. The übovi'iiicccshavcbpaiiliful ViRncttcc "Weimer Pólk;" ''Amblan Wa cry ilarcli," the vervlakt; "YasKoviarnn i)niells Afazurka; "R't 1-' injr Pi-lka;" "Crinoline. Wult.," and "Lancera' Qua drillo," 25c tac).. "The Empire of lit'ich'H Qtlftíhllle;" a new dance, ñnd "Tlie Hiberntón Quadrille," 3iiceach. Many of these piece are plaved by Baker'a Mlabl I ptohert ra with jreat Walled free. A larijelut at FoxelCS UualC at half pnce. 'i;uii'. 3IelO(Ioii9 a lid Orgaus. The Horace WatecuPlaoos and Melodeons, for deptbj pifHU of tone and (TnraWlltjr, are onur]iassed. l'rices very ïow Sccond Hand Planos and Mëloiïi bna Ti-nin J2ö w SI'o. Music and Musical fmttrnctloiui "f all kinds, atthe lowest priecs. IIDÜACK WATERS, Agent, No. 338 Broadway, X. V. TfBTOtGXUJJi't - "The Hornee Waters l'iauos are know'n a ajnong the very best.' - Evangzlist. "Wecan BpealÉ of their inerits from personal knowledge." - Chrietian hudligcnctr. "Xothingat the Fair displftyed greater excellence -" - Churchman. Waters' I'ianos and Meloaenns onaUengecompartaon with Sneat made anywherein the country.''- Humt 9mmUl. ' Tl9tf LOOMIS & TRÏPP, Succossors to Chapín & Loomis.andChdpiu, Tri pp & Looiuié ■i.- .O ■ - THÉabore firm of Loomie & Trípp Iiavíiíg puf cTiaaeí? the cutiré interest of tle former companie wil" continue the basteen at theeM stands, wïiore tlwy wil: bc ready, on thcshortust notico, to CU allon'lcvs in tht Une ot Castings and Machinery, ín tlie most workmanlike manner, and on na libera term au any ntlit-v slmp n tliíí State.Among tlie vari ouh iirlicli'Mii:ur,itai-fi;n-il bv u, wc would enumérate STEAM ÊNGINES of all Idfids; Mili Oéartag and Fixtures, WTOuriitanii cast; alltlie rarlooj castings for making nd repairing Horse Powcrs & Thresliing Machines 8uch as arciit present. or havo formerly been In use in thia part df theState, ae well as all the rartoua kindaof castinttfl anï machine work oallod for by farmers and mechanics inthi.s seotion of tlie conniry. of all the v:i,-inus paUern, up In Bi s and priecs. wïll ba koptconstnntly on handjgot the :nuhi nrodsni aml iaiprovcd siyldti Tlianfcfii! for ftrtnto )aifODgfl to tlie old finns, we would soüoit a oontinüftncê froin old fneivls, and a trial by all wtsiituK forimythinc inour line of busillMs. 1.OOM1S & i KI1T. Ann Arbor, May I8tb, 1869. 697tf THRËSHING MACIIINIiS. pati;n ti:d Axn maxu-wctured by Nichols & Sheppard, JJattie Crcek, Micli, Improved for the Season cf 1862 ín tliis Si'ii.iriitnr the gnln ïm sepacvtad ftroin tha rl w by measii ol HfttngfluMTBj tiii tosa thfl straw up iml doWfl Wfrt ;i Bodden motion frora the lime it Icnvo the cylinrfrr uut il t pauea In the slakker, iiml tltc gr.iin fiills tiirnugh a bottom nui'lc of 'slatv, olear froin Ihe ctraw. The pttrtfl óittaïnirg ihöM ftngrfl and the t f ltï t grftin bottom :l ro mitáo to vibrato r witipr baclcwarrl ud i'orwnt'l, wblcb worti tu" struiv (o tlic st:ickor and Uic srnfatothe Bievs. Tiïe RV(npiorUj of tbia machine aveynll "H hts conflUtfl in if PttrfctA0ratioat)on of Grain iromStrew, GrQHt siii]lt' ty, having no pickers oc beaters i up, andloss macbiaery tlu anjr otlur oiaclu&e now (in;ir;iritV. Mlt Wlll il"! W8tfl vlion rOWOOd. ivi i "i flniiHT, bavinjg fttfg beivea than anj othor. ëmj fïrait, lL'ttpr conhtrucicl, nngle and durable. Pennsylvfinia Iron Iloive Power. in Tiintnl to bp tlir Irst EIamq l'owt'v in wré Usdo wiih m...-i fti in-. fam -is pwf(ired K:i nn'TS Blld 'l'iiri'siicr-i ( HtcIlfgMl ! Wfl 0067 viui tfaE HKST UAOHINFMtrUSK. Bpiter ttiftti W Is', II.ÏH's pOVlowUlO, cr ;my iliafliim1 butll ü!l thelr principien. If ton iníptul b'iyinfr n nmehtiK of nny kiníl gui a pair. pli lol of ti tir our Vgent, and RAtUf,i youru-K'. - ['amphtet neol fr'ee. Cali anüsee.oT adïrea NICHOIL & Siici'CAi'.n, H:i1ti" Grwfc-, Michigan. (r M. ROKERS, or MYKOX RASH, Agtntfr, Ann Arbor ; er J. V, Wakma.v, ;i fit, Itoxttr. " SijS rjiriR iin-l'r.i-iu! h r-i.y forbldi fül perfiw iruptlng 1 :niy ono onhifi aeoount without :i writlen 01 pay tv such tiebts. WCflXES. '1.M BFW! w; R Aqb 'U'-r. Mj Milt, 1h,:. . rfl GREAT.GREATER GREATEST tóíGáJNS EVER OFFEREÜ 1859. 