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18621862. S-aooxicl A.rrival - Oï HEW - SPRING A.VD SUMIYSER GOODS ! AT C H. MILLEN & CO'S. Wo are now reoeiving a eplendid stock of DIÏESS GOODS, SKIRTS, SHAWLS, MANTILLAS, &c. Por tlxO "ue French Cassimeres, and Coatings, For the Gentlemen. GARPETS, DOMESTIC GuODS, FINE NEW TEAS Andother Choice Family Groceries, For Everybody. AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. Oetll and SleeC H. MILLEW & CO. May, 1862. 851ti t " Wï KKOW NOT WHERR ELSB SO MÜCI. a ADTHENTIC 1NTELLIQENCE OF THE RlSBELLION CAN BB OBTAINED." 11 No OTHER WORK POSSESSE8 THE VALUÉ AS A WORK OF REFKRENCB. ' It is Relialle, Complete, and DetiralU. THE REBELUON RECORD Edited by FRANK MOORE, u the only publication which givos (he IHTORY Oí' THEUIiEATSTRUtiGIJa KOR FltEK GUVEUNMENÍ NÜW GÜ1NU OS. IT 13 Full, Impartial and Reliable. A RECORD WHICH THECOCRT3,THE DEPARÏMENTS, ANÜ TUE PRESc! quote, as THE BISTOHY OF THE TIMES, It appeals to the intelligence of every citizen. Rj i reference to it evor person can be fairly and truthfully posted up in relatioo to this GBEAT EEBELLION. IT CONTAI.VS.- I., THE CAUSES OF THE GRKAT STKUGGLE AND THE GBEATjjlSSUES BEFORETHE COUNTRY BY EDWABD EVEEETT. II. A Diary of Verified Events ; Comirencing with the meeting of the South Carolina Conventiun, Dec. lTth, 1860 - givinp, In the form oí a Diary, a concise, smcciuct, and trutkful historyof every event as it occurs. III. Documents, Speeches, Extended Narrativa, re., CONSISTIDO OF ALL THB Offcial Repoets, of Battlea, Skirmishes, ase., Messages axd Peoclamationb of the President of the United States, Special Oedeus, &c, Ac. Geapuio Accounts of the movcments of troops Important Spkeches and Lettebs from Leading Men, Noilh and South. PiCTt'EESQE Naeuatives (from eye witnesaes) oï the Geeat Battle', Secession Okdinanxes, Messages, Peoolamations, &c, IV. Eumors, Incidents, Patriotic Songs and Ballads. fUuitmtcd with correct Portraitu eugravcd on steel of the Notable Men of the time, and with Maps and Diagrams of the -plans of battlei. THE REBELLÏÖN KECORD Is uubliühiiig in PARTS, each part ülustratoil -jrith TWO FINE l'UKTRAl'K, 50 conts each. ALSO, IN VlU.UMES. Six Parts, with Cop'.ous Index, comprise a Volume. NOW REAHY, VOLUMES ONE, TWO, AND THREE. Bounrt in Cloth, at $3.75 each; Shecp, $4.00; Half Morooco, or Half Calf Anlique, $5 .CO each. J. ISTcw Editioni PoM Exri.rRivEi.Y by Canvaböers aDd Agentp, ír nnw publlihtbg In Nos , at 25 ceuts each. Each No. illuntrated withal'oi-traitonStecl. j Agetts wantcd, to whom liDcral commiifsiona will be given. .. Copies of the HEBKLUON RECORD, ín Tart or in Volumen, will be ent, freo of expeDBO, on receipt of Price. Sent in registered letters, the publisher will be respousible for all remittances. O, C'ubs wiHbeiuppliedatthofoüowingrntM: Five Copies of each volume in rmimonthly Nor. or Mouthly 1' rU, to one addres or Reparatoly, $12 Ten Copies, , 2 ■■ Ki-mitlanoi mnït - rout bo wnt in reg:stere(l letters otherwise ths Publisher will not bu respounible, and in current funds. G. P. TUTNAM, Pubüshcr. 532 Broadivay, New York. C. T. EVAN'S, General Agent. IMwi The Last Cali. LLthoüeindobte.lto the late firm of Wines &Knibt A are roqueRti"l to pay the Rame bofore tb9 flrst Anv of July mil -ill demand then rcmamlog unpaid wü) a be Uit witb . officor foi oolleotion. j,, Aro Artor,JatilM9. e:''3


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Michigan Argus