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The Expedition Up White River

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Müxrins, Jui . ft). Tlic guuboat Couestogn haé arrïvcil witli dispatolitis poatuiuing l!ie pariieulars of i-lic engagement ;t iLu rpbel í'jrtiticitiun belffw H'. (.Miarles, eightyhvc iuITos trom White Kjver Gat Off. Ou ('-■ I7t!i, tlio guubonla Si. Louis, Moaiül City, Lixii.gtoii, Coiieetuga, ;iud ibe trausport New Xatiunal, liuviug ou board tliu i'iili [udiaaa, Col, FiK'li, wiiicb left hcre :i weck agu to yp! luuuiciitiou with Gou. Curtís' uriay, and icinovo ti,o obatructions l'ruui Wiiite l'iver, ascended tiio atroaiu, tho guuboat loaud City, Ca)tjiu Kelly, oomiuaudiüg, aljout a iL,a ;aul a half Lu advaoce. In u 1.H.T.J n ilio river upar St. Charles, two ooticcaled batteriys o[)ened uu tlie Mouud City. IÍ;1 ilüuks ere üuinedir.lvly eUared tur aetiou, and as boou a.s thü rauö ot' tlio works werc obtuiued, theguns opeaed (jra. Captain Kelly signaled Co!. i''iltb to l;iud foroe a miie belüw tho fort, whicli was suceessfully aecoinplisliril. the Lexiugfon aud St. Louis fclielliug tho woods, undcr cover of wbieb GqL Fitoh gaiaed tho eam ot' ;he ic'ücl pobitiOQ, At (iis juucturo a plunging rhot frpm a tiege (ruu mouuted on t!ie bluff, struok tho ibnvard port siiie of tho Moiu.d City'., cascuieiit, pcuetrating ït, passftd tbremgh the steam druiu, and tiüed the vessel with éscupiiig vapor, scalding nearly cvery one on board. Iwonty-tftrce ot' the olEcers and crew, out ot' over a hundred utid seventy-live, cscspud uuinjured. The .-eene whicll onsued was horrible. - Manv .;t' the crew, fV.intie i'rom injuries, juniped overboan!, and some were drowui'd. Bonts froin the Oonestoga, which was coming up at the time to the support of tho Mouud City, were sent to their relief', but the rebels fired on the men iu tho water with grape and canister tVom their field pieces, murdering most of those attetrpting to escape. Apprised of the lositiou of affeirs at the river, Col. Fitch drew up his regiment and pushed forward and carried the fort by storm at the point of the bajonet. The rebol works, öonêiBting of two batterics, tho lower oue mounting eis field-pieees, and the upper Dnfl ihree heavy sicgc guns, manned by 400 to G00 ineii, under oomuiaud of Col. Pry, late of the United States navy. Ab( ut "(10 rebels are aaid to havo esc;ipd. Over ITn.) are reportad to have loen killed and woundud. 'J'hirty prisoners were taken, amoog them Col Fry, who was wounded iu the shoulder, aud brouglit up on the Conestoga. Captain Kelly, sevcrely sc;ilded about the face ai;d hands, will reoover. Seeond Mastcr Heartt, Third Master Kinzie, Fourth Master Scoville, Master's -Mate H. R. liruwnc, Payniaster üunn, Chief Kngineer Jolig Cox, and Assistant En{jueers JleAfeï and Hollingsworth were killed. Pilot, Charles Young was severel,)" eaVdeJ, and is reported to have since died. Surgepn Jones and Carpenter Mann.ina aro slightly hurt. From S0 to 100 ttilurs have airead y beeu buried, 4ind ovve twenty aru missing. Uoloee] Fitoh ■ reporta a few men :'.vounded, but none killed. Jiut for tliu ■unfortuiiaie accident to tho Mouud City, he rebel works would bave baon carried without loís on (mr side. She can eaíily he repaired. The Elag-OftcCT ha sent Ao Cairo for another crew. The rebels have obstructed the cliannel above by sinking two large steamboite and a guuboat belioved to be the Maypole.


Old News
Michigan Argus