5- 1 85Í). [q tliis City, are uow being offered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & J o -w ulry StoreTIIF. Stibscrib'-r wouldaity to theoitlzflïisof Ann Ar ! particular , and the rest o! Wjnhtenaw (,'nunlt in general, hehasjust lMPOItl'KO DlHliCTLY from KUUOPK.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! All of whicb In' Mnds himsulf to eell CHEAPKK tlian can be houghl west of Knw York City. Open Fncn Cylindèr Wntches trom SS to 810 do Lever do do 8 to iii HuntingCHBfi do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylindèr do do 9 to 28 Guld. Watehra from 20 to 150 I have also the CELEBRATJED AMERfCAN WATCHES,! wli ich I wlll Ben ttr 35. Evtiry Vvatch warranttd to perfunn wc II, or tho monïy relunded. Clocks, Jnwclry, Pinted Vnrrt, Fancy Good. Gold Pens, MiisicEilhistrumeuts and átringa, ! Cuttery, &c, :nid Ín fflf t n variety of cvprythinir Udiially kppt 'ny ■ elfirs enn be boughtfortne oext uinety dflys ut yur 0 W N PRICES! ersoiiB buyintr Abythlng tit this wpII known estab srrine ut ('mi rely 'ipou srfiiting goods oxact'y as ropenent'd, itrthemoney relundcd. Callear) y and aeurc tlio best burgains evor olï'orcd in thii City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : Ve urn prepafod ro mnko nny repnira onfine or comnoii Watchea, oven to mnkingo or the entlre watih, f noceseary. Rppulring of i'locks and Jewelry hs ïaunl. Also tho. msnufaotOrinv oí RINGS, BROOOEIS, )r aaytliinu dnsirod, from California Gold on short noice. Enpraviiiy in allits biaucheeexeented withneat nudfi and diepatch, J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jbp. OPthlpriO. 7E-lw Important National Wcrks, Pubüahed bj D. APPLKTOM & TO.j 346 AND 348 BROADWAYKEW YORK The follvvwing works are sen( tö 9nt)SCriberÍ! in a'ny pftrt if f.iinlrv, f'ui-fii n-c-'ipt of re t uil prict',) by mail 'VhekkvaVikriatv CYciiOPJflïDtA: a nii'iinii;ti-y of Genera] KnowLedgA. Edltod by ■Bo. Kiplky and Chaklks a. Dana, alded by funameroM Bek-ct corpa of writarfl m ;ill branches of Sciences, Art ainl literatüre. Thft wórS bbeizig pabluhèdinaboat 15 lurgc octavo volumos,Oach oontainlñff7(0tirocolunii] jagos Vol. I., n.. hl, iv. v., vi., vu., VIII.. 6 ïx. aro ïi'.'.v r. ,k: . -:i.-!i poptaining neai 2.600oriina) artl cleS. An ad" volume ' publislu-d once ia about Ihrcr immtli.. Pricefin Clotli, L$'; Sbeep, &3.5O; Half Rus.sia, $4.50 Mich. 'liio Nev.r American pydopndla is popular witibool beiiíí auperfleial, Icarnod without beiug pedantic, couipi'e :it -ini!u:i.'nii 'itt.iilnt, rroefcofii iKTsomtl pique tj ;.ivjiMi-r, frefli and VL't accunito. It is a .'.-, ïemenl of all ilmt-is knówn upon övery iiu. ■ ■ pe of human intoiligcnce. - Kvcry importAni nrticle Init han e spreially ■.■hi-'h ; . inon whoareautboritiea uirjn Ute topic on vilten Uji-.v ppeak. Thcv uro re quired to bnng the .■■int (ri'iun'ui ; tö state jiut how it itinndA Jinw. All He statistica) Information i.s from the ports the eeographical accounts krrp pace irith Lhe la-test éxpiorafions; Walorïca) matlcis include the freshesi ju1 views; Éne biographleaJ nottceaeda ik nol onlv of thedoaU bui ulsuof tho living. It ia u tibrary of tetlf AlïRlDE.-WKXT OF THE DKBATES OP oí;rkss Befng aPolItícal Hlétoryofthi . lbo organizatiou of the ftrat Federal Con i 7S" to 1856. Editedand oompiled by Hon. Tho. JUUT ÍÍKNTON.fl-oin 1 lic IHlicial Records 'i OoBgrClffi. Tho work wilt becmrpleted in 15 roval octaVo vol tunos i.f 780 pngeaeach, il ofwlitah "are noir ready. An adAitlonal u il pabKslied onw i:i tbrec months. C1oth3$8; Iaw Sheep, $8.60' Half Mor., $4: Hall C:,ir. 84.50 each. AWAY 0K PIUKJÜRWG TilKCYCl.Or-EIHA 0RDEBATE8 Form a dub of Eour, and remit the price of foiir honk, aixl livi.1 nont ui UiereniitU't.s eïpeiwefar ■ 6i '■■■ fit .