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Gen. Halleck's Army

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A correspondent of tho New York Tribune rites f'rom Coricth, tfaat the army is settling dowu to its slimmer rest. lic snys : Tbora oan be no longer any doubt upon this subject. From day to day the iudications of :i iixed purposte on tho port of Gen Halltíók to postpone a furtlrèrinv usian of the Cottoo States until after tho hot season has passed aw.iy, bcoome more conclusivo. ín tlio oourse of a yeek the sovéral corps wiii havo rsached tlio respective points assigned to them aloDg the new b.ise of opera tiona, viz : tho Memphis an'l Obarlcstou Kaüroad from Memphis to Cbattanooga. liefóre tho end of thü present ai on tb, the -late grand nriny of iho West will liave sunlc luto a long summer lu!l - complacently co'.itümplatiiig the cll'irts of our (jenerals iA a;:n:cs in the Kast, to finish up thcir sharo of the somewhat belated spring's work, and extend tlio wall of Union baj"!::::-; from Chat tai.")ig:i to the North Carolina eoast. and eonliuing its ÖWB exertions to kceping as cool, (juiet and well fed as pos?üï!e. Thcre is not the sligktest probabiüty tliat the sunnncr reposo of any part of Gen. ff;iih'cks army will be disturbed by the rebels - at ali ovents, not along the M. & 0. 11. It. Tho dist.vicc betweoa our forcea and Beanregard's run aways is daily gnowine beautii'ully greater, and at this it is probubly no kéa tbon eihty miles. The shurt-üved era of aggresaire wariare is terminatud witb Gen. lioaurcgard. No more dafbes are likely to be made by bina. He will find it no more practicable to campaign ngainst us in tho glare of the Southern sun, and throagh the swamps of Central Mississippi, than we do to opérate against him. Gen. Bucll's corps is still between Iuka and Tuseumbia. Nelson's divisiou h ;it the former, Wood's at the Jatter place, and McCook's and Crittend.en's betweon. They are working hard to get the railroad in running order. Quito ft Bwarn of paymavtort are now blessiDg tho army with their presence, to the intenso gratilieation of all concerncd. Over five millions of dollars have been disburscd witkia the last week.


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