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Great Battle At Richmond

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New York, Juno 30. Tbc Tribune has issued au ostra, dated ou the battlc-field, gii'ing au account of Uvo days' desperate lig'uting. TUK PUIST DAY'S F1UHT. Thursday, about rioon, the enciny made an attack upou General Stonoraan's forecs in tho viuinity of Hauover House, probably fur tbc purpoae of accoraplishing an outflanking movement on tbe rigiit, and to engago our atteution in thafcdirection. Shortly afterwards tbcy commenced a vigorous eannonadiug froni tho works on an eminence oppogite Mechanicsville, about onc aud a half miles'dista'.it ; also froin two batterics, oue abovc and the oiIioijJbcIow. Tjicy wero roplied to by CanipbellJs P.emKylvapia Batterics on picket duty, one on tho Jlccluniicsvillo road, and auotlu-r from buhhid earthworks at the rigiit of a grove. About 2 o'clock P. 5Í., tlie encmy's inl'untry and squadrons of cavalry erossed the OÏiickahominy Kivcr in immense forco a sliort dist.anco abovo the Virginia Cí-uíral líailroad, making a rapid advanee towards Ocnerul MoCall's división, who woro iutreiiched on a hilly woodland acroBS a swami ravine, about a müe i tho rear of Moehaniosvillo. The First Pennsylvania Riílus (Bucktails) and Cainpbeil's Pennsylvania Battery wero on picket duty, nll oí' wlioui cxci'pt one cumpany foll bac! behind the breastworks aod riílopits, where a line of baülo was drawn up. Company K, of tlie Buektails, who were on picket bevond the railroad, were surrouudod by Ilie enutiiy and the last tliat was known of thora thoy yiffto trying to cut their way thjough. It is prcsuincd the great er portioa were taken prisoners. Tho eneniy advauecd down at the rear of Meehanicsville on a low marshy grouud to where our forees wero drawn up behind riflo-pits and earthworks on :m emiDOnoc on the northerly sido ot' the ravine, whcn the couilict bscame most terrible. The rebfl's, wi;h the most determined courage, attemplrd to press forward over miry ground, but tho bullots and grape shot feil amo.'ig thein liko hail, mowing tliem down. Tilia continued till dark, ffhen tlicy wlthdrew. The cannonading was kopt up on butb sides uutil about ü o'oloek !'. M. Whea tho baltU ccased our fov.cea werc covcved hy earthworks aud suffe red but siiglitlv. Late ia the al'ternoon the enemy made n eiifco with cavalry and attempted to cyw ravine, when tho horses bo■ -BBred. A squadron of our cavalry seeiwlioir position made a charge down the hill, wlicn tho cavalry men abandoüed their l;erses and (lod. The ini'autry iiglit was then renevrad, and according to the statement of my infunnant, Surgeon Ilumphrey, of the l'oiiiisylvaiiia IJucktail Uegiment, con tiiiued uiitil about 7 A. SI., whou a ret reit was ordered very much against tlie will of the Ponnsylvania boys who begged to be allowed to hold their position. ïlio outer forees then began to fa 11 back. Porter's Pftrps wero some distanco below Dr. Gaiacs' resideuce. tiiï; skcond day's fioeit. Of the nest day's battle the correspondent says tlio eannonading aud musketiy was vcry terrific. Duryea's-ffailant Zouaves were Ivine upon tbc grcund lor two hours, while our batteries were shellmg tiio wuuds over them. Finally, toward night, tho enemy nttemptcd to break the centre lino in front of Duryca's Zouaves. The musketry lirinn; becanie terrific, lasting tweuty or thirty minutes. Shortly afterward an attempt was made to break thrnugh tlio right whieh wasrepulscd, and half an hour later another attempt was made on tho loft with the same result the battle had then boen raging for sonio hours without any ap parcut chango or advantago on either side. Eeinforcemcr.ts of artillery aud inhintry, tlien came steaiüly along over the bridge to the field of battle. The enemy then seemed to make their last desperate, determined cfibrt, and carne forcinj; our mea back int O the !ow grouud belween the hill and the bridge, where they could have been slaughtered by tens of thousauds before they could cross that long, narrow bridge. Wagons, artillery, ambulances, aud men were hurrying toward tho bridge, and a panio was almost inevitable, when n strong guard was placed across the bridge. At the time when the cuerny had alrr.ost reached the rnain hospital, half a milc from tho rivor, Thomas Francis Moagher's Irishtucn came over tho hill, atripped to the bare anus, and were ordercd to go in. They gave a yell and went to work, and the result was that the encmy feil back ta tho woods. and thus matters stood Vto 11 o'clock yesterday (Saturday) nrerning. At dusk anolher attack was made along the frout of the entire lines, and w;is renewed at '2, o'clock A. M. iu front oí' Generáis Hooker, Kearney, and Sumner without material results. Another correspondent saj's of Ffiday's battle : Twice all along the front did the robcis attack our lines, our riüe-pits and rolouts.. Porter, with ñfty cannon, and Sumner's, Hookcr's and Aycrs' guns mowed tlicin with a dcath harvest. Tlieir loss ia killed and wouiuled was horrible. UuUer date of Friday, tnidnight, the same correspondent says ten guns werc taken frorri us by a sudden flank attack, covercd by the tb Lek snioko which hung around. Count Do Paris capturcd a rebol Major, who belonged to Jackson's ïrmy.