-iiliM-ri'n-i. (■:,■■, mi copies -.vill bf sent at our expenso forcarriage. To Agi Is. No otber work wQ] so UberaUy rewardtbe exerttonfl ui gents. An .'t;. uwntkp in mis Coünty Terms ïi;:nif known on applicaiioD to the l'ublisbers. Aun Arbor, Uarch. 1869. 6&02n.nt ■. Bot. Tbob. WsiuHT, agent at Elnno ftSmlUu Book atoro, Ypsilanil. Blackwood's Magazine AND TUE British Reviews. GHEAT liDI CËMEiVT-SLBSCRIBEÏ PREMIUMS and REDUCTIOwS. L. ñCOTTfc CO., XKW YORK, continue to publish the fullowinjF leudíng British Peroiltcai.-, vix; 1 TÍIK LON'DOX QUARTERLY (CoDS?rvative), iï TIIEKDIN'BURGII REVIEW (Whig). :ï ÏIÏKN0I1TII BIUTISH 1ÏKYIEW (Free Churcli). THE WESTMIX3TKR REVIEW (Liberal) 5 BI-ACKWOOÜ'S EDINBDRGfl MAGAZINE (T-rv). Tl pre&ent erttfcal state ai' Europcau affaire wït rrmVr there pubhcaïions unnsually íntór'Ofi'ntig d uring the fortliconiinjr year. TJicy wiil ocaapy i mldUIa grouad betwiHïD the bast il y written news-jt"m, ernde ipecuhilioi)K, ;tu(l iiyinii ninwrs of the tl:tilv .Tonrrinl, ft nd the pomicrous Toiuü uf tl ie future historian, wrilten kfteriheHrlng fileros! mul éxcflcméut of the great ovc-ulsof t)ii' time nhll have pnssed away. It U to these Periodïcala vuii readers npost loo for the onlv nvillv intelligiblü nnd rrliabii hlstorv "1 fiinvn' t'vi.-nts. anï as sucb In additltto to i hlt welï-e.tabHshed liti-iiuv, scicr.tific, and ttMoJpgiaflJ charactor, we urgo liem upn thficnn-iiili-rationof the veading public. 'i iccoipt of Advnucc .Sheets f rom tb e Britisli pubtishern gfvof) ftddttional valuc to these líeprintn, hüisr.nieh n they cannow be placed ii the banda of Bubocriberu ab ut aa sooh tbc original edi(ions. TJJRM8, (Regular Prices ) IVr aun, Forany oncof the fonr ECbrfowx, - - - $3 00 Kor -liiy two of the fuur lieviowM, - - 5 00 ]: ftoyihree of Iho fonr Urviws, - - - 7 oo Por all foor of theEtovlew, 8 00 Kor BUickwouirs Ktügasinc, S 00 Kor BUu-kwooti md (me Review, - - ■ 5 Oiï For BktekwoedAnd to fïnviews, - - 7 00 For BíftCÍtwoodíiña tliree Pevic-ws, - . - 9 00 Kor Black woml and the fourJíevicws, - - 1U 00 Moncy curran in the State vhirc is-wcd will bc reedvzd ut par. POSTAGE. The POÖTAOI to any part of the Daltod States wiil bfl but Tweníylour Cents a year for " Bl?kwood ," and but Fourtccn Cents a year for each of the m rkv. At prifi's im PeriudicaU will bo furnt.-hed for 1862. AND A A Premium to New Subscribsrs, tho Mpfl fif thc-ïain.-I'crioOitIsftfi-lSCO willbcfui-nilicá Complete, without ádditioital ckarge. L'utike (he mor- ephciuraJ MaMEioee -t tlw ilay, lis lose httle ly K0' Hencei a l'iill year ei' the Xos.for lbfiO, mav bc rogarded ncarty as valuable ás fór isii. Subscriben wlshtag l-o tho tíos, for lStíl, will be uppÜftd El the toIÏOWing KXTKKMELY I.nWKATES. Rplendid Offers tbr 1860, '61, & '62 Together. For Black wood'a MágfeMudj tho thrce yoaraj SS 00 bv any oue Review, " " 5 00 For any tw oRevjIevft, - ■ " (1 8 00 For Blackwood and one Review, ' (i 8 CO por Btóekwood and two Kevïews, " " l' 00 Fortlireo RAvteirs. " tl 1100 Foi lil.ickwHid and Ihree Reviews, " " lfi 00 For Ilie fotiT I-Vviov.-, " (l 13 00 1 or tüfickwood and the fonr Reviews, " 1" 00 Anynf tlie abovcworlis will al) ho funiished to Nao Subscriben tor the v uylSS-'i , H, aad V, At Oue Ha!f the Regalar Subscription Prices. Tluis a Nao Subscribir mny obtiiiii the Reprinti nI' Uit Foiir Rftyjojvu 'uil Black wood. Seveu Consecutive Year ior $37 ! ! ! Which irf büt little more thán the nrice of tlu1 original vorki) i"i' ine yOo r. As w siuili liever agfthl !■■' Hkcly to offer fiiich ri'ineeniciit-i as tho.e here presented, Now is the time to Subscribe ! ! g_? RemlttitDcea must, in all casfi.s, be made direct tQtkePubli$hers}ioT&i Lhesoprlceá no conuuissiou cap beolldvícdiu agetits. LKOXAIÏÏïSrOTT&CO. No. 54Goldstreet New Vork Ann Arbor Marble Works. nocveola-olca.O!" II AS uu hami a lino ajisortmtnt of Ameiican aud 1TAL1AN MA B B L L irbic)ibeÍ8 pi'citarciHw uuimfaetuic into ü O N U ■-- 'tips Vl MEN'fS, II E A I) - ' %aVJT'"ggBP STOSES TCMU 52Í jf TA1ÍI'ES TABLE iyËB BIJp !TOPS, Ac . , tc.t " Sï-JL-'i fec. i (SC, in nlUhi'ir vai-ietie3, niirl n a WÜltKMAXLIKlC nunui.