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IN THE TUGEïT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Piüs. c _ 1 TRIBEST FAM3LY k. ''öv I tbartic n the wcrld, iWjVNa ' ueed Urcnty yar ty ,,-.$TO Bve miliïona of persons RYj'-'f annually : .lwaji give , ; '- ' V satlsfsction ; containing noililofr Injurious ; y PBy) patromzed by the pan1 ' -Vi' Lfc aurgcona in the Union; EmÉL!f7ZkBÍ&& elegantly coalcd with CoS%tVfíl I.argo noïM 26 cents; 1j.T.iii i. ' fivcbuxea fur 1 dullar. 'rgS?T''-7rrrjíf- rulljircctionswithcach TiLtAHASaS. I.!:'' CorNTV.l F!oiii!a,July 17,1860. ƒ , ToDb Hfr.ltlCK, Ailai'V, M. Y - My Ucav rector:- I , ivrite thia toittfoiayou of t'.io wondc-riul iffcciof .tour Bup,ar CoateJ filis po mj eUt duwgnter. Ftrtnroc yca'rs ihe Uaa been nfBic!';l "lii n bllUoaa Jorn f tliff svstcm. Uy lmptin hi-r heltb, whlch ba been stoidly fKiling during tb.tpriod. When n No Yort in Apr'iüiist, a friBiic] adviscd me to test yoar plU. the fullest cuiifiilcnte in th Judgmont H my frind, I übtained a suppiv of Uwn, Brne Puk, Drugg'.sts. Park Row, Ne York On returnintt lmme. 5(Sad all othcr tiva tuiert, nnJ admimstcred your Pilll, one tacb f Ight, Tbe tnproveinentin her feelingfl, complexión, digeslion, etc., tutfTttt ujl. AiapiJ and'ijermancnt ivstortion to hcaltii hns bernthe result, We uscJ Icm than fiieboxc. and conaiilfr hc-r eut'rely i well. I consider tbe above i. just tnbute to you ns s. PhyBict n, and trust thntit wiUbe theraeans of inludng many to adopt your Pilla aatbo.r family niedint.i . I r'emain, dulrsir, n'l many ihnnl:, Your obil.ent ervant. ft. O. Monmsox. Henick'B Kld Strcngthening Piasters cnre in flre bours, ptilns and wcaknesT of tbèbreart, si. In ui biclt, tind Iïheuraatic Complain'.sliJ in equal'.v short portod of time. Sprea.1 on bpaatlfol white lamb sliin, thlr use subjects the weurcr to no InconTenwce, an'l ach ono witlv..r from oue wte!-: to throe mrmths. 'rice 1S% gcu1 s. Barrick'a Suirar Coated Fill r.n'l Kid rasters nre foW oy Drugiat ond Uerchant in all part of tli Statei, Canuda and South America , añil may be ubtained by caliing foi thsin by their full name. ■lvS05 TO. L. B. mKBICK, l C. 3 Altaar., M. Y . SAMBÜCI WINE, PÜRF, AND FOUR YBARS OI.D, Of Choife Opor:o Vruit, FOR PHYSICIAN- ü- T, TOR FEMALES, WEAKLY PRRSfp & INVALIDS. Mvtry fam:!y, at tbU caao( üliould OM tlie 8AMBCCI W1NB, Cclebratcd in Euiope Ur Üs medicinal and l'encficuil qualiticfi asa gentle Plimnhint, Toríc. I'iurctíc nnd Sa HrifiC] highl.v esleemtil bj emiofnt phyncianij nictl ;n Knropeftn aud American licspi'a's,' auú by eome oí the Ürst famUies vi nd Araiïica, AS A TONIC. Ií hasnn equal, causing nn árpente and building up of the system being entirtiy a pure wiue of a mobt valuable ftuit. AS A MURLTIC, It imparís a hc-althy aetiim to the Glanos and Kidneys. and L'rinary Organs, vcry beneucialin DropSf, Gout, and niieumutic atlections. Sl'EKR'S WINE ís r.ot a mixture ormamifuctured articlc, but is puro, fran the juico of tlie Portugal Sámbneua, rultivated i