- - Jíe said lio had boen in tlio Valley of the Shcnaudoah :i!l winter and ca me liere yesterdjy with part of Jackson's armv. The rost of it arrivcd this ïnoruing. - ïlio wlmlo of it was licro. He said that in tlio attack on our right the rebels had some 00,000 to 80,UiiU troops. This will explain the onormous firc under whieh our men wcre borne down :uul swept away, precisely as eorae of the reeiments werc swept awny at the Seven Pinos. ïestcrday the Pennsylvania Ileservo drovc the nttacking rogiments of Jaekson's cnmmand. To-d:iy (hoy wer'e overpowered by the same troopf, reinforced. Sykea' regalara were culled up and proved unequal to the task of stopping t hem,' and Slocum's command had to bo added to tliom. The Count do Paris festifies to tho remarkably good conduct of all tho regiments that sustamed tliis miounl attaek on Portor. Thev gave way, indeed, but not one of them ran. TliiMr losscs aro cnormous. Tho regular Eleventh fnfantry is about annihilated. Noarly evory officcr in it is killed or wounded. Tho Fourteenth sufFored also sevcrely. Major lïnssell, of tho rcgul.'irs, r kinsman, of General MeOlullan is killed. Colonel Pratt, of a New York itltÍment, is alao killed, and Licuteqant Oolancl J51ack and Swcitzcr. Our loss in officers is very marked ; ' inJced tlic disproportion n numbors tús so cxtraordinary atid tho obsíinay of our troops so nnyielding tint our losses were iot-vitftbly large. The artillery in both Porter'n and Sraifcb's división piied the rebels in lieaps. Tho tiro was tcrribly eliective. ANCrfHEE ACCOUNT. New York, Tune 30. The New York Ilerald't report datcd tho 27th States that our killed, ■ wound-jd and niissingthat dajl reached 1,200. iïho ' object of tho inovoment , -A-as to bring Pprter'a and o'.her divisions oto moro close connectíon with tho rost of the army, iu fact cbangiog iho front of tho wbole af our furies, : vith our centre and left presnng Imruo' diaUs'y po Kichmonditself, which would 1 ju done, it wns exp6eted,on Saturday. It was a virtual surrender or vacatiog of along line of dufonce h ere tofo re kupt up to Meehaninsville, in order to havo the wbole force within more eftocüve dislance ; ]so to allow tdo rebels to follow up, and if possible, lo bug thern. ilcCleü.in ordered Porter lo with] draw to two miles tliis sido of Gaines' I Mili early on Frid&y mcrning, tliin was diüü, Üic enemy foiluwÏDg up, thinking tluy had gainod a victory over our troop?, slowly moving back in order, tighting ns théy went, Crossing the Cbickanominy,nnd reaching the position deslgnated fr their oceupatioo. The rebels followed in great. force, and by tlnee o'dock P. M. there was a genera] and heavy engagement here, lasüng lili sorcii o'clock, when a lull took place, but tlie rebels again resumud t wiih greater ferecity, havingbeen renfbrcod. Our men stoed tho unequal contest liko héroes, and did foarínl es.ecutinn. 0:r forops woro incroased by GonerPaJiner'a, Froneh's and Meagher'e ados, and tho rebufa were badly beatón. Meaghar'e brigade weit irxto !):iU1l' with coats pfl and sleeves rollod np, fightiiig üko tigors. Tile giiiund wliich General McClellan ordered General Porter to ocoupy and hold was oocnpiod and beld. Ín tho first part of iho day üeueral Fortei' corps only contended against the rebels, but subaequent reitiforcements awiilíed the Dumber to 50,000. The rebela liad 00,000 men imder Generáis i Lee, Ilill, Ai)(!iT.-:on and Eraoch. A:i,(.ng the killed are Col. f tho twepty-8ecwjd Massauhusetts, and Col Roberts, of the first Michigan. The West Point, Va., correspondent of the Busl, uodec date of the 2th, statcs that it was roported there that ourpiokota wore driven in on tho afternoon of tho '2Üth at White Hr)ue, and the shipping had all been sent to West Point from White House. A rebel mail captured states that Baauregard arrived at Riehmond with the niüin portion o! his anny, and that 30,000 men had been sent tb reinforeo Jaekson, an:l tho latter cmild at once attiiok tho right ílank oí out nrmy whilo Lee could inakü a desperate attack in front. New York, June 30 The Philadelpl.ia lnquirer states that soldiers by the State of Mnine report that when they lelt White House on Thursday it was bslieved the advance guard of Jackson bad driven in our piukets fivo miles off, ivhile his inain body was, ten miles in the rear. A Union regfment and all the eick at White Iloufo ablu to bear arms were