-r Ifavinjí had cofuïtilefablo xprieno lu the husmos; i... iiA 1 1 ■ js li-n.-ftt th&t lie will bc fcbleta ploMl all who ni;ty tavoti nu with th-ir ori'.erp. Hts prtoM LO W AS THE LOWEST. vrtnlilnK any thinje in my Hn are respnctful .:. . , , D.C, BATÜKELDKB. ■ ■):,,.■. May Í0, 1801. Wllil NOTICE3. Ï11K CNUKRSIGKKD i]l t me amlad prqpf]8 up to .Tur.e 2i!, nt 10 A. M. fnrtliPront o! tl.. ];ui rjroal) U (lnriiif; tlic coming HorM slio-v nnfl Shecp Rhoacing I',-..iijl Iir t-if.'tii.ii .t KrfiosjKiifTit talla. Tlie lUjnrtM ".il! 1 1 ■ t Ik1 piTliiittrii. R.ORKEN. ) i; s. ■ ITH. i ■'"" Htj .-J., le 8 AíER'S CATHARTIO '-fy?'(l%Jf KJ Arri ym hck, fttfble-, nnd LjipwK coinplaiiiiug? Are yon out oí 4SJyríH!UW3 j ui.l' i, witlt yonr Hystem ' ■ lnJpínHB vaiKv1' :uitl i'0111" t-Hnga ' "-I I C E l'Khh comfortubltíí TÍiujíü : milvvaukip :''VV tjiiis often tbe prelude to _' a ffiwiJHh ÍMir'0lls l'tItff"s íívme fit oí : ' TaBfc--I.íL;HH BK-kness iflcreeping upou you, ■ I' !?3HH ad eliuuld Ijo averted by a L . -y BH ■ tímely use uf the right ; -LvL'1-. ■0 edy. Tnke Ayer's l'il;i, and í ■N%'H cleauie out the dinordercd hulií 1BHI mors - purify tli bluud, and i HbXlnH9 lct lno I3"iild niove un unobfí'Fp . HHBL stnictod ín Im-.II)! agtiin. . JLfc JOft: H W Tbey timulate tbo functions 0%K flHH l'ie ody 'llt0 vgOIOUF) ac s.BBRg tivity, purify tho fsyntem from -tzs Tin - j0 oiibtructiona which make , ftwMe. A coW setttes somewhero i tlio body, and obstructs íts natural functioiiH. These, if uot relioved, renct upou lliemaelres and tho enrrouiidlng organs, produdDg getteral aggrnftttton, sulícring, and diaeaae. M'liiloin tliís couiHtion, oppivwiRil by tho derangements, . Uke Ajer'a Tills, aml see huw diroetly thay rostore the j natural nrtion of tbo nystein. and wilh it tho buoynnt feollag of lieaitli aRJiiu. Vfbát truc and so apparent ín t ti í ; trivial and coinmon cotniíluint, is il ■ truü in nmuy of thc dtwp-seutud and üiingeiuiiH iliátempors. Tho Hamo purgativo effect expela ttaeni. Causeil by simiUr obstmctioos nnI derangemootsof tho itatural functions of the body, thñy itre rapidly, and umiiy of tbem aurely, cured by theH.ime meaos. Nono who know theTirtueB of theeo 1'ills. wül uoglfct to einploy tht'ui wbeu sulTeriug from the cUsyrderfl they cuco. Statements from lendliiff phyuïcton" i soie of the priuclpal dtíes, uud lVoiu otUcr weïl kuowu public perFrom a Ibrwarding SterchoOÜ -f Y. Louis, Fcb. 4, 1856. Dr. Aykr: Your Pilis aro tho pariiRon of all that Ís groat in incdlciiio. Tbcy biivn cured iny litílo daughtcr of ulcoroiií' botos upou tór bárads aod reet that had proved incurtiblu yaca. Her mot hor has been Iuiir grievouKly ftfHlct(.'J with Motches aml pimples on her kli aud iu hur hair. Aftet oor eliild was cured, eho also tiitd your 1'ilU, uud tUoy have cured her. ASA MOUQRIDQË. As a Family PHyslc From Dr, E. W Cxrtwryht JS'ao Oiíean. Your Pi!1 aro the prïoe of puvgos, ïbeir excelïetit qnalitiee 6urp:w un y t-ntbrtjc wo possess. They aro mild. but T4-ry ceríuin antf eflfechiai in their acdon on the bowels, wbteb tnakafl ttteni invuluublu to ua iu thu duily tiraiin.'uL of dtaeaso. IItttdaclic,Siv -Kil iuln lie.Foul StoniRch. ÍVÓm Dr. Edwurd Hoyd, BaUtinorc. DearÜiio, Ayeii: I cannot ansnrer you what complainta I have citrcd with your Pilis bettor tïmn to say ali that wt tvcr treat v:ith a purrtatirc mestktnc. 