Xlmv Jer.sey,recümmendod by Cnemifits and I'hvEicians s püHsesbing medical irí'iicitit 8 superior lo any other Wine in use, and ari excellent article Tor all weak and debiliUiled persons, and the aged und iuiirm, improviui the appítíte, aij'i UeucáUitg laliüí an.I children. A LADEES WIKB, Hccau?e it irljl not intoxicate as othcr wine, as B containa no mixture ufspiriis or Kquori, and is admired 1'i.r its rich, peoulinr ttiivor, and nutritivo proptrüss, impartlnga heallhy tone to the digestivo organs, and .1 blooming, soft and healtby skin and complexión. WE KEFKil TC A few woll I.1HJW11 gentlemen and physicians, who have tried tl U'iue: - Gen WlllSsiaScott U.S. A. Dr. Wilion, lltl 3t., X. Y. Bot Morgan. N.Y. Stote Dr. WarJ. Newark, N. J, Dr. J R. Chilt'.n, N. Y.City. Dr. Uougherty, " " D. l'arker, N Y.City. ür. l'arish, l'hiladclphia D1-3. Darcy nd NibuH, " Newii-fc, K. J. And many offcêrs ton nunifirous to prbüsh; gjjj-Souti genuine unless the eignature of "AURKI 6PKER, Pairatc, N. J.," is over the cork of each bottlc iKS-HAKE OXE TRIAL OF TUIS WINi:. Tor Salo by Mnynard, Stebblns & Wllon Ann Arbor. A. SPEER, Propiietor. V1NKVARÜ, Pasaaic, Kiw Jersey OFFICE, SOS Broadway, N. Y. JOHN LA FOV, Fai is. 831m6 Agent for Iuancennd Gcruiany. O. BX1ÏS8 Ie now recoiving a Urge and woll elected asaortment Clocks, Watches, Mucsimn-,ant3r.nm:ffli!!SffimimM Silvcr and Plaied Ware, TABLE AND POCKET 13 &_J TT" TSL- T833 M. "W EAZOKS axd BHEARS, QrOJLJD PE1STS, Musical Instruments, Slrings if Books for Instruments, COMES, and a groat vnrloty of YANKEE 3STOTIO3STS, &C. He would cali particular attentiou to liis large stock of QF33CTACXJ33S, trf, and Fla'cd, with PERISCOPE GLASS, a superior urticle. Alo Huntington & IMatt's cclt'braicd CA L EN DA R CL 0 CK ! suitabJo fnr (Iffijrs, r.wnünrc Roums, Halls or Dwcllinys. k teliablo time koepen and 0 comliu'."l,aivl requii tbe Tiodiug of tho time move:il!1h! reqiliied changps atmidowing tho day of the wcck the montfc and day of thé month, Inelüding the !9th of Fbrni7 of Lep ear Hligooda ara mostly f recent purchase fi-om ;,.„ y, . . aufacturers, and w 11 be sold to luit the timos. Peoo having rtiflicult watches to fit with Li;iss'1i; can bc accomodated, a8 my stock is large ftilt' complete. P. S. Tarticul-ir attention to th HBPA IR IN of all kioda of tino Watches, svich a Making and Setting now Jewels, Ptnima, Slf, rmd QjHnders. Alio clocks, 5c r3-w-EiJxï.'5r natly repaircd and Varrantod, at his old stand east sido o'f Main Street. C. BLISS. Aan Voor, Kot. 15, 1SS1 830tf A Card. Mrf H. O. HARVEY would inform the citizons of Ann Afbor thut slic has tfiken rooms a' the rcsidence of Mi's. Kellogg, on Ann sírúet, and will be prpri lo iciye instruotion to pupi'8 upon tho Pirmo. Melodeon, or Quitar, after Fridny. ion BTth, If62. Ann Arbor, June 'ï, 1862. 4w FJIOM thiihiiiisiboraioat four woek ag o st" yoar "old ro-iHEiYER. H" alittle whlm on Wly. cd loos 1)oibi A rwnwMe rci-ard wül bo pid for


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