ordered out. Word was sent to Cueey's diviiiou and nll thu trees werecut down to give play to the battorios on the gunboats. All the stores and munitions were sont on board tho transporta, which anchord out in lbo stream under pro'teetion of tho gunboats. LATER REPORÏS. Philadolphia, June 30. The following is tho conclusión of the Baltimoro American' 's account of recent aliairs before Kichmond : WashiogtOD, June 29. - Since dosing my letter trom tho Whito House, I find mv'elf in Washington city, and in possession of most reliabieinfonnation from White Hoiiso nnd other pointd on the Poninsnla nearly a day later thun is cöntaioed in my letter. It appears that telegraphic communicatian betweea Whito Housci and General McClellan was not brokeo unlïl near odo o'clock on Saturday, when tho wires were cut at a station eleven miles out. Tunstall's Station, four miles out, was in our possession until lour o'clock in the afternoon, at which hour the operator at Whito House heard a strange signal coming over the wire. On go'mg to tho instrument ho was heralded with what Union soldierá cali the rebel national sülute, " ïSay, oh you Yankee." This was tho signal givon for final ovacuation, wheo a portion of the infantry forces immediately embarked in steaniboats in waiüng for tliem. The last oí tho transporta vvas moved off by eteatn tugs, and a lew srticles scuttcrud about on shore, even sorae darnaged hay, firod. Tho wholo was of very small value, and thus of the iriany inillions of property herc a few days ugo perhaps $5,000 worth was deatroyed. In the rnklst of this tho White House was fired and eniiruly consumed. The enemy made his appearaoce in considerable foroe at the White IIouso at about 7 o'olock Saturday evening, and although !iu neither fonnd bread for men or hay for beast, was weleomed with heavy sÉovvere ot grnpe shot Irorn l 11 t; three gun boats wtiich were raqged along in t'ruot of tho landing. Tho rebels tvere supposcd to bu 30,000 strong. Tbo cavalry at tho White House guarded tho depurtare ol tho lasi wagons and toraaa whioh movotl ofi at tha final ovacnation, and joinod tho foroes of General Btoneman, who were hovering in ihc viuinity all day. Aftcrsecing tho trains off' and sceuring their entiregufüty, General Stoneman, witbtbe tMitiro f'orco, moved off in a dirootiou that I nrn not at liberty to state. Gen. Gasey reports that ho lost not a man nor did ho leave a soul behiiul, not even a contraband. At 10 o'clock on Saturday morning, Col. Icgalls and Captain Savvtelle were before Yorktown, with an immense convoy of vessels and steamers on their way to tho new base of operations on James lïiver. ïliey would doubtless move down inunediately to Fortress Monroc, and await the ostrucüons ol Gen. lcClelIan. A mimber aro alroady up the James Uiver under tho protectiou of tlio '"'iboats. Smco an early hour on Snturclay morning Gen. McCIellan has boen i!ejiiived if a teiegra)!ii( coirimuiiieation with Washington. Ho abandoned ïln use several hours beforo it was cut, dnnbtless being learful that tho ono:r.j' might, bv placing a mngnet on tho wiics, rond liis ordera. Direct communiuution vvith Gen. McG!el!an is noVr being oponed by tho gunboats up the mouth ui iho Chickuhominy. New York, July 1. Latost advices frorn Qen MoQlellnn, at Wasliin{ton,ypsterdny noor.,werü up to '2 o'clock P. .'t!. Sitiirl:iy. Pp to tbat time ho bad suuüösslully carried out p!;i:i be l);id poinled ut somo tiinc ag, wllicl) pi. il) was to Stting Ilis rilit wint; towards tlie rear, whic'.i iniI.iiIimI all ihe foft-ex nor. h of half wy betvvecn l!iit.n:iiV Bridgü and Nc-w liriijg.', and "t lie samo time iidvaneo liU Icí't vn toiViird.i J;imes Kiver, opening cominiinicaüou with tlu; juhboata. The ultack f tho enemy last Thursday in gre.-it l'orco Düüeswitated ihw slrntogic inovöincnt, and iu changing his base, of conrso White House landing was abumlontid. All siu!; and j wounded, ordnunce and eominissUry stores, troop nnd proporty were theiu emharked, urtder tlio BUpeHntondonce of Guneral Otiséy, nnd on Monday wcre at Turkej Island, on Jatnos Rivet', oitit milos belw Eopt Dading, and fífteen below Kiührnond. After :m iottifruption of c'nri'ii'.iniciitioii butween G 'i#%i HoOlL'llun nnd Wushingtnn fur i'dn Rtght lir'iirf, liis k-ft win; toucbed James Rivor yesterday near Tiirkey Lsland bridge. He immediately opened coiiKDiinication with Oom. i&Ágera, ol ■ the PotDmac flotilla, und througli liim with Washington. Tho resalí inav be tliat tho 8 team transporta roay ruüevo his soldiucd of the fatigue of marcbing nn Biohmond,by landing them near the rebel capital, íifter the gnnboats have clearcd away tho obstructions. Oar urrny is-now extrioated irom themalaroua swampsof the Chickalioniinv, and is on the liigh grour.d of James river.


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Michigan Argus