1 place groot dapflu deuce on an ffiectnal cathartic in my dally conteet with tli.seuso, and belleviDg as I do thtit yonr Pilis aHord us the tuut we huw, I of CüUtijy valúe Llium liighly. riTTaniiRO, Pa., May 1, 1855. Dr. J. C. Atkii. Sir: T have been repeutedly eured of the worst Atem&Mfo any body can liare by a (lose or two of your Pilis. It toomt to aiidu ftoua u foul stonmch, yhloh they ck-anse at oDOOi Youi-d wicb graal mpect, BI). W. PREïïLK, CUrk oSteamer Clatiun. Biliüuu Disorders - Til ver Complaluta, [ Fnm Dr. TJteodore Bell, of New York City. Not only aro your PüIb julmirably adapted to the ir purpose as an apcriont, but I tlnd thcii1 bo tic al effects uikjii tho Llver veiy marfced ladocd. Tltey havo in my practico pro ved moro effectual lor the curo of bilious cmij?lain(s thaii any onu romcdy 1 cid inontioii. I Blnoerely ri'joice tliat vto havo :tt. Itfbgtb a ptirgutlvo which is worthy the couüdüiici; oi lliu proftsstoa aud the people. Department of ïhe ÏNTEniOR, 1 Washington, D. C, 7th Feb., 1850. Sir: I have useü your lills in my geu&ral and hospital prnctjee ever siuce you iuado theni,and oaiiDot hesitate to May they aio tho bL-st cathuitic we euiploy. Their rpgulatiug actiuu on the Hm' is qOidc and docidcd, conaequcully tiicy are an admirable luitiedy fur derangements of tliat orgui. Itidi'cd 1 have scldom tound a caso of bilious dise'tsf. HO obstluate th;ü it. dld not icadily yield to Uium. iïattnmlly you ra, ALUNZO JJALL, M. D., l'hysiciuu of the Marine Hospital. Dysentcry, Dinrrlioen, Relax Wonns. Jf'Voïi Dr. J. O. Qttctt, ftf VUicugo. Your Pilis havo liad a long Irtal ín my practice, and I hold them In esteeui as une of the best aperiente I have ever found. 'i'hcir altomtivê effect Qpoii tli Hvcr niakea tliein an excellent remedy, wben giren In mail doses for b&fous ibjsenterif umi aüxrrhc ■'. Tli'-ir Biigar-cofttlng makes them vory acceptatie aud cyuvonieut-for tho uso of wonieii aml cliildien. lylM 'pjiia, Iinpurity of tlic Blood. Frvni Hcv. J. V. llimes, intor qf Ademt Chitrcïi, Jiotton. Dn. Ayer': I lmve tised your Püb with extraoidinary puccess in my Ouuily and tunong llioso I itm callod to visit l Ín distreBb To ri;ijlnto tho organs of digestión and purify the blood, they are tho very beet remedy I have ever Unown, and I eau confidriitly recoDiminid theui to iny friendo Youra, J. V. H1MKS. WAEfliW, Wyomiug Co., N. Y., Oct. 21, 1855. Dbar Sm : I jim usiug vuur Cathartic l'ills In my prnctlce, and lind tbem uu excellent puralive to clcaiibc tho By.stííui aud vurify Lht fbiaitain f Vit blood. " John g. mi:aciiam,m.d. Constlpation, Cost.lveiiess Sitppressio, ItÏKïiiaai isiti, Gout Neuralgia, DropByf Paralysiü, Fits, etc. Front Dr.J. I'. Yamjhn, Muntreal, Gxnada. Too mncli rnunot be ald of your Pilis for the cure of cotfiv&uu. If olhers of our fiatemity liave found thom as eflicacious as 1 have, thoy shonld join mo in pruoliiiniing it for tho benefit of tho multitudes who sufll-r fiorn that comphiint, which. altlinugh had enougU in ItMlf, is the proifuuitor of othtrs that sro worse. I bolievo cottiveness to origínate in the livcr, bilt your Piilö affect Ihat orgau aud cure the diseose. Fnm Mrs. E. Stoort, Ptysicuin and Midicie, Boston. I ftud one or two larga doses of your Pilis, taken at tlio liroper time, are excellent promolives of the natural secrelon when whoTly or partutlty bnppresseil, and also very efiectual to dcansc the sloutadt anti txjtf,l tvorms. TJiey aru no nnich tho bost physlc wo have that I rocoinuiend no othcr to my patients. Fiom. the JRev. Dr. Btnoka, of tlte Methodist Bpis, Church. PüLASKl Savannah.Gn., Jan. 6, 1856. Hokored BiR: I should be imgrateful for the relief your skill haa brought me if I did ïiot report my case to yon. A coli! seUlcd ia my limbsantl brought on excruciating mnrdïgic pains, wïiich endcd in chronic rinimatism. NotwlUXStandlDg 1 lmd Hit Ijest "f plijsiriuiiM. Uie dieaao grew worse and worso, uutil hy the advice of yotii' excellent arent in ltaltimore, Dr. Mackenzfr, 1 tricd your Pilis. Xfaflir cffects vare slow, but sure. lïy perst?ering iu the uso of them, I am now entircli' well. Senate Ciiajider, Baton lïowge, La., 6 Bec. 1855. Dn. Ayru : I havo bpen cntirely cured, by your PMs, of Jtheumatic G'oul-n paiuful diaease that lind affilcted me for years. VINCENT SK1DKLL. 49" Most of tho Pilis in market contaïn Mercury, vliii'h. atthough a valuabio roinedy in skilfut htinde, is dangerous in a public pill, from tlio lreadful consequenoes that fiefiuently follow its incautloua use. Thce Luntain no mtreury or inincrnl substanco whatevor. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxea for $1. Pre#arfti hp Dr. J. C. AYJvR & CO., Loto11, K ass. And foi s.i i Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson, FARRANI, SlIKi.KV .c CO. , Ih tmi; 80Eyl J II. Bl-"flKlIX, Tra vt-lling Agent. AT 1USD0N & IIENDERSOÏsS &%kjjSgSm THE GENUINE W& STEWRT'S S T O -W E3 . We wish to cali tlie iilteiiüon of the public to this celebrated COOKING STOYE! Whijh isHlie only perfect stovc made. It will do more Imsiiiess with one tliird les fuel than nny othcr STOVE made. From teatuiH'ny givcn by tlic persons referml to bulow, on account of ka öuiability and Fuel Staving Qualiiies3 it Las proved a savjng fr.mi Twelve To Twenty Dollars pur yenr. Wo would rofer you to tho following list of I'ERSOXS WHO HAVE THEM IN USE: I'n.r. Tupian Ann Albor. .'hu F. MHIcr, Ann 'Arbur Prof. VTood, " J. Gilberl f-'mith " l'nif. Winclidl, " .F. T. Auls, " Prof. DougilwftS, " ! Josrph W:i!ir ' Alplieu Féi, " T. WflkiMOn, " WtD. K. M:irti:), " 8, DeirtOll, I' Bich'd Iljwpcr, " O. flawkins, " Hm, . I! . r.CransiT,'' C. A.Cbnphi. " .1. V. M:i '. ikuiI, " Ctiiu'lep Tltitvcr, F. L. Sttbblns. " lliuiiii Clark, " I'. i!. Wiisfin, " S. Rotsford. A A ,1WA. yr.i. O. Vi-!di, " Thoen Wooi, PiUSIleld. Mrs. K.T.Villia:;i," I n Dnuy, '■ V (hfliin, " Jacob Polliemus, SU C. II. W.....1. i' $-. C. GoVdlo, JuMph w. 1 Mr. Feilen.-, Sharon. We hnve on hand a largo assortment of the best kinds of Cuoking, I'arlor and PLiVTE S T O V E S , mul a genetal assortment of HARDWARE AND TIN WARE, and Bent. stuff for C.irringe work. Particular nttention paid to fitting up Eiivetrough and Conductora, and ftll kinds of Job work dono at the Shotteet Noliue. R1SD0N É HENDERSOV. Ann Arbor, 1861. TO LET. Tur BRIC1S HOCSE tnd Bun bow oooupimi h) Wnej, i.n IviM.ii ■.li-n-i.Aini Aii..ii-, fm■t gti i-m Ihe 1 -l of April. B tol togood ',.-■.'. v Umat I verj l"v rent,iÏDiilidiot DOSM luiiiiircof 1 ].. i:. inTiiuz. An.iArl,.r. Maryl) 28, LS( I 8-lilf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. rtgiga Sale. DKFAI'I.T havlng beon iiirule in Ibrr raü'im, n( mortgage niade by Williain V. Anoinunij Kim u Aiinin t t'].:ir!f Moóre DelowShowurinan ai,i} v tua gamson.dated Fobmary Uth,A. D. 1S5J r , '' in tin; office o: Register ol I : fot lito i .-i,,,, ' WanktoiMw, Michigan, February tlat, A 1 1057' " 0 Vloek In lbo l.lberSöoi iioit'.:i,„.'lV' ld which mortage, l'.v writiny, ditej jau list, I10J. was amtigned i) MtM mortgagi-ea tu AL : Clark. undersiglUfd : nd l; ■ ..„.„i th,!" reeorded 00 the said itar of Itftdateai one au.l i, o'cloek 11 the af ternoon ïn the ?aúl Register', oíl 11 Libe: .!. ,,f moriKiigespase "35: 0pon whleb i,,,'".'1 guge ihere íh clnimcd ilue and UDpnid at tire úatr (,f . notice tbe ubi ni nine liundred ninety tbr !,,[■ J'B andtbitty-three cents, anJ the further Inatalinuní!! tbree bimdred eighly-ttiree and 33-100 dolían witi', ■ ttrrst from 1-Vbiuary ldtli, ln.-t past, t h-com,. due 'n' year Irom the laat narned d.ite, and Doauitor bnw D' íng at iaw llave bij!ii inhtituteij tu recover lic j,. utoretuiid elalmed lue or a;iy part thereojj Kafa V th.Teí'ori.' licrc-by given t':at by YÍiJue ni -A Loer ■ Raid B0ctgag c'iiilxit-l, in order tu Kallze 1J0r) , nuw chuiiifii ii aforeiuüd -lueon B.'iid inortgaife Ut'ix er witb tho interest aceruing from the Jstf hereiif the cosí of forecloaure pioviüedfor ín aitl m,jr'tj., 1 shnll .-vllat public auctlon to the hlgltest l.idtiifr1 tlietront dr of the Court House (tho plaeo Á Ín ,i-11 the (u-uil Court CbrWulttenan Counir) in the "'jj Ana Arbtir, 11 siil cmnty,on 28tb d:ty u J u-xtf at twoo'elock ia tb aftornooo, the prcmii,tM e siiid nHirtjWíW describei), nituate in Wasbtenav CouC to-trit: AH that cí-rtain tnict or parcfcl of land kin and deaeribed as follona, tu wil: Thr norlh -eut ,u terof MdiOO numtfr twentr (20) in towmhij. i,ui' four south of range No. fnur (4) east -xc.jtin(;iimj scrviiig iilvrays from the operaúon if (his iíiirur ■ about forty one and a half acres from oQih ! tbereof heretofore conveyed by Rphraim UilWrt iI2 7.-nah Jenkin by deed datad May 7th, 187o (for áK, tiouof nhich see aahl deed,: Algo vxceptini; añil n serving aboutthree aiM-es of Haid quarter aection here.' tofore deeJed to James Crampton: Also exct-jitinc anH reserving nineteen (l'.l) aad tbree-tenlhs (3 10) ,ct„ of said u,uii". ter seetion beretofore deeded to RykBiownpll: AUo exeeptfqg and rcsenrlng about iti. acres of thenorth Met córner of nad tuartr stet ' heretoforff sola taddeeded to John MHte, rnnkin, leaving tlie amouAt of lamí hereby convtved Jbg"! Dinety four (94) acres be Ihe same more or lew: ? granting and CODveylHg L(,rcbj b tbe saidparties o(iu second part, theii belm or ansijrna.all lije rilit, ,3 priTilegea whlch sald partí of the ffratpart mavh,. ),osses of raising watvrand flowing lands for üsw Z purposeí of propcllhig machinerr for rr.ül or for ! other purpose. ALONV.OCLAÜK, Assieo,, E 1! Wmoii. AH'yfnr Assignee. Uated, Marcb 20, Vi6i. 8(i( Morígage Safe. DEFAU.T harint lieer made in the conattlón of, morígage roade by William W. Annin and rima I Antiln to Wltllam R. Bartleft under the name anl Mik of Wllluun Hiirikit, datad August Bil, A 1' D-56 í cordéd November Stíx, A'. D. 1856,at oneo'crock J; u in the office 6f Eteglutei r-i' Deedt, for Wasntena CoM.' ty, Ulcbigan, in Líber 2á of mortgagea, page aoa aswgned by said mortgagee to the undersigoed aÚu, Clark, by wriiing,ilntd December 18th. A D lm .h recorded March 24 th, A. 1). 1862, at eight o'cíock ó tí, fore noon in lid Register' office in l.ibor 23 uf mungages; page 117, uponvblch mortgage there U clam aueandonpWdat the date of this noti,-,. the sumo! one hunilred and lilty )ne dollars an.l uixtv ci-nt mí no uH or proceeding at law having been iostitutui fot the recovt-ry of -ai.: .lebt secured by ai.i murtirnTC,. any part thereof N tice therefore ís hereby giv'tn tbit ontho 28th day of .Iun! next, at t- o'cloék in ti,e,(. ternoon by virtud uf a power contained in aid moit1 iirder to realiie the aam of mom; w diie a aíoresaid on said mi rtgdgc togethur IU interest accruing and costa of foreelosure provMoi foi in aaid mortgage. 1 .,ull s-U at public auetii . to thehi.ïhost bidder at the door of t..( C Houte (th ptatoeol holding the Circuit Court lor wjh ; 'inlvj in the city of Aun Arbor iu saW countt, tiie ptemisM iu said mortgage described, viz.; All that 11 rl;ün Iract or ..arcel of land knowu aml OBUCTibad u follows. to-wit. iitoated in the townshlp o[ ürHjew. ter, in the county of Waalitcnaw aJ State of Micliin, knovvii .is benig a part. of the northenst ijnarter nf et. tionniiiniii 1 lenty, 11 townsbipnumber f,,ur suuthri range number foaréast ; oeginning outh uno depe, and tliirtj minutes east ten ciiaius and ilxtï lint n.m quarter post in norlli line of wiid section, twenty t ■ certain yollo oak tree, running thmice along iimitT line souf h oné degrec and thirty minutes 1! nin. t,iii chains and thirty-eiglit links to a stakf il Hlghway from which a rellov oak tiee bears Dotlk thirty thrce anl olie half degrees easl liftv tivc liaki, theiice north Kereoty derreea and thirty niinulft east five chains and ülty links to a yellow oak trw marked, llicnce north tin degrees, weat 'nlnety-ffve Iinh tó a stake, thence Qortb sixty nlue degreos east dik chains and sixtv two links f. ,:. .-.: :. :th 8fteen degreea wost -.-ven chaina and h'fly links t-racurtain thorn tree o r bush standing on the souih bank 6Í ' Re-hasaleer MilUmill pond, tbence along the bant ui lnni. nf said p nd. rit high iater mark, tu placeof bginning, contii 1 nin . '-n acres and three teiith) ol an acre of land. The above desenbed courses an i-i.mated from true meridian allowance beiDg tna-ïeof ti degrees. lor variatiou ot' m .-dlu June, A. D.lcf51. ALONZO CLARK, AsaigD. K. Il Wioi),Att'v for Assignee. Dated, March -J4', 1862. 645td Notioe. NOTlCKis hereby given thatapplicittion wíl] berajidet tbe Circuit Court for the county of Washttniw, q HenryE t& GeorgeA.Petevs,toobbiinan order fromiwi Court facatinK Warren S. Hutchiosun's additioD t tbe Villagc of Scio, Washtenaw County, as reoorded in Utk-r J. on page 26 of Deeds, iu ttie Registert office for i'! Couuty ; and also to vacate the uddttion of Kobfrt Gilee to said Village of Scio, as recorded in Lioer 1-, ot leeds,at page 14, in the KegHters'ö office for Vïsshtenavv county, XWITCHEI.I. k KK.lZlï. Att'ïa (or llenry E. k Ueu.A. Vrt-.n Datcd, May 19, Ié62. Commissioners Notice. STATE OF MIC1HKAK, County of WfcJblaoCT, The anders!; n#d havtng been apjointel )" e bate Court for said Couiity, Caxami&Bioners to i"ectif, examine and adjust all claims and demanda of all pcrBons againxt tbc t!St.;te of Josiah 1. Sloat.late of tb Township of Sharon, in said County, deceased, hwrtf give notice Ihat six montba iïo.n date, m-e, by order of the said Probate Court, allowed for crédito u jin-si-nt tht'ir claims ag&tnst ftftïd deceased, and tht tbey wiH meet at the reaidence of Mr. Marj Jim Sloat, wtdow of said deceased, in the towotihíp t Sharon, in the said county, on Saturday. tlu; nintteeBlh 1 iv of July, and saturday, the eighteenth 3ayof Octobernext, ai one o'clock V. M., of each day to reccin, examine and adjust said claims. Pated, April 18, 18ti2. 6A9t4 Real Estáte for Sale. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wabtftiiaw . In the matter of the Kstateof -Min Kohej-, Jr., Kichael Fohey. David Fobey, James Fohey, Eik-B FoIn-v and Sarah Fohey, minors, oí tbc Cuuniy of Whten;iv, inthe State of Michigan. Notie is herebj ev' en, that Id ptiraoMice of an order grantcd to ílie w deiaigned, Tliomsa Earl, fíírdian tí the Esíate ní ' nnin-rs, by the flfon. Judge of Probate for the County J U'ashtênaV, on the sücoiiU day of May, A.D. 18Ö2. ther wiH be soldat public venJuO, 't. the liigheat bidder, t ttie South door of the Com t House in the City uf Am Arbor, in the Countj of ÏTashtenaw, n said Siilf. ou Katurday, the tweuty-eighth day of Juufr A. D. 1162, atl o'clock in the afteronon of tliat day,(fub jfi-t i" all eucumbranet s by mortgage or ot herwist ■ isti ïf: ;it the time of tlic sale.) the Mlowing descriW lical Estat6 towit : AH that certaín jiece ot paríflflí liunl sitúate ijíng aiidTbciug m vhe Towníhip oí Nortbftt'ld, cnunty of Waslitenaw, Michigan, and b-iug P particularly kn'ti aud deecribêd as the South-fW quartor uf tho Xorth west quarter of Kccttun sixtcw towiutarip ont' Soutli of range híx Ea?.t. ÏHOMAS KARL, Guardián. Dated, May 2, 1802. t5lU NEW COODS Por the Spring 1862. MACK & SCHUD Would respectfully aunoancr to the Citizens of AVaslitenaw and adjoining Couatica that we are now recoivlng Direct from the Eastcrn Markets A full and cúmplete suply of ö"tLi;LlO and TpEtixoy DEY GOODS, Ladies' & Childrens' Shoes, GKOCERIES, CICüCKEIiY, &c PurttbAUd bj '"f "f our tirtn for cah, aud BÖtWW Rtandicg the hard times weshall poutiuue to Acid Weekly Additions Tü our stock in order To Aocomnwdate our Custorirs! witfivèrytfttng ihcy manéed toask for. And wo will turtlicr plc-dge ourácJos { aeU ft cbi'P AS TIMES WILL PEKM1T and wliich i ahvay as A.S IJOv as tlie Lovest. At tho siiim1 lime wehopeour friendK and ruKi"0 is win lmar in niiud ihnt the tirae 06ttip41 (6 our if'i..iN För Cash or Ready PnyAim .riT. Haroü 2f, 1P61. s4i"" TJ SMB 33 SARAOGA E M PIRE W ATEÍI FOR Ilobility, I.os.i if"A.ii.(i(i-, c„iiinii.n ■!■!. of Uio Ui aud fcverisJi m' y" Hyiitem. _j SnM '■■. UAVHARI. STKHBlNi & 'ILsON " EBKRBA.OH -v 00 . A v Arbor, !■■■


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